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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12727707 No.12727707 [Reply] [Original]

When do you predict is the next bullrun and what will BTC peak to?

>> No.12727713

Why do jews look so justed all the time?

>> No.12727783

I don’t understand the question. Might as well ask when the next time you have your tenth birthday; it was fun and some people had an OK time, but it will never happen again.

>> No.12727857
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Halvening, late 2020, the next milestone is 100K

>> No.12727865

300k by Q4 2021

>> No.12727877

He got beat up by a 12yr girl in BJJ moments before the picture was taken.

>> No.12727881

Nobody realistically knows but the halvening is the best chance

>> No.12727883

God, I can’t wait til chainlink is cleared the fuck out of here and link kids are gone. Most beliebers need to get back to failed dropshipping or Herballife or whateverthe fuck.

>> No.12727896

>he thinks there will be another bullrun
>he thinks it will peak again
>he doesn’t know we are in the fabled golden permabear run that will bart down until we reach zero.

>> No.12727899


>> No.12727915

$8.68 Trillion

>> No.12727921

>2019: middling year that ends in the range of 4-6k.
>2020: strong year relative to the past two, global market cap doubles
>2021: public sentiment once again turns positive towards BTC, but mass consumer interest is stymied by the next recession; global market cap triples before falling back to just less than double of starting
>2022: consumer buying power returns, a golden bullrun hits, 100k is shattered swiftly, 150k-200k within realm of reason
>2023: repeat

Such is life for a speculative asset that has proven its network resiliency time and time again. BTC doesn't die until its hardcore users abandon it.

>> No.12727928

For the brainlets:

>EOY 2019: 4-6k
>EOY 2020: 10-12k
>EOY 2021: 18-20k (high of 30k)
>EOY 2022: 150k (high of 200k)

>> No.12727936

God I hope

>> No.12727968

The network fundamentals of BTC remain strong, even despite the absolute battering to its reputation. The same way Trump always finds a way to hang on thanks to his sticky, hardcore base, so will BTC. Government crackdowns on BTC will not happen when BTC isn't a headline story. And it probably won't happen until BTC somehow hurts the global economy. The two biggest challenges BTC faces are network failures and regulatory crackdowns, and neither are in sight.

>> No.12728439

you're wrong tho
the halving is may
after that it starts an upward pressure to reach 100k
last time, the 10k took a while to get to, but it shot up almost double of what was expected (hence the real bubble)
2024 the pressure is for 1 million, and so on

>> No.12729370

March. Big big things are happening in March. I’m not just talking about Bitcoin, but certain alts will see enormous gains to rival 2017.
Invest in a project you truly believe in, with revolutionary disruptive tech and hodl. This is my first and last post on /biz/.

>> No.12729386

Thanks based anon.

>> No.12729404


>> No.12729422
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comfy bear ahead, uptrend finally in '20, ATH in early '21

>> No.12729435
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accumulation begin

>> No.12730453
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>> No.12731097

No wonder he looks like he came buckets

>> No.12731198
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>> No.12731213


>> No.12731247

positive upvotes you guys

>> No.12731256

Wrong. It will touch 1,5k briefly.

>> No.12731455

Mid to late 2022, $150-300k

>> No.12731463

Never and $0.

>> No.12731478

bull run will never happen again and ATH will never be reached

it only did in 2017 cuz of FOMO but a lot of ppl lost money and learned their lession

>> No.12731490
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imagine being this short sighted.

>> No.12731495

Imagine being this delusional

>> No.12731505

the crypto hype is dead

>> No.12731516

newfag spotted

>> No.12731588

Sir, please buy my bags, sir please, good bags

>> No.12731684

should go to $70k....but will go to $190k out of sheer greed

>> No.12731769

gooochi, plaahhta, ehl-vee

>> No.12731851

I do periodic analysis, so the price/spatial prediction isn't clear, but the temporal prediction matches up since 2013.
I can say its gonna peak between june - august, but it wont be ATH.
A slight dip later, it will reach ATH 2020 july - sept.
I suspect the driving factors will be bakkt, etf and institutional $$ as well as halving, but I cant say for sure. what I do know is the temporal periodics match up and other new techs follow the same path according to the analysis.

>> No.12732405

already started.

>> No.12732542
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>I do periodic analysis, so the price/spatial prediction isn't clear, but the temporal prediction matches up since 2013.
>I can say its gonna peak between june - august, but it wont be ATH.
>A slight dip later, it will reach ATH 2020 july - sept.
>I suspect the driving factors will be bakkt, etf and institutional $$ as well as halving, but I cant say for sure. what I do know is the temporal periodics match up and other new techs follow the same path according to the analysis.

>> No.12732756

>learned their lesson
LOL you clearly don’t know any gamblers.

>> No.12732781

Except when he's not asking the equivalent of when it's his next tenth bday again but rather when it's his next bday that he still hasn't had

>> No.12732821

damn right
screen cap it and pray

>> No.12733507

new ATH 2020 EOY
peak 500k 2024
lightning/prasma must be catalyst

>> No.12733517


>> No.12733599

Never. 20k was the peak.

>> No.12733687

2017 20k

>> No.12734286

>this time it's different