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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12717594 No.12717594 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/ shill me the next x10

>> No.12717647

it's ETH

>> No.12717658

btt because it was just released and justin sun+binance airdrop will make it fly

>> No.12717663

shut the fuck up you subhuman shitskin idiot

>> No.12717666

look mom i posted it again

>> No.12717863

$bitc >>12717500

>> No.12717874


>> No.12717879

FTX, DADI, CHX, QNT, (Yes, QNT and CHX will do another 10x)

>> No.12717896

It's going to be Nauticus token. It will at least be x3 at the MINIMUM if you get in around 800 sats. Sell orders since Token trading (Middle of Jan) has been very low; It ICO'd at 1000 sats. Low was 500 sats, High was 1600 sats; Currently high 800's.

DYOR at Nauticus.Exchange

>> No.12717908

Shit exchange

Real answers are LTO and BTMX

>> No.12717919

INB4 some mouth breathing retard says Constellation Labs DAG. Worst team and community in crypto but constantly shilled in these threads.

>> No.12717925

and solve

>> No.12717929

LTO. Seriously

>> No.12717933
File: 445 KB, 1262x626, fomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gamble in FOMO3d

I made ROI in 3 days, And 5x return getting in this early.

>> No.12717949

They're brand new of course it needs some work but consider;they have strong community support; no dumpers; adding securities; FIAT currencies; Do the fucking math man.

>> No.12718025
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>> No.12718077
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>> No.12718131

yeah airdrops and inflation makes tokens fly, retard

>> No.12719115


should have a good month or two if btc doesn't fuck it up

>> No.12719136
File: 84 KB, 750x967, 10A0D74E-7171-4A36-B27A-A16564589D72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty obvious, right?

LTO network
Entry = 4 cents (currently 5c)
Boxmining AMA upcoming, Chico crypto and suppoman
Marketcap = 2m
Working with; netherlands government and (see pic)

Big news coming from ceo too (in the next 9 days)

Stock up at 4 cents and ride this baby to .35-45c.

>> No.12719146
File: 509 KB, 750x1062, 53B50E37-45F8-40A9-9ED9-9CD52332EA31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 days until
This as well. You will see mass shilling for LTO after this dip. It will blow the fuck up

>> No.12719178

4 words:


>> No.12719297

10x would be nice but all I need is a 3x. What’s a safe call for the month? Lto shills out in strong this week maybe that .

>> No.12719339

Since the QNT train is already blazing and gone, jump on LTO. So much hype to be the next moonshot

>> No.12719341


>> No.12719415

CHX, LTO, BITC (don't sleep on it, anon), SLT, CCX, x42, ABET.

I give you the tickers, you do your own legwork.

>> No.12719431


>> No.12719506


>> No.12719513

27 responds and still no right answer

>> No.12719764


>> No.12720430
File: 206 KB, 1163x851, 10-e1516295184495-520x326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open-source Eth scaling solution who seems to have surpassed all competition with 15 tx/s per address. Beat competitors to market having started 6-12 months after them having had a fraction of the resources(money&people). Nahmii

>> No.12720444

Funeral parlors specifically for blacks. Selling coffins at x10 the price with a little bit of shiny stones glued onto them.

>> No.12720450

XCM, ez. The token just launched and the CoinMetro trade platform is merely in its beta stage.