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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 245 KB, 1022x1618, fomo3d_feb_10_night-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12716663 No.12716663 [Reply] [Original]

It's over 300 now, what will /biz/ miss out on tomorrow?

When will /biz/ realize FOMO3D Round 9 is eternal? 500 ETH? 1000 ETH? 2500 ETH? 5000 ETH? 10000 ETH?

>> No.12716669

To get your value back you would have to wait for it to x6
>1800ETH before profit

>> No.12716671
File: 266 KB, 170x170, 998952427e50fcb9e69b4b2629e7b464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yayay me made back initially invest!
its nothing but profit for me on out

>> No.12716674

well fuck me

>> No.12716679

Just bought 5,000 keys yesterday. Made back 15% already!

>> No.12716697

People will be saying, "OMG, you got in at 1800?!?!?!? That's crazy early!"in a month.

>> No.12716875

People were on here literally saying you wouldn't make money when there was 17 ETH in the pot.

Luckily I realized most of /biz/ doesn't know what they're talking about and got in around 20. I now use a portion of my profits to make sure the clock never runs out. This round is never ending.

>> No.12716935

hi this is my first time in biz what is this scam thing?

>> No.12716980
File: 6 KB, 250x247, C3DFF64B-5AA9-4F70-A474-9BA16BFE63F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


investing in a literal ponzi scheme, inside the ponzi scheme that is crypto.

>> No.12716990

That's not true. More like x4

>> No.12717002

When you break it down, it's literally betting on game theory. Will people make rational or irrational decisions based on greed and how far will those decisions spiral as there is a bigger incentive to be greedy.

>> No.12717011

buy in sirs i have already made 10x my money back!

>> No.12717199
File: 39 KB, 506x349, 2tcy4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically the best money maker in crypto rn

don't even @ me

>> No.12717242
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>> No.12717297

"in a month" this shit will not exist and 95% of people that took part in it will have lost money
it's "part 9" for a reason

>> No.12717324

Tis a game, and should be treated as such. Still, it's a game that has rewarded me handsomely so far! If you have ETH sitting around, throw some in!

>> No.12717330

Somebody screenshot this

>> No.12717406

This will age poorly. I see your argument, but realize FOMO was a brand new concept when it came out, it took us 8 rounds to devise an eternal strategy. This round is not ending.

>> No.12717436

>a literal ponzi scheme that requires constant new money to come in is never ending
I realize that you've sunk your money and it's in your best interest to shill this garbage to try to hook more retards so you can profit from them but have you absolutely no shame? you're no better than actual pajeets scamming elderly people on facebook

>> No.12717445


>> No.12717467


>> No.12717478
File: 80 KB, 799x960, 1609955_10152602221183419_5282890818625804315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I realize that you've sunk your money and it's in your best interest to shill this garbage to try to hook more retards so you can profit from them but have you absolutely no shame?
Asking sociopaths to have morals.

>> No.12717498

I can buy a key for .07 cents and win almost 20k. It's not a scam, it's a bet on Game Theory.

You're too retarded to get this, which is why you don't own keys.

>> No.12717517


Actually the pot is approaching 40k $... aka the average salary for /biz/

>> No.12717522

For naysayers and those on the fence - Here's a running total of the daily balance since the first that will be updated daily indefinitely.


>> No.12717534

>you're a retard because you don't waste money on my scam!
yes you cretin there's been hundreds of these in crypto the past 2 years and they all ended up exit scamming like the ponzis they were but THIS ONE is different!
ACTUALLY kill yourself irl. you're human garbage

>> No.12717543

Nice snaps, there's one from 4chan back on Jan 24 saying to get in when the pot was at 17.

I never understood the "wagie" meme til round 9. I get it now, Chad is making divis that he's gonna use to take your girl out to a dinner you could never afford.

>> No.12717554

to make profit you need this shit to go above 2k now
never gonna happen

>> No.12717562

Lol, doesn't even know who Team Just is. This is the orignal contract dipshit, this community is massive and has the resources to make the round last for a very long time.

You're gonna want to kys when you see what we do.

>> No.12717568

Watch us faggot.

>> No.12717589

300*4 isnt 2k retard. Pls math

>> No.12717612

hell yes, another fomo3d round exploding. jump in before the fomo really hits

>> No.12717614

Lmao, you really don’t understand the point of a transparent smart contract do you? You can read the code, there’s no exitscam, except for whoever wins the pot but obviously that’s expected.

>> No.12717615

Why should I? I made 10x on quant, and will make another 10 in a month, while you won't even make a 4x on this shit and you can't pull your money out. Pyramids are dead and pointless even cryptogaming pajeets don't talk about dapps anymore.

>> No.12717621

2k? Lol not even close dude. People who buy now will ROI at 1200. There will be 5 eth going in per day just to keep the timer alive MINIMUM and that number only goes up. OR someone is going to win $40k+.

>> No.12717623

LOL half the people crying in here will FOMO soon

>> No.12717627

You need pot to 6x to see return on investement.

>> No.12717637

Stop pretending.
I bought into r1 at 80 eth, I know how this works. And I know it much better than you do.

>> No.12717650

I mean it's literally impossible to our say it takes X times in the pot to roi because of teams. This is how little you understand about FOMO3D.

>> No.12717654

People resisted round one soooooo fucking hard.

Then they all swarmed when the pot was soaring, crying at all the lost divvies, and wondering why they didn't listen.

Seriously, 90% of eth dapps were clones of this and p3d - now they're making the rounds on tron as well. Some people just can't be convinced.


>> No.12717685

Thats for snake, fucktard and 99,9% of you retarded faggots are buying in with snake pretty much justing yourself right away even before the whole "gamble on ammount of retards that are gonna buy in into this shit" happens.

>> No.12717692

This is no ordinary cryptocurrency exit scam and you're going to die poor because you will only be able to afford to eat the words you speak for the rest of your regretful days. To hell if I spend my days rotting, I got my keys today and now can sleep comfortably for the rest of my life.

>> No.12717745

You still can't predict the point at which you break even vs pot size. There is a big difference between us getting to 2k by 1700 ppl buying in for 1 ETH vs. 1 person busing in for 1700 ETH.

Also, it's snek, not snake. Fucktard.

>> No.12717763

>takes account on biggest divs contributor to figure out divs roi
>ur rarted
this is why you're a pajeet shilling dead pyramids

>> No.12717811

dead pyramid? you'll see, we're screencapping all of this.

>> No.12718134

Lol we're going to go past the point of ROI at this point just among the people in the discord. You can join or not, I'm not scared. Talk to me when it hits 10k then I'll say you might have a point, and I'll be loaded with eth.

>> No.12718394

>he thinks people in p3d discord ever gonna buy into fomo again
lmao, what a fucking idiot

>> No.12718403
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, image0-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I recognize that bulge!”
696.969 Eth

>> No.12718471

Please keep making these every day anon

>> No.12718579

it's not going to end in 2019

>> No.12718707
File: 60 KB, 604x415, unknown-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ has endorsed our product,
Please share with your patrons

69 69 THE CANCER FOUNDATION 69 69 beseeches you to make contributions
donations are welcomed.
Please assist.

Round 9
Pot: 30k Total Eth: 150k
Estimated July 2019

send moars keys

>> No.12718917
File: 516 KB, 1300x872, thecancerfoundation1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I see my profits and dividends?
- We can share our non-profits earnings with you depending on request
- Also share royalty dividends receipt, if you would like a tax-deductible on your next tax returns

Why contribute keys to The Cancer Foundation?
- Well coz' we know Cancer Sucks and we would like to inspire those inflicted with this life changing ailment to stand up to it.

Make a difference to Cancerians, contribute keys to
The Cancer Foundation - our motto: Living it Up