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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12711257 No.12711257 [Reply] [Original]

Faggots and gentlemen, THE DUMP

>> No.12711279

HUh coinmarketcap says it is almost .24.
HUGE dump.

>> No.12711505

There are no address on chx selling. Get ove it

>> No.12711662

I just read their white paper it looks like they hired someone on fiver to write it. CHX is scam run by 95 IQ eastern eurotrash shilled by 85 IQ Pajeets. The only people buying it are 75 IQ brainlets on 4chan.

>> No.12711698

Shit, people who bought two days ago on IDEX are selling to make a quick 15% profit. Time to dump guys.

>> No.12711738


I just read your comment and it looks like a pajeet scammer calling 150 IQ savvy CHX investors pajeets. Get rekt by missing out and kill yourself, thanks.

>> No.12711775

Where’s the big announcement Sascha announced on Twitter last week? That’s securities fraud by the way. Does the US have an extradition treaty with Liechtenstein?

>> No.12711784

time to switch to LTO

>> No.12711792

He never announced anything on twitter. He mentioned in the last AMA it would be either this or next week. Also the partnership will allow token issuances in the US with full compliance so wait for another week at the most and then make your judgement. Until then, stop acting like an incel

>> No.12711801

I like paid shills and a coin that has no utility since the partnerships use the private chain. Teehee

>> No.12711824

Haha, have fun hodling that shitbag.

>> No.12711847

Top kek this is a pathetic attempt to keep the P&D going another week. This is weak stuff even for a discord Pajeet pump.

>> No.12711914

As stated numerous times here before, /biz/ is going to try and FUD this project as much as possible.

This would actually be the best time to buy in since they will be releasing FAST platform on February 15th.

Keep trying biz, you're always late, but that's what happens when everyone is autistic.

>> No.12712079

When it starts outperforming QNT I might split my portfolio. Until then I'm good.

>> No.12712128


It's not a security, and with that logic you should be looking at the shit BAKKT has been pulling.

>> No.12712146
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>> No.12712172


if you knew how to do basic math, you'd realize that it already has been.

>> No.12712174

CHX is a security token. I hope they do announce that US partnership.

>> No.12712202

Didn't you hear CHX is the ethereum of STO!?!?. At this point CHX looks like out right securities fraud.

1. They will take cash from clients, they would need to register as a security token to do business in the US.
2.They are pumping the token without proven utility.
3. CEO makes statements about 'partnerships announcements' and 'banking clients' which never materialize just to pump the price.

This is securities fraud.

>> No.12712207

I just look at percentages. Is there another way?

>> No.12712244


Oh, my bad I didn't realize QNT had a recent pump. But, both are about the same from consolidated lows, 18-20x.

>> No.12712395

The cope, don't forget those who tried to help you when you inevitably neck yourselves

>> No.12712408

It’s definitely a security. It absolutely passes the Howey Test. There are some ICOs like Ethereum where it’s a grey area but stuff like Weown (it was called Chainium or something stupid back then) is unambiguously a security.

I agree with you 100% about Bakkt by the way.

>> No.12712488


>> No.12712623

At least BAKKT is getting regulatory approval and they have 182.5 million in first round funding. Chainnium was on the verge of failure before teaming up with this pump group. They need retail and sheep investors money to keep the project going. Pumping the token will expose them to all kinds of regulatory issues. They should avoid the US at all cost.

>> No.12712641
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> teaming up with pump group
> security

>> No.12712702


>> No.12712721

It's not dumping you utter faggot

>> No.12712732

FYI if you are one of the pajeets shilling this and you want to make some real money, you can report the person paying you to the CFTC for a much bigger reward than Sascha will ever share with you.

>> No.12712915


Sounds good, but you simply just don't get it. Anyone who knows how to do more than 15 minutes of research and knows basic charting knows that this is one of the only good coins in the space at the moment.

It's IDEX's market making algos mixed with smart money buying.

>> No.12713036

Ayyy balls

>> No.12713691

faggot, you were JUST'd just as us.

>> No.12713707

>they hired someone on fiver to write it

my fuckin' sides, I literally spat on my note

>> No.12713824
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>> No.12713859 [DELETED] 


>> No.12713872

>I just read their white paper it looks like they hired someone on fiver to write it.
This post made me skim their white paper and there's nothing wrong with it other than a single letter missing in one infographic. Buying more.

>> No.12713892
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>> No.12713899

Literal niggercoin. Nice.

>> No.12714214

>Dear sirs, kindly do the needful and buy more CHX, great team I have many faith they work for much great wealth for all us.
This is what you sound like just so you know.

>> No.12714241
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>> No.12714326

Show us what's wrong with the white paper then, otherwise you're simply fudding.

>> No.12714500

chx will 1,000x from here in 1-3 years

it's just one guy spreading fud in every chx thread.

op, point at the doll where chx touched you

>> No.12714507

I’m not going to edit their dumb white paper for them. They can hire another freelancer for that from the money they get conning people to buy their bags. Generally speaking though, the whole thing consists of -

-There’s a big giant market and it has lots of problems.
-we’re going to solve it with... blockchain!
-doesn’t say how blockchain actually solves the problem.

This is the pattern of basically every scam ICO of the last 2 years.

>> No.12714570

Everyone with at least half a brain cell realizes that equity and asset tokenization is going to be huge. I'll let you figure out why by yourself.

Tokenization is literally blockchain's killer app and will be the first widely adopted use case.

>> No.12714628

> doesn't say how blockchain actually solves the problem

If you've done a minute of research on the project you'd know this is complete and utter bullshit

>> No.12714648

You are way too stupid to even talk about this subject. Simply having a blockchain and saying an asset is on it means absolutely nothing in the real world, which is all this goofy project is doing. It’s like a 10 year old came up with the whole concept.

>> No.12714716

How retarded are you? Putting assets on a blockchain cuts out middlemen and as a result saves a lot of money and time. Anon if you're being serious, I would advise you cash out whatever you have in the market right now...

>> No.12714724

>Simply having a blockchain and saying an asset is on it means absolutely nothing in the real world

simply having a piece of paper that people pay shit tons of money for because it represents "equity" is liek some stupid term a 10-year old came up with the whole conceptz.

>> No.12714734


>> No.12714754


proof that normies & crypto npcs still don't get it and CHX is still cheap af. Just bought some mo.

>> No.12714759

Fuck you're retarded. Do you know how much repetitive legal processes that are involved in transfer of ownership can be handled by smart contracts? How many middle men functions are eliminated?How tying KYC and ID to investor wallets can save issuers and regulators a ton of headaches? How it can be especially useful when dealing with REITs? How coding jurisdictional restrictions in tokens so that only certain qualifying investors can acquire tokens will save tons of time and remove tons of headaches and complexity for issuers?
Offering fractionalized high value assets like real estate with highly divisible tokens. Settlement and ownership transfer settled instantly, instead of days.

I could go on and on but I've already doe you enough of a favor when you don't deserve my time.

>> No.12714866

We mooning boys buy now or neck yourself later.

>> No.12714928

Nice. It's really funny when people try to fud Own, but it's just downright retarded when people call asset tokenization a meme.

>> No.12714967

Thx, just bought more

>> No.12715016

You have to be a literal retard to believe any of this. None of the securities laws or other regulations magically go away because you use blockchain. This is called magical thinking and is why people who actually work in finance laugh this kind of project off and why they couldn’t raise any more money. So they changed their name from chainium to weown and hired a pump and dump group to keep it alive a little longer.

>> No.12715063

You retard. Each exec of OWN have over 15 years experience in the IPO, global market space. You really think they have no idea that you need to abide by the laws+regs of each territory? Fuck you're dense mate. Want us to explain what a stock market is?

>> No.12715138

Ok so you acknowledge you have to follow regs when doing something like an STO. That is exactly why this project is useless. Going through all the hoops of a Reg A or S/D etc. is the difficult part, what their software does is an afterthought in a process like that, something a real project handles themselves. Their tweet about providing some kind of legal “wrapper” is how you know they are completely full of shit.

>> No.12715159

Lel. So glad you've been locked out. Enjoy buying bags of ownies for double the price!

>> No.12715203

The real companies in this space are in nyc and sf and none of them would even consider doing an ico or hire pajeets to shill their shitcoin. Nobody cares how much experience their small team in Eastern Europe has. Their team is one of the biggest red flags about this project which shows how brain damaged you are to bring it up.

>> No.12715207

I'm convinced you're retarded at this point. Enjoy poverty

>> No.12715246
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Will it ever stop pumping?

>> No.12715284

With the orderbook being so thin and so much right around the corner, I think many people are in for a surprise on how much this will explode. DESU the pump is probably the fudder throwing in his life savings

>> No.12715327

When people pump this garbage all they ever do is a) say how big STO/tokenization without saying what chx has to do with it. b) call people names. c) make crazy shit up like the ceo used to be cio of a big company or muh 2 trillion, always stuff that is easily proven false.

>> No.12715340
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Making it in a bear market feels good

>> No.12715342

Finally someone with some fucking common sense! After doing research on Security Token space and speaking with some insiders, I realized the red flags with CHX. CHX is an unregistered SECURITY. Legitimate STO projects primarily deal with insitutional or high net worth individuals. You won't see the token being shilled by scammers like scyther or MOON boi's on 4chan or twitter. There is no need for that. If they start doing business with American clients or business, they will be labeled a Security Token.

>> No.12715351

Shit baby stack desu familia

>> No.12715353

fk dude I only have 7k

>> No.12715354

Oh NOOOOO it was supposed to dump today, HAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.12715367


Prove it false then.

>> No.12715372

Try to get to 10k CHX and you will make it.

>> No.12715378

CHX is so scammy, they haven't released any github for there so called platform.

>> No.12715389

Is this the black dev team coin that's a security?

>> No.12715419

Weak fud

>> No.12715431
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No it,s being pumped by African living in the UK name scyther. Why are Africans such crocks? This guy finds projects about to die and pumps them. His next project is FTX. No nones who the CHX devs are. Rumour is there are two and ones a woman. CEO was sleeping on one of their couches...LMAO

Cant make this shit up..only in crypto!

>> No.12715432

How much money will be considered making it

>> No.12715439

Pointing out lack of github commits is perfectly reasonable criticism you little thieving nigger retard.

>> No.12715441

Name few of those then. Securitize / tZERO / OFN ? What else ?

>> No.12715442

Fuck you bitch faggot. This isn’t a pajeet pump and dump scam this shit is real and will keep going up.

>> No.12715455

CHX will hit $100 screencap this.

>> No.12715467

Talking FACTS is fud shit head?

Show me the CHX github code for their platform?

Show me the CHX devs working on the project?

Show me the CHX banking clients the CEO claims they are working with?

Where is the OWN office located?

Since CHX has 3k business signed up with the DSR, why cant they list one client that using their platform.?

Anyone can signup and register a company on the DSR so I bet 90% of the companies registered are FAKE.

>> No.12715488

>Pointing out lack of github commits is perfectly reasonable criticism you little thieving nigger retard.
It's not an open-source project though.

>> No.12715500

How about you DYOR, BITCH!

>> No.12715506

I think even 5000 CHX is enough as if it hits $100, it might as well hit $150-$200 for a week.

>> No.12715516

If this were a real project, or even a halfway competent scam, they would have provided their hired shills a canned response to questions like yours. Instead you get absolute Pajeet tier shit like ‘weak fud hurr durr.’

>> No.12715534
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The same stinking AFRICAN that pumped CHX is now admin in another project FTX. I thought it was only a rumor but its fucking true...Only in fucking crypto......LMAO!!!!!!!!!

FTX price has pumped from shitcoin reject .008 to .03. I wish I was making this shit up. Scyther must be one RICH motherfucker...I can't even fault him if you guys want to be sheep.

>> No.12715558

>$17k volume
Good luck with that.

>> No.12715566

I don't even care what FTX does, I just went on their website and my browser started crawling and running at 5FPS while the page made bubble noises and a chat window popped up. Pass. Now that will be a pump and dump.

>> No.12715578

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.12715598

Chainium was a fucking shit show before scyther et al took it up. If they can make SHEEP throw money at OWN. They can pump this FTX shitcoin. They are really fucking good. Trust me, FTX will probably do a rebrand or an interview with blockchainbrad...LMAO!!!

>> No.12715656

Honestly comments like this make me scared. I would rather like to see a slow organic growth based on actual broker/dealer partnerships and client adoption rather going parabolic without appropriate growth anchors.

I would like to believe CHX, but gut feeling while watching the platform demo forces me to think that they are oversimplifying the whole thing. Having experience in share registry (computetshare: Aussi company. They have high switching cost as an incumbent) is very different than having experiencing in private equity/PE where tokenisation is really needed due to illiquidity. My bets are on Securitize (got funding from institutional investors after due/diligence; see at CrunchBase) and tZERO but after retail stock market correction. BTW, look at OFN and ecosystem around that. Commercial REITs will going to be hugely benefited by asset tokenisation. Securitize’s DS protocols are already being used by many regulated entities in the ecosystem.

I need to Sasha delivering on promises. Traders will dump on the news and if the company is legit it will see slow organic growth from there on. Now it’s pure speculation. Ride the speculation to increase your stack but don’t give price targets like a true retard.

>> No.12715659

You retards need to do your homework...CHX was exactly like FTX before they got pumped. It had barely 1k volume most days. CEO started talking about how they met with Nasdaq and singapore stock exchange. Listen to the first AMA. They publish the DSR with some unverfied numbers, Bragging about how they tokenized more assets than polymath and it was off to the race. If they use the same formula for FTX....MONEY!

>> No.12715723
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>> No.12715733

ftx is a crypto loan scam

>> No.12715751

These comments would hold a lot more weight if we didn't have IDs. If you start using proxies and different devices, this fud technique might work a bit better.

>> No.12715762

chx, tzero, securitize, ofn will all do well. the best play is to all in chx. then take some profits out to put into the rest

>> No.12715795

They are already pumping the shit out of FTX.

They will use the same formula like CHX, do an AMA, make some unverfied claims. DO another AMA with blockchainbrad or some crypto influencers, shill that shit all over twitter and you Fools will FOMO in. I remember people laughed at scyther when he first started talking about chainium and how it would be bigger than polymath. Look where we are right now? It also helps that they have really good algo's that MM for these projects on IDEX and other scammy exchanges. Bitcoin can literally go to 0 and it will NEVER affect CHX price.

>> No.12715816

shut up you screetching autist.

>> No.12715817

Im not spreading fud so why do I need to hide my ID? You can't discredit anything I wrote and you are probably one of scythers groupie bitch.

>> No.12715860

No sure why they would make you scared. CHX has a value proposition far and above 99% other projects right now and I think people are excited to be in so early. There will be many winners but CHX is the only end to end (that I know of) for STO issuance at the moment with full utility token integration in the platform

>> No.12715886

>Im not spreading fud so why do I need to hide my ID?
You're telling us how CHX are bad investment, then you have a subtle "solution" which is quickly invest into FTX before CHX gets dumped.

>> No.12715907

Wow, when you put it that way it's really hard to say no! I mean, he made 15 posts so far in this thread after all, he must really care about our financial wellbeing!

>> No.12716145

Can't wait for the partnership announcement so the retarded FUD will stfu.

ANYONE can create a token using FAST. It is not deemed a security unless you use their services/legal team or do it on your own.

>> No.12717073
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Oh no, that sucks, it's dumping upward AGAIN!

>> No.12717089

This, breaching ATH

>> No.12717115
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Literally every time I've checked this week, atleast a dozen times, CHX has been higher than the last time. WTF
Is that what 2017 felt like? This is incredible.

>> No.12717117

hey its the shitcoinslayer from twitter. you get anymore followers? or do you still only have 1

>> No.12717163

You haven't seen anything yet anon, CHX will start the next bull run

>> No.12717185

OwO Chx: all cum, all the time.

>> No.12717244

Checked their platform out. It's a bubble.

>> No.12717258

>not getting in the bubble before normies catch on and pops

>> No.12717307

How is it a bubble at rank 130.

Get fucked. There are about 100 actual scams above it on CMC.

>> No.12717320

Anyone of you have any info on who possibly is the "broker-dealer", if any ?

>> No.12717326
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>taking advice from a "1 post by this ID" drive-by poster.
Damn, you know your shit!
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.

>> No.12717342
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Believe me, those gains are tantilizing, but I'm not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.12717352

I'm not advising anyone. Do what you may lol

>> No.12717361

What competitive advantage CHX has that can't be replicated by a well-capitalised SV-funded startup with right connections ? Without regulatory advantages / network-effect it's hard to spot any winner so early on. But I wish CHX disrupts the whole primary market space for private equity. It will be game-changer. And to make it happen, beyond obtaining regulatory approvals from multiple jurisdictions (see Nash/NEX), Sasha need to rub shoulders with a mid-tier PE fund. An early-adopter PE fund is the key. And we already have a tokenised VC fund operating at regulated exchanges (OFN). This is inevitable.

>> No.12717376

If you want the straight, unfiltered, unconfirmed, possibly-bullshit rumor: Ameriprise.
Take that as fact and possibly get burned though, don't fucking quote me or spread that around, and ESPECIALLY don't let these faggot FUDers claim that is what Sascha claimed. I Am Not A Financial Adviser, DYOR.

>> No.12717405

>beyond obtaining regulatory approvals from multiple jurisdictions
From what we know, they already have this addressed. They claim to be working with entities that already have approval, so they don't have to deal with that right out of the gate. That's apparently who their US partner is that they are going to announce, but we will see

>> No.12717743


Lmao, it's the other 14 on that list.

>> No.12718117

Well shit, I'd take any of the top 15.