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File: 498 KB, 696x512, 10685146-23F7-41AC-951C-97F1FD97E7BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12711266 No.12711266 [Reply] [Original]

Then what you can do is simply look at what the competitors are marketing about themselves. A few programmerfags can back me up, in that it isn’t a coincidence that Witnet has been shilling itself as the first working decentralized oracle. Chainlink’s development is waaay further along than most anons think.

Now that we officially have seen aggregation on ropsten, I bet we’ll see much more FUD being thrown from other oracle projects.

Chainlink is around the corner.

>> No.12711292

Link is a scam. Buy mobius

>> No.12711315

cant read code but went all in because of sergey's quora history and the memes

>> No.12711322

His quora history is legendary

>> No.12711361
File: 23 KB, 599x240, D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12711370

wtf, what kind of project is this?

>> No.12711389

I'd say extraordinary

>> No.12711398

Hundo. The guy was working on DEXs before ETH existed. He’s a visionary. People only retroactively realize greatness. He knows what he’s doing. The flannel shirt is a signal.

>> No.12711442

What I always wonder about those shill threads, aren't they basically illegal as they try to spark a pump and dump scheme? And isn't that one of the reasons crypto sucks, because people exploit you dumb normies?

>> No.12711488

Pick one. When crypto is regulated like the equity markets, you can be sure only the members of the tribe will be able to break the rules the rest of us have to follow

>> No.12711513
File: 182 KB, 440x501, 7A72945E-2CE0-4586-82AC-807D7DB57107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey was and still is the best dota player on planet. Do your research

>> No.12711570
File: 952 KB, 1962x1138, 1546926097851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone falling for this low tier b8 deserves to lose their link

>> No.12711575

Are you >implying

>> No.12711623

I'm gonna need a source on that claim

>> No.12711980

see more fud? Have you not seen the super dumb fud the past weeks? Eng? Witnet? Lmfao even rhombus fud hahh its already started OP you god damn newfag

>> No.12712123

Redpill bro gets based white power digits.

>> No.12712214
File: 398 KB, 814x1136, 4030017F-5A75-4B08-B92D-2487CFC6A292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12712298
File: 184 KB, 871x1303, witness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
