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12705578 No.12705578 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why taking 10-20mg of Oxyocodone recreationally on the weekend is so taboo. You all drink your booze and suck your dick, but no one comments on the risk youre taking when doing so.

Without referencing potential of addiction or habituation, tell me

>> No.12705583

Because it reduces your inhibitions and makes you post faggot teenager tier threads like this

>> No.12705602

How the fuck is this Teenager tier? If I were you, I'd stop sucking teenage dick

>> No.12705638

>ignoring addiction potential.

Show me one person on this gay earth that has managed to keep opiate use to “just the weekends” long term.

>> No.12705647

You should take a lot more than that imo OP.

>> No.12705653

how do opiates feel op? i tried almost any drug from coke, mdma, speed etc.

my favourite is cocaine with alcohol.

i once tried codeine with promethazine in solid doses pharma grade and i literally didnt feel shit besides wanting to walk around abit my block, being a tiny bit more relaxed and getting insane scratching urges when i laid on my bed later.

are oxies different?

>> No.12705662

Whats your fav dosage? I take 10mg and am LIT. More than that and its nodding into vivid dreams but not always so pleasant. Oh, XMR w wickr

>> No.12705664
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iv been taking 10mg 2 nights out of the week for 10 years now.

>> No.12705675

Cocaine and alcohol is top notch. But coke is overrated IMO. If you want pure euphoria, amphetamine is hard to beat IMO.

Opiates feel like someone whom you love but havent met yet, wrapped you up in a hug under a huge warm flannel blanket and is lightly kissing your forehead and whispering everyone loves you and everything will be okay for eternity. But then it ends in a few hours and you vividly remember how it felt

>> No.12705684

if youre serious, would lov to chat with you about how you managed that so well. Chipping is tough, but props to you man!

>> No.12705688

is this how you cope with your worthless existence? you make shitty nigger tier threads looking for reaffirming from other worthless niggers addicted to opioids? don't gish gallop about alcohol when objectively opioids are worse.

now kys and make the world a better place you knuckle dragging troglodyte

>> No.12705696

I don’t drink or do drugs because Im not a retard

>> No.12705700

lmfao, someones upset they don't have any opiates :) dont worry buddy, I like alcohol more than opiates, but you gotta know how to rustle jimmies to get any where in this life. Enjoy your nigger existence and kindly kill yourself ASAP

>> No.12705710

I take tramadol since 5 years every few weeks. Sometime don't take it for months, sometimes twice a month but that's max.
Love the feeling.

How is ocy in comparison?

>> No.12705715

what if i told you, youre missing out and smart people historically take mind altering substances. But I'm sure youre the ONE exception of a super smart person who doesnt take drugs. LOL look around you, you fucking moron. Youre a boring normie who is proud theyve never felt any real drug

>> No.12705717

There is literally no reason as long as you can control your addiction. People get butthurt when they see other people achieving happiness directly without going through the NPC process to achieve it.

I used to do low doses of meth but quit because I became addicted. Be careful.

>> No.12705721

>If you want pure euphoria, amphetamine is hard to beat IMO.
its so cheap in europe and it lasts you for so long, maybe thats why it loses it appeal as retarded as it sound. + you cant sleep for days, it burns in your nose and people can easily tell your on it. + your piss and sweat smell like nuclear chemicals.

cocaine is gentleman brotier. you can sleep later on, almost nobody can tell your on it, smooth in nose etc etc.

can you actually be social on oxies like on cocaine? does it go well with alcohol? what do you do when you are on it?

>> No.12705724

Honestly, when I was living in Mexico, tramadol was everywhere in the pharmacies. But no one wanted it. Its just not recreational, apparently.

Ive nver tried it, but scroll up for my description for how Oxy feels

>> No.12705734

Kek, keep taking your drugs and booze goyim. It’s really good for you as you can see from this top tier thread and your answers.

>> No.12705735

I’m a degenerate and have done shit load of drugs but I always stay away from happy pills now. Took 3 oxys one time and I loved the feeling. It scared me to be honest.

>> No.12705738

I had the same idea and then got addicted for 5 years. I've seen it happen too many, just a weekend thing. Oxy is not something that can be used recreationally for very long.

>> No.12705743

Oxy does not go well with socializing IMO and it does not go well with alcohol due to the respiratory depression of both. When youre on it, you don't want to do much of anything, bc *nothing* feels good.

Its a degenerate drug, I admit that, but if you haven't tried it, youre missing out. Then again, its just as easy to not try it.

>> No.12705755

Its a genetic liking. You might avoid, based off the gut feeling you got about how much you liked it. All up to you. Just be careful and know how self control works!

>> No.12705759

Opiates are trailer tier drugs and 80% of heroin addicts get their start on prescription pain med. psychedelics are literally god tier. Shrooms, acid, mescaline, dmt is all you need.

>> No.12705761

Burgers really are fucked aren't they. Fat as fuck, everyone's a smack addict and when the world collapses and you can't take your gay pink tablets you'll all kill each other.

>> No.12705763

>I had the same idea and then got addicted for 5 years. I've seen it happen too many, just a weekend thing. Oxy is not something that can be used recreationally for very long.

Been doing it for years (somtimes stretches of 5 months between), but thanks for the comment!

>> No.12705775

Tramadol has also has nice ssri component.
If I smoke weed after taking it I'm the most creative and productive person I can be.
Also when I sleep it's like nodding on MDMA feelings.
Yes I love it. Next day is also super nice still

>> No.12705779

lol, I work in pharmaceuticals, so I wont deny that us BURGERS do enjoy our pharms, but honestly, its the stupid poor people who cant control themselves. Being uneducated isnt an affliction tho, it can be solved. Problem is, its solved with money.

Try drugs sometimes, youll understand :) also, the world isnt going to collapse you fucking delusion moron. Plz kys and save us some oxygen

>> No.12705785

Very interesting! Will do more research on the MOA of Tramadol.

>> No.12705795
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>OP thinks I'm upset because I'm not a opioid drug addicted nigger like himself
>tells me I'm the nigger when he made a cope thread looking for affirmation from fellow worthless opioid niggers

you wake up everyday and hate yourself, the amount of coping here is unprecedented. it's okay tyrone, many people like yourself have to live pathetic and meaningless lives because that's fate, but coping about your worthless existence like this with opioids is no different from all the niggers in zimbabwe coping with their worthless existence on codeine, you just have a different drug of choice and live in a different country.

>> No.12705829

What's MOA?

>> No.12705830

lmfao, Ive never had more fun on a thread than LARPing as an opiate user. But thanks, this takes the cake and will continue

>> No.12705833

Lmao this, op is never going to make it

>> No.12705834




>> No.12705835

mechanism of action. thank you for your contributions, consider this timestamped and used for research. Your IPs have been recorded

>> No.12705847


Pharma grade? Nobody besides big pharma is manufacturing that shit retard.

>> No.12705858
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ah yes there it, he was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.12705868

look everyone, this guy is posting family pictures! Oh how young he was!

>> No.12705881
File: 333 KB, 352x504, Screen Shot 2018-06-05 at 9.18.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this for you, it's you

>> No.12705912

it looks so much like your father, he would be proud

Sounds from the background: GET IN HERE BOY! *whip cracks*

>> No.12705926


>> No.12705957


>> No.12705967

fuck off libtard

>> No.12705980

i used to take benzos, kolanapin to be exact. loved how they made me feel. took away all anxiety, which helped a ton back then in the job i was in. i assume opiates feel similar?

>> No.12705987

Drugs that make you feel like everything is great, or that things are going to turn out all right in the end are incredibly dangerous.

Life is fucked, and everyone is going to go through something awful at least once every couple of years. Family and friends dying, betrayal, personal and professional failure ect.

When something like that occurs (pro tip: it will), you're going to go from an occasional user to a full blown addict at the speed of light.

>> No.12706006

its so funny bc everyone says this, but trust me, its not a one size fits all situation. Ive used opiates on and off for a good while. Beauty of it is, i hvae self control. And the will power to turn around my life when im feeling down. So right now is a down time, itll be on the up soon enough, as it always is.

Just funny how its so easy for us to forget that there are other coping mechanisms but we cant acknowledge them

>> No.12706012

You're a little faggot who doesn't understand addiction. Soon you'll be rationalising that Wednesday oxy, then the evening one. you enjoy it why not? Its a rational choice, not addiction. You just want to.

Next is the every morning phase. Now your thinking that maybe this is a problem. then you try to cut down. Now your starting to think about addiction. Then there is the acceptance period, 'fuck it, so I'm a junkie, so what? It's not that dramatic'.

Then, slowly, the problems that come with being zonked all day start happening.

Eventually you'll hit money issues from being fired or your parents not bankrolling as they are worried sick, or some such.

Now the real fun starts Anon! (The worst bit is seeing what you've done to your mother, by the way).

(I'm not an ex-junkie, but i'm from a heroin town and i've seen this shit more times than I've seen Predator, know what I'm saying anon?)

Addiction isn't this big dramatic thing, its slow, its gradual and its insidious, and its fully blown before dumb faggots like you realise it's happened. that how it gets to happen. fucking retard.

>> No.12706017


Jesus christ, lay off the presumptions

>> No.12706025
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it's time to stop. enjoy your weekend home from school

>> No.12706033

>Being addicted to opiods
>"Nothings wrong with my habit guise!"

>> No.12706035

If you take drugs to feel better you allready lost the game.
Take drugs when you are in a good mood, when you accomplished something great or when you want to reward yourself for something, then drugs are nice.

never take drugs when you feel unhappy or depressed.

>> No.12706037

lol, why dont you lay off the crack pipe faggot. Also, nice to know youve tangoed with addiction. Not all of us have you weak piece of shit faggot

>> No.12706038

ID: Mee

>> No.12706080

I'm just speaking from experience. Most healthy people have a lot of different sources of validation that help them cope with life. Like, if you have a bad day at work, at least you can go home to a loving wife. Or shits not great at home? Well you can cope by going fishing or enjoying another hobby.

The problem with these drugs is they are so much more effective and quick acting than normal healthy methods of coping, that when something really knocks your dick in the dirt your going to use to feel better. That is when the bad shit really starts. Because nothing actually IS better, you just feel better.

>> No.12706143


>> No.12706161

Tangoed? you gay little bastard. I'm a sober solider, boy. Always have been. Thanks in part to seeing faggots like you; and of course the broken parents of faggots like you, after faggots like you die in filthy stairwells or in fucking bus station toilets.

Also, every faggot who ever got addicted to smack and wound up sucking dick for pain pills thought they were clever, and the other dickheads were weak: the plot twist is you are young and stupid, too stupid to realise you are just another dickhead.

I'll give you one last thing. The real reason so few people quit isn't that its impossible, its that by the time they grow up and realise being a smackhead is shit, (usually right about the time you see the me in your life getting their first house, or married): you realise have nothing else left, no skills no family, no friends: so the choice is an immigrant tier job and emptiness, or going back on the smack. Guess what weak, pleasure loving faggots like you choose? Now i know because your retarded you cant really picture that moment where everyone is fed up with you and pushes you away, but its in the post gayboy.

>> No.12706210

I don't know what that is and this anon is telling you the truth. Flush that poison down the toilet.

>> No.12706976

wisdom my friend. Spoken like someone who has been there. I know because I have been too.

>> No.12707037

Keep your chin up bro. The thing that i've decided was the worst about the whole thing is all the time i wasted. All the wasted opportunities to grow. No time like the present though.

>> No.12708090
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>> No.12708239

>How the fuck is this Teenager tier?
You're posting about a non- business or finance topic on /biz/. 4chan is literally a diary for you isn't it?

>> No.12708244

drugs are amazing, NPC doomsayers be damned

>> No.12708401

It's addictive.