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12704441 No.12704441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The sacrifices shall begin soon, exit all markets including crypto

>> No.12704449

crypto is safe newfag

>> No.12704468


>> No.12704480

is that from when swine flu was big

>> No.12704577

No, just chinks being chinks

>> No.12704599

What a waste of some high quality meat.

>> No.12704627

if any of you eat processed meat you are just as bad as these chinks, the only difference is your comfortably cut-off from the reality like the average burger.

>> No.12704646

factory farming is cruel but i doubt it comes close to literally burning animals alive in such a fashion

>> No.12704654

Fpbp we bull now

>> No.12704661

You'd be fucking surprised.

>> No.12704662

they didn't even die is the fucked up part

>> No.12704703

The version with sound is 10x better

>> No.12704716

what the fuck

for what purpose????

>> No.12704718


>> No.12704769

>needing a reason to do insanely brutal and pointless shit

>> No.12704848

jesus christ they don't even die imagine being burned alive then buried alive

>> No.12704896

This, it makes me unironically become vegetarian, I'm such a hypocritical faggot gdit

>> No.12704911

It makes me hungry. Stop being such a domesticated so yim fag.

>> No.12704914
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imagine the smell

>> No.12704935

the only problem with this is that the fire was obviously going out at the end of this video. I dont want to eat rare pork

>> No.12704939

Do it nigger. Rise above the temptations of the flesh.

t. based vegan

>> No.12704962

Ah, they really don't suffer. The meat just becomes way more tasty that way
Regards, a real chinaman

>> No.12704964

Every chink knows that the more the animal suffers, the better the flavor.

>> No.12705037

Guy who worked at a slaughter house for a summer here, its nothing like that. They're basically lined up single file and someone hits them in the head with a bolt pistol to knock them out, then their throat is slit and their hung upside down to bleed out while unconscious. They aren't lit on fire, and other than extreme stress from being in an environment where they know they're going to die (they fucking know), they aren't really tortured or treated all that terribly. Just one shot to the dome and then its lights out.

The chickens get treated worst of all, but to be honest its kind of hard to hurt a pig or cow through normal means, they're just way too hardy and resilient

>> No.12705072
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>(they fucking know)

>> No.12705075

Reports across the field is jew money is escaping the markets

>> No.12705099
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>they fucking know

At what point do they seem to realize what's going on? It's kind of arousing to be honest. So helpless, knowing you are being led to death and nothing you can do to stop it. Just meat for creatures so much more powerful than You, creatures with no empathy or care about your survival. You are just food. Die for us so we can eat you. Fuck I'm hard.

>> No.12705101

They are going to let it rot for a year then excavate and have a dinner.

>> No.12705132

jesus you need help. But I imagine its the smell of death in the air. As soon as they get off the trucks and start being herded into the execution line, they start kind of freaking out and looking scared.

>> No.12705139

vagina is disgusting

>> No.12705143
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fuck off back to e621 vorefag

>> No.12705157

this is how mother nature feels when we dig for gold and other precious metals
and you scum complain about a few autismo bitcoin miners

>> No.12705194

I'd say probably, because you have this dipshit
who honestly think incinerated pigs have meat on them.
and why would you incinerate fucking thousands of dollars worth of meat?: Infected, Infested, Biohazard.

>> No.12705200

will they be OK?

>> No.12705203
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>source china
ah okay

>> No.12705220

>The pigs were diseased and the was apparently the most efficient way ?
really you didn't read that part.

>> No.12705251

I never said they were going to eat the pigs, I was merely reflecting on the fact they blowtorch cats and dogs for human consumption since they think it makes the meat taste better if they die in pain.

>> No.12705296

all the moral fags on here not realising the shit they eat has been gassed while they scream in pain


>muh humane meat

>> No.12705322
File: 28 KB, 223x310, divinedeflection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice deflection, but your still full of shit.
>Video of a burning that would happen in any plague.
That's you in initial context.

>> No.12705327

Nah, you're just trying to hijack something unrelated to perpertuate vegan propaganda anyway you can.

>> No.12705335

its not unreasonable to assume chinks you fucking retard.

>> No.12705345

yeah but bacon..

>> No.12705359
File: 87 KB, 683x476, Just_as_planned_tzeentch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still get to eat blow torched cats.
You don't get to eat pit incinerated anything.
pretty unreasonable to assume chinks when any good inquisitor sees a fucking purgin of nurgal's ilk.
None of you are going to make it.

>> No.12705387

Egyptians killed all of its pigs during the last swine flu epidemic. You're only assuming chinks of your racism.

>> No.12705406

Id be so conflicted. The yummy smell of bacon and the screams of a cute piggy.

>> No.12705416

They burn pigs alive for my ham?

>> No.12705418

google herd of pigs on fire

all the results are from china you fucking faggot

>> No.12705421

Satoshi has revealed himself. World markets will tremble. We are witnessing the rebirth of a legend that will echo through the centuries. I hope you are prepared.

>> No.12705426

how do you get your meat in your diet?

>> No.12705458
File: 101 KB, 960x955, Dominion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched Dominion the other night and the pigs were the only ones that really got to me. They're so much more intelligent than other livestock, and they know exactly whats going on. You can see the absolute horror and trauma in their eyes. The cows were bad too but they're a little more retarded

>> No.12705460

You googled for the source after you made the assumption. That doesn't change the fact that your thinking process is that of a double-digit IQ person.

>> No.12705463

>I never said they were going to eat the pigs

you are the worst form of human
mental gymnastics to preserve your retarded ego

>> No.12705470

it's not racist to notice the fact that chinks are barbaric subhuman insectoids. ever see a chink rekt thread? they don't even regard their own countrymen as living beings worthy of dignity and respect, and animals even less so.

>> No.12705471

those retarded eyes HAHHAHAhhahhahHAHHAAHHA

>> No.12705494
File: 177 KB, 1280x852, islam_pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ID
>sirs i am here today to introduce you the Islam PC. 100% halal computing sirs

>> No.12705503

You can mention any race, and I can point out the shitty things they've done and are still doing.

>> No.12705509
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>millions of animals have died painfully to give their flesh so we can live
>to feed creatures such as this who consume enough food to feed an entire family
The sooner the Golden Arches crumble and meat becomes prohibitively expensive the better chance mankind has in saving itself.

>> No.12705514

yeah you're right, wow i guess you just defeated racie realism in one blow, good job retard

>> No.12705521

Judging a whole race based a on few videos you've watched on liveleak is not racial realism. It's just the thinking process of an inbred with double-digit IQ.

>> No.12705525
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We've all seen the chink rekt threads, I take the stairs always now because of those fucking videos.
>its not racist
>chinks are barbaric subhuman
I at least I can admit I'm fucking racist. But if you only knew what a 21st century plague could do to the world.

>> No.12705551

Chinese isn't a race. Its a country with a culture devoid of soul and empathy

>> No.12705562

Safe as in sheeping inside the fence.

>> No.12705565
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By burning the pigs the chinks are saving thousands of human lives. This is good not doing otherwise and knowing you are spreading infected meat is objective evil.
Arguing for this not to happen is heretical.

>> No.12705566

>a few videos
>double digit IQ
did you just assume my IQ from a few comments? hypocrite. and you're downplaying the frequency of the occurrences like it's a rare thing. they just leave people to die because that's their culture. they literally don't give a fuck about human and/or animal life.

your point is that they're exterminating a disease. okay, but why didn't they kill the pigs before burning them? seems unnecessarily cruel, and inefficient since their running around extinguished the flames prematurely.

>> No.12705582
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Because bullets cost money and the blades would get infected.

>> No.12705587

>half toasty pigs
>burning away disease
they barely even seared the flesh. they just caused a torturous death. not even effective at destroying the bacteria/virus
>the chinks
now you assume it was the chinks you fucking racist?

>> No.12705607

Along with burning any clothing that gets covered in blood.
If you are a poor chink you can't afford to burn your only clothes and risk them getting infected too.

>> No.12705627
File: 42 KB, 853x543, 1467290510228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here
You have an attention span of a fucking ork nob.

>> No.12705630

Funny you say that when White people invented and used the most destructive weapons in the world, committed the worst atrocities, invented the machines that speed up the slaughtering of animals, and caused the worst pollution.

>> No.12705660

nice b8 m8