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File: 42 KB, 1024x540, who_is_Nick_Sbazo-1024x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12703905 No.12703905 [Reply] [Original]

During the spring of 2014, Hal Finney gave the Wall Street Journal a copy of some old emails he had received from Satoshi during January 2009. I was reading through these old emails (http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/finneynakamotoemails.pdf)) and noticed a strange comment by Satoshi in the following exchange:

>Unfortunately, I can't receive incoming connections from where I am, which has made things more difficult. Your node receiving incoming connections was the main thing keeping the network going the first day or two.
>You can send to my Bitcoin address if you want to, but you won't get to see the full transfer sequence:
>You could always findstr /c:"version message" debug.log and send a test to some random person you're connected to near the end of the list. The ones ending in port 8333 can receive connections.
>I just thought of something. Eventually there'll be some interest in brute force scanning bitcoin addresses to find one with the first few characters customized to your name, kind of like getting a phone number that spells out something. Just by chance I have my initials.

You can see the Bitcoin address begins with "1NS", yet Satoshi incorrectly says this address starts with his initials. The only way this makes sense is if his first name started with an N, and his last name started with an S, like... maybe Nick Szabo? He either got too carried away and forgot he was using the "Satoshi Nakamoto" pseudonym, or Hal Finney was already in on it, and Satoshi never expected this email to get out. You can draw your own conclusions.

>> No.12703926

Certainly adds more fuel to the fire. A small rebuttal though- even if the letters aren’t in the right order N and S are still Satoshi Nakamoto’s initials.

>> No.12703928


>> No.12703934

Either way Szabo is one of the most based men alive and we must protect him at all costs

>> No.12703942

Nakamoto Satoshi??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.12703944

Satoshi Nakamoto is the same initials as Szabo Nick, just names switched

>> No.12703945

Real talk, how fucking rich is Nick?

>> No.12703953


>> No.12703956

real nice find OP, me likeie

>> No.12703977

In Japanese surname goes first ie Nakamoto Satoshi. Same thread yesterday using the same quote.

>> No.12703982

This is such bullshit
Craig has proof he controls addresses only satoshi had access to

Myth Busted

>> No.12703983


Not rich at all actually.

Nick Szabo is great at crafting theories and smoking tons of pot. Bit gold never became anything, and he was a late adopter to Bitcoin. Based as he is, there's no way in hell he's Satoshi, and that narrative didn't actually exist until fairly recently. It's more or less Blockstream/Bitcoin Standard cult propaganda, honestly. They don't want people following Craig Wright; Gordon Maxwell has said as much, many many times. Go watch the video where Craig BTFOs Szabo in front of a live audience. It's brutal.

>> No.12703994
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>Satoshi must be nick because they're initials are the same

>> No.12704086
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Also, I bet not a single one of you can tell me what bitgold was or what its intended long-term purpose is. Because it sure as fuck has nothing to do with bitcoin.

People want him to be Satoshi because that's what the movie in their head would look like. The truth is, it was the Aussie fuck Craig Wright and his Jewish fed friend Dave Kleiman. They were feds, arguably the good guys. Something like bitcoin can only be put out into the world by someone with a vast pedigree in economics at scale. Wright and Kleiman, between the two men in their work, had access to banks, casinos, human trafficking rings, third world villages, off-shore schemes such as Liberty Reserve, etc. Szabo is just a distant spectator.

>> No.12704093

reading through those emails just amplifies the fact that craig is not even close to being satoshi. you can tell the difference in writing style. satoshi seemed like a laid back relaxed dude who is just working on a science project.

thanks for sharing op.

>> No.12704108

>The only way this makes sense is if his first name started with an N, and his last name started with an S, like... maybe Nick Szabo?

or NS could stand for Nakamoto Satoshi

>> No.12704111


You know all these guys are obsessed with stylometry and proper syntax, right?

Dude, go read the actual cypherpunk boards sometime, or even just the bitcoin dev newsletter ffs. EVERYONE TALKS LIKE THAT.

>> No.12704137 [DELETED] 

It's because CSW isn't. The real Satoshi is the last person you'd expect him to be. A real master of ..redacted.. and I think he created Bitcoin litterly for shits n giggles. I can't say who it is yet. But in about a year or two years I will probably write an article with all the evidence. I don't think he'll be alive at that point anymore.

>> No.12704169

Finally. Someone who gets it. Thank you fren, its also the first time i came across that screenshot, may i ask do you have any others?

Nick Saboz is a clown and has nothing to do with Bitcoin.

For Bitcoin to work, it has to be neural. Silkroad shut down, because of Bitcoin. Core did not like this, hence they wanted to make it anonymous. Period

>> No.12704183

CSW is and has a big part to play. He SAID it wsa a team and there were OTHERS too. Ofcourse , after being attacked, what sane person, who publicy now disclouse the private lives of his team?

>> No.12704199

got a link?

>> No.12704222

So then why does BSV have the exact opposite core values opposed to BTC on its launch
>closed-source, patented
>mined centrally by CSW

>> No.12704225


Watch it all and SEE the DATE of that video.
All-Star Panel: Ed Moy, Joseph VaughnPerling, Trace Mayer, Nick Szabo, Dr. Craig Wright

>> No.12704247

You're "right"......

>Core really has brainwashed you. Goodluck

>> No.12704266

I think CSW is Satoj. Unless he comes with sufficient evidence he will remain Satoj

>> No.12704273

The zodiac kind of movie about satoshi Identity will be awesome

>> No.12704281

craig is just that nerd who reads but never does. listening to him talk is annoying. he tries too hard, and you can tell.

>> No.12704311

This, obviously

>> No.12704331

dayuuum girl u thikkk

>> No.12704390
File: 37 KB, 250x272, 5763428843_ce57f1f3a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nick Szabo is great at crafting theories and smoking tons of pot. Bit gold never became anything, and he was a late adopter to Bitcoin. Based as he is, there's no way in hell he's Satoshi, and that narrative didn't actually exist until fairly recently. It's more or less Blockstream/Bitcoin Standard cult propaganda, honestly. They don't want people following Crai

>> No.12704396


What you're not getting is how it scales out to begin with. Craig could never have put out bitcoin with his name and his own company, because it WOULDNT HAVE WORKED AS A SOCIAL SYSTEM. by neccesity, and adding to the clever design, it has to be open source and decentralized and psuedonymous at the beginning. It's like a newborn infant. You need to present the idea to the world as inoffensively as possible, with no corporate fanfare or buzzwords. Because that way in can catch on and propagate as this cool project that can exist without getting wiped out by courts or governments. Nobody talked about Bitcoin as an investment back then, nor did anyone draw much attention to the immutability factor besides double spending. Most were just working on code and making simple wallets and clients... This is the way it needs to be.

>> No.12704419
File: 80 KB, 889x499, vk7w8987njt11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aussie man bad

>> No.12704421

Where do you store you SV? Someone who FINALLY is on here who gets it.

>> No.12704429


Trezor + Electrum SV

>> No.12704453

>Craig could never have put out bitcoin


>> No.12704467


>Aussie man full of shit

Fixed that for you.

>> No.12704470

Can I also ask, you know when you set up your wallet on Electrum SV. Which Type of wallet did you go with, and the options? Thank you. Also, I'm heading off in about an hour, which is a shame, considering you get what Bitcoin and the history is, btw do you know that Calvin is the dark quite knight, he said this is what will happen in a earlier video last year and said about the team and CSW

>> No.12704487

I get that, but I find it a little strange nontheless. So Satoshi leaves without actually giving proper guidance to the developer that takes over from him. And now after 10 years when people have invested so much into BTC (not just buying the coin) he wants to come back, be celebrated as Satoshi, destroy BTC and monopolize money with his own company?

Sounds like a load of Bullshit to me. Even if he is Satoshi, which is really besides the point anyway, Satoshi simply dumped his creation onto someone who never even wanted that part and he's suprised some evil jews came along and took over? And now after all thats happened he wants to just come in like a white knight and save the world? Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.12704493


I think biz is starting to wake up a bit. They've been getting conned by glowniggers too long, eventually they'll realize that every single unique property of Bitcoin that makes it a pain in the ass for gov has been stripped. They let that happen


Say something real. I'm putting in effort here. Do you have any original thoughts about this? Seriously.

>> No.12704547

> And now after 10 years when people have invested so much into BTC (not just buying the coin) he wants to come back

What investment in BTC? How much have people invested? More like STOPPED investment.

Come back? DYOR and search everything, hes been filing patents, these take time and YEARS.

In time. What type of option and wallet did you go for, via Electrum SV.

I am still surprised, how no one else made a big deal today, nothing from Vitalik or Gavin or anything else.

>> No.12704557


I think you should try reading some of his posts and decide for yourself, you sound like you watch too many movies. Life isn't always clean and easy for most, Satoshi back then wasn't perfect and didn't need to contribute much, because in his words, it's in good hands with Gavin and everyone else...

Oh wait, what happened? Gavin kicked out by a bunch of megalomaniac glowniggers, Bitcoin got mauled to the point of unrecognizability, and you dumb fucks bought into the Bitcoin Standard gold scam. Seriously. How fucking embarrassing. Just because some chink said that Bitcoin is "anti fragile" on twitter doesn't mean a God damn thing. They are all liars who want to sell you something else.

>> No.12704566

> And now after 10 years when people have invested so much into BTC (not just buying the coin) he wants to come back

What investment in BTC? How much have people invested? More like STOPPED investment.

Come back? DYOR and search everything, hes been filing patents, these take time and YEARS.

In time. What type of option and wallet did you go for, via Electrum SV.

I am still surprised, how no one else made a big deal today, nothing from Vitalik or Gavin or anything else.

>> No.12704572


Ah from what I remember, there's an option to use a hardware wallet/trezor at the create wallet screen. Electrum is pretty secure as long as you generate keys offline.

>> No.12704592

Thank you, one last question and I'm off, when you generated your keys - did you generate the full keys or generated the full 12 word phrases?


>> No.12704607

>Life isn't always clean and easy
Excuses are a dime-a-dozen, think my life is easy? I don't have a group of shills to defend me when I fuck up.
>Oh wait what happened
Yeah and who's fault is this? Satoshi's, not Gavin or the pricks who took over. You create a new money system that's out of the control of governments then you can expect shady shit to happen and he never prepared for that or even slightly anticipated it. But now he wants the glory, the fame and the cake. He can go fuck himself with his finger up his rectile.

>> No.12704710


So my keys are generated on the trezor automatically. I just use Electrum to interact with them. When I use Electrum wallets I usually just use a passphrase so I don't have to type in 12 words to use it. Don't keep a lot of money on a non hardware wallet unless you know what you're doing


You're sound cynical. Look, spend a day reading through it all, there's a ton of stuff out there. If it is a scam/psyop, then it's one of the most elaborate scams ever pulled by far and would make for a great movie one day.

I'm not so sure it was Craig's fault he had to leave for whatever reason. You know what happened right before he left right? The reason he freaked out when Gavin went to the CIA is because he would have been one of the few people in the world with the experience and pedigree and access to actually hunt down and find Satoshi. You ever see A Scanner Darkly?

>> No.12704730

Craig is obviously a master scammer. Hal Finney and Nick did the work. Dave Kleiman was in there. No fucking way Craig coded it up or had the ideas when Nick presented Bit Gold which was 90% of what Bitcoin was. Hal fixed the bugs in the code.

>> No.12704738

Nick Szabo is Satoshi. The rest are frauds.

>> No.12704750
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>> No.12704773 [DELETED] 

>You* sound cynical
I'm not being cynical, just realistic.
>You ever seen a scanner darkly
yes I have but I don't really see the connection.
>Spend a day reading trough it all
I already know who Satoshi is and it isn't CSW so there's no point. I looked in a completely different direction and it became obvious rather fast.
You think CSW is some prince on a horse coming to save the fair lady. He isn't, he's just part of the scumbags you think you're fighting by supporting him. Think Bitcoin ever was anything but a scam? LOL

>> No.12704789
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>> No.12704817

Even though SN clearly wasn't Japanese, in Japan the surname comes before the First name, so it would have been Nakamoto Satoshi

>> No.12704833


>You think CSW is some prince on a horse coming to save the fair lady. He isn't, he's just part of the scumbags you think you're fighting by supporting him.

You watch too many movies.

>yes I have but I don't really see the connection.

Craig distanced himself from the Satoshi moniker after Gavin met with the CIA partially for fear that he would be asked to help search for and investigate Satoshi, AKA himself. Like I said, there were very few with such credentials back then. Craig's grandfather helped create the NSA. He knows exactly how federal intelligence agencies operate, which is why he got away with it. Now that bitcoin has scaled beyond government, he can signal himself to be the issuer. This whole system only works under very delicate circumstances.

Ok, I'm off, hopefully someone actually reads what I wrote and does their DD.

>> No.12704845
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>> No.12704859 [DELETED] 

>you watch to many movies
I don't watch movies, I don't read news and I don't watch the Tell-a-Vision. That's for folks who rather be distracted with social-engineering.
>His grandfather helped create the NSA
More reason not to trust him.

>> No.12704928

>Say something real.
There is a vishnu on the blockchain

>> No.12704974
File: 1.37 MB, 359x202, 1548028393090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty bait

>> No.12704985

Money Skelly laughed at Craig Wright, there is zero chance he would do that if he was Satoshi. Satoshi is Hal and Szabo, maybe others but not Wright. No way.

>> No.12704993

No-one can read this. Provide links tweets

>> No.12705021




If the thread is up when I get home I'll post imgur, sorry

>> No.12705103

imagine if Craig is actually Satoshi. don’t get me wrong I hate that faggot and know about all his failed attempts to prove he is Satoshi. but just imagine he was actually the guy who started it all. it would be so anticlimactic.

>> No.12705125

>tfw Craig is so insecure that he spends all day on a Mongolian neet forum trying to convince people he's Satoshi

Truly pathetic.

>> No.12705134
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Nice try but 1NS is meant to be read right to left, as is usual in hebrew

>> No.12705140

Why do people even care so much who Satoshi is/was? Focus on the tech.

>> No.12705404

>focus on the tech
Tech isn't the only thing that matters. Network effect is far more important

>> No.12705429

because he has a lot of coins

>> No.12705436

and this ofcourse

>> No.12705624

>he doesn't know about japanese name convention

>> No.12705640

the nick sbazo trolling has to stop, its getting fucking pathetic. corecucks are so desperate.

NS is probably just SN backwards

>> No.12705676

It's not uncommon to spell initials backwards

>> No.12705786

open source and patented are not mutually exclusive. its open source but it's not free software

>> No.12705811

It’s Ncraig Swright

>> No.12705884

SO how do I store my BSV?
I'm scared everyday exchange will go offline never to return with my coins.

>> No.12705903

this has been discussed dozens of times here, and the thread always ends with this:

>> No.12706449


>> No.12706550

Are you fucking retarded? Japanese is family name first (Nakamoto) then given name (Satoshi).


>> No.12706561

This desu.

>> No.12706595

Was going to post this

>> No.12706710

So this proves Nakamoto Satoshi-san really is from the land of the rising sun? I guess Japan invented anime and Bitcoin. What a great country Japan truly is.

>> No.12707708

Nick Szabo was literally laughing at Craig half the time because of how retarded he sounded

>> No.12708252


And then Joseph Vaughn Perling admitted that Craig was correct.

>> No.12708470
File: 20 KB, 874x98, satoshi szabo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cashies hate him.

>> No.12708531

Satoshi just stole Szabos Bitgold idea anyway.

Szabo > rip-off Satoshi.

>> No.12708794

Holy fuck that lady is so fucking annoying

>> No.12708826

This is all very confusing. Why would wright lie about all this? If he can't prove it after ALL THIS shit talk, then he'll have alienated absolutely everyone. He'll have 0 friends left. Why on earth would he do that?

I always thought it was Szabo, but shit I'm almost starting to turn.

>> No.12708845

Also, if Wright IS satoshi, why in the fuck doesn't he just dump his bitcoins and buy bsv with it? He can literally flip the whole thing by just doing that. Like, who in the fuck wouldn't switch to bsv if that happened?

>> No.12708877

Craig lost his private keys

>> No.12708975

We already know Nick is Satoshi....

>> No.12709078


still yet to see a better theory than Nick and Hal were Satoshi, or involved anyway

>> No.12709741

You realize Japs write their initials backwards right?

>> No.12709857

Craig never had these private keys, he has a huge stack cause he was an early miner, but that’s all, he cannot sign an arbitrary message with genesis block pk.
That’s why he is not Satoshi.
Don’t trust, verify. BTC is all about that.

>> No.12710564
File: 164 KB, 742x1446, CSW_Why_I_dont_sign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, this is the gist of it. It's all coming out now, so the blockstream shills just look ridiculous the more they try to deny it. The whole Nick Szabo is Satoshi narrative crafted by Blockstream retards is so pathetic.

>> No.12710583

Threads over fellas. Nips write them backwards.

>> No.12710598


...everyone apart from craig wright.

>> No.12710611


satoshi got shot twice in venezuela preventing child trafficking

>> No.12710612
File: 95 KB, 621x899, CSW_meaning_of_satoshi_nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want to know why he chose the name Satoshi Nakamoto, here is the real reason. Save for posterity.

>> No.12710624
File: 89 KB, 632x909, CSW_meaning_of_satoshi_nakamoto_confirm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Craig basically confirming this story to be true.

>> No.12710775

Hungarians also write them backwards, and Nick Szabo is most likely a first generation Hungarian.

>> No.12710861
File: 89 KB, 628x686, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.12710877

he is not a master scammer, there are just mass retards out there that still believe his obvious and dumb lies

>> No.12710883

actually given the amount of replies to his tweets there aren't that much people who care about what he says
i don't know who is holding all these bsv bags though

>> No.12710900

The address obviously says 1CSW

>> No.12710963

Not convinced

>> No.12710975

Sign it you fucker.

>> No.12710979

>Nakamoto Satoshi
>Nakamoto Ash
>N. Ash
>John Nash

>> No.12710985

He pretended to sign a message and got called out you daft prick.

>> No.12711008
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$0.50 has been deposited into your account for this post.

Cope harder shills, you glow in the dark. Run to Blockstream for new narrative instructions now that you can no longer suppress the truth that Craig is Satoshi.

>> No.12711122

he's right and it seems to trigger you a lot.

>> No.12711127

Nick is obviously autistic.. satoshi confirmed

>> No.12711159

he pretended to sign a message and got called out you daft prick

>> No.12711226

>btfoing anyone

>> No.12711235

>I don't need to prove it to such a degree that I even edited my blog to look more like I'm satoshi

>> No.12711578
File: 399 KB, 664x4124, csw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe notorious conman is satoshi without proof
>"you retards"

>> No.12711625

But Satoshi Nakamoto is a Japanese name, and in Japan they write the last name before the first, so his initials would be NS. 1NS.

>> No.12711670

But Szabo isn't japanese.

>> No.12712262


>> No.12712293

This morning I woke up and I cooked eggs.
Do you trust me?
Sounds reasonable right?
But I did not, I took a walk and I eat a waffles.

It’s very easy to lie and invent a cool story, but now we want cryptographic proof or gtfo.

>> No.12712864
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>And Craig basically confirming this story to be true.
how can you be so blind? "psychics" do this exact same technique; he's cold-reading entirely. when he says "I will discuss things in time", Craig isn't even aware of that pikachu story (true or not).
Once alerted and he sees other beleiving the lore as true, he can now claim it as his ("I like silly things"; aka "this is true and I am satoshi!")
you're being played by a fucking idiot and you might be as dumb as he is.