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File: 57 KB, 500x203, wow-gold-100k-azralon-horda-D_NQ_NP_732390-MLB26418286927_112017-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12703453 No.12703453 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that right now WoW Gold is worth more than Venezuelan bolívar

>> No.12703461

But it wasn't real socialism

>> No.12703467

any tips for winning this online game?

>> No.12703476

Reminder that 1 of [currency] is a completely arbitrary unit, it's market cap that matters.

>> No.12703481

>WoW in 2019

>> No.12703537

what? I'm looking at prices now and it looks like 1 gold = $0.0002 ($10/50k) while bolivars are trading at 0.003, technically 50% higher.

>> No.12703539

farming gold in wow is not that easy as you may think its really only worth doing if you live in 3rd world shithole and you are ok with making 10$ per night by losing your mind. Its not enjoyable and you will eventually hate the game.

>> No.12703549
File: 8 KB, 250x238, 1546832663088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw random MMORPG has more stable, reliable and more real economy than fucking crypto

>> No.12703572

yeah isn't a wow token worth a months subscription so like $15.

WoW currency worth more that the USD $15>$1

>> No.12703587

You'll make far more real money with farming in OSRS, I reckon. It's a pretty comfy life when you think about it - wake up whenever and play OSRS.

>> No.12703615

>he farms gold in 2019
lmao fucking scrub, all the cool kids do saleruns for millions of gold

>> No.12703619

>play a private server like Dalran-wow
>Buy a large sum of gold from a seller like 100k. can be had for 20 euros if you look hard enough.
> Buy out a profession that is mandatory toa guild e.g Tailoring.
> focus on purchasing the required items to level up the profession at a level bracket of 35-55
> In this case the item is Mageweave cloth. It's never on the market in any large amount.
>Buy out all of it and set your price. eg. 20 stack = 35g buy it and resell at 100g
> control this one part of the market and own it then move on to another.
> the beauty of this is the MAJORITY of players buy gold. They player boost to 70 and then start levelling professions by buying out of the auction house paying 10k-13k to get to 420 skill in chosen profession. Out of sheer laziness.
> once you master this you can generate 100-300k a day pretty easily.
> most popular gold seller sells for 5 euro per 10k
> if you match that or go under slightly you can make anywhere from 50-150 euro a day. For literally playing a game and putting in like 30 mins work.

>> No.12703642

There isn't enough buy pressure to net you 50 - 150 EUR a day.

>> No.12703652

This. So glad America nuked their economy. Socialism fails. How many times do we have to destroy socialist countries before non-whites realize this?

>> No.12703683


>> No.12703688

>implying I actually play fucking videogams.. fucking kid
>"all the kids" but not you, scrub. You just play and ask momie for a cookie because addicted retard neet

>> No.12703708

Correct there didn't use to be because of the gold bug that was exploited but since the fix the economy still operates on the inflated figures and gold buying is even more rampant.

>> No.12703713

i play MMO's and I work full-time. Any questions?

>> No.12703730


is there a way to do this using only a low level free-to-play account?

>> No.12703754

It's a private server it is free completely.

>> No.12704003

apparently a wow token costs $20 and is worth like 110k gold or 1 month of game time or something like that.

>> No.12704921

>I-it failed because of america


>> No.12704992

Socialism would have worked if it wasn't because of lack of GIBS by non socialist countries they tried to fuck with.
Yup,california should be able to print their own money to combat their own debt due to gibs

>> No.12705432
File: 93 KB, 1000x972, 1526839856420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mutt faggot.
Ofc it's not going to work in the US or UK.
In socialism
> everyone had to work, or you went to jail
> no unemployment gibs
> yet long maternal leave, free healthcare, free education
> state owned all the critical industrial monopolies
> the state paid half of your house construction costs back...how does that sound you nigger goy? or you could opt out for a free apartment

US socialism = socialization of losses and privatisation of gains.
Whites and Asians work and everybody (except of (((them))) gets paid equal great system.

>> No.12705927
File: 1.33 MB, 3300x1619, american intervention1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right? America only embargoes and invades countries because they are failing and we want to help them out.

>> No.12706117

In 2010 I thought Bitcoin was like WoW gold and mining it was like botting WoW from China.