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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12703151 No.12703151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12703176
File: 6 KB, 450x375, x36.gif.pagespeed.ic.uJyEm-HOYk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really easy.

Short the stock market about a year after republitards enter the office. Long it about a year after demochads win.

No joke done this for 15 years, first as an edgy libtard at college now cause it just works

>> No.12704205

If you click on the article, it says Barron has 180 IQ

>> No.12704224

Barron is obviously Q

>> No.12704240

>Short the stock market about a year after republitards enter the office. Long it about a year after demochads win.

funny because it's true

>> No.12704243
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>> No.12704259


sorry boomer. We're all out of stimulus packages.

>> No.12704286

It's almost like the Fed kept rates artificially low the entire time Obunga was in office, and then the moment Trump won they started jacking rates and have continued to do so. Really gets the noggin joggin, doesn't it?

>> No.12704341
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DJ in $

>> No.12704360

Buy Shitcoin SV and make 10 threads on /biz/ to tell everyone that it's either the real bitcoin or Craig is Satoshi.

>> No.12704389

U never traded in your life

>> No.12704424

Barron will lead us to the promised land. After seeing his strong father, who he thought was the toughest man on earth, get absolutely pushed around by Jews, Barron will show NO mercy.

>> No.12704434

Play poker

>> No.12704667

Open a binary options platform.
Sell snake oil.

>> No.12704674

sage leftypol threads

>> No.12704721

Which is 1. ridiculous, and 2. doubly ridiculous because that many standard deviations from the average, no one get assigned a concrete number. It's essentially always a range that widens the further away you get.

>> No.12704844

You're assuming a stddev of 15, which often isn't the case when people report IQ in that vicinity.

>> No.12704888

this. Barron will avenge his father and remove Jewry from this Earth