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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 779 KB, 1125x1916, 1549360555967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12695920 No.12695920 [Reply] [Original]

Daily remainder that Bitcoin SV REQUIRES CHILD PORN to work. It's the only system in the world that requires Child Abuse imagery, as it needs it to validate it's chain.
By using it in any capacity, you are utilizing CP, even if you don't store it on your machine.

>> No.12695933

nobody cares the internet is full of naked children anon.

grow up.

>> No.12695941

im not even an sv fag but get the fuck outta here moralfag, cp is no different from any other video showing violence/ abuse

>> No.12695960

So do democrats, and they get to decide how many brown people are moving in next door. It's a cp powered world out there.

>> No.12695969
File: 807 KB, 766x1776, 1524395257943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Hillary's emails are on the BTC chain right?

There is a shit load of illegal content on BTC. Way worse than CP.

>> No.12695978

Who gives a shit about your theoretical arguments. Enjoy assrape in prison absolute ejection from society if you support CP to any degree.

>> No.12695988

>Child Porn is Alright. As a matter of fact, I have a hard drive full of it.
Typical Craig supporter/SV enthusiast.

>> No.12695991

imagine thinking everyone with cp actually goes to jail

>> No.12695993

I support CP, anon. Consensual sexual relations should not be persecuted regardless of age.

>> No.12696006

nigger i could easily make it so you download/ stream cp on accident if you were a boomer on the internet

>> No.12696011

>Hillary emails
>worse than CP
Absolutely deluded. BTC doesn't havce shit like SV has on it right now. Point to it if you think otherwise.

>> No.12696033

Who gives a shit. If you were caught, the stream would cease to exist. If you'd put the images on SV blockchain, they are there forever.
>only on SV blockchain

>> No.12696036


Do your own research retard, not wasting my time

>> No.12696039

Stop making baseless assertions

>> No.12696041


You do know how images are put on chain right?

Here's a hint: more than one tx is needed.

On all chains.

>> No.12696049

>cp becomes world shadow currency
>4chan dictates the next President of the United States
>FBI hurts itself in confusion
It adds up

>> No.12696088

>Daily remainder that Bitcoin SV REQUIRES CHILD PORN to work.
He literally points out that this goes for most chains. E.g. BTC.

>> No.12696123
File: 43 KB, 400x400, YouHavNoPowerHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12696161

You said you don't have time. Show proof or scram.

>> No.12696184
File: 141 KB, 650x531, 1549547634510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but ... but ... it's on all chains ...
>CP isn't bad because reasons ...
Typical C(P)raig supporters

>> No.12696192

its quite expensive to put something like a 100KB image on chain, BSV makes this cheaper because of the block size. also ive seen posts on /biz/ about images being uploaded to testnets because there's no real cost to do it.

>> No.12696215

the implications of something being unscrubable from the internet is blowing my mind. i hope people stop using tech so much. people take too many photos of themselves and give up too much info to other parties.

ted was right.

>> No.12696220

idk why this shitcoin is still listed on kraken

>> No.12696548

bump for exposure

>> No.12696589

>shipping companies should be sued for unknowingly sending drugs across the border

No, the receiver/sender of the mail gets charged. Even so this is a retarded fud because every chain will eventually offer data storage capability and have the same issue

>> No.12696609

You're either a dumb faggot or a literal paid fudder

either way kys

>> No.12696617

bcp fags are so deluded "Bet Craig is a Pedo" coin indeed.

>> No.12696645

the scary thing is MOST of the population would fall for this shit and they're fukn VOTING

Full blown adult who can't seperate intent from words and see the bigger picture are VOTING for the future of YOUR KIDS

>> No.12696669

wow what is this 2011?
We've been over this EVERY YEAR.

>> No.12696673

because I'm still buying it you fucking lozer.

>> No.12697030

Don't care if I'm either of those things. Would care and worry if I was supporting a platform requiring Child Porn to work. My asshole would also quiver with fear from what would happen in jail if I were cought.

>> No.12697367

To clarify, I was behind Craig until this SV-as-promiscuous-spunk-bin/metanet thing. On-chain scaling was a good idea, but for transactions, not random bullshit.

>> No.12697373

I only buy coins which support Proof of Child Porn

>> No.12697392

tfw no child bride

>> No.12697436
File: 90 KB, 1000x929, kirbyishappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Whoever cooked up this smear campaign against BSV was not very smart and definitely hasn't been around for so long. This is pure desperation.

>> No.12697470

Quality thread

>> No.12698181

Ok one more time for the retards.

YOU CAN DO ANYTHING ON BTC. It will just cost more. I know for a fact there is illegal content on the BTC chain. The only reason that this is so high-profile is because unlike most who have put media on-chain, they used public resources to do it, namely the recent suite of unwriter BSV tools that just came out.

Do any of you go through the actual blockchain? You know there's a ton of shit on there right?

>> No.12698194
File: 101 KB, 1585x1527, 1547345560005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
