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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 394x550, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12690211 No.12690211 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored and on the verge of ending it. Might as well give you some stories of how shitty my life has been. I began wage slaving at 15, currently 21.

>Be me first job, working at family tun fruit store.
>First day is fine working friday shift, store is dead.
>Come back in on monday, store is busy af.
>No training provided, literally nothing in the store has prices.
>Children of owner work in the store, except that they don't. As soon as the owner leaves at 9am to go home (he opens the store at 6 and then leaves at 9) all the family workers literally just leave.
>All alone in store with one cashier (not part of the family) and me the new guy with no training.
>Cashier is getting overwhelmed to the point of almost crying, i'm running around like a maniac getting yanked by customers left and right.
>Getting literally screamed at to hurry up, customers keep forcing me to go into storage to get them "fresher" stuff.
>Keep telling them we put the best outside they call me a liar and barge past me into loading zone and just start taking shit from pallets.
>Almost home time now, boss comes back. His sons reappear right before he comes acting like they worked the whole day.
>Boss angry, shop is in a mess, cashier is in a mess.
>Sons blame me, I get verbally abused by boss, then get sent home.
>Mfw I can't leave the job because boss is dad's friend and dad won't let me work any other job.
>Mfw I realise my dad sold me as slave labour.

Pic related was my face every day. Plenty more stories for you boys if this thread gains traction.

>> No.12690221

>that rich kid ethics of the son of the owner
Inheritards are the reason ALL bloody revolutions were enacted. Ideology or religion was just an excuse

>> No.12690242

Revolutions happen because of economic downturn, opportunistic psychopaths trying to take power, and violent people want an excuse to commit atrocities. If most people have work and are well fed, revolutions don't happen.

>> No.12690258

I actually have a really messed up story about this. This honestly brought me to the verge of suicide.

>Be me
>Just another shitty day working.
>This really rich kid and his dad walk in.
>Store is empty, this dude talk to my boss for a while.
>Boss calls me over and makes me follow this dude and get him the best of everything.
>They keep making of handed jokes to me tell me that if i "just worked harder" I could one day have what they have.
>The father inherited all the wealth and has always had strong connections, never had to work hard.
>The son picks up and item, drops it on the ground, and tell me to pick it up for him. Does this multiple times.
>Realise I have to pick it up because family is poor and we need the money, and I also needed the money or I would be dead broke.
>Because It was rubbish day I had to get into the skip and clear out all the empty rubbish, and rotten fruit. I smell like crap, but boss won't let me leave to change clothes/shower.
>They kept calling me stinky and boy never used my actual name even though they asked for it.
>Everyone in the store is looking and laughing at me, store is quite packed now.
>About to have an emotional break down but hold it all in.
>Go home cry in the shower for an hour, then go straight asleep to do it all again the next day.
>The memory of the son telling me "seya" in a snarky tone whilst he drove of in his brand new BMW still haunts me.

This basically instigated my depression and self hatred. I have never been the same since this experience.

>> No.12690284

What you described is the hallmark behaviour set/effects of inheritards/neets

>> No.12690320

Who wouldn't cherish every moment of slitting the throats of those two with a rusty razor? Shit would get positive reviews on YouTube if filmed and published

>> No.12690333

burn down the store

>> No.12690344

Very poor taste. I am sorry for you friend. Remember that these people will always be found insufferable.

>> No.12690345

isnt this too stereotypical and hackneyed to take seriously?

>> No.12690347

Here's another story which reminded me that I am worth lower then the dirt on the shoes of most people.

>Be me working
>Boss's son number 1 (work with this guy day to day, he does not do much but he treats me ok) tells me son 2 is opening up tomorrow
>Son 2 hates me with a passion. Always starting fights with me for no reason, always bullies me in front of customers and other employees.
>Show up at store in the morning.
>He opens up we walk in don't even speak to each other.
>Try to go into loading zone to prep for work bit it's locked.
>Tell son 2 to open.
>He walks to the door with me opens it.
>As I'm walking through he says "anon"
>I turn around and say "yea whats up?"
>I hate you and your a worthless piece of sh*t.
>Literally died a little bit inside, wasn't even sad, was just depressed about the fact that i was literally worth lower then dirt.
>Nod at him, say "yea ok" and continue with my work.

Life is a rigged game. Why did I have to be born.

>> No.12690350

Believe what you want but i'm not larping. I have no friends to confide in and i'm at the lowest point of my life right now. Hopefully someone else can find joy in my misery.

>> No.12690355

Look at biz for a few minutes, especially the Janny posters. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.12690361

Change your place of work. You clearly had enough

>> No.12690365

>implying this happened
Even if it did, you should have just told them to fuck themselves and leave
>but I'm poor
Who cares, if you have any dignity for yourself you wouldn't work shit wages while getting shit on by other people

>> No.12690369

I was fired a year ago when the sons took over the business. I work another shitty job right now. But the memories of that place still haunt me in my sleep.

>> No.12690370

Dignity doesn't fill your tummy with chicken tendies.

>> No.12690376

I always found /x/ to be retarded but one of the things I always liked was the idea of the "law of attraction". It's probably not even a thing, but I do think your frame of mind at least can help you take action in ways that will be a net positive for you. If you believe free will exists, that means you have the power to shape your reality, one where you won't get shit on by other people and one where people actually respect you, one where you have a good job. But wallowing in depression isn't going to fix that. There's a reason why people who get ahead in life are usually ones who have a never ending list of goals, rather than a true "end point".

>> No.12690380


>Who cares, if you have any dignity for yourself you wouldn't work shit wages while getting shit on by other people

Honestly you have to be one of the most delusional people I have come across. You know what it's like to have your mother tell you that she needs money for food, and cry because she doesn't know how where going to pay our bills.

I remember on my sisters engagement my my walked into my room literally sulking. Told her what was up. She told me she spent all her money making sure my sisters and something nice to wear but she has no money left for herself. She was to scared to ask my dad for money.

If I hadn't worked that week I would not have been able to giver he money. The smile on her face when she was describing to me what she bought numbed my pain for a few seconds.

A man provides for his family. Something you clearly don't understand.

>> No.12690381

Unless you live in a 3rd world country, there's no reason to put up with this shit. In the US it's literally impossible to starve to death, places give out food for free all the time. The only real issue is finding a place to live, but you'll survive. Humans aren't that weak.

>> No.12690385

Not true. I live in a welfare country but it's still hard to get by. Both my parents are disabled and can't work so I had to carry the family, welfare checks where barely enough to pay for bills.

It depends on the situation I guess. But when both adults in a family cannot work, and have extensive medical requirements, welfare is not enough.

>> No.12690389

How is it delusional? The reason you have a shit time in life is because you have no respect for yourself, and other people can sense this. You ever be in a room with a person who sucks out all the joy, makes the room literally freeze, and just comes off as a loser? I'm being brutally honest with you, that's how many people who have no ambition in life come off as, but not all. The reason why they do so badly is because it's almost like they have no will to live. The will to live and do things is how you get out of your predicament. You have no choice but to DO, and you have to either ignore what people say or stand up for yourself. I'm not delusional, because I've lived in the exact same place you are in right now, several years ago. I didn't have a job for 2 years because I just wallowed in depression and thought I was a failure. Nothing changed until I stopped doing that.

>> No.12690394
File: 743 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190104-212449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have rich parents that grew up poor
>they make me earn every cent by myself
>work at fathers restaurant chain
>get paid 2.50 eur for an hour
>every coworker hates me cause I`m the son of boss
>boss is my dad - shits on me at work and shits on me at home
>find a different job
>am a happy wagecuck

>> No.12690395

Lmao I told this to myself every day. I told myself just learn, improve yourself do whatever it takes.

But when you stare into the void for the very fist time, when those thoughts enter your head, it's hard to shake them. Everyday is filled with stress and worry, your always on edge looking for that right hook that gonna put you back down.

Like I said. Life is unfair. The game is rigged. No matter how motivated you are, how hard working you are, if you don't have the power, or are in a lower caste in society, good luck getting anywhere, unless you are a certified genius in a specific field.

>> No.12690406

Glad things got better for you

>> No.12690415

Yeah ok, so life in unfair. Why not just kill yourself then? If you are still alive, that means you still have a will to live, which means you still have a chance to make it. Unless you believe you have no free will at all, you have the rest of your life to build a life that you want. It's going to take WORK, but that's how it is. What else do you want people to say? You seem to understand there's a problem but you have no motivation to fix it at all.

>> No.12690417

>more delusion
All he demanded was not to be treated as human garbage. Is that to hard you oblivious, retarded shitstain

>> No.12690420


I wouldn't say they are better, Even though my current job is marginally better then my old one, my life is still crap. Thanks for the love anon, I find it comforting that a random stranger on the internet has shown me more compassion then anyone I have ever known in my life.

>> No.12690421

Better a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in all his ways. You’ll make it anon.

>> No.12690424

You are clearly panicking. Just stop posting you unemphathetic subhuman. You know you are in the wrong by a far margin richboy.

>> No.12690427

You don't know me faggot. I've dealt with similar shit from other people at work, and it ultimately caused me to hit a depression I couldn't get out of for 2 years. I'm speaking from my own experience. Even worse was at that time I was living in another country, so I was being held hostage by my work visa so I literally had no choice but to put up with abuse for another year or I would be on the streets in a country where I could barely understand the language. Even still, I got out of it.

>> No.12690435
File: 405 KB, 359x371, pepepunch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The son picks up and item, drops it on the ground, and tell me to pick it up for him. Does this multiple times.

>> No.12690440
File: 50 KB, 604x453, f343c76f6f52f4686ec71ac587f61d1d420739ab4b04c66d60dc25c6581b151b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish or I wouldn't be on this board.

>> No.12690455


Ok anons story number three

This one is more personal and is about my dad. My dad always hated me because I never got into med school, but engineering. Also called me insubordinate and pathetic even though I tried my best to do everything he wanted.

Don't attack my father though. He was just a product of a system that destroyed both his body and mind so he could provide for his family. He was put on anti-depressants which turned him into the monster he became.

>Be me
>Dad has not spoken to me in a year and a half
>Completely ignores me, does not even acknowledge my existence.
>Walks into the store I work at. I didn't notice though.
>Counter worker calls out "anon theres someone here to see you!"
>Think it's one of my friends, go to the counter.
>See my dad, my heart drops I begin to panic.
>She asks me to help my dad with his stuff.
>Dad turns to her, in the coldest voice I ever heard. "I don't want his help. He's not my son".
>She cringes, he leaves.
>I just look at her, shrug my shoulders. and walk into the back room.
>Cry for about 15 minutes. Dry my tears, finish the last hour of my shift and walk home.
>Next day come into work. She told everyone what happened. Now everyone hates me even more, even the people that treated me ok before despised me now.

I went home that night, showered, ate my emotions away then cried myself to sleep.

>> No.12690457
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1544395413099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick it up, wagie

>> No.12690464
File: 719 KB, 1425x1414, 1499555297607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got stockholm syndrome or some shit.
get a new job

>> No.12690468


>I was fired a year ago when the sons took over the business. I work another shitty job right now. But the memories of that place still haunt me in my sleep.

>> No.12690480

That's fucked.
I hope things are better now.

>> No.12690493
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>> No.12690502
File: 892 KB, 1048x1034, 1517891731955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I hold you hold a fat stack of LINK
you deserve it

>> No.12690505
File: 43 KB, 494x282, 1460978736417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you never do some revenge?
>lace the rich faggots food with mercury metal in tiny doses (or powdered glass)

>> No.12690509
File: 119 KB, 1024x607, 1547337869970m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true you need to leave home and never go back asap.

If it's larp, could you include being g forced to suck a niggers dick in your next green text? Like the boss makes you suck off the nigger in the freezer room and your dad walks in and then the nigger beats you

>> No.12690517

The only thing that has stopped me from ending it is the idea of revenge, I honestly think about it every night.

I know that buisness, inside out. It's ran so poorly they will eventually go bankrupt. Thing is, is that they have been selling off assets for years to keep it afloat, because it literally supports like 10 different families.

One day I'll buy the shit hole from them when the go bankrupt, and burn it down in front of there eyes.

Watching there empire and lively hood burn to the ground will crush them, and It will be the pinnacle of my life.

>> No.12690527

*I hope
damn I need sleep

>> No.12690541


Also on a side note. I actually became really good friends with the accountant and he would always tell me stories about how he was surprised they where still in business.

I told him that everything was run so badly and I was also surprised. I still speak to him here and there. I feel like he was very sympathetic of my situation and was really kind to me.

He promised to tell me if it every goes on sale. I think deep down he wants me to get my revenge to. It will be had.

>> No.12690555

i was a good boy like you op. good boys in shitty condiotions get fucked. Things started getting shitty for me until i got street wise. mix with local outcasts and g's

>> No.12690563

Can you report them to the tax authorities? Get info from the accountant

>> No.12690575

Nah, that would be petty. I don't think there doing anything illegal, but they are bleeding financially.

Honestly, Just seeing that place be sold off will be enough for me.

>> No.12690668

That's pretty messed up, hope you find a better source to make income

>> No.12690672
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 1489416164640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you buy this shithole?
what kinda revenge is this? you think they care?
man you are WRONG.

the only revenge people understand is violence.

>> No.12691638

you a cursed to be a proletarian underling forever. leave your mother to die. your bloodline will grow strong. work on only yourself and develop 3000 times the discipline and pride that you have. realize this, if that happened to me i would have killed that kid with my barehanes after removing the eyes of the father. but that would never happen because i am not in a public facing job. the only one i interact with to get money is me. its crypto. its trading. you have to work extremely hard for 40-50 hour stretches at a time when learning the math/programming. i would have literally eaten that kids face. he would be seriously deformed if not dead.

>> No.12691757

that's how capitalism works. a few people own everything and get to enjoy life andd 90 percent of people are poor.

>> No.12691810
File: 40 KB, 428x575, 1542325320319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mfw I can't leave the job because boss is dad's friend and dad won't let me work any other job.
Bullshit. Just leave the store or wagecuck forever. You are just making excuses for your own inability to leave. Weak and pathetic.

>> No.12692225

Holy fucking based

>> No.12692367

Don't worry fren. Everything will be all right in the end. If its not alright, its not the end.

>> No.12692431

>You know what it's like to have your mother tell you that she needs money for food, and cry because she doesn't know how where going to pay our bills.

Tell that bitch to whore. She's probably gambling with your money. If your dad refuses to give her more there's a fucking reason. Mothers are the second biggest scammers outside bankers.

>> No.12692597

fuck you this never happened, I hate this wagecuck story meme

>> No.12693190

Start lifting and take mma classes so you can beat the fuck out of that faggot.

>> No.12693227

You deserve the abuse if you put up with it, if you had a backbone and stood up for yourself it wouldn’t happen. If it does continue find a new job.

>> No.12693379

>She told everyone what happened. Now everyone hates me even more

Have you tried moving 2 blocks away where maybe people aren't all cartoon villain scummy? I mean holy shit, that's unbelievable!

>> No.12693641

Should take some legal action, sue or maybe have some trauma shit thrown at them. Nothing like a nice workcover claim for them to manage.

Stick up for yourself in future. Fight the good fights and you’ll be right.

>> No.12693684

I am sorry to hear that. Once the AGI moderators arrive you won't have that problem. Hold out another 20 years and you'll see sci-fi esque wonders or horrors. Either way, this system is going by the wayside. Hold out and you'll be a hyper healthy cyberorganic being living a life of leisure or a pile of used atoms along with he rest of us. Our moderators will provide us all with the same date. Rejoice in that fact, brother.

>> No.12693718

And then wagies say neets have it bad. I'm a depressed neet and I'd be worse with a job or even at uni. In fact I was at uni last year and felt like shit all the time. At least I feel at peace in my house without people telling me what to do and having deadlines to complete

>> No.12693794

I was in a similar situation, anon.

You have it quite a bit harder than I did, with having to care for your family, while my parents have at least a stable income.

But the answer is indeed: say "fuck you" to those who do such stuff to you and start over in a job, where people are less of an asshole.

And as you probably already have depression, you need to do two things:
1st: sue these fuckers. Or at least go to the media and make this public.
2nd: consult a doctor. Otherwise, you will neck yourself pretty soon.

>> No.12693885

Stop being afraid. Stop being a slave. Stop submitting. Refuse to be treated like shit. Stand your ground and say NO. NO MORE. And if the one who fucks with you doesn't stop, beat the living shit out of him. When you haven't got society to protect you, you got to protect yourself. See yourself as a wild animal who needs to survive, and do what it takes.

>> No.12693972

Peasant/slave mentality. The most successful guy under 38 I know came from a dirt poor background and did prison time back when he was a drug addict. Difference between him and you? He had some balls and a plan and sold a shit ton of pot. He is literally dabbing on wage slaves daily and out of the game/retired.

>> No.12694168


>> No.12694483

now replace "rich" with "white" and you'll understand why people are angry about white privilege

>> No.12694595

>pay them money to burn it down
>they laugh all the way to the bank while you fail to collect insurance because it was on purpose
OP loses again

>> No.12694624

What ethnicity is this poster

>> No.12694751

>Now everyone hates me even more
shouldn't they have some sympathy knowing bout your shitty dad? I mean wtf

>> No.12694845

I worked in a wholesale retail for a week and quit. Good thing I am not in a situation I NEED the money. Back to school for the next 4 years this autumn, rather die trying than end up working minimium wage jobs ever again.

The humilation was just way too much, kinda sealed the deal when I had to do customer service to bunch of immigrants, felt like my ancestors were watching me and shaking their head. This humilation is my main motivation I study all my spare time now.

>> No.12694981
File: 35 KB, 480x360, gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take note, anons. This is what happens when you do not raise your son properly and he internalizes nothing but the most toxic leftoid slave morality.
The only hope OP has of not ending this life as he came into it is to grow the pair of balls his father never gave him and wrestle his destiny from the hands of the cruel fates, but honestly he sounds too far gone. An empty vessel.

Or maybe there is still some spark of real manhood still dormant in his fading soul and he will make it out. Whatever the case is, his posts make it clear that time is running out.

>> No.12695075
File: 153 KB, 960x640, 1501895331110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a matter of fact you can do this with anything. swap "bad" with "good" and stalin was a saint.

really makes you think

>> No.12695184
File: 99 KB, 720x720, 0fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all that human garbage.

>> No.12695368

That’s not how normalfags work, they have heard mentality, if someone hates you then they’ll all start hating you, if someone bullies you they’ll all start bullying you.

>> No.12695440

It's probably that they don't know how to deal with it, so the entire thing turns akward. Anon, who has been treated like shit for far too long by far too many people, interprets this as hate. This only worsens the situation.

>> No.12695500

>Mfw I can't leave the job because boss is dad's friend and dad won't let me work any other job.
Stop listening to your dad

>> No.12695525

You're an idiot nignog

>> No.12695561

I would have just said "hate you too, bitch".

>> No.12695567

I got a job interview at a company that has a super nice office, with billiard tables fancy furnitures all that stuff. but on glassdoor everyoen is saying the company is scam. is this a red flag? who cares as long as I get paid more right?

>> No.12695923

I don't buy this. She told everyone and their first initiate respond was to hate you? Lol, what the fuck?

>> No.12695985

>who cares as long as I get paid more right?

>your future boss: diamonds
"Welcome to the team, anon!"

>> No.12695997

Retarded story. Fake as FUCK lol

>> No.12696050
File: 195 KB, 315x476, 1420505588697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is having a shit degree better than having no degree?

I'm a finance major, but since I'm not good at finance, I've thought about switching to business admin, so that I can finish faster. Am I making a mistake?

>> No.12696057

>be me
>work at company owned by comfy 80 year old man
>they're both in their 50s
>both childless
>both single
>both like to treat employees like literal slaves while their dad is too senile to notice
>tfw they take away the microwaves for a month because we weren't working hard enough
>tfw signs everywhere in all caps exclaiming "YOU WILL GET FIRED IF YOU DO [THING]"
>have to clock out to go outside for a smoke
>tfw using the bathroom more than 3 times a day is a written warning
>if you do not act like a slave, you will get written up
>but no matter how hard you work or how skilled you are, you will never be positively acknowledged or praised

I hate my life senpaitachi

>> No.12696194
File: 311 KB, 1019x1192, 1501896508422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only gets better

>> No.12696306

OP, post on biz in the future if you'll need emotional support to straighten up your resolve to change for the better.
Personally, my heart goes to you. Fuck everyone that slighted you in those stories. They are all shitheads. You'll come out much better then them in the end.

>> No.12696560

based and bronze age pilled - respect brother

>> No.12696631

Oh. So this is what my workers think about working for me.

>> No.12696665
File: 22 KB, 405x405, 1491987991317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread guys, everytime I feel like shit these threads help a little, since I will never sink that low. Thanks.

>> No.12696701
File: 35 KB, 448x419, updated my journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, she's even making the exact same face. In the past people with so little agency would have been enslaved for their own good and the good of society. Now they not only have complete autonomy, they are given a louder platform than their natural betters.
This cannot continue.

>> No.12696703

>"and dad won't let me work any other job."
Uhhhhhhhhhhh, just get another job?

>> No.12696750

Your just a kid, this is a good learning experience. Your dad done good. I hope he’s charging you rent, too.

>> No.12696815

lol what a cringy faggot

>> No.12696998

>taking the time to track all my posts
You can come here and suck my dick as well

>> No.12698094

>>Take note, anons. This is what happens when you do not raise your son properly and he internalizes nothing but the most toxic leftoid slave morality.
>The only hope OP has of not ending this life as he came into it is to grow the pair of balls his father never gave him and wrestle his destiny from the hands of the cruel fates, but honestly he sounds too far gone. An empty vessel.
You're absolutely right. The proles need to organize. OP should organize and reach for the stars, never settling for anything less, much less contentment from being treated as barely human from the people who hold on to the purse strings, and practically his means.

>> No.12698190
File: 273 KB, 437x802, executed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the past people with so little agency would have been enslaved for their own good and the good of society
We all know how history played out when the slave classes couldn't tolerate their conditions anymore. This moment we live in right now is the results of thousands of years of lower people struggling against and overthrowing their masters. Unless you believe that society right now is the final state in which no one has no legitimate reason to change the current state of affairs, then our time is no different than the other ones where people longed to throw out their masters.

>> No.12698239
File: 97 KB, 689x473, 1535859080581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12698269

History is not a straight line of "progress" you idiot. Hierarchy has gone in and out of style before, and we are just about at the point where the pendulum starts to swing back. It is either that or civilization crumbles. Which would you prefer?

>> No.12698363

>>History is not a straight line of "progress" you idiot.
When have I ever said it was a straight line. We're not going back to the days of raiding cities for women and children, nor are we going back to the days of serfs and lords. Not under the technological society we live in today which is threatening to sever the relationship between the slave and master. In that case the whole relationship becomes moot when labor dies off and the "masters" become masters to no one and the slaves become unessential since their labor becomes irrelevant and can no longer function as the slave.

>Hierarchy has gone in and out of style before
When has it ever gone out of style?

>It is either that or civilization crumbles
Let it crumble. I don't take civilization to necessarily include a hierarchy in which the few and privileged live off the backs of the masses. If we live in some sort of society where people's needs are met and people have respect for each other, then let that come in civilization's place instead.

>> No.12699296

OUCH anon, much love, much love <3 <3 <3

>> No.12699327

MY jobs been pretty cool. Today I ran into an issue however that could make me a ton of money.
>be in army reserves fighting for Israel and such
>civilian job I write service for Toyota dealership
>reserve unit changes plans literally day before drill
>tell bossman I can’t come in next day due to military obligation
>usually give them more advance notice but today couldn’t help it
>boss gets angry
>not gonna habben boss

If they fire me for literally anything now, I’ve documented that conversation and can sue the shit out of them because military personnel are protected under a certain act (can’t think of it currently) and retaliation would fall under this.

>> No.12699369

the poster getting justed is probably white given he has a job and wants to work, wheres his privilege

>> No.12699378

if any of these stories are true, then theres no sadness here, the OP deserves exactly what hes getting for putting up with any of it.

>> No.12699395

reading shit like that makes me appreciate once again the weatlhy and secure life i had in germany for the last 36years

>> No.12699625


lol bro dealerships are janky af. you can do whatever I want

Im late like almost every other day and still not fired

>> No.12700111

Self hatred? Why?! The problem is on these devilish rich people, not your side!

>> No.12700508

His suffering is concrete and not dressed in some retarded tribal abstractions worn by upper-middle class trustfund children for goodboy points.

>> No.12700525

When you can't fight the external world, you internalize bad things happening to you. This is what OP is doing.

>> No.12700566

OP needs to see himself in a broader historical context. viz being a proletariat. I'm sure this is considered as going way too far for many folks here but with all the talk about taking control of one's own destiny and self-mastery, the idea of advancing your own class interest is actually not unwarranted.

>> No.12700711

>the idea of advancing your own class interest
Sometimes it's the only way, given most wagekeks are simply to broken to do anything on their own.
One has a 'spine' if given leeway in growing it early on. If one is broken, it takes time and direct effort to regrow one, which the low-wage earner can't simply allow himself.