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1267521 No.1267521 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how much money have you earned or lost since you started investing? how long have you been at it for?

>> No.1267544

In 1.5 yrs of investing (TFSA account, non taxes), I'm around 0. Some shit literally went up, the other one went down and it balanced.

I am up on Ethereum though, not even meming about this. Its all a joke at this point.

>> No.1267547


>> No.1267550

over 3 months time, Im down 300 dollars on 6k invested

>> No.1267557

I'm like 3k up just because of getting in MGT early. Have some unrealized gains for 400-500

Started at 4k on my TFSA last month

>> No.1267564


>> No.1267567

Started trading options in January. Down $1600 so far

>> No.1267569

Started early May and up $164 from initial investment of ~$600

>> No.1267576


Embarassing to admit but Ethereum has given me most of my gains this year. Like 100%.

All the index funds, bonds and stocks are either negative or fractional growth, the market has been shit this year.

>> No.1267580


That's a 27% return anon. Pretty decent.

Tell us how?

>> No.1267610

from 8100 invested net liquidation 2750

>> No.1267634

still new to biz what is MGT

>> No.1267638


This thread is pretty vacuous if we omit how this was achieved.


Pump and dump penny stock.

>> No.1267733
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Pic related

My gross account contributions are 5k for the entire life of the account. initial material investment was 3k from my McJob. No joke. I only trade penny stocks.

>> No.1267761

Started with $385. No fucking idea what I was doing and made some shit investments. Right now I'm at $353 holding two stocks that are down. One is only down by a few pennies (a total of like $4) so I should break even with it eventually. The other is down by like $2 a share for a big $30+ loss right now. It's going back up though and I plan on buying more if it dips again.

So I'm only in the hole by about $32 and showing good signs of getting out and possibly end up with a profit. I'm far better at this than I was 6 months ago but still are it as a hobby/learning experience. I'm not going to dump thousands into this.

>> No.1267783

as someone working a mcjob, tell me your secrets

>> No.1267823

Graduated college in 2008 and started investing aggressively after the crash. Put a lot into Ford when it was in the $2 to $5 range. Sold it at over $11 a couple years later and used the proceeds as the downpayment on my house. Since then I've pretty much been loading up on diversified ETFs so its been up and down. Small cap domestic stuff has done well but international/emerging markets have gotten hammered. I only use a very small portion of my total portfolio for risky strategies, so I tend to only gain/lose $500-$1000 here and there on individual trades.

>> No.1268331

1 month on rh with 300.
Made a little under 2$ lol
Kohls and ua will go up and I'll have more soon.

>> No.1268336


How the fuck...

>> No.1268359

started this year with 12000. at 27000 now in unrealized gains. I rode eth up from 5.50 to 15, but fucked up two weeks ago trying to short it lost like 5.5 btc in unrealized loss, maybe might be able to average it down. also rode sune from 2.0 to bankrupt lol. i would have more if i wasn't such a retard, and if lisk price goes up (7000 usd in ico

>> No.1268387

You have stocktwits, can I follow you for amazing gains too pls

>> No.1268442

About $900. Been down by more, but things are looking up; slowly, but surely.

Not sure what to do when it levels back; whether to pump more in the losers and sell the gains, or vice versa.

>> No.1268456

If you're that good start a brokerage. Otherwise fake

>> No.1268463

about 3.1% in 401k
>3.1% is roughly $80

>> No.1268537

If a dumbass like you can break even after two years I should be fine and dandy when I hit real markets. Im up 25% across siz months on investopedia.

>> No.1268592

Only dealt with mutual funds so far. In Jan it was down and I bought an index fund. It kept going down but I held it. Went up and I sold. There are trends. I'm up to 23.8k from 22.7k. Last year I made 500, 10.7 to 11.2 doing the same thing. My investment advice comes from grandpa and uncle. They say don't do it and I'm playing with fire. Not looking to make a lot, and I dont look to make a 2 or 3%. When the market drops 5% or more, I'll get in and hold till it goes up and then sell. Dividends are 2.5%, but I don't know if it's worth the risk of a big drop again to make a little less than inflation. I don't have time to research individual stocks that are undervalued, which is the theory for investing.1.7k for just checking Yahoo every day for 30 seconds isn't bad imo, but I know I am not utilizing my savings to their full potential. Junior enlisted in army, so lots of consistent expendable income.

>> No.1268663

about 20 dollars net, not joking

>> No.1268678

I have one lesson that I have learned and sometimes have to relearn. Don't fall in love with a stock.

Luck. Lots of luck. That and acting on predictable human behavior i guess. Level 2 helps with that. I didn't have live-streaming news/filings/scanners until half way through, but that makes a huge difference. Also I would do a lot of DD.

I don't have a stocktwits. I use ihub. I'm not active anymore however.

>start a brokerage
>penny stocks
good joke. Maybe I should specify, for 95% of that profit, i only traded SUB-penny stocks. Mostly stocks in the .0001 to .005 range. The way I trade pennies is not applicable to big board stocks... I've tried. If it was I'd be rich flipping DWTI all day.

Also the majority of that money was made in 2013/14. I'm not nearly as active now. My risk profile has changed a bit.

>> No.1268695

in 4 months I've made $56.32

>> No.1268699

150 bucks.

Chump change so it's not a big deal.

>> No.1268710

About 5k from a bit over 30k spread over 3 years. This is just from a low fee mutual funds. I think I got lucky enough.

>> No.1268723

Since 1999 about 800k starting from 35k
Never lost anything year over year. Not once.

Key was to be patient. Wait for the market to crash HARD and buy up PG, S&P 500 with 1/2 your funds. if it goes up slowly put it all in with a 15% trailing stop loss.
Rinse repeat...

Always use stop losses.

Don't day trade. You won't listen to the day trade part probably but the house will win.

>> No.1268827

what a load of shit. you made 47k per year on average?

>> No.1268832

you smell that?

>> No.1268839

if he caught 2008-happening near the bottom, that 800k is more feasible.

>> No.1268858
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Been trading for about 2-3 years with my wageslave money.

Before UWTI/DWTI trading: ~1.3k realized gain
After UWTI/DWTI trading: ~200 realized gain

Never again. But fuck if it is tempting.

>> No.1268863

+$300 -> 2 months

>> No.1268884

I am up 10% in just 3 months, I am actually proud of that since I'm just a beginner. It isn't much however at my lowest point in those 3 months I was 25% in the red. I hope those early losses will provide knowledge on how to make more in the future.

>> No.1268982

Oil is one slippery bitch

>> No.1268993

+1200 buckaroos.

unfortunately, my largest holding is in RDS.B which is down 25% total. $5000 purchase, 3800 worth.

However, im up 170% on FB ($300 initial), 48% on LMT(2500 initial) and and 47% on TXN (2000 initial).

i am a long term dividend investor.

>> No.1269020

Currently down about 500NZD on Forex.She's a tricky game lads

>> No.1269053

Its almost exactly 3 years ago. My profit around 110-120k euro in those years from a 55k startup

>> No.1269056

btc => +2k€
Now I'm on ETH, for 1.65k€

>> No.1269132

How did u manage a 200% return in 3 years? Share with us

>> No.1269484

Probably got lucky with a few pump and dumps and it could backfire eventually. I'd say a safe spectrum is to look at the returns over 30 years and then see how well someone is doing.

>> No.1269514

Probably around 1% in the last 5 months from index funds.

>> No.1269567


Some scandinavian biostocks + wind energy sector (margin trading). Plus 2 apartment. big loans in the apartments = real gainssss

>> No.1269994

I have made 2-6% consistently for 13 years. Sucks I wasn't born rich because I'm bretty gud at investing, I just don't have much to invest.

>> No.1270433

~4k gain on a ~37k investment, since 2013. 13K of that is just cash though.

Value investing FTW.

>> No.1270510

Is this literally just charting? If so, can't you automate it?

Finally what time scale are doing this on? (I'm assuming intraday, but is it hourly, 30 min, 5min, 1min?)

>> No.1270526

Most of my investing is passive in retirement accounts and a long term index tracking taxable portfolio. My fuck-around account is about $3k, down from ~$3100 starting 3 months ago. My big win this far was a small investment in AMD that went from $2.28 to $3.5 before I sold it, and most of my losses have been short term losses on value investment plays I've made where I plan to hold for >6 months. I'm in decently big on vrx, hold trtc, a couple locally owned public small caps, and a few speculative biotech amd energy plays based in the US.

>> No.1270541

>Is this literally just charting?
no, not just charting. That's a small part of it. I'll go through my thought process i guess.
Things I look at when, read: "I have time to think", about a micro-cap company trading under .01 in order of priority:
-Share Structure
-Security of state filings, noting tax standing and shares authorized.
-general liquidity
-Convertible Debt, in filings
-financial standing, in filings
-disclose notes/material events/forward looking statements, in flings
-past PRs
-Leadership's past employment/associations
-social media
-investor sentiment
At the very end, I would use the chart to set a bid. I don't usually hit the ask unless the L2 looks nice.

When I DON'T have time to think in debt about something:
-share structure + SOS Authorized count if time allows
-who's pumping it, if any
-investor sentiment
-brief glance at the chart to make sure I'm not getting screwed.

After each of those lists a decision is made.

>If so, can't you automate it?
I would doubt it... it's not like normal stock where you can just pull out of everything at once. When i'm trading at the edge of what the stock can handle in terms of liquidity, which in some cases can be as little as $8k or even less, I have to separate my sell orders in small chunks. Most of the time I hide my ask sizes.

>Finally what time scale are doing this on?
All of the above + swing + month+ holding, ha. I've made $1,000 profit in literally 5 seconds of holding (5k investment). I've also lost 2k in 1.3 years of holding. I don't follow a set time frame. I go into a trade with an idea how long liquidity will allow for my exit, also factoring in where I am in the wave of investor sentiment or what stage of the PR campaign I'm in. It's all just different. Sometimes I go in knowing I'm going to just sit on the bid, accumulating.

>> No.1271092

I bet on one horse. AMD up to 60% since last November.

>> No.1271097

>he hasn't held onto UWTI for months now

>> No.1271099



Yeah definitely the market to blame and not your shitty choices senpai.

>> No.1271107 [DELETED] 
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3 months.

>> No.1271112
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3 months

>> No.1272852

You work at McDonald's? I was thinking about getting a night shift there to gain done extra capital for investments in up all night anyways not doin jack shit

>> No.1273533

When I was 18, when I started the account, yes that's where I worked. I'm 23 now, and using that money to pay for school.

>> No.1273535

Ive lost 500 dollars

Thanks based mcafee

>> No.1273541

Never listen to lying shills. You got to learn to tune them out, file them under 'noise'.

>> No.1273932

Couldn't really say.
The key is having lots of different accounts.
That way, you're never really sure how much you've gained or lost, and tend to sleep better.

>> No.1273941
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Currently holding an AMD call, CARA, and VNDA.

>inb4 broke NEET, just got in college, working wage slave to cover tuition/living. Scraped some savings together