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12687131 No.12687131 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>early 30s boomer
>have 5 figure stack of LINK
>want LINK to moon so I can quit working
>also want LINK to stay sub 50c for at least 6 more months so I can maybe get a 6 figure stack

>> No.12687287
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invest in quality lol

>> No.12687302

Idk I'm of the opinion there is no real reason to own more than 20k link. That's enough to make it if chainlink succeeds in its mission. Any more is just taking unnecessary risk. having 50k vs 20k wont make your life that much better if link succeeds.

>> No.12687322

That's an interesting point.
But what if anon wants to own island in pacific?
Island in Pacific no cheap anon.
He better buy up lots of those stinky linkies anon, but up those islands no problemo

>> No.12687325
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>Who else knows this feel
>have 5 figure of LINK
No because I have 6 figures of LINK

>> No.12687334

Are you me? I stopped accumulating when i hit 20k stinks and have been saving my wagecuckings for buying more traditional investments (silver, div stocks, index funds etc)

>> No.12687336



>> No.12687345

Silver honestly looking real attractive lately
adjust that chart for inflation and holy fuck we're at all time lows.

>> No.12687348

Close, I actually stopped at 10k back in November and have been saving/investing. Seems foolish to go all in and ignore everything else. I would like 20k and ill start buying 2k a month starting in March.

>> No.12687354

sounds like cope to me.
t, 85k link stack

>> No.12687405

i was on the fence about selling my home, but now i'm seriously going to sell and put half of the earning into link and run a node. will downgrade the lifestyle and hunker down.
time to prepare for the 4th industrial revolution and i want to be ready.

>> No.12687436

If link doesn't go above $1 in a month I should be close if not at 100k
I have 90.8k right now

>> No.12687506

I always wonder if this kind of shit is ironic or not

>> No.12687524

I'm taking a risk, but this is serious.

>> No.12687529

my goal is 50K Linkies. Should be plenty. If I can make over 3M I'll be completely happy. Even if I make something like 800K in 5 years I'll be ecstatic. That's so much fucking money considering I can live off of 40K a year no problem because rent and food are cheap as fuck where I live

>> No.12687545

What about link convinces you that this is remotely reasonably. Why are you suddenly no longer 'on the fence' about potentially justing yourself unimaginably hard?

>> No.12687559

as silly as this sounds, i've never visualized it from this perspective

is this FUD or genuine logic?

t. unironic 200k stack

>> No.12687593

To live a life I never imagined, I must do what most wouldn't imagine. It's just that simple. Either way, I will have story. And if I'm right: A legacy.

>> No.12687624

this. making 1mil instead of 2mil when im rich wont make me sweat. losing 20k instead of 10k when im poor hurts a lot.

>> No.12687677

I know this feel, mirror image of myself...may God and Kek be with us

>> No.12687726

Not only do i know this feel, but this is my image youre using.

>> No.12687741

Its a gamble but I'm young enough to absorb some risk. Sitting on 48k and would like to have 100k. I'd like to be able to put 2m in mutual funds for a safe 70k/yr since that's apparently the meme number where you start to see diminishing returns in how much happiness you can buy. Just in case link is as big as we think it will be I want to keep half my stack for noding. I might not feel the difference between 50 and 100 million but I would at 1 VS two. Also, sounds crazy but the link delusion helps me get through the days picking up so much overtime. I average 66hrs a week now. I couldn't do it without visualizing a very bright future.

>> No.12687776

timestamp faggot

>> No.12687779

This is exactly me except with a 120k stack. 31yo. Im ambivalent about price staying low, I want to hit 200k first but I also wouldnt mind singularity now because I probably only have 2-3 years left of wagekekking in me before I kms

>> No.12687825

I seriously want to believe you faggots have 50k plus stacks. I highly doubt it though

>> No.12687852

The shop is mine dumbass, not the lambo. Lambo anon was already doxxed.

>> No.12687858

can't believe brainlets have actually (((invested))) 6 figures into link. My god what a bunch of fucking morons.

When this crypto craze mellows down you're going to look back on this in absolute cringe.

>> No.12687922

>When this crypto craze mellows down you're going to look back on this in absolute cringe.


>> No.12688506


>> No.12689146

Invested just shy of 6 figures.

Its roughly 5% of my total net worth - including parents assets who live insanely frugal off dividends, and never touch the principle.

It makes complete sense going 'all in' from my perspective. Risk reward don't lie.

>> No.12690041

post pic

>> No.12690048


>> No.12690053

The amount of neet larp in this thread is too much

>> No.12690096

you forgot to account for inflation. Assuming you're talking about 5% yield, spending 40k a year will cause your 800k to be worth nothing when you children inherits it

To have 40k a year while still covering average annual inflation of 3% you need 2mil and 5% annual yield

>> No.12690107

Yeah I'm just saying i could live for like 20 years off that much money. It's not making it in the sense of never having to work again but it would give me plenty of stress free years to figure shit out and supplement my income in other ways.

>> No.12690111

Kek has spoken, Link to 1K

>> No.12690114

I am you

I grueld my way to 50k. Yes it’s a big difference from 20k. It’s like seeing from a higher mountain top desu