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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12684462 No.12684462 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12684521
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>> No.12684624

He patented your bitcoin a long time ago and it actually belongs to him

>> No.12684939

now that the patents he has been furiously applying for the last 10 years are finally being granted, etc. he can come out of hiding

also tulip trust unlocks in 11 months

>> No.12684967

He now owns patents for everything related to computer science, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Are you in university studying STEM? Might as well dropout now because you are going to be paying royalties to do your fucking jobs losers!

>> No.12685194

>tulip trust unlocks in 11 months
Can you redpill me on the tulip trust?

>> No.12685244

>/biz/ needs red pilling
oh stop you
they are just kids

>> No.12685262

kek he's losing it because of his LSD psychosis

>> No.12685309
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CSW has lots and lots of things which are always off in the nebulous future, every time one passes he invents a new one. TT is a live action role play that some mysterious island nation has legally locked down many early bitcoins & they get unlocked at the end of the year. It's the bitcoin version of claiming your special forces dad will fly back from Afghanistan tonight to kick your dad's arse tomorrow.

>> No.12685322

Topkek this. Everything in history is included in his patent, just give up now.

>> No.12685537

But *this time*. This time I know it's for real.

>> No.12685593


>> No.12685605

Rent free

>> No.12685608

Craig Sanjay Wright is unironically Satoj

>> No.12685622


>> No.12685653

Wow, that is the same exact angle that XBY was taking for the last 2 years: "We are programming big things and have already made 90% progress! Everything is basically ready to overtake every other coin right now! But we can't release any of it for auditing yet, of course. We need it to be secret, because we are filing patents and it is taking some time."

>> No.12685675

tulip trust unlocked after kleiman died

>> No.12687319
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Listen up you little cocksuckers, you are either with Craig, or against him. He fucking invented this shit, so he has the RIGHT to destroy anything in this space as he sees fit. How fucking DARE you faggots develop anything involving crypto without his express permission? Well, you've really fucked up now, because Craig is coming after you degenerate anarchists, and you will lose EVERYTHING, and probably end up in prison because of it. You "investors" have participated in the illegal buying and selling of unlicensed securities, and have encouraged others to do the same, which is also illegal.
I'm forwarding this thread directly to Craig, as he is a very good friend of mine from the bathhouse scene. Prepare to get fucked like only Craig can fuck, you retards!

>> No.12687324

Damn, you know your shit!
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.