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12685381 No.12685381 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck wagecucks and fuck living in this shitty timeline. I want to be a neet forever.

>Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years
>humans have been around for almost 3 million years
>most important technology has been invented in the past few thousand years
>in a few thousand years people won't even have to work for a living but we were born now right at the end of the stone age in the grand course of human evolution

How do I cope with this? Just think even a hundred years ago it would be worse than hell to be alive with living conditions. In a few thousand years life will be nearly effortless for people and you weren't born during that time.

>> No.12685398

Effortless life would suck, the struggle is what gives meaning to living.

>> No.12685410

>>in a few thousand years people won't even have to work for a living but we were born now right at the end of the stone age in the grand course of human evolution
>He thinks we are going to make it through the coming years.

Wrong timeline boyo Hitler lost in this one.

>> No.12685411
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get a load of this cuck

>> No.12685417

Could be worse. You could've been born 10,000 years ago where you would likely have gotten killed because you looked at Grug the wrong way. Hell even 1000 years ago you'd probably would've been killed if you were not white. Point being, be glad you exist in today's age. The planet will probably be uninhabitable by the next 200 years anyways.

>> No.12685418

Struggle doesn’t mean being a wagecuck but ok

>> No.12685439
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>Hell even 1000 years ago you'd probably would've been killed if you were not white

How about you read a book, retard?

>> No.12685473

>Just think even a hundred years ago it would be worse than hell to be alive with living conditions.
Wouldn't be so bad, you'd grow up working some farmland probably. Once you were an adult you would either keep working the same land, get a loving wife that would be smart enough not to sass you because she's dependent on you.
Plus you could build your own house on the property without any fucking government regulations. Everyone knew how to build a cabin at the time too so it'd be easy to learn.
Or you could just move away and get some free land (and food for the first few years) as long as you agreed to work it.

Sounds pretty good compared to now where you work 40+ hours a week sitting in a wagecage making barely any money, can't afford to move, etc.

Also the trend over the past few decades is even longer work weeks, 40 hours was what everyone worked for but now it's more like 50 or 60 for a lot of people. Unless that trend reverses, in 1000 years everyone will be working every waking moment of their life.

>> No.12685482

I don't know how to read

>> No.12685484

That's retarded logic,dude.

>> No.12685496

>he doesn’t know climate change will fuck us all up in 20 years

You might as well quit your job and do whatever you want because all of this is going to be gone soon.

>> No.12685507

100 years ago and the statement is correct

>> No.12685514

Thanks government you make life worth living.

Oh wait that's propaganda bullshit like the idea of accepting mortality in an age of exponential innovation.

>> No.12685527
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>> No.12685559

>Oh wait that's propaganda bullshit like the idea of accepting mortality in an age of exponential innovation.
Slight off-topic, but what's up with this? Why do all the normies not give a fuck about living forever? All of humanity should be focusing all their resources on extending human lives (and keeping them healthy) for as long as possible, but very few are actually doing the research and there's an abysmal level of funding.

>> No.12685573

you can buy steroids off the dark web with your meme coins
get ripped
get chad
get model
retire with 25

>> No.12685596

It is stupid, but its how human brain works. Without struggle you get bored because your brain has literally nothing to do. Thats why even the top 1% dont just sit around, but rather search for new investment opportunities and compare themselves to each other so they can still have the thrill of competition

>> No.12685625

Same reason these cunts are trying to privatize the singularity. Scarcity mindset.

Which means people like warren buffett will never die but you and your family will unless something is done.

>> No.12685638

It's not really true.. people want to maximize things that benefit survival (welath and/or fitness), but struggling in itself isn't something that humans inherently want.

>> No.12685651
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>Most important technology has been built in the past 100 years...
Imagine living in any other time...

>> No.12685665

It's not really true.. people want to maximize things that benefit survival (welath and/or fitness), but struggling in itself isn't something that humans inherently want.
Lol immortality. Every geneticist ever doesn't believe in it. In fact, we are approaching extinction due to cumulative mutations per generation. Just google (geneticist humans going extinct)

>> No.12685700

What am I looking at?

>> No.12685727

woman trying to put gasoline into a tesla

>> No.12685741

>I want to be a neet forever.
Then just go for FIRE, I'd say. Figure out how many years it'll take and just grind 'er out, mang.

It's your best hope for a wage-free future

>> No.12685750


Except he's right

You retarded neets will still act like toddlers at age 40, simply because youve never been through a struggle that forced you to grow

>> No.12685773

wagie get in cagie

>> No.12685815

Lmao unless you were born into rich parents or became rich yourself, you'll never get the freedom. And no UBI won't come like u poorfags expect. Yea maybe some countries will implement some shitty little ubi, but in the end people who aren't needed won't be kept alive. Nobody has to even kill them, they just starve to death. UBI can only work if you own a share in the AI/robots/automation world where the robots do the work and you collect. Basically the robots will be the wagecucks.

>> No.12685824

Yup we’re right in the middle and it’s gay as fuck

>> No.12685888

We gonna go back back to stone age africa Haiti or liberia style bro.
Just look at some areas in europe it will be up to the chinks not to fuck things up after we fall...
Up to the chinks...
Yeaaah It's gonna be a hard step backwards when it falls

>> No.12685949

This turned out to be a shill for "intelligent design" Thanks for wasting my time brainlet.

>> No.12685965

No, that shit aside, mutations are cumulative per generation.

>> No.12686215

chances are you wouldnt make it to adulthood, especially you weak beta faggots

>> No.12686702

Why do you want to live forever?

>> No.12687260

You wouldn't want to choose when to die? Right now it's punch out early or ride it to all the way to 0.

>> No.12687280

humans have been working for 3 million years.

i doubt they will stop just because we made a few leaps and bounds in technology.

get back to work faggot.

>> No.12687288

>he thinks an effortless challenge-less life will be awesome
>he's a child who's never done anything
>his current life is effortless
>his effortless easy life has him depressed and suicidal
>he thinks this would be good for everyone

k then anon

>> No.12687293

If you believe in evolution you deserve to wagecuck

>> No.12687300

>implying we won't destroy ourselves in the next 100 years or less

>> No.12687353

struggle is merely perspective. shit that seems effortless now will be considered struggle. for example you can sit on your ass and fly across the world in a day but people will complain about it even more than a viking cuck who had to row a heavy ass piece of shit boat did.

>> No.12687589

>1000 years ago you'd probably would've been killed if you were not white
you can get rid of a zero

>> No.12687633

Because the planet is a frozen cinder.