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File: 174 KB, 600x843, BlytheMasters600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12683349 No.12683349 [Reply] [Original]

Blythe Masters : The JP Morgan banker at the origin of the financial crisis. What she did, what she is doing.
This book contains an interview in which Blythe talks about 4th industrial revolution. She thinks it's going to be the most important revolution in human history. More than printing, cars or the internet.
She predicts the first humans to live 1000 years are already born, that we will have explored dozens of planets by the end of this century. She mentions blockchain, AR/VR, automation, AI, biotech, 5G and self-driving cars.

Strap the fuck in.

>> No.12683409

>person makes spurious predictions about the future to sell book

>> No.12683435

what’s the point of having a smaller picture of the same thing in the corner

>> No.12683440

who would have guessed the most based human on this planet would be a woman?
She and AOC will lead us to the promise land.

>> No.12683458

Just can't stop shilling horse mouth, huh?

>> No.12683470

it's the spine of the book you fucking retard. try picking one up for once in your brainlet life.

>> No.12683504

Who cares what a roastie thinks about business or tech.

>> No.12683565
File: 454 KB, 1029x1110, Screenshot_20180418-140721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12683591

Blythe led the price fixing of the Silver market and is ostensibly untouchable so that JPM and deepstate could horde physical. She knows every move available to every player for at least another decade.

>> No.12683593
File: 248 KB, 998x1134, B7DF5E6A-4B14-492B-B47A-2C8F1A522D6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be weary of what this women says. She’s a Jew and is a huge supremacist and Zionist. She sells the 4th industrial revolution as a huge leap of technological advancement and prosperity so us goyim eat it up when really the true intentions are of this tech is to enslave us and make super powered Jews who’ll slaughter us all in the most disgusting ways. They are the devil. DYOR.

Understanding Jewish nature and understanding their control over this Earth is a very valuable asset when making any decision any decision. To know what they push for you can profit off them and then hopefully we can use those profits to organize fight the evil before we are all slaughtered from transhumanist Jews who don’t need goyim anymore because of automation.

>> No.12683610

yeah books are cool, but can i watch a video of this? maybe an interview with her?

>> No.12683615

based assblaster

>> No.12683763
File: 228 KB, 600x843, assblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm strapped alright.

>> No.12684303

Go away poltard. We just wanna be rich.

>> No.12684369


>> No.12684505


So basically a fucking roastie watched a ray kurzweil TED talk and now thinks she knows shit other than how to create financial shit bombs that have retarded progress in actually achieving any of these predictions by a decade.

>> No.12684650
File: 186 KB, 1200x797, 1542315439057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12684906

Moron spotted

>> No.12685139

Who is she the female version of clif high?

>> No.12685382

Clifford predicts what Blythe does.

>> No.12685764

Why do her eyes point in different directions

>> No.12685820

One sees into the future, the other pierces my heart.

>> No.12685878

If you want to be rich a good starting point is to understand the motives of the people who control all the worlds assets. If you are ignorant of their scheming ways then you will get schemed.

>> No.12685926

Definition of blithe
1 : lacking due thought or consideration : CASUAL, HEEDLESS
blithe unconcern
a blithe disregard for the rights of others
2 : of a happy lighthearted character or disposition
a blithe spirit
blithe enjoyment

Blythe Masters. Definitely an interesting name for such a character.

>> No.12685980
File: 123 KB, 764x1085, 1542002619243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12686219

blythe masters is full of shit. she does literally nothing and outsources all her work to others and takes the credit.

>> No.12686465

I am perfectly aware of their scheming ways, I just don't care as long as I make financial gains. I couldn't care less about goyim plebs.