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12673001 No.12673001 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that if you don’t have your shit together by age 25 then you’re completely fucked?

>> No.12673014


>> No.12673028


>> No.12673051


>> No.12673052

I didn’t get my career job until I turned 27, then again I didn’t graduate college until I was 26 so I was already in the process of sorting out my life. Not really tho it just means a few more years wage slaving and possibly facing a few more rejections in interviews due to your age.

>> No.12673069

No, I am 25 and unironically successfully getting my shit together,
Its like something clicked in my brain right before I turned 25, started to finally not be a shitty teenager. Been making more money, making advances, improving my credit and investing.
I am behind a few of my buds who have 200k+ in savings, but ill make it eventually.

>> No.12673081

>200k in savings before 25
Do they have a trust fund?

>> No.12673110

What do you mean by 'having your shit together'?

>> No.12673137

t. 28 yo.

>> No.12673140

Not if you're a man. Men have until their mid 30s to get enough knowledge and world experience to make it. If your a loser at 35 you will be a loser for the rest of your life.

>> No.12673145

imagine coming to /biz/ for life advice lmao and thinking your age is the problem

>> No.12673148

Blue collar bro, I fell for the white collar meme cause of my parents.
Three of my buds had no "higher" ambitions and just worked starting at 18. One guy got into forestry and was making 90k a year since 19, banking about 30-40k/yr. Another bud joined up with the railways, similar story. Last guy started his own small junk removal business, he's probably the poorest at 150k.

>> No.12673161

by 25 bitcoin had already made me a multi-millionaire, so yeah, if you were conscious in the past 10 years and didn't buy bitcoin, its over whatever your age is

>> No.12673168
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Just become a officer in the military breh. They ALWAYS want fresh meat. At least in my euro cuck country

>> No.12673170

I guess it makes sense. The brain isn’t done developing until 25.

>> No.12673211

But srsly, 30yo is true. 35 you are already too old for doing stuff like starting your own business and shit.
Also, from 35, yo get to be 40 too fast bro, trust me.

>> No.12673320

Funny how women will still view them as “lower status” despite being 10x more successful financially than your standard white collar wagecuck

>> No.12673322

at 30 it’s creepy to bang 18 year olds according to normies

21 and rich is best rich

>> No.12673325

90k in forestry with no degree? wtf

>> No.12673338

normies also think communism is good and that all white people should be executed at birth. Why are normies a barometer of anything?

>> No.12673353

lol then how do you convince hot npc 18 year old normies to bang you when youre 30 rich and white?

>> No.12673396

I call meme, fucking nobody is making 90k in forestry

>> No.12673408

Canada is a bit different than the US. We don't have an illegal immigration problem so blue collar low skill work is much higher paying, our issue is upper class immigration that suppresses white collar wages and sends property values sky high. Also his hourly isn't the best, about 30/hr, but he gets tons of overtime working 70hr weeks.

>> No.12673469

There is literally a site jews created called Seeking Arrangements

>> No.12673501

Depends on you personally. But generally speaking if you want to be wealthy mid-life you need to start working on that plan early. Compounding wealth (with time) is no joke. People pissing away their money on crypto when they could be using that on more stable investments and growing their baby foundation, wasting time as well.

>> No.12673536

Women will gladly get railed by blue collar guys. It’s just cringey to call one your husband or long term boyfriend without looking somewhat trashy. Yes it’s goofy.

>> No.12673591

stop following societal norms ffs

>> No.12673629

28 this year and still working a $40k desk job. Dont know what to do and each day is more depressing than the last.

>> No.12673633

vincent van gough didnt start painting until he was 27.

>> No.12673652

is it true no one likes you when youre 23

>> No.12673662


>> No.12673672

>tfw did buy Bitcoin
>lost it all to Mt Gox and shitty exchanges/scams
>had at least 20 BTC at the time
I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.12673722

I have more hope for crypto than for fiat long-term. Inflation etc

>> No.12673757

No, it's not true, but there are certain things that you need to be able to do. If you're 25 with no work history or education and you do nothing except continue to apply for work, you're completely fucked. Same if you have no work history for a long period of time but also have a decent education. Basically you need to upgrade your skills and/or acquire experience in a way that is acceptable to employers. This usually means getting some kind of an education or formal training, and using that time to "reset" the clock to make you seem fresh enough for employers to want to hire you.

>> No.12673787
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Finding a way to Make money, going to the gym, and going to see a therapist to clean out your head can be done at any age. Those constitute “getting you’re shit together” for me. Also me can have children well into they’re 50s and if you have all your boxes checked you can swing a 20-30 year old and get her pregnant.

>> No.12673800

My shit didnt fly apart until 31 so theres still hope for you if it hasn't already done so

>> No.12673804
File: 301 KB, 2047x1056, 92CAE30C-D880-448F-86C9-19F115249A7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is crashing to 1200 so you can rebuy a few if you save now.

>> No.12673812

Men can have children way into their 50s*

>> No.12673866

Is 42 too old to start looking for a 20 year old gf? My friend wont let me date his daughter his wife is a bitch though that's probably why

>> No.12673930

>wide feet
>Short stubby toes
Get this fucking trash can out of here.

>> No.12674019
File: 1.58 MB, 320x320, 309438D7-D100-4211-8A9F-21E040190DDE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother fucker, are you actually 42? Why are you on 4chan? Lol. Too late for you brother.

>> No.12674054

Once a chan always a chan. Lets chill it with the age discrimination you little zoomer faggot

>> No.12674059

Yea that 30 years it takes for your boomer stocks to go from 100k to 850k sure will come in handy when you are 65! Sure I’m still gonna put money into them but the amount of time it takes for it to make it worth it is sickening, crypto’s is the only hope for most of us in the short term that don’t have mommy and daddy money to buy apartment buildings to rent out.

>> No.12674088

30 for most people. 35 if you have a high IQ.

>> No.12674143
File: 66 KB, 1029x578, tara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Before I was 25 I was working as a dishwasher/ waiter. I was tired of the poor life, so I signed up for classes. I started school when I was 26 and finished at the age of 31. I got a job a few months later as a financial analyst. Now I have a nice apartment, a better car, good small circle of friends, a dog, and a gf.

You can do it, bro.
I believe in you.

>> No.12674154

pay for her college. Or just give her clout.

>> No.12674160

24 here and already peaked if crypto fails

>> No.12674174


I don't have mommy and daddy money, I'm a former poor kid who got a degree in CS and now work an ok software engineering job and am trying to expand into stocks as well as real estate.

It's tough sledding at first but that's the point, once you have your foundation set growth is easier from there onward. It's an exponential curve. Play your cards right and you'll be well off and comfortable in your 40's if not your 30's, and guarantee your kids have something to help them out too.

Kind of selfish to look at life as a get rich quick scheme for you personally to blow on bullshit.

>> No.12674175

can confirm

>> No.12674618


How is it? Was thinking about going back to school for the same thing. Is the job interesting? How much you make?

>> No.12674871

Nah, but each year you delay it becomes more difficult and guilt will build later in later when you reflect

>> No.12674909

Your brain is changing (you can replace this word with developing if you want) throughout its entire lifespan.

>> No.12674967

I hope not...

>> No.12675117



I was a total fuckup until 27.

I got a good job (somehow) at 28 and now at 32 I'm making great money.

>> No.12675137


i got my shit together at 25-27 (job, college, car, my own place, etc), but after 30 it all went to shit. Can't even go back to my old job, because of huge gaps in resume and 'loss of qualification'.

There is no guarantee that if you are doing well in your 20's then your 30's will be even better.
It may actually be better to 'waste' your 20s being neet and 'get your shit together' in your early 30's.

>> No.12675178

>I got a good job (somehow) at 28 and now at 32 I'm making great money.
I'm always a bit amazed and terrified at how much having a decent job matters. With one you're a functional and successful human being, and without one you can easily turn into an anxiety-ridden wreck incapable of ever rejoining the workforce.

>> No.12675196

If no one liked you when you were 0-22, why the fuck would they like you when you're 23?

>> No.12675210

Wouldn't you rather have someone in their 40s talking about business than a teenager?

>> No.12675215


Stop putting so much stock into it and see it for what it is: a somewhat temporary contract between you and a company for your services. Not the foundation of your existence or your parent.

>> No.12675228

You're right, but without a job you have no money, and without money there aren't too many ways to positively interact with modern society.

>> No.12675238


No, and anyone who believes that is actually retarded.

>> No.12675264


Without a job you find a different job, with a job always be mentally and financially prepared for a period of unemployment and know that sometimes you have to take a temporary downgrade to weather a precarious economic situation.

I think the trap people fall into is thinking their job is permanent and getting emotionally attached to it and the idea that they'll always be able to rely on it. If you mentally and fiscally prepare for that particular situation it's 30% as bad in the event that it happens.

>> No.12675277

moolie detected
how did you get the job? i know many who got cs degrees and didnt get related jobs

>> No.12675716


>> No.12675764

Jesus that thing looks like a smashed spider

>> No.12675769


>> No.12675794


>> No.12675801

You are here FOREVER what don't you get about that? Literal millionaires post making it still fucking return here. YOU CANNOT LEAVE.

>> No.12675865

>starting your own business
This can be done, and you should be doing it throught your entire life.