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File: 220 KB, 1005x754, Open_Office_1-20-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12671946 No.12671946 [Reply] [Original]

How are we supposed to bear this? Even for high-paying jobs like engineering/software it is a miserable existence.

Meanwhile in the ancient world, engineers would be helping Alexander the Great building machines of war to lay siege to Gaza. Imagine the glory.

>> No.12671975

To be fair, Alexander would also no homo fuck you in the bum. It's a bro thing.

>> No.12671979

What a cool office

>> No.12671984

when the shitskin solution goes into full swing, engineers will be developing machines of war too, as a lot of them are today, with AI.

>> No.12672069

>tfw you will never experience Alexander the Great's cock
Why even live :(

>> No.12672078

Dude, it's all a shit-fest. If you've got a high-paying job right now, live the lowest life you can, save and invest like your life depended on it, and drop out of society as soon as you can.

>> No.12672128

How are women going to cope in the workplace if they don't get paid attention to all day?

>> No.12672129
File: 21 KB, 206x305, v1.bTsxMTE3Njc4ODtqOzE4MDM5OzEyMDA7MTYwMDsyNDAw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think, in the past people thought cubicles were oppressive.

>> No.12672136

>What a cool office

yeah, but no. you think that until its full of normies talking about sportsball and gossiping about their latest tinder one night stand instead of working

>> No.12672169

"A systematic survey of research upon the effects of open-plan offices found frequent negative effects in some traditional workplaces: high levels of noise, stress, conflict, high blood pressure and a high staff turnover.

The noise level in open-plan offices greatly reduces productivity, which drops to one third relative to what it would be in quiet rooms. New technologies like voice-activation and mobile phones also decrease effectiveness in the open-plan setting.

Although promoted as a way to encourage collaboration and increase the group's collective intelligence, open-plan offices are associated with a dramatic reduction in face-to-face interactions, as employees turn to digital communication, such as sending e-mail messages. Open-plan offices have frequently been found to reduce the confidential or private conversations which employees engage in, and to reduce job satisfaction, concentration and performance, whilst increasing auditory and visual distractions.

Open-plan offices have been found to elevate the risk of employees needing to take time off for sickness.

The majority of people working in open-plan offices wish they had more quiet places to make calls or to concentrate on a task."

>> No.12672182

Sounds fun, I'm not an incel faggot loser like you

>> No.12672198

I miss my cubicle , had some sort of fake privacy. Had my own spot with pictures of things that make me happy.

Now I work on an open floor plan . Noise having to start early or else there is literally not a normal workplace (dual screen). My only personal thing is my wallpaper

>> No.12672201
File: 127 KB, 796x422, 1549258033850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you fucking retards realize we are no longer in a society of growth and innovation?

we are moving towards an era of social control. nothing else matters.

the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can stop wasting your time asking stupid questions "why" and do something about it instead.

>> No.12672258

>don't like watching teamsports
>don't like tinder

I just don't find gossiping about either entertaining you degenerate normie.

>> No.12672273

You'd like tinder if you got laid off it, too bad cuties don't like ugly incels

>> No.12672285


Keep projecting, Rakesh. One day you'll make it out of Mumbai.

>> No.12672366

what can i do about it instead? I have a relatively high paying job and I'm keeping my costs low and investing the difference so I can get out as soon as possible
what else can i do?

>> No.12672383

become politically active and allocate resources so that you have a second home in a different country, probably one that is less developed

>> No.12672508
File: 176 KB, 1632x1224, 1548561956081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I un-ironically think it would be an honor

>> No.12672549

Microsoft used to have separate offices for most of the software developers. It was good, but they started moving to open office plans for maximum distraction and minimum productivity. FML.

>> No.12672560

tfw work for small consulting company run by old school boomers and have had my own office with a door and window since i was 22.

>> No.12672600

What was your title when u started

>> No.12672650

financial analyst

>> No.12673593


your pic is not bad by todays standards, the new torture device roasties concocted is big open tables with 15-20 people around it

>> No.12674351

Same guy at work. What how!? Im jumping from low paying job to low paying job. I have a degree btw.

>> No.12674607

haha have a kek

>> No.12674623

come on, look at those fresh creative wall panels
Stacy will surely get a promotion for her effort

>> No.12674826

kind of got lucky. founder of the firm went to my college (big state school) and posted a job listing through the career center. because it is a small firm with no name recognition, there weren't a ton of applicants because everyone wanted to go work for a big bank or some shit. i got an internship while i was in school and did a good job and they kept me on board. that was eight years ago and i'm still here. i'm not raking cash now, but making $120k without having to go back for an MBA or anything. and i can sit in my office and shitpost whenever i want.

>> No.12675415
File: 163 KB, 1066x1093, Dxmv4cCW0AAu5RI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying modern day wagies won't look back on these offices and wish they could work in those conditions

Take a long hard look at your future.

>> No.12675455

Well, there are engineers right now working in the army and developing weapons to kill shitskins or whatever. If you aren't good enough to be in the army then you probably wouldn't be good enough for Alexander without your 20/20 hindsight. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.12675589

I work in a top private sector company, the military wouldn't be any more difficult, but how is developing weapons for israel even comparable to working alongside Alexander?