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File: 43 KB, 767x433, Lisk-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1264139 No.1264139 [Reply] [Original]

So when exactly is it launching? What time? I am a wageslave and need to know when to run home from work to dump all I have. btw I got 4500. Did I do good?

>> No.1264468

everyone is dumping one the first day it hits the exchanges.

>> No.1264885


Are there gonna be any exchanges carrying it tomorrow? How do we dump our Lisk? halp

>> No.1264912

>he doesn't know about the Chinese delegates

>> No.1264933

>So when exactly is it launching
nobody knows..

>> No.1265073

You made a couple of million dollars!
I read on bizz it is 30 K a lisk.
What will you buy with all that money?

>> No.1265084
File: 140 KB, 791x600, scroogmcfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lisk will launch on May 24, 2016 at 8pm UTC

Pretty sure it's going to be live on c cex and bittrex along with yobit and a few other small potatoes exchanges. Polo and the big boys probably won't be far behind. They'll want in on that sweet fee gravy train.

>> No.1265244

Muh body is ready...
Rev up those shilling engines

>> No.1265298

LISK is old news, SRND is the future

>> No.1265307

I don't understand. Why do people dump their *coins whenever a "news" came in?

>> No.1265310

They don't, its a meme put about to make noobs lose money

>> No.1265312

Ah, getting rid of the weak hands

>> No.1265318


Yes Bill Gates buying LISK
Yes Facebook implements LISK
Yes CNN FOX Bloomberg
>Yes LISK moon LISK rich

>> No.1265385

Get em while they are hot!

>> No.1265392

I got front row seats for this trainwreck. I'm sure we'll all be thoroughly entertained at how this goes down.

>> No.1265435


So does anyone here have any solid information on which exchances Lisk is going to trade?

And I mean solid factual info, not 'Well I think...' or 'LISK TO DA MOON'.

Please we all want to make money, let's stay sort of logical.

>> No.1265446

Yobit C-cex at the moment and announced it will also be traded on Kraken Poloniex Bitfinex Bittrex

>> No.1265468

Nice thanks, do you maybe have a source regarding Polo and Kraken?

>> No.1265548

Yes, my ass

>> No.1265587

Go fuck yourself

>> No.1265730

Polo just tweeted they are.

>> No.1265808

Even though i own 4000lisk i am excited for the trainwreck.

If lisk fails ethereum will shoot up to all time high and beyond

>> No.1265901

>LSK will be available for trading on Poloniex later today. We will announce when the #Lisk market is open for deposits.



>> No.1265923

what is your plan? are you selling? what price are you going to start selling at?

i will sell a few to break even. i have a table of potential profit levels. i'll see how it looks as it happens.

>> No.1265929

it's going to be on polo. It's currently mooning on yobit and bloom at ~$6. THE ICO PRICE WAS 8 CENT.


>> No.1265933


to buy lisk or are you telling the early adopters to be ready to sell??? lol

>> No.1265936

Of course it's going to get dump.

Eth launch. It rise 30x then it dump to hell.
So up to join when you want to jump in the fun

>> No.1265939

How are people getting lisk?

>> No.1265968

yobit is offline? :(

>> No.1265975

Hmm, so LISK is going to be very expensive on launch and plummet, right?

>> No.1265980

Huh. System update. what. a. surprise.

>> No.1265982

Yes. Like all shit coins. I don't have the chart but all ICO coins will have a pump the dump. You should buy after the dump is over. Or ride the pump then dump with them.

>> No.1265990

i want to ride the pump. question is wether there will still be a sucker (like myself) fueled pumping after launch, or wether it'll plummet instantly. right?

i have to admit i know absolutely nothing about lisk. i did a fuckton of research on ethereum and feel comfortable holding it even throughout bear valleys, but lisk is a complete mistery to me. i'm tempted to buy some though because almost all coins have a significant peak immediately after launch. and i suspect a lot of people feel the same way, so there will be gains to be made.

that lisk will instantly drop post launch seems hard to believe to me, but i've heard a lot of people claim that (here on biz as well as on reddit) so i'm really unsure about what to do.

>> No.1265991

Which market is the best market?

It looks like it's being traded on yobit, but those graphs aren't what I'm used to.

>> No.1265995

I'm selling, but I'm planning to rebuy after it inevitably crashes.

I have no specific price to sell at, since I'm already 99.99% sure I will profit. But once it's on Poloniex, I'm not leaving my laptop unattended for even a minute.


>> No.1265996

Don't do yobit. That site is shit. It's using bots to inflate the price so all ico lisk owners will first send their coin to that site to sell. It's a dump exit scam.

Your best bet is polonix

>> No.1265999

Got it.

Now if I could just figure out how to put money in there.

>> No.1266000

Who's buying? Nobody. It's just you guys, trading to each other. Who's gonna pay you 80 times the ico for 5000-10000 coins? Nobody.

>> No.1266011

So I have to have crypto to trade crypto.

They don't take USD?


>> No.1266012

i have the IOULisk on yobit. i don't know what will happen to them once it goes live. it says the withdrawal is under Maintenance atm. hopefully it changes on the hour. i'll split my holding between that and polo to see what the prices are.
the withdraw fee on yobit is 0.2Lisk.

>> No.1266014

rip. you don't eve have btc yet. you won't be able to ride the pump. You can catch the dump. The thing about ICO coins is Lisk have 14000 btc at ico so there are whales there. So it'll pump once a while like ETH.

No one sane is getting 80x. Everyone is hoping for 5x to 30x. ETH got 30x at launch.

>> No.1266019

Can you think of a coin of the top of your head that's is low-valued at the moment that poloniex can take?

I'm researching and asking simultaneously.

>> No.1266021

if they take usd like that. Then they'll have to report to u.s government and anti money launder and know your customer laws.

Crypto is good because it is unregulated. You don't want your 100x earning to be reported to the IRS, do you

>> No.1266024
File: 467 KB, 1000x2715, lisk eth comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's buying?
A lot of people. Anyone who believes LSK will be even half as valuable as ETH will want it now.

If LSK peaks at $5, $4, or even $1 before it crashes, I will make a substantial profit. Now imagine if you had another chance to buy ETH the day it was released for $5. Wouldn't you buy it?

And we don't even know how high it will go. If people see it's already at $5 and looks like it will keep going, people will buy. The moment there's a massive sell-off, people will sell in droves. It's psychology.

So yes, many people want LSK.

Most likely what will happen is LSK will peak, quickly crash, and then stay at a low level until we hear about some new developments of LSK dapps. At that point, it will rise just as ETH did.

Don't forget that ETH was under 0.004 BTC for months before it started to rise again early this year.

>> No.1266026

realistically, what do you consider a good price? right now it is around 0.016btc/$7per. do you see it above $10? i wasn't around to see what happened with ETH

>> No.1266028

Ok, here's what I'm thinking.

ETH is going to be dumped into LISK. ETH will drop. I'll buy ETH. I'll catch the crash and ride it while ETH stabilizes.

>> No.1266029

So how the hell do i get my ico lisk over to polo?

>> No.1266035

im so fucking confused guys

>> No.1266036

When it's below 8 cent is a good price. I won't buy back in till it's in 10 cent range. Like all coins, ITS SHIT. DON't FALL FOR >MUY FUNDAMENTAL

What do you mean low value? You can just buy like 50 dollar or 10 dollar btc then trade that for lisk.

At 1p.m. pst the lisk mainnet will be active. Log in and send your coin to polo/bittrex

>> No.1266037


Trying to figure out where to get ETH and how to deposit into polioski or whatever.

>> No.1266039

you mean when the countdown ends, I'll be able to transfer my lisk directly from the website? or will i have to download a client or something?

>> No.1266050

>When it's below 8 cent is a good price. I won't buy back in till it's in 10 cent range
i was meaning, what do you consider a good sell price? how high do you think it will go in the first 4 hours?

>> No.1266056

My fucking 400 dollar webcam isn't working with coinbase.

Fucking wow.

>> No.1266059
File: 62 KB, 670x629, lisk vs eth inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1266062

There's a local clien and web client. log in web client. https://login.lisk.io/

No idea. I'll be selling some at 40cent that's 5x of the ico(8cent price). I'll sell when I want to take a profit.

>> No.1266064

So everyone knows how it's going to to plummet immediately, and yet all you guys are going to still be able to sell all your 5k coins.

>> No.1266067

yes, 4 min O M G

>> No.1266068

Like how everyone knows ETH will plummet and they are still able to sell their 10k coins at launch?

The world is a bigger place than your echo chamber.

>> No.1266070

login website is down and the downloads don't do shit, panic! what do

>> No.1266071

wtf? you don't need to download anything. See where it said testnet. I think at 1p.m. it'll have mainnet there to replace it. You can log in. DONT DOWNLOAD SHIT

>> No.1266072

completely different situation and you know.

>> No.1266073


Cant download shit, hope it works when it launches in 2 min

>> No.1266074

Well I cannot log in as well. Log in page is down for me. And you can actually download a wallet instead of an online one.

>> No.1266078

bad gateway lol

>> No.1266079


>> No.1266081

Excuse me I need to go make some popcorn for this.

>> No.1266083

So what happens now? can anyone log in? just getting 502 bad gateway

>> No.1266085

to polo? yeah.

>> No.1266087

log into lisk, i mean

>> No.1266088

how do I download the client?

>> No.1266090


>> No.1266093

What does the client do?

Apparently I mine as a slave to someone or something?

>> No.1266095

lel tons of buy order on POLO for ~$17 EACH

>> No.1266096

I need to pay rent tomorrow, why can't I login

>> No.1266097



>> No.1266101

>{"success":false,"error":"Blockchain is loading"}


>> No.1266103

What does this mean?

447.00000000 0.00011573 0.05173131 0.05173131

Are they asking 447 BTC for .00011573 LSK?

>> No.1266104

447 BTC is most likely the volume.

>> No.1266105

447 BTC per lisk / 0.00011573 Amount of lisk asked / 0.05173131 Amount of BTC offered

No one can sell yet so they are just fucking around with a tiny amount of BTC

>> No.1266108

Yes. For shits and giggles. They know no one has the lisk yet.

>> No.1266110

It's all just fun and games, I'm sure..

>> No.1266114

I don't get it.

I thought people had thousands of lisk already?

>> No.1266118

Obviously the lisk client not working

>> No.1266121

We have it, but the website is under heavy load so hardly anyone can access it yet.

>> No.1266123

What does this client do? It says to use the Docker image, but it just redirects to the download page.

>> No.1266125

By hardly anyone you mean no one, otherwise it would be on the exchanges.

>> No.1266129

Where did you all get Lisk from, the ico?

>> No.1266133

>We have it,
How exactly?

It seems that developers get LISK and it isn't mined? I'm watching the videos but this is pretty confusing.

I'm a 14 year JS veteran btw. Actually full stack.

>> No.1266135

if lisk ico was 8 cents per lisk, that's about .00012 bitcoins. Could it dump back there or even past?

>> No.1266137


>> No.1266141
File: 255 KB, 2000x1340, train-wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1266147

>It seems that developers get LISK and it isn't mined?

Anyone who participated in the ICO already has their key and LISK.

>> No.1266154
File: 1.26 MB, 1951x948, dPfaA48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1266156

Linux client works, send 500 to Polo, has 79 confirmations now, fucking Polo won't show it, reeeee

>> No.1266157

In other news: Lambo dealers overwhelmed by a wave of order cancellations.

>> No.1266161

If you have Linux, you can try installing the binary this way:

I'm trying it now.

>> No.1266167

There, I even send a wooping 14 lisk from one wallet to the other and it worked instantly

>> No.1266174

I'm begging for lisk on the internet, please don't spit on my face


>> No.1266178


Having a good few issues.

How'd you get a wallet?

>> No.1266183

Generated an address on polo

>> No.1266186

well if there is a big ICO holder in here, i'll beg too for some more to play with.

>> No.1266190

I want 1.

I wish I knew how to mine them.

>> No.1266192

Polo address

>> No.1266197

At least make OC images or something if you're going to beg.

>> No.1266201
File: 29 KB, 546x546, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz be so kind and give me some lisk so I can sniff my ether

>> No.1266205

Slipping in here too 1318504685587245157L

>> No.1266206

I've got Lisk running in Linux, but I'm getting the loading blockchain page.

>> No.1266210

I gave you a lisk check your wallet :^)

>> No.1266211
File: 29 KB, 1023x704, howifeelnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll add my OC

>> No.1266213

did we get memed?

>> No.1266227

boy give me some to please.

>> No.1266228

linux client works :)

>> No.1266229
File: 737 KB, 1090x1500, rms gnu plus linux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not working for me.

>> No.1266234

download the file manually, tar xzf it manually, remove checksum checking from sh script, launch it.

>> No.1266238
File: 174 KB, 1209x657, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have transferred out, looks like conformations are just waiting to happen

>> No.1266243

I thought lisk was scalable.

Have any launches been this bad? Didn't they delay things to avoid this?

>> No.1266245

thank you!

>> No.1266246


its diablo 3 all over again

>> No.1266248

http server =/= lisk bc

but anyway you do not know the meaning of scalable

>> No.1266250

how can i get some lisks ?
first thing first i have a wallwt .
can comeone donate me :D

>> No.1266253


Hahaha. I'm hoping they get things going soon.

>> No.1266254

I've done that already, but I'm still at the "Blockchain is loading..." page. Do I have to wait?

>> No.1266257

yes, like 2-5 min, after it everything is very fast.

>> No.1266258

Never mind, it's working. Thanks. :^)

>> No.1266259

4 min ago someone sent 639473 LISK lol

>> No.1266262

what do i have to do to get lisk ?

>> No.1266264

Poloniex trading is live, and my deposit is nowhere to be seen....


>> No.1266266

ye mine neither. maybe we need to wait some more mins.

>> No.1266267

alright website is working. I'm about to send my lisk to polo

>> No.1266270


>> No.1266271

where did you get your lisk from

>> No.1266272

In the chat I saw a mod say you need 303 confirmations, I have over 400 though

>> No.1266276


>> No.1266279

is it endet ?

>> No.1266280

so its trading at .001btc. That's only .45 usd. It's a great return, but not what I was hoping for

>> No.1266281

It ended a while ago. But today the Lisk mainnet went live and people can access it.

>> No.1266282

endet? I don't know what that is

>> No.1266287

ETH going up

>> No.1266288

oh okay.
so i am to late for the train today :D

>> No.1266294


>> No.1266298

Figured it out though a bit confused, transfer is listed on https://poloniex.com/depositHistory and the amount of transactions is different then from what the lisk client is showing. Guess I'll wait.

>> No.1266299

if someone is kind and has a lisk for me,
i would appreciate it.

>> No.1266300

looks like it is stabilizing around 0.0027 on polo. should have jumped in when it was around 0.0014 for a quick profit.

>> No.1266306

I wish it had a fucking graph.

Who the fuck reads .000002131


in real investing ever?

Literal trash layout.

>> No.1266313

Lot of sell orders at 20.

>> No.1266318

still getting 502 bad gateway. anyone else getting this when trying to log into login.lisk.io?

>> No.1266319

Yes and it's annoying as fuck.

Also what are people even doing right now, the prices are dropping by the second.

>> No.1266320


>> No.1266323

well fuck, guess we're bagholders now

>> No.1266326

Well if any ICo guys here wanna donate :)

>> No.1266327

so they are going for a dollar.

Doesn't that mean people are making 12x what they paid at ico?

>> No.1266330

The login website is down, but you can still install the Linux client and use it.

>> No.1266331

>implying any of the plebs on here are able to transfer their coins lol

>> No.1266348

Why are they so much?

You would think they would be going for 10 cents each.

>> No.1266351

seems like if so many people are having trouble getting their coins to an exchange, that is just leading to a delayed dump. once the login issues get resolved, are the exchanges going to get flooded with cheap lisk?

>> No.1266355


>> No.1266364

It will crash, yes.

People expect it to and will want to get what they can for what they have now.

Buy then.

People will hold at .10 USD/ea, maybe .12

.20 usd/ea is where I'm buying.

>> No.1266367


I really want to get involved in LISK I believe so much about this technology. Please if anyone is kind enough I'd like to play with some lisks


>> No.1266371

Yeah, looks like there was a major volume spike and a big crash in the price. I think I'm just going to sit and watch for now.

>> No.1266373



>> No.1266378

Buying is picking up but it's still 570/1 sell orders kek

>> No.1266380

Did you sell already? Still waiting to be able to login into my lisk wallet...

>> No.1266383

So most of the guys holding ico lisk cant transfer it, due to the login page not working. when this is fixed, do you guys think the price will skyrocket?

>> No.1266387

I hope so

>> No.1266388

Opposite will happen. The guys holding it aren't going to buy, driving the price up; they're going to dump what they have as soon as they can log in. The price will tank (maybe temporarily) once the site gets fixed.

>> No.1266390
File: 28 KB, 414x194, Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 3.27.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA you fucking retards!
trading at 4 cents!

>> No.1266394

I don't have any Lisk. I'm just watching now to see if there is going to be a good buying opportunity.

Lets see here. If the market suddenly gets flooded with Lisk sellers, what should happen to the price? Better get that Econ 101 book out anon. Pretty sure "skyrocket" is not the answer.

>> No.1266397
File: 328 KB, 431x450, okkid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptofags are so retarded they think a massive supply spike is going to cause an INCREASE in price

>> No.1266398
File: 122 KB, 960x540, 13-lambo-crash-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1266399

Check your decimal places.

>> No.1266401
File: 16 KB, 350x210, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually 63 cent which is 8x the ico price.
Go be a retard somewhere else.

>> No.1266402

Why would they dump it?

>> No.1266406


I was watching people sell a 1000 at over a dollar each. That's some good return.

I wonder what idiot bought it at that price though. No doubt it will be someone shilling all over the place trying to recover losses.

>> No.1266408

answered it

>> No.1266410
File: 41 KB, 533x540, 1459292158052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oh sweet summer child.

>> No.1266412

aaand it's less than half that.

>> No.1266418

so I guess its bagholding time now

>> No.1266422

If I had some 8 cent coins I wouldn't even be thinking about selling right now.

>> No.1266424

I bought lisk at 0.0024, rent is due on thursday i cant believe theyve done this im fucked

>> No.1266430

it should recover by then

>> No.1266443

are the login/wallet issues fixed now, or are there still a bunch of people waiting to dump?

>> No.1266446
File: 120 KB, 544x265, crash-lamborghini_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slaughter continues. How's it feel not being able to even dump your soon-to-be-worthless lisk? Please, we want graphic descriptions of your pain. : )

>> No.1266448

>are the login/wallet issues fixed now, or are there still a bunch of people waiting to dump?

no..... it will be fixed when the pump and dumpers dump .. then it's going to be "fixed" while faggots are holding the bag!

god this is just joy!

LISK is not ethereum!

>> No.1266452

What the fuck were you thinking?

I've never done cryptocoin shit before and even I know that's a bad idea. We're getting closer to a proper buy price.

>> No.1266453

lol, it could be worse. i bought it on yobit at .012/$5. i'm waiting on BTC to transfer to polo to buy low and bring down my average if i hold for a long time.
i was looking at the prices on yobit at .016-.017 and i thought about taking that profit, but ended up being greedy incase the price shot up. beginners naiviety i suppose. i can hold it until it ever goes above $5.
a lesson learned for next time.

>> No.1266458

at least you didn't buy shit scam IOU tokens for $5 each

>> No.1266463
File: 23 KB, 410x105, file2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

large sell order, might keep price stable for a while if it gets to it.

haha, i did. did you too? how many?

>> No.1266466

3 btcs

>> No.1266468
File: 1001 KB, 1500x753, Screen-Shot-2016-04-19-at-11.07.20-PM-e1461121687178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.0006 HAHAHA

>> No.1266474

No still waiting...
>three goddamn hours already fucking refreshing my hundred browser profit decreased by 5 biljoen gaziljoen percent

>> No.1266475

i had around 1.5btc

>> No.1266485
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1449988439051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i knew LISK was junk and it's going to be a pump and dump! I feel like neo!

DAO is where it's at faggots!

>> No.1266497

new lows !

>> No.1266503


Nope, this shit is going to 15 cents or less.

>> No.1266504

Guiz. It's real fucking low. Buy?

>> No.1266506

No way we stalling at .00059

>> No.1266511

We stalling.

.06 cents above my buy price.


It's about to go up. ICO a holdin'

>> No.1266513

I wouldn't buy before the login/wallet issues are resolved. There are probably still a lot of ICO holders waiting to dump.

>> No.1266517

Panic buy started too early.

>> No.1266519

Nah it's finna ramp up they won't sell

t. guy that knows because he selected all the images with pizza

>> No.1266521

This. I am still waiting and as soon as it is 'fixed' I am going to dump in instantly and probably everyone else with me.

>> No.1266522

What's the dump price gonna be?

>> No.1266523

You guys catch your first chance?

It'll crash again when the thing is fixed, but you should be able to make some shekels assuming you bought at .00059

>> No.1266529

Nah because I'm stuck at work larping but I would have bought at .059

It's going up but probably not for long. Is there a good app for iPhone?

>> No.1266530

No clue I mean I saw my profit decrease from 20,000-30,000 to currently a theoretical 3,000. I don't care anymore.

It would not suprise me at all if the price would go below ICO considering that probably by far most people did not have LISK on an exchange yet.

>> No.1266531

Buying at .0006 and selling at .00064

3 times now.

>> No.1266533

But at .058

>> No.1266540
File: 175 KB, 1817x547, Lisk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invested 0.5btc
>Sold 75% for 2.76 btc
>keeping a small bag

Thanks biz for remind me I should invest in crypto!

You rock guys, already 2x of my 5k euro investment in 3 fucking months with little to no effort.

>> No.1266550

You can hit 20 cents anytime now, lisk.

>> No.1266561

Sell volume doubled recently

>> No.1266566

Still waiting

>> No.1266588

There is a vulnerability in the wallet, I already dumped mine, not sure if it's fud or not, do whatever you consider...

>> No.1266592

Go on...

>> No.1266596

Someone posted this

and this

>> No.1266605

New floor .00035

>> No.1266615


>> No.1266630

Stupid poloniex
>click "lowest ask" for buying lisk
>.0003 above market value

>> No.1266631

Even the

is not working smfh pham

>> No.1266633

I have no idea what's going on but I want in.

>> No.1266637

ITT: Lisk holders on suicide watch as the lisk IOU price crashes back down to earth before market even really opens.

Should've bought TRUMP lads.

>> No.1266640

bought in at 0.0011. getting a bit nervous

>> No.1266644

Don't know what to make of that but it doesn't look good.

>> No.1266645

Just why?

>> No.1266646

I hope you're joking.

>> No.1266648

I bought in at .002
>kill me now

>> No.1266649

Someone just bought .4 lisk for .4 btc

>> No.1266653

You don't buy the moment it's released. You just don't.

Virtually every single altcoin follows the same pattern: huge spike, then immediate crash, and maybe rebound later. ETH had the same pattern.

>> No.1266656

bought at ico price should i sell before i go to sleep or just wait

>> No.1266657

Bought at .0004 like I said.


>> No.1266660

>tfw I was at school so I missed the sell opportunity

should I cash out now at .20-.25 cents or just hold?

>> No.1266661

I'd hold it

>> No.1266663

jesus christ I could've had $4,600 from this. now sitting at ~$300 fml

>> No.1266664

cash 3/4

>> No.1266668


>> No.1266670

Double down if you believe in the blockchain. Dollar cost averaging my nigger.

>> No.1266671

Don't touch.

You would need to be insane to.

>> No.1266680

BTC cleared.

Bring me back to .0004

>> No.1266691

Houston we have ignition

>> No.1266701

Lmao that sell volume. Nobody pumping shit against the ico holders

>> No.1266719
File: 1.88 MB, 640x360, gold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out: Shitcoins
In: Shithereums

>> No.1266721

Anyone feeling drop to 45 soon?

>> No.1266780

there is was

>> No.1266804

Im confused. I thought shithereum was a shitcoin?

>> No.1266817
File: 20 KB, 688x109, Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 8.28.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1266828


Click on the left most number

It'll take 400~ confirmations

Enjoy the wait! :)

>> No.1266829

in for 0.5 BTC to LISK @ 0.00050701

>> No.1266850

Seriously? Fuck thank you I thought I lost it, do you know how long that usually is?

>> No.1266851

At least I got back what I lost with *th*r*um

>> No.1266854

Is it ded?

No pump no where

>> No.1266855


Was almost an hour for me, heard the same for others

I'd dump your shit asap, this is not going to have a pump above .6 for a long time. Better safe than bag-holding!

>> No.1266858

people gotta buy in before the pump

>> No.1266860

this is what i did. i made the mistake (in hindsight) of getting in on yobit. i have my average down to under $1. i have more invested in total, but have a better chance of breaking even and seeing some returns over the medium term.
hopefully i can arbitrage some more to get the average down further over the next few days.

>> No.1266862

Ethereum = Shithereum
Lisk = Shithereum 2.0
Rise = Shithereum 3.0

>> No.1266878

Been more than an hour still at 0 confirmations, FML

>> No.1266879

wtf is rise

>> No.1266880
File: 16 KB, 250x248, 20150404124642-cf7b9401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw sitting on a pile of ETH and watching lisk bag holders sign up for suicide watch

>> No.1266884
File: 24 KB, 631x142, conf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had 68 in 15 minutes

>> No.1266887

I was checking the LISK site, Polo shows 236 of 303. You gonna hold bro or sell?

>> No.1266889

i need to hold until it gets over $1 lol. see >>1266860
this transfer was from yobit, so i have all the Lisk in one place

>> No.1266893

I made the stupid mistake of buying more on Polo at 90 cents a LISK, fuck oh well, time to hold too.

>> No.1266900

You poor thing

>> No.1266913

Well this is depressing.

>> No.1266937

Should've bought TRUMPcoin

>> No.1266942

It's past my break even point. Is it ded?

>> No.1266943

This is just a disaster of epic proportions. YoBit IOU buyers are literally bancrupt while ico investors who hoped for an 10 or more x return have to settle with 2-3x. Devs fucked up big time. It's just sad

>> No.1266947

>all these people bailing.

End times approach.

>> No.1266954

>Went to bed at 0.002
>Now 0.005

>> No.1266974

lol get fucked. day 1

>> No.1266987

calling pump when it hits 15k volume on polo

>> No.1266995

Isn't this going to get dumped hard once people can log in?

>> No.1267002

what do you mean? I thought this was literally day 1. Why would a coin of such interest simply die on day 1?

>> No.1267008

Since ICO peeps can't login to their accounts to dump.

It should get dumped again, then if it's a good coin it will soar.

I am hearing some people can get into their accounts but I can't access the login page.

>> No.1267013

ah ok, I see. however, buy wall on polo looks pretty solid at this stage.

>> No.1267022

trump? I don't see it.

>> No.1267025

I just mean that there's way more volume on the buy side as opposed to the sell side on poloniex LISK.

>> No.1267033

I missed it.

It seems the login page works now and it's being pumped instead of dumped.

>> No.1267070
File: 528 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_m3aijhf7K21r2gnyho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW does anyone tired the offical faucet while it was giving away? I did. I used it on different wallets, and i did recieve some LSK. Now they free money is gone, once they started.

How is that? Did your yours disappear too?

>> No.1267118

lisk is coming alive.

>> No.1267127

I fucking told these dumb fucks its a pump&dump copycat scamcoin from shady devs. Nobody fucking listened. Your tears are sweet, plebs!

>> No.1267130

it was on a test net. Those lisks were dummies and for testing purposes only

>> No.1267138

What tears they go for more than 4x ico price....

>> No.1267147

shut the fuck up kid, let the adults have discussion here

>> No.1267148

Any of you buying into rise?

>> No.1267153

Just under doubled BTC.

Put gains in at .60 and putting the rest into rise ico.


>> No.1267154

lisholder mad lol

>> No.1267159


>> No.1267161
File: 846 KB, 1470x2199, 4869789080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that bag hold heavy in your hand?

>> No.1267162

Yes he is so mad he quadrupled his money... god bunch of miserable fucks on 4ch

>> No.1267163

yes, yes it is, so?

>> No.1267164

How much did you invest in lisk?

>> No.1267165

$1, Why do you care?

>> No.1267167

Are there any good ETH apps?

Since lisk is js I am going to start working on a lisk tip page for twitch streamers tomorrow.

>> No.1267168
File: 693 KB, 339x279, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such interest

>> No.1267172
File: 50 KB, 500x667, 1387139816080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's only a dollar, then don't worry about it. If it's alot of dollars you could check out reddit.com/r/gape for tips on dealing with anal devastation.

>> No.1267173

thank for the tip
lets be friends :)

>> No.1267183

hey guys anyone not getting confirmations?
I am sending lisk to Polo and i am getting 0 confirmation on the web wallet its been a hour so far

>> No.1267185

same here

>> No.1267186

uh oh.

Let's see if that volume will come back and it can recover.

People were trashing it in chat.

>> No.1267202

Lol just picking the ico's that aren't total scams is such easy money. Stay salty nocoiners.

>> No.1267203
File: 35 KB, 614x236, Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 12.05.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes he is so mad he quadrupled his money

sure did...lol

>> No.1267210

>not realising the presale price was a lot lower than that

>> No.1267211

Ico price was 7 dollaridoocents smartass...
It's now trading at 25+ cents

>> No.1267217

I'm a "bagholder", and I sure will hold on to this bag, happily:)

>> No.1267226

The ICO price was 8 cent u dumbfuck

>> No.1267241

I will wait for it to crash and then buy some, and hodl

>> No.1267257

3 hours 0 confirms, what gives :O

>> No.1267261

actually I will try to buy 1 BTC worth of LISK now for 0.001779 each, lets see if I get filled :)

>> No.1267274

It's the shitcoin apocalypse

>> No.1267276

yeah dude... don't suicide, everyone makes mistakes, just learn from it

>> No.1267309

I was one of those dumb idiots that sold LISK at the bottom of the dip at 0.0004 and now i regret

>> No.1267313

I just wan't my lisk back

>> No.1267316

Nice apostrophe nigger

>> No.1267320

thank's, but i'm white

>> No.1267338

You're an idiot though

>> No.1267374


>> No.1267388

Is anyone still having trouble accessing their lisk? I can sign into my account, but when I try to send them to another address nothing happens.

>> No.1267441

I successfully sent my lisk to polo account only by using client.

This step by step is easy to follow, even a monkey will understand


>> No.1267453

LISK to the MOON
$12 Lisk price on Poloniex
I am rich I told you guys to buy LISK

>> No.1267486

I will try this and report back. I'm only one step above a monkey after all

>> No.1267487

I just woke up, wtf happened?

Did it really get pumped that high?

>> No.1267488

Try alternative login pages
Eg. Login05.lisk.io
03 04 05 06 etc
They made them to spread the load

>> No.1267500

Now where talking, it just went through

>> No.1267502

Dump that shit baby :)

>> No.1267503

I think I spoke to soon, the transaction just disappeared and I have all my lisk back

>> No.1267507
File: 914 KB, 400x300, 1452912066573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw buying LISK for the first time at $0.20

you niggas just need to be patient.

>> No.1267630

I'm gonna make this real clear to everyone that bought the ICO and didnt sell yet due to client fuck up,

Now would be a bad time to sell, you either sell first and make bank on release or you wait for the rebound, this happens every time.

>> No.1267645

Yes I know. But i already sold my Lisk at 0.0004BTC

>> No.1267762

Did it really hit .002 last night?

I'm hoping I'm reading this chart wrong.

>> No.1267778

It hit more than that. Go reddit.com/r/lisk to see the guy who manage to sold it for $447 per lisk

>> No.1267781

LISK is HACKED abandon ship!!!!

>> No.1267786

I saw that.

That idiot that put that up there and didn't cancel that bid probably killed himself. Everyone said it was a joke.

Also I was wrong. Thought it hit .002 and crashed because I woke up to it at .00045

I was just seeing the launch.

>> No.1267835


what an absolute madman

>> No.1267840

I literally gave you the link.
He was the first guy to get the lisk so he was able to sell at those outrageous price. fucking 3 btc for 69 lisk as well.

That's why polo graph is mess up you have 447 per lisk on a order.

>> No.1267853

He did it on purpose to mess up 24hr Change numbers to -100% and the graphs to look bad