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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12663780 No.12663780 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>dead rich aunt left behind a $1.2 million inheritance for me
>put it in a vanguard index fund
>get paid 3% in dividends directly to my bank account every year
>literally making $36k doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on THREE FRICKIN PERCENT while I waste my life away on vidya, vintage wine and rare anime figurines

how is this even possible /biz/?

can you imagine how much a billionaire would be making on 3% dividends? $360k. That’s THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND A YEAR doing absolutely NOTHING.

how the fuck is this even legal?

i feel like what I’m doing is morally wrong while millions of poor people and wageslave s struggle to get by on life or get screwed over by Mr Shekelberg...but then again, what I’m doing is perfectly legal

>> No.12663792

Gold standard. Fuck fiat.

>> No.12663795

Does the fund grow in value to counter inflation or are you just eating away at it in terms of purchasing power?

>> No.12663808

Welcome to how people get rich.

>> No.12663814

nice larp

>> No.12663815

To feel less guilty, you could always donate to a gofundme *wink*

>> No.12663831

Yeah my fund grows in value each year. The dividends I get paid is literally free money on top of that

>> No.12663885
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An argument for why it's not morally wrong is because you are acting as a good custodian with the money. Rather than spending on wasteful consumer items all in one shot, you lend it out for productive enterprises, some of which will produce goods and services that increase general productivity and thus the total amount of economic power possible.

Saving money is a choice. That choice has risks. You could die in two years and miss the opportunity to have gone out in a blaze of hookers and cocaine.

Marxoid niggers inflate the value of physical labor because their brains are small and they can only understand what is obvious and visceral. Not acting can be better for the common good than acting. Being a good custodian of money flows is doing society a favor.

Redistributing the money to "le poor" is going to increase the amount of the money that is spent not only on crass consumer goods and waste, but also on reproducing yet more unwashed masses.

>> No.12663902

wrong because wealth should have always been inherited; those who do not have inherited wealth are handicapped. Imagine growing a fruit tree for 10 years only to chop it down just when it's bearing fruit.
sounds fucking stupid right? That's how people see wealth - grow your own tree!

If you're not able to grow the inheritance significantly for your children then at least make sure to preserve its value adjusted with inflation

>> No.12663909

What a steamy load of pseudo Austrian school economics, Anon. Good job. Already finished mankiw macroecon?

>> No.12663917

kys, red scum

>> No.12663931
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Wow, cool rebuttal, bro!

>> No.12663943

Congratulations. You just figured out how the world works.

>> No.12664084

this guy gets it

put it in $DIV and get 6% divs bro

>> No.12664109

>i feel like what I’m doing is morally wrong

Start a NEET scholarship or something.

>> No.12664125

you deserve the guillotine.

>> No.12664128

>he gets 1.2 million dollars for doing nothing
>how is this even legal

>> No.12664140


Dude... two things:

1)you can't even multiply. 12 million @ 3% yields 360k a year.... A billion at 3% means 30 million a year.

2) Put your money on something that yields more than 3%. At that rate you're barely keeping up with inflation - if at all.

>> No.12664143


You shouldn't feel bad. This is basically what UBI is without the socialist narrative attached

>> No.12664170

ps: Actually by taking out 3% a year and living with it you're losing wealth.

If you were yielding 3%, and had another source of income to live off, then you'd be barely keeping up with inflation.

It might seem like nitpicking now, but check your account in 20 years when the dollar has half its current purchasing power.

>> No.12664177

Sorry your family sucks, anon. Maybe you can break the cycle.

>> No.12664190

>1)you can't even multiply. 12 million @ 3% yields 360k a year....
You can't even read. OP said 1.2 million, not 12 million.

>> No.12664207

I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. You need to get someone really smart to help you out or you’re going to be fucked in a few years. You either get dividends OR do a DRIP program, which uses that dividend money to purchase more shares, growing your portfolio. You’re just counting on the stock market to keep going up

>> No.12664211

the fund also grows....

>> No.12664239

This is bait

>> No.12664266

in the crisis next year your fund will go to zero and you will be as poor like the rest of us

>> No.12664300

OP said "can you imagine how much a billionaire would be making on 3% dividends? 360k".

I said a billionaire would make much more on 3%.

read again.

>> No.12664316

you seem well versed in how markets work

>> No.12664330

Which index fund? Also consider most normies have absolutely no investments, consider dividends your reward for being disciplined.

>> No.12664347
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Doing god's work, anon.

>> No.12664358

>You’re just counting on the stock market to keep going up
This is what most people do, and if you have a reasonably long time horizon, it works.

>> No.12664361

>Marxoid niggers inflate the value of physical labor

while Hayekian /pol/tard degenerates generalize all labor as 'physical', because most of them didn't work a single day in their lives

>Redistributing the money to "le poor" is going to increase the amount of the money that is spent not only on crass consumer goods and waste

>but also on reproducing yet more unwashed masses.

and then in the same Hayekian retards screech about 'destruction of the white race', 'illegal immigration' and 'falling birth rates' in the West in the same breath.
Start learning Spanish/Arabic, hayektard, you will need it soon.

>> No.12664371

To add to this, when the stock market is declining, use this time to use the dividends to simply buy more shares. To smart people, a stock market crash is another way of saying everything is on sale.

>> No.12664379
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Stay assblasted, you worthless parasites.

>> No.12664432
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>investing in (aka owning part of) a company
>getting paid for doing nothing
Pick one, fucking retards

>> No.12664532

He's not. The fund managers are. He only owns fractional shares via proxy, and he probably can't even make the companies involved off hand.

>> No.12664548


>> No.12664640


excellent bait my friend. well meme'd

>> No.12664657

dumbfuck identified

>> No.12664671

Lol you are so fucking stupid
A billionaire would be making 36mill a year

>> No.12664685

after inflation you'd get like 7% you fucking retard. have you ever looked at vanguard's returns?

>> No.12664705

ppl dont get rich making 3% a year lmao

>> No.12664710

Why does everything in this world sound like a ponzi

>> No.12664859

This is why you're not gonna make it anon

>> No.12664868

Retard. He means inheritance is how people get rich

>> No.12664892
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> muh austrian
> no, muh keynesian

>> No.12664934


In most cases, dividends pretty much stay stable even during recessions because corporations don't want to lose shareholders


ok so a billionaire makes much more doing nothing. thanks for proving my point :^)