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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 1360x666, debian_7_xfce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12652812 No.12652812 [Reply] [Original]

which OS is biz using?

>> No.12652844


>> No.12652857

shitos and loonix with systemd

>> No.12652877
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>> No.12652884


>> No.12652899

Windows 10 master race.

>> No.12652983
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>> No.12652989

if you don't have arch install, you're not even human

if you don't reinstall it every few days. you're barely human.

>> No.12652999

Ubuntu MATE

>> No.12653049

Debian Cinnamon

>> No.12653050

>not genuine
fucking based

>> No.12653069

OSX, buying new maxed-out MBP every 2 years.
Inb4 poorfags call me an NPC

>> No.12653094

Ubuntu at home. Android on the go.

>> No.12653101

Xunbutu masterrace

>> No.12653186


>> No.12653204

no we are cucks
I will switch to linux too
windows and mac os are full of key loggers
this will become more dangerous the more money you store in your desktop wallets

>> No.12653209

>I pay more for less functional tech because it makes me look wealthy to other NPCs

>> No.12653229

Q: How do you know someone uses Linux?
A: They'll tell you.

>> No.12653245

kubuntu 18.04

>> No.12653316

gonna need that wallpaper

>> No.12653460
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Running a hackintosh on my laptop, hooked up to a monitor, magic keyboard and magic trackpad for that portable macOS experience.

Most of my time is spent researching stuff and programming so it's a fine setup although I wish my CPU were faster (yes I fell for the 5Y70 ruse, although macOS is certainly faster than windows)

>> No.12653520

Why should I use Linux? Genuine question

>> No.12653531

Regular ol' Ubuntu

>> No.12653560

No point not using it unless you play lots vidya.
Either way kys.
You're welcome.

>> No.12653582

Free to acquire
Free updates
A lot of documentation and resources to help you
Lighter and faster than Windows on the same hardware
More customizable and more choice

I would recommend using Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Install either one on a virtual machine and learn how to use it and get comfortable with it before switching over.

Contrary to what others might tell you they're all (distros) functionally the same. The reason I'd suggest Ubuntu or Linux Mint is because they're the most popular, have a big support community behind them and recieve a lot of attention.

>> No.12653616
File: 361 KB, 1021x769, SupremeOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the greatest OS invented by the inventor of the world, Kim Jung Un!

Bitcorns are very secure sirs!

>> No.12653622

ubuntu minimal with i3

>> No.12653664

Debian with LXDE. I'm old school I guess. Never liked Gnome or any gui with flashy graphics. Just slows flow.

>> No.12653697

Me too. But I use i3 gaps.

>> No.12653747

Sweet DE

>> No.12653753

it's so cozy
everything just werks

>> No.12653796

The 8250 kicks ass if you need a new mobile CPU. Picked up a new laptop with one on Cyber Monday for <$500 and threw an SSD into it, not looking back.

>> No.12653867

>using Linux in 2019
You nerd faggots aren't gonna make it

>> No.12653877

is running this considered cyber espionage in the west?

>> No.12653918

>call of dutyist detected

>> No.12653934

Ubuntu sirs

Windows 10 keylog me

Privatekey no safe

Ledger scam no sv

>> No.12653992

>reddit spacing
plz leave

>> No.12654008
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ubuntu + i3

>> No.12654034


>> No.12654079
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>he doesn't use the ideal environment for shitposting
what a f a g

>> No.12654113

>get linux
>install i3 windows tiling
>have nightmare fever dream of being trapped inside the code
>never use laptop again
just stick to windows guys.

>> No.12654124

Kali because i love eating shit

>> No.12654184
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Works for me

>> No.12654199

>itt people who think linux is good for anything but showing off how cool you are to your other cool linux useing friends and getting in them mad respecth brah point

>> No.12654233

Sorry I was just finishing sucking a load of cocks because I'm a slutty whore.

BTW I use arch

>> No.12654245

Kubuntu, KDE master race, on my main rig
Fedora on my Thinkpads
Fedora on my home server
macOS on my MacBook Pro

>> No.12654252

Not really man. I use Linux cuz it's a lot more comfy for the kind of programming I do. Not just that but I'm partial to a certain workflow when it comes to window managers and Windows can't compare with Xmonad.

>> No.12654270
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Win 3.1 and a PCBoard BBS with a 5 line ringdown.

>> No.12654282

because unless you play vidya, your OS is basically just a bootloader for Chrome. might as well use something secure.

you can always dual boot into Windows for photoshop, vidya, etc. whenever you really need that degenerate shit.

>> No.12654285

You are an idiot. Stop doing any programing on linux bases systems and go over right now to win or osx.

Business couldnt care less how well you are familiar with linux systems.

>> No.12654342

i use linux because it feels comfy, and i can do things faster without any mouse clicking. i mostly do server-side stuff, which is dominated by linux

also i don't play games, so windows has little to offer for me

>> No.12654356
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>Business couldnt care less how well you are familiar with linux systems.
ur mom sure did lmao

>> No.12654378

Oh okay. Just bought 100k windows licenses

>> No.12654397
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>> No.12654663

installed windows 10 to try out some games but holy fuck i have to opt out of so much spyware.
>hides windows user folders from other partition.
>blue screen
>sorry crash, dont restart we'll restart for you, were just taking some your info.

>> No.12654702
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Had to compress it because this website only lets upload up to 4 MB for a picture, but unless you're using a 5k monitor or higher like I am then you won't even see the difference.

When I was dual-booting Gentoo with W10, I just ended up deleting my W10 partition because I was never using it.

>> No.12654749

Even on Windows and Mac, I don't ever use Photoshop. There are just so many alternatives that you don't have to pay for or pirate.
Unless you guys are expert digital painters, the slew of image editing alternatives are more than enough to replace Photoshop. Hell Photoshop isn't even the best at digital painting.

>> No.12654765

Wat are some good ones for linux?

>> No.12654783

that scene was fucking weird, i was left wondering wtf was the point of it, why would tyrell wanna try to impress some random techie in the company

also i don't see how gnome is supposed to be "better" than kde

>> No.12654836

Depends on what you need it for. Krita is the most intuitive and powerful for general use like making shitty memes or even working on digital art. Anyone can figure out how to use it, and the tools/features aren't hidden in a million different sub-menus. Even on Mac I use it. My only complaint is its text editing tool is sub-par. If not for that it would be perfect.

>> No.12654845
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Arg linuggggs

>> No.12655338

elementary os here

>> No.12655563

anybody rock a librebooted old thinkpad in here?

>> No.12655769

What is a virtual machine? Thomas keeps telling people he’s got a node/docker on a virtual machine idk what he’s talking about

>> No.12655851

What is Google

>> No.12655909


>> No.12655930

Desktop: Xubuntu, i3-gaps + flumm space theme
Laptop: Arch Linux, i3 + same theme

>> No.12655942


>don’t call me an NPC

Oh shit the NPC is becoming self aware

>> No.12655988


How does anyone get decent Linux drivers for laptops? The battery life and trackpad is almost always crap unless you win the laptop vendor lottery. Plus you’ll be installing it on some fat ugly thinkpad or dell XPS that craps out 1 month out of warranty.

This is why I use a Mac. If you have a desktop manager on a fucking Linux distro you are doing it wrong. Linux is a server OS period.

>> No.12656199

Your entire argument assumes that there are only laptops and there’s no such thing as a desktop computer. Desktop Linux is the comfiest I have ever been, because your desktop computer is like your home, where you spend most of your time. So it’s invaluable to customize everything the way you like it.
>muh server OS
You don’t even know what that means. Fucking kids lol

>> No.12656514

Desktop: Windows 10 Pro (bought a key on eBay for $5)
Mobile: iOS (iPhone and iPad)

I feel like W10 is complete crap for safety, it looks like a gigantic malware even after I spent a lot of time to switch off all the privacy options and set it up in the most secure way.

>> No.12656519


>> No.12656537
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i3, a gentleman of taste

also TempleOS here

>> No.12656786

MacOS for the same level of customization as linux if you're not scared of editing conf files, got my matlab, office, and chrome. Don't need anything else

>> No.12656804

Cuntbuntu is my fav flavor

>> No.12656869

But TempleOs has no networking

>> No.12656890

Been paranoid af since installing windows again a few days ago. Too lazy to use my shitty side laptop as the main access point for my coins.

feeling nervous tho

>> No.12656935

Ubuntu 18.04 for wallets on an AMD FX machine. Windows 8.1 for gayms. Windows 10 for work.

>> No.12656945

Hey look at my riced out linux desktop. What is this 2008? Use a fucking grownup os you fucking 40 year old basement dwellers.

>> No.12657027

Plain Ubuntu. I just want to do my shit in peace.

>> No.12657170

Faster and more secure.

Also it's just comfy, it's an OS made for programmers and hobbyists for their peers, not by corporations trying to suck you dry. The level of trust you can have in your system is really something else, you never see the update prompt as a treat, thinking "what kind of shitware or spyware are they installing now".

>> No.12657181

Micropeen Wincuck 10™

>> No.12657200

>only using one OS
who else has multiple computer devices with different OS on each?

>> No.12657241

i used to have linux to. now we have data security laws in the eu and i use windwos 10 :) very comfy

>> No.12657305
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Tails (https://tails.boum.org/index.en.html))

>> No.12657308


>> No.12657362

damn, i didn't know /g/ and /biz/ intersect so much since everyone over there will frown on you if you mention bitcoin.

Manjaro linux here, pretty comfy.

>> No.12657370


>> No.12657371

Based. I’m still on gnome, it’s still good enough for me. I don’t use more than two workspaces and have keyboard shortcuts to use 1/2, 1/4 and full screen. If I’d ever use i3, I’d get something lighter than gnome though, probably xfce + Compton. Maybe I’ll make the jump one day...

>> No.12657377
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>> No.12657501

Linux (Debian KDE) or macOS/iOS.

Not touching anything running Windows or Android aka PajeetOS.

>> No.12657528

im not surprised to see all of these non-macs given the amount of link shitposting that goes on here from late adopters

>> No.12657531

If you use Windows you will never make it

>> No.12657536

>Windows 10

>> No.12657537

Absolutely based

>> No.12657550

Why would one use Debian over Ubuntu. Even the default Linux OS for Azure Virtual Machines is Ubuntu.

>> No.12657622


>> No.12657671
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Manjaro KDE

>> No.12657709


Well, Ubuntu is based off of Debian

>> No.12657777

There was a time when Ubuntu was "for noobs" and only real Scotsmen used Debian. Those days are over but some of us are stuck in the past. That said, Debian is a perfectly fine OS and it is upstream from Ubuntu so if you want to go to the source you go there. I'd say try out both but they're about the same.

>> No.12657801


>> No.12658990

I3 and redhat
I3 and fedora
Two ThinkPad t480 laptops from work

>> No.12659210

How do I get into Linux .. I’m such a retard.

>> No.12659225

nice pedo symbolism in the background.

>> No.12659259

Download some VM software like VirtualBox or VMWare and get the Ubuntu installer from ubuntu.com. Install Ubuntu in the VM and just play around with it until you break it. Then start over with another one. After 2 or 3 rounds of this you won't break it anymore and it'll all start to make sense. Then you put it on bare metal.
That's how I got into Linux back in 2007 and I haven't looked back.

>> No.12659284

lmao something like 90% of businesses run on linux. Stay poor faggot

>> No.12659317
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Source on macos being full of keyloggers?

>> No.12659393

windows 7 is the windows xp of this decade

>> No.12660051


>> No.12660154

Is using Gentoo worth the fuss of installing it?

>> No.12660251

win7/kali/android masterrace

>> No.12660331

Dual boot fedora/ macOS on both Mac mini and MacBook. Only reason I keep Mac OS is because I am as well a musician and until Alsa is sorted out, Linux is a no go for us . Haven’t used windows in years

>> No.12660371


>> No.12660450

Linux Mint. it's worked perfectly for me for a few years so haven't even tried any other distros
Was an apple fag for years before moving to windows 5 years ago.
then the constant updates became a chore.
both apple and microsoft can get fucked

>> No.12660581

Been a Wincuck. Recently I've been doing alot of programming on Ubuntu VM and was just considering to move permanently to Ubuntu. This post has triggered me , migrating tonight. Thanks based anon

>> No.12660745

You will love fedora

>> No.12661521

If you can't compile it, you can't trust it.

>> No.12661851

Fair point. Macos is so damn comfy though, although I've used Linux mint/debian and they were a lot better than I was expecting.

>> No.12661912
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Either what the other anon said or if you have a USB stick you can run it from that and boot from USB, either with the ability to make changes and save files or if you just want it for shitposting etc you can have it with no file permenance so it's completely clear every time you boot

Google pen drive Linux