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12654708 No.12654708 [Reply] [Original]

Have you figured out the law of reaping what you sow? That morals have a good impact on your life? Ecspecially serving God

>> No.12654744

>serving god instead of mammon
Get this heathen out of here

>> No.12654790

Jesus will come and conquer this earth, you have to make a choice. The best offer on the planet is God saying " you have sinned and I sent my son to die for your sins, just accept it and you are counted as righteous and will be accepted into the house of God" its a free gift that last forever. The best deal ever if you ask me.

>> No.12655482

Getting breadpilled about jesus christ and realizing the truth about newage fake prophets and modernity beliefs have been one of the best things that have happened in my life lately

Seriously it's godly how much i have changed in my beliefs


>> No.12655507

No, because if I do then I fall into a suicidal mental health crisis whenever bad things happen.

>> No.12655528

Good for you anon
Love the truth and stay the course. The reward at the end is greater than we can ever imagine.

>> No.12655542

you do know you can act in accordance with judeo-christian values and not actually believe in god right? that's what i've been doing

>> No.12655556

Sorry OP, god/jesus are make believe to control the normie masses.

>> No.12655575


We all going to make it, we just need to have faith in Christ and God despite everything that happens, it really puts in perspective to see how everyone seeks redemption of their lives but no one really indulges in the philosophy of redemption and what it entails, only an all knowing God can redempt everyone


Actually the faith in money control the masses, even people who "have made it" feel the need of longing for trascendence and redemption, the dissonance created in modernity by "believing in yourself" and the need of trascendent redemption from the all-knowing other mantains everyone in a non-ending seek of uncontrolled desire, it's impossible to know what sin means when you put your faith into desire itself thinking it will redempt you in this world, and thinking you know what you desire means

>> No.12655582


>> No.12655583


thinking you know what your desire means*

>> No.12655609
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Nice guys finish last.

>> No.12655653

so all those satan worshipping kikes must be dirt poor?

>> No.12655717


It's funny that you mention it, but getting redemption through women is a big mistake, woman are human, they are part of the corruption of sin, thinking they can discern and somehow make your life meaningful by giving you deliverance from your being is a huge mistake, you will be seeking approbation from what you think women want and you will never be fulfilled, you may even despair everyday trying to be perfect in the eyes of women even though they don't know at all, they are not omniscient (funnily enough, manosphere gives some kind of sixth sense to woman to fulfill this need of extra-knowledge or near omniscience that the longing of redemption needs to be completed)

Same could be said about men... Political ideology is just this seek of redemption but secularized, it's not random that all kinds of political ideologies try to seek paradise on earth, and that you can't question it because they are "omniscient" dogmas who know better than men (see the book of Job, where Job ask directly to God the reason of his suffering, and God just arrogantly says what Job knows at all compared to him)

You either believe in nothing or believe in a trascendent omniscient god, and Christianity eerily fulfills the need of redemption so clearly that's weird as fuck, also the OT prophets foreshadow this need of messiah and the nature of it so clearly that truly makes me believe, there is nothing in the world that can redempt you completely, just fleeting and ghostly before the next longing kicks in

>> No.12655732

>Have you figured out the law of reaping what you sow?
Yes, but I'm only human and so is everyone around us

>> No.12655798

Based and lightpilled