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File: 57 KB, 645x729, DAB76D55-D0CA-4CD8-97BF-AE82E5CC2267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12654081 No.12654081 [Reply] [Original]

>software “””engineer”””
>I “”””build””” software
>I “””code””

>> No.12654091

""""""""""' I """"""""""'

>> No.12654102

> muh python is for scripting
> wintard
> 250k for 10 lines of code
> $ sudo your mother

>> No.12654135

>i turn coffee into code xD

>> No.12654188
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...but how?

>> No.12654223

>I'm a software """architect""" with 20 years experience developing """complex""" web applications in PHP
>I love hiking and card games xD
>married to @average_roastie21
>views expressed are my own

>> No.12654250

God I hate this board

>> No.12654274

php "programmer" spotted.

tell us about your wordpress blog anon.

>> No.12654283

no, kill yourself

>> No.12654292
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>code artisan

>> No.12654319

By shitting it out

>> No.12654339
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FUCK YOU! india is as british as sherlock holmes

>> No.12654386

WTF is your problem with it? 7.x is coming along and only mature more quickly with the CS students getting over themselves long enough to work with it.

Other than some fucky math implementations, it does most of what you should need it to do for website shit.

>> No.12654413

Too many losers and disillusioned retards who thought they could get rich overnight, but didn't realize the boys actually getting rich had diamond hands since early 2010 aka the real early adopters

>> No.12654538

You missed the deeper joke which is to do with coffee making you shit.

>> No.12654595
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>code is beautiful

>> No.12654631
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>code ninja

>> No.12654643

lol this, how is this thread still alive

>> No.12654768

lmao HAHAHA observe the fucking overblown autistic reaction of the code monkey, how he lashes out with absurd detail about the software at a good natured bit of generalist banter

truly he's incapable of communicating outside of his insular tribe of basedish checkmarked "code slingers" (pajeet stand-ins)

>> No.12654786
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>mfw a coder ("software engineer") calls themselves an "engineer"

I did not spend 4 years of my life doing nothing but studying to get upstaged by fucking CS majors.

>> No.12654813

I'm a computer engineer (BSEE) and all I do is code. You mad?

>> No.12654855
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No reason one can't "build" software
Making an application usually involves assembling many parts, sometimes whole modules made by other people, into one system and then adding onto that system
I would call that building

But Idk, maybe your definition of 'build' is
>He put blox togever yay!

>> No.12655047
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ah, so that would make the retards at Subway sandwich engineers

>> No.12655125

>I dream in code

>> No.12655129

Damn I wish that was me. I need to do 20 lines of code per day and only get paid $140k

>> No.12655215
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this thread

>python pajeet code monkey thinks he's smart because he uses a good language
>backend dev gets offended because pajeet tells him he's not a real programmer
>front end dick sucker hipster makes jokes except it was all about himself

>> No.12655289

Jokes on you faggots. I make 80k for being an "html developer" maybe nobody wants to hire you faggots because either A) youre a pajeet or B) you are a creepy looking faggot

>> No.12655340

That's cool and all, but you likely live in an area where cost of living is so high that it balances out.

>> No.12655351

I'm a mechatronics engineer and I barely do anything at all. Get on my level.

>> No.12655354

"""""The data ecosystem"""""

>> No.12655456

Why the fuck are you trying to get a job that's not relevant to your degree?

>> No.12655471

"""Deliver value to the business""""""

Btw ur obviously jelly of real developers
Don't be such a butthurt faggot everyome knows software """engineering""" (lol) is a joke

>> No.12655478
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>script kiddie

>> No.12655499
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No just don't call yourself an "engineer", especially when in the presence of actual Engineers.

>> No.12655504

The mantra of every basedboy coder

>> No.12655524

Computer engineers are engineers, software engineers are not.

>> No.12655527

I’m absolutely okay with the title of HTML developer

However, I’m not okay with “engineer”, people saying they “build” anything (its software you pretentious gaggots)

And “coding” absolute cringe. You’re a programmer, you aren’t cool, you aren’t hip, it’s a boring job.

I’m absolutely okay with people saying they’re computer scientists if they’re in the field of CS. I’m okay with an EE saying they’re a computer engineer or hardware engineer

But software engineer is too pretentious as you just shit out software and update it as you go. Imagine if civil engineering practiced that way, yep let’s just patch this bridge up. Cringe

>> No.12655540

>Imagine if civil engineering practiced that way, yep let’s just patch this bridge up.

Happens all the time. Humans don't suddenly stop making mistakes when they are given specific titles.

>> No.12655555

Iterative development is the reason Tesla is so successful. It can work with real life engineering.

>> No.12655561

Honestly, the real difference is the level of professional accountability and commitment to a code of practice. If I fuck something up I'll go to jail, but I don't think the same is true of your average software developer.

>> No.12655591

NASA fucked up many times but none of their engineers went to jail.

>> No.12655670
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imagine being someone who actually defends the term "software engineer". you know that term itself is credited to a woman?

people were "programmers" until they started calling themselves "coders" in the early 2000s to sound cool. sometime after that it devolved into "developers" and "engineers."

this shit isnt cool. youre not cool. it's 21st century literacy. if you CANT program anything, youre retarded fucking gaggot who should just go build sandwiches at Subway.

pic related: it's every "software engineer" averaged out

>> No.12655687

>Location: San Francisco, CA

>> No.12655709


No shit a woman would make up a title like software engineer. They're the ones who hand out participation trophies.

>> No.12656008
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dev jobs are in huge bubble right now
they got so spoiled they think they are actual engineers writing crap code and crap products in javascript
luckily 90% of them will be fully replaced and automated in future

>> No.12656126


U just mad we make more than you. My engineering cuck friends had to work their ass off in diff ex and get their masters just to earn 80k and I’m already into the six figs with my palak paneer eating brethren

>> No.12656295

redpill me on mechatronics?

Since Bill Gates said the future will contain robots in every household, is mechatronics going to be the new CS in terms of money (ex: like how CS majors get paid 6 figures straight out of college)

>> No.12656305

Whats so bad about being in San Francisco? I thought about moving there when I finish studying so I can earn six figures. Is it because that place is cucked?

>> No.12656317

Do either of them have a license?

>> No.12656359

but hiking is based

>> No.12656385

what a waste

>> No.12656414

Computer engineers can become registered with professional engineering organisations and become chartered.

It's basically just electrical engineering except people think you're also qualified to do mechanical work. Having a bit of a background in both definitely helps with communication.

>> No.12656427

>homeless people everywhere
>the people in general
>insanely high cost of living

can't fork up 3k a month for a studio? live in the suburbs outside and commute for 4 hours daily or pay 1500 to live in a room with 1 bathroom, 6 bunk beds and nothing of your own.
sure, there's justifications and you can make it work but as someone who has lived in cuckafornia since birth, just look elsewhere and save yourself the hassle.
ask away if you have other questions lol

>> No.12656437

Programming is the most boring job in the world

>> No.12656457
File: 133 KB, 640x525, San Franshitsco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats so bad about being in San Francisco?
In addition to what this anon said, >>12656427
San Francisco literally has shit-covered streets that are also littered with needles

>> No.12656476


Which do you think will result in a higher salary? EE or Mechatronics?

>> No.12656487


Ty anons. My friend always spouts shit like " xd dood I'mgonna go to Silicon Valley. Either make it to the top or die trying"

He's a 2nd year CS major btw

>> No.12656498

"Coding" is easy, lame, boring and low-impact
The fun part is architecting brand new things at massive scale

>> No.12656513

They're basically the same. Most jobs they'll hire either. Mechatronics might be better if you specifically want to get into systems engineering or architecture.

>> No.12656522

I should mention that that's mostly only for fairly generalist electronics stuff. If you want to specialise early into something like power, you're better off studying electrical.

>> No.12656693

no worries. good luck to him and yourself. to make that happen you gotta have impressive experience, natural talent, connections up the ass and a lot of dedication to truly "make it" there.
wait till senior year of CS (if he makes it) and the following few months after graduation to see how humbled he will be while searching for jobs there.

>> No.12657553
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It may happen but it’s not best practice. It’s simply the most convienent way to do things in software because you can profit off a shitty piece of software then fix it later

Remember cuckerbergs motto? Move fast and break things? You think civil engineers, mechanical engineers (in the automotive industry), etc would be allowed to say that?

>> No.12657598
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>20 years experience developing """complex""" web applications in PHP
kek move along grandpa zoomers code in javascript today, and based millenials in java, take your monster drink and go sip it on the porch

>> No.12657707

>Remember cuckerbergs motto? Move fast and break things?
>Taking a quote literally

You really think Zuckerberg is happy with having bugs in Facebook that hackers can exploit? Why would it even be good practice to write sloppy code?

>You think civil engineers, mechanical engineers (in the automotive industry), etc would be allowed to say that?

Why the fuck would they even say that? 1) They're not public representives of their companies. 2) Those people don't have as much flexibility to be innovative as people working in the software industry. R&D is way more costly so they can't take that much risk. It's not like you can crash test an unlimited number of cars to test the safety of your designs. 3) It doesn't matter what people say. In the end, if shit breaks, then you're in trouble.

Have you compared the accidents/deaths that are directly attributed to poorly written software versus some poorly engineered hardware or structure?

>> No.12658056
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Wow the coping here is real from non coding neets

My 220k compensation per year could care less

>> No.12658059

>itt wagies arguing about their titles and shitty jobs

>> No.12658064

>he "makes" 220k
>which includes stock options that probably will expire worthless
>he probably lives in some shit box house in SF that cost 50 million
>he spends half his income on onions

>> No.12658071

no different to regular engineers that get paid to build things, by drawing them on paper or via 3d models.

>> No.12658072

I'm so sick of stem beta males with God complexes. CS, engineering, whatever, you autistic fucks and your humble bragging are making this website unbearable

>> No.12658893

lol I'm a web dev and I could fuck any woman you'd have hopes of mating with, right in front of you

the weeb fat web dev stereotype is that, a stereotype. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of them, and also vaping goth faggots, but there's also a good cohort of chads like me, you know, the 'project manager' or 'solutions arhitect' not the 'backend developer' paid like shit for 10 years

>> No.12659029


Now imagine that you could code a darkweb binance-like scam with some russian (criminal) credit card processing.

This is what programming skills is for.

>> No.12659081

>cope, the thread

>> No.12659156

if what fucking world does being a mechatronics engineer in any way relate to architecture?
mechatronics revolve around 3d software, plc's, mechanics and automation.

>> No.12659175

bet you're a shitty mechatronics engineer if you barely do anything at all

>> No.12659195

>ninja coder

>> No.12659287

Are you seriously bragging about 80k?

>> No.12659450

said the neet with no income nor prospects in the foreseeable future

>> No.12659581

probably meant systems architecture, ie. high-level design & prototyping

>> No.12659672

My university offers a software engineering degree that is accredited business Engineers Australia.
So the typical complaint of people calling themselves engineers when they are not certified isn't necessarily true.

>> No.12659689


>> No.12659700

U sound mad
>t. Software engineer

>> No.12660145

java is dogshit

>> No.12660149
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i guess when you're surrounded by a bunch of world of warcraft players i can see why you'd think youre a chad just because you dont have the worst FHP in the office.

by the way, have you respected all your coworkers preferred pronouns today, denounced trump for his latest tweet, and apologized for the mishaps of all other white males' on earth so taht your retard coworkers can feel comfortable in their 'incubator'?

lmao you have to emasculate yourself on a daily basis and youre over here bragging about it

behold, >>12658893, king of the numales

at least you get to attend your designated lunch in 1.5 hours

>> No.12660254

t. Buttmad Coper.

>> No.12660426
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fuck kikes

>> No.12660440

>the cope

I have an hour out of 8 free to take whenever and in as many batches as I want, and everyone in my office (< 10) is white and not a cuck. The other 7 are spent spreading out ~3-4 hours of actual work mixed with plebbit and 4chin browsing

have fun in the service industry neetlet, they squeeze those hours ouuta ya there

>> No.12660664

Threads still going boys, keep it up

>> No.12660805

Hi fellow chad

>> No.12660875

they dont actually go hiking, they drive to scenic locations and take photos.

>> No.12661825

It's OK as long as you slap "software" in front of it. The problems arise when you try to act like "one of the guys" when actual engineers start taking.

>> No.12662395

wtf is that food, probably cost 16$ too

>> No.12662546

>network "engineer" - I plug LAN cables into a network switch, and take $500/day. Today I did nothing on full pay