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12648016 No.12648016 [Reply] [Original]

Interview in 5 hours.. it's a phone interview, kinda nervous.. kinda don't care..

Sure, I need a job, but I don't know how much this job pays. Also it requires me to move to the opposite side of the country (usa).

Got any pointers /biz/?

>> No.12648042

Answer ALL questions standing up

>> No.12648048


ok, I can do that. I'll be on the phone anyway.

>> No.12648054

Look in the mirror and smile at yourself for 1 minute. It gives you confidence and puts you in a more social state

>> No.12648059

Kek, I have one of these is two days. I’m planning on looking nice and cleaning up the area around me in case they say they want to make it a video call.

Also make sure you formulate the answers to common questions and have them in front of you

>> No.12648060

What kind of job is it? Even if pay is bad, phone interview is good practice to keep you sharp

>> No.12648088

Put some clothes on, don’t masturbate doing the interview, and find a place that doesn’t have any distractions

>> No.12648414
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thanks frens

>> No.12648481

if you feel a bit anxious a good advice is to go running outside half an hour, take a shower. dress well, drink water.
you will feel more confident and focus.

also, don't fear the experience whether good or bad... you can try the job for a week or two. what do you have to lose? You get the fuck out if you don't like it ... you are free.

>> No.12648504
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Thanks buddy

>> No.12649055
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Hey bros

What questions should I ask regarding relocation?

>> No.12649075
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I do these with a slight buzz and a flirtatious attitude.

>> No.12649116

No fap today until after call.
Also you can never have too much caffeine for a phone interview. They wont see you shaking

>> No.12649132

You’ll most likely get the job considering they are going through the hassle of a phone interview

>> No.12649140

Don't think about it too much, and most of all, be forward, confident, and HONEST.

>> No.12649171


>> No.12649614
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>> No.12649748

phone interviews rock. you can be totally naked and under your comfy sheets while they ask you their stupid questions. feels good.

>> No.12649771
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Just found a picture of the HR rep who I'm going to be talking to.

blonde hair blue eyes bombshell hotty.

Now my autism is acting up.

>> No.12649788

better practice your Chad voice, bro. only way you'll make it

>> No.12649836

post it.

>> No.12649837

Had a phone interview recently and I did push-ups beforehand. Got rid of the nervous feeling and made me more confident. Have your resume, cover letter, etc in front of you because they may reference that. If you have a headset that let's you hear how you're speaking that could help too. You'll know whether you sound bored or are talking too fast. Good luck anon.

>> No.12649857

working out beforehand is legit advice.

>> No.12649913

Ask if they have relocation assisstance and what kind they've given to people in the past. you might need an advance to break your lease or put a deposit on a new pad so check if they'll either pay for it or front you. then there is transportation, you'll have to move your shit across the country somehow, either with our car/uhaul or fly+ship.

>> No.12649982

this, I always lift, shower, and eat before ALL interviews, even on the phone.

Prepare a response to all the meme questions, here are some I've encountered:
+Mistakes you've made & how you learned from it
+Career Goals (usually something more engaging than "I need to feed make money" is expected)
+Where you see yourself in 2, 5, 10 years
+Hobbies, passions, etc. literally first-date shit especially with HR roasties
+Questions for them (ask them what THEY like about the company, how is the corporate culture, etc). If you have none you sound disinterested and lame.

>> No.12650051
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my interview has been canceled for tomorrow, "because that position has recently been filled"

>> No.12650317
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Anyway, I just finished. The problem is they sound like they want to hire me. But, no relocation assistance and the pay seems shitty. 15/hr and 60hr work weeks (mostly standing around and documenting reports).

I don't know bros. I'm going to have to tell them off, i have a negative gut feeling about this.

>> No.12650333

>60hr work weeks
Europoor here. That semms like much to me.

>> No.12650341

Fuck that job.

>> No.12650349

I didn’t know McDonalds did phone interviews.

>> No.12650376


Exactly, why the fuck do people do this.

The audacity of employers I fucking swear. I'm giving my life up for them, and they want to pay me fucking pennies.

>> No.12650409

I was just stood up for an interview. faggots

>> No.12650468

Sounds like not much money. Whrte would you moving to? Working and living in the Middle of nowhere for $15 an hour is very different from working in Seattle for $15 an hour.

>> No.12650575

it's in the midwest, but I'm from cali so 15 seems like a major downgrade.

>> No.12650742

I'm out in the Midwest (downstate Illinois). Outside of Chicago, you can survive on that level of pay.

Current minimum wage is $8.25 and in Chicago, it's around $12/hr.

With the new governor in place, a bill vetoed by the previous governor will probably go through that slowly ups pay to $15/hr by 2022 (or 2023 since it'll be done a year later).

Just calculated ($15 x 60 hours x 50 weeks (assuming 2 weeks off for vacation) would net about $45k/year before taxes). Definitely liveable, especially if you control costs.

Before considering moving out east, check out housing costs, general cost of living and taxes (Illinois, for example, is known for a high tax rate relative to other Midwest states).

>> No.12650792



Yeah, I checked the minimum wages out there, they seem pretty low. So, it's still on the table, mainly because I have student loans I have to pay off and getting off my ass after 6 months seems like the right thing to do. So, i may work there just to pay off my good goy loans, while actively looking for something that is little more concentrated in my field. Which is the Geoscience side.

>> No.12650824


Visit the place in person before accepting it unless you are very desperate

>> No.12650835


Well, considering they won't even pay for part of the relocation, I doubt the cheapskates will pay for my plane ticket out there to check it out.

>> No.12650882

always listen to your gut, bro
no relocation assistance is bs. 45k isn't much, entry level in most real industries.

>> No.12650894


You are correct - glaring red flag. Avoid

>> No.12651096

Welcome! Gotta get those loans paid down as soon as you can, still, gotta find a job you'll at least be ok with.

Checking out the areanis a good idea. If you can find a cheap flight, it would be worth it to do so. Look into the crime rate for the area and rating for the k-12 schools. Those will give you a good idea of what to expect.

Like the other Anons said, look out for red flags such as no relocation assistance.

>> No.12651219
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I'm also sad I won't be able to shitpost on here as much.

>> No.12651283

Comes with the territory of having to do a lot of work.

If the office memes are accurate in your case (lots of free time/pretending to work), then you'll be able to shitpost.

Otherwise, it'll be during the next bull run.

>> No.12651331

I had a phone interview on Friday. I should find out how it went today, but I think I did pretty well. I think the trick is to be friendly and conversational - other anons might be different, but I have a tendency to clam up and act too formally in those situations. It helped that I was at work, because I had to walk outside for the interview and use headphones. It meant I could pace around a little bit and be more emotive.

>> No.12651611

Hope you get it.