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12641763 No.12641763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR: I lost my house in an earthquake and also all my money on a U.S. based cryptocurrency exchange because U.S. government sanctioned normal Iranian citizens like me and now I'm homeless.

You can read the full story here:


Ask me anything

>> No.12641774
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>> No.12641777


>> No.12641784

sorry bro

trump and his supporters are literal human trash

>> No.12641787

where do you live now

>> No.12641799

nice e-begging faggot

>> No.12641802


I live in a tent. I lost everything i had. My house by the force of nature and all my crypto by the force of U.S. government. They stole my money.

>> No.12641806

His supporters are foolish but they are not trash. Just like most of the lefts supporters are human beings like us brainwashed by the democrats. The ultimate blackpill is that both sides are manipulating the masses by pretending like they have a choice through this two party system.

>> No.12641809


I am not begging. I am asking U.S. government to give me back my crypto that they stole from me illegally. This is a crime against humanity.

>> No.12641814

Didnt read the medium post. With who are you living with now?

>> No.12641815

How many arabs have to be killed? Christ.

>> No.12641820

Stop being Iranian.

>> No.12641828

You should have stored your coins in a wallet. I'm american and I wouldn't keep $2k on an exchange.

>> No.12641832

>"Here are some wallet addresses. I appreciate any amount of donation"

>I am not begging

Sure you aren't.

>> No.12641837


Sounds like you want a lawyer not biz

>> No.12641857

I don't think a fatwa will help him get his money back.

>> No.12641862

Your government wants to kill innocents and develop weapons of mass destruction, yet you blame Trump for the sanctions?
You're a pathetic sandnigger and you deserve everything. Fucking brainlet.

>> No.12641869

Why on earth would you keep funds on an American exchange as an Iranian? That would be like me using a crypto exchange in North Korea.

>> No.12641905

This. Dumb arab gets what he deserves

>> No.12641912


I live with my mother in a tent. She is ill and can't walk properly. I explained in my blog post i couldn't fix the walls because i lost all my money on that U.S. based exchange.

>> No.12641916

> born in Iran
your "life" was worthless to begin with

>> No.12641950

Trump didn't make you leave your crypto on an exchange.

That said I disagree with the sanctions.

Still gonna vote for Trump again. Our leftists and business elites want to destroy our wages thorough immigration. I can't just accept that.

Hillary would have sanctioned the fuck out of you too.

>> No.12641968


We couldn't buy hardware wallets back then because Iran was and still is sanctioned. Online wallets were mostly following U.S. laws too. We contacted Bittrex (evidence is posted in my blog post) a few times and they said they have no problem with Iranians using their exchange and they didn't have any lines prohibiting Iranians from using their exchange in their TOS. So Bittrex appeared to be the safest option for us since it was reputable back in 2017, but alas!

>> No.12641977


I am an ordinary citizen i have nothing to do with the government. I was targeted instead of the government. I had my money stolen from me illegally by the U.S. government i didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.12641984




>> No.12641992

Trump didn’t destroy your life you did. Maybe next time don’t gamble your money to internet meme coins and buy a home somewhere where there are no earthquakes.
Learn to take responsibility from your own actions or you will never make it.

>> No.12642014

>normal citizen
Kek. Tough shit Mohammad, should have stayed in your shithole eating sand and making your women wear curtains on their heads. Fuck you, I hope your tent burns down

>> No.12642021

Why don't you petition your government to stop threatening to destroy Israel, maybe then America will back off a bit?

>> No.12642025


I had a house. I lost it to the earthquake and lost my money to the U.S. government which stole my money from me illegally. I just want my stolen money back.

>> No.12642030

OP, I read through your post and it seems weird that there wasn't a warning ahead of time about that to allow you to pull out funds.

Not sure if or when you'll be blessed to get them back. I don't blame Slack for closing access as if they don't, the US government will come down hard.

It would be risky having any money on a foreign exchange, especially in a country that has a history of sanctioning your country. I have a bit on Binance via Coinbase, but only put in as much as an could afford to lose. I don't know if your media covered it, but Trump was declared many times when campaigning for president and once he became president that he would put sanctions on Iran.

Wish I was in a position to do something, but this sounds like something that won't be resolved until the embargo is lifted.

Add in Bittrex's fake location and that seems scammy.

I'd you go back on an exchange, never put in more than you're ok with losing.

>> No.12642035


I have nothing to do with the government. I am an ordinary person.

>> No.12642040

*If you got back on an exchange...

>> No.12642046
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Based Trump

>> No.12642057

Maybe you should have stayed in Iran you fag?

>> No.12642076

>I was targeted instead of the government.
Every nation deserves its government. As evident by your willingness to blame Trump and not the genocidal maniacs who represent you and you tolerate.

>> No.12642077


I am in Iran and living in a tent because i couldn't afford to fix my earthquake stricken house due to U.S. government stealing all my money that i explained in my blog post.

>> No.12642083


I live in the middle of nowhere i don't live near the capital. I explained in the blog post.

>> No.12642095

No....you put your money on a gambling website then lost access to it because you didn't follow the rules.

More than likely you are lying completely.

Even if you aren't, you are a shitskin immigrant and I wish you had died in the earthquake. Get the fuck out of my country. Stay the fuck out of my country. You do not belong here. The earthquake is a sign from god himself that you do not fucking belong here.

>> No.12642098

> I'm just an ordinary citizen
> I have nothing to do with the government
Yeah, no shit, this is why your country is in the state that it is in, and that's why your life is in the state it is.
> I let these corrupt retards be corrupt retards with no adverse from me living under them
> wahh there's repercussions from letting a bunch of corrupt retards govern you
Fucking shitskins, you need a revolution not based around books written by sand people hundreds of years ago. Until then you shitskins will suffer in a mess of your own making.
> More sanctions when?

>> No.12642105

You could have generated a paper wallet online or downloaded an app and generated a private key and nobody would ever have been able to touch it.

>> No.12642111

NEVER EVER leave your funds on an exchange

>> No.12642112

> Buys house in area with earthquakes
> and no quake insurance
> quake comes
Dam u wypipo gimme dat house

>> No.12642122

Uhh, guy hasn't left his country, so he isn't an immigrant to anywhere. I don't think he'll be able to easily get to another country, let alone the US in his present state.

>> No.12642138

thats fucking disgusting. im so glad i got out of crypto. too much scumbags like those bittrex admins.

>> No.12642140

Sucks to suck you dumb dog.

>> No.12642146

trumptards can't read.

>> No.12642149
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>keeping all your life savings on a exchange

>> No.12642158


>you didn't follow the rules

Read my blog post. I explained there that we asked the exchange if its against their rules for Iranians to have an account there and they said no, Iranians can have accounts i even posted evidence there. I did nothing against the rules they literally stole my money.

>you are a shitskin immigrant

I am not an immigrant. I am living in a tent inside Iran. I posted my pics and the tent im living in right now.

>> No.12642164


>> No.12642166
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why you kept all your money on a exchange?

>> No.12642177


I researched paper wallets back then and there was this thing about them where the unspent crypto just wouldnt go back to the wallet if you didnt send the entire stash or something. It was too risky for me. May be i didn't understand it. My English was not very good back then.

>> No.12642178

>I was trading crypto in my tent on Bittrex

>> No.12642181


>Buys house in area with earthquakes

I inherited this house from many generations past me. We used to live in this area for generations.

>> No.12642187

>leaving a dime you arent prepared to lose on an exchange
>”couldn’t get a ledger”

I’ll take paper wallets for 200 Alex.

You put your life savings into crypto and you couldnt do a little cursory research? Theres dozens of apps and programs you could have used to store your assets.

Swingtraders burned again.

>> No.12642192
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>puts his life savings into something he doesn't fully understand

>> No.12642194


We couldn't buy hardware wallets back then because Iran was and still is sanctioned. Online wallets were mostly following U.S. laws too. We contacted Bittrex (evidence is posted in my blog post) a few times and they said they have no problem with Iranians using their exchange and they didn't have any lines prohibiting Iranians from using their exchange in their TOS. So Bittrex appeared to be the safest option for us since it was reputable back in 2017, but alas!

>> No.12642209
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>hardware wallets
you don't need that shit, why didn't you do some research dude?
seems like you don't understand blockchain and wallets and private keys.

>Online wallets

>> No.12642210

These motherfuckers have solvency issues, like everyfucking exchange. They are now stealing accounts to not go broke. Its so fucking obvious you fucking brianlets.

>> No.12642224
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the fatal mistake is OP not understanding what a Blockchain is, how wallets and private keys work and that he put ALL his eggs into one basket and the basket happens to be some exchange that doesn't give a shit about his country thus can easily steal from him and block his pajeet ass.

>> No.12642237

Have you tried posting on steemit? You can get money for posting this.

I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you. It sucks that the sanctions did that to normal citizens.

>> No.12642238
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Trump is literally the second coming of Jesus Christ

>> No.12642246


I tried to download Bitcoin core wallet but it was too big for the Iranian internet and i couldn't download it. Other wallets were too young and had no feedback back then. That was one of my very few option i could have. I explained this on the blog post.

>> No.12642273


Dude just use a paper wallet and mycelium on android to spend the coins. Mycelium has a option called "spend coins in cold wallet" you import the paper wallet, spend, and you are done, after the transaction the app automatically deletes your data.

>> No.12642281

Sucks to be you but you left your money on an exchange. Seizure was 100% avoidable, and you had to have known that exchanges are not safe given the history of exchanges exit scamming or getting hacked. Also, Trump didn't cause the earthquake, but good job priming people to feel sad for you so you can conflate that emotional response with the response that people have when you tell them that 'evil badguy trump took my money but please disregard the fact that I left it in the custody of other people :('

>> No.12642307
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44MB is too big for your internet?
nigga please
you know you don't need to download the entire fucking blockchain, all you need is generate a wallet and keep the private key hidden.

>> No.12642313

Iranians arnt arabs, keep being an NPC

>> No.12642342

Can we help this guy out by Tweeting to Bittrex staff?

Do your part anons.

>> No.12642388

Had the same shit happen to my bittrex account back in October 17 and I'm an American. I like how everyone blames the victim. No wonder so many exchanges are exit scamming.

>> No.12642462

Hahaha! The exchange can't do anything, are you kidding?

You'd have to petition the US state department to grant this guy an exemption to the sanctions for humanitarian reasons.

Try getting a 100,000 signatures from US citizens here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov

Or call amnesty international and see if they know a lawyer who will work on it for free.

>> No.12642483

Bahahahaha you fucking loser

>> No.12642501

Hope you get your money back.

Anybody race-baiting and /pol/-cucking in this thread bought the top in 2017. The whole point of Bitcoin was to not have to bother with this disgusting government censorship and control. The true crypto enthusiasts were libertarians, and the Government not allowing someone to access their property is contrary to the core beliefs of Libertarians.

>> No.12642533

The guy's knowledge of this stuff is pathetic and he got severely burned by his own ignorance.

That said it's in our interest to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen.

We want third worlders to adopt and use crypto, right?

Well how can they if it's too complicated for them to do correctly?

There needs to be like a simple pamphlet that explains all this stuff clearly enough that someone with an IQ of 90 (or less) can figure it out. Then it needs to be translated.

>> No.12642548

But it's not his property if he gave it to an exchange.

>> No.12642551
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Parthia btfo

>> No.12642556

>Iranians arnt arabs

iranian arab sandnigger detected

>> No.12642600

if he did his research he could have figured all these things out easily, looks like he only spend like 10 minutes looking into it or something.
but he didn't because reasons.

>> No.12642601


>> No.12642626


>> No.12642629

Oh fugg look again ...some brown beggar
Imagine my shark
You are not Iranian probably some sunni scum

>> No.12642631

I wonder why they do that. Been using Coinbase without issue. Are all these exchanges that insolvent?

Ever got your crypto back?

>> No.12642641
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You're literally fucking retarded.

>> No.12642642

it's hard to swallow but both sides are just playing theatre

Went from left > center > right throughout the years but now I just want a piece of arable land and get ready

>> No.12642680
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> I just want a piece of arable land

>> No.12642761

Im not sure what you want.

Are you begging for money or do you want legal assistance or you 4chan army to spam bittrex? What is it you want?

>> No.12642815

Nice veiled begging thread + blog phaggot.

>> No.12642838


I want my money which was stolen from me by the criminal U.S. government back. I just want my funds back. I didn't do anything illegal. I will post my story on every website and forum to tell the world that Americans are all thieves who steal from other nations and innocent people like me. U.S. government and trump himself destroyed my life.

>> No.12642843


I am not begging. My money has been stolen from me by the U.S. government. I want my money back. It was my money and trump stole it from me. Americans have blood on their hands. I will tell the world.

>> No.12642845

bittrex realized you can't sue them and stole your money. Until sanctions are reversed I don't think anything will change
Nobody outside of us should use them un any case
Oy vey
Hello jidf

>> No.12642850
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You're a young, healthy man aged 20s/30s who even owned a house + crypto assets. Even if your story is 100% true and bittrex scammed you, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT
Now if you were an attractive, desperate Iranian girl who will accept housing and support... you'd probably get more recognition and less wojak mocking

>> No.12642855

based and redpilled. the only decent non-euro migrants i ever met were iranian

>> No.12642874

get fucked farsi speaking son of a pig. stop blaming American's for not holding your own private keys.

>> No.12642881
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You're a retard. The only possible way to pressure the U.S. government in your situation is through AMERICAN public support and media. But like I said, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HEALTHY YOUNG IRANIAN MALE
Let this be a lesson to biz, don't cry like this brainlet when Binance pulls the same shit
>criminal Chinese government and Xi destroyed my life
>criminal Chinese government and Xi destroyed my life
>criminal Chinese government and Xi destroyed my life
Chinese + international crypto users will laugh at Americans then
American + international crypto users get to laugh at Iranians for now
Learn your lesson and move on

>> No.12642923


I am posting my story on +100 wesites and forums as we speak. I will let the entire world know that Americans are low-life thieves who steal the resources of other nations and call them beggars even though they feed on other nations blood.

>> No.12642955
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Post away shitskin. Thanks for sacrificing yourself at the bottom so we can begin the next bullrun. Now the rest of us can moon on Bittrex :)

>> No.12642969

so is it dumb to have all ur money on a m1 finance account?

>> No.12642989

its so bittrex could get usd bank relationship and usd trading on their site so they can dump all the btc they got from fees over the years, probably 200,000+ btc. another reason the price has been tanking. they were so obsessed with dumping their btc to usd that they exit scammed 5000+ users on their site with no warning to comply with some banks rules, all to dump on the rest of them.

>> No.12643046

Damn I feel bad for him.
The guy was a normal human being but now has an actual reason to hate the US
Its not a meme when people say America creates terrorists

>> No.12643058

I hope you become a refugee yourself you fucking imbecile. You need a rude awakening on how some people live in this world

>> No.12643067

Did you try writing to the US embassy? I'd start collecting emails of every congressman and emailing everybody and anybody who would listen. 2k in Iran is no joke, its a decent amount of money

>> No.12643072
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>> No.12643077


Yes but they didn't respond. I documented everything in my blog post.

>> No.12643084
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yes, the moment someone else holds your assets its as good as gone bro.

actually most of the fuckup was on OPs part.

>didn't research properly so neglected making his own wallets
>put 100% of his lifesavings in one place

if he just put in 25% he wouldn't live in a tent

>> No.12643088

Iranians are white.

>> No.12643094

then why OP behaving like a dumb nigger and not researching before putting his life savings at risk?

>> No.12643095

based and true

ive been a democrat all my life but after some of the recent media bungling (buzzfeed story, covington, and several other minor errors) its become clear that the liberal media is extremely biased as well, its like i was wearing blinders for most of my life and could only see one aspect of "truth" when now its obvious its not so simple...

what i dont get is why the media is trying to force us onto teams who hate each other. i was talking to my dad about this and neither of us can remember a time where the country was so divided politically to this extent

>> No.12643097

Keep hammering them. Find out what politicians are favorable on Iran and write to them. Write to democrats, republicans, independents, etc... Its your money and your access to it should be restored

>> No.12643115

its fucking gone, he will never ever get it back.

>> No.12643119
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that's what you get for being a retarded m*slim lmao owned

>> No.12643125

>what i dont get is why the media is trying to force us onto teams who hate each other.
so you waste your time instead paying attention to (((who))) robs you

>> No.12643146

Its not gone, Bittrex is in possession of his coins. His access should be restored and he should be able to withdraw his coins. If the law is such that he can't use the exchange, then all of his money needs to be refunded before his account is closed.

>> No.12643163

like they give a fuck refunding money to some guy in Iran.
never gonna happen, its gone.