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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 644x616, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12640918 No.12640918 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally the Binance Telegram. Nothing but niggers, some chink admins and pajeets.

I honestly wish this was photoshopped. Crypto will unironically NEVER recover in our lifetime.

>> No.12641072

All that is left on this board is normies. Not a single oldfag left

>> No.12641091

No one who knows anything uses any telegram group, let alone a mainstream exchange's telegram group. What is even the point to be there unless you are some stinky currycuck with literally no connections or contacts at all?

>> No.12641109

Telegram was primary for all groups in the bullrun

>> No.12641135

Found the guy who doesn't have contact with any VC insiders. Literally all of them are on Telegram.

>> No.12641138

So in the segment of the market cycle when the most normies and retards become active, you are claiming that Telegram was popular?

Why are you just repeating what I said?

>> No.12641154

I'm going to find VC insiders being active in mainstream public chats that any stinky retard can join

Wow man who knew that the elites were so happy to just listen to Pajeet and Kapoor shill shitcoins all day.

>> No.12641178 [DELETED] 

You are misinterpreting what I said, they aren't on your standard Rakesh channels. Find Meltzer's Grin channel and and take a look at who is in there.

>> No.12641192

I started in 2017. Am I am oldfag yet?

>> No.12641205

Okay now you are at least making sense. What you are saying is that they have the app and they exist there. Good for you, now what? Do you think they fucking go through deals on telegram? Will they even respond in some nobody like you tries to contact them through there? You are delusional, come in.

Keep coping, real contact means personal email, phone number and dinner every now and then.

>> No.12641224

You are arguing with pajeet shill cmon now
Yes, insiders are on telegram, twitter and some even on facebook :^)

>> No.12641250
File: 78 KB, 600x450, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly believe this board is like 50% straight up pajeet indians/pakis. That's why it's impossibly difficult to have in-depth conversations about cryptocurrency.

The other day there was that meta thread about being on 4chan for 10 years. Not a pajeet in sight in that thread because the pajeets are bugs that can't comprehend anything outside their niche cryptosphere or business. But if you post a crypto related thread, you're going to attract pajeets.

Board is 50% pajeets, 25% chink robots, and 10% scammy Eastern europeans. Crypto and /biz/ is literally a den of thieves.

>> No.12641268

bruh if you honestly wish it was photoshopped why don't you just photoshop it? Are you a dishonest guy?

>> No.12641282

Serious brainlet logic here. You talk to them on Telegram until they know you will enough to move over to other mediums. I also actually know people in the industry IRL by the way who go to conferences like Grincon, Graph Day etc. You aren't going to make it. I deleted that post by the way because I don't want random streetshitters like you infesting our insider channels.

>> No.12641305

>Pajeet things he belongs to insider channels
Whoever those chinese scammers are, they must be really good at putting up a show. Let me guess, to kickstart your idea you have to send them 300 ETH right? Sounds like a good deal, I say you take it and I'll be going all in in PajeetCoin to ride it to the moon. India super power 2020, designated shitting nodes.

>> No.12641307

This is every telegram

>> No.12641320

Kek cope harder, loser.

>> No.12641349

You are not coming clean? Okay, then I'm going to give you a serious response for the sake of everybody else here.

I know some of these people personally. These people have already so many potential projects being pitched just by people that they know personally, or that are recommended personally by some close acquaintance. They are the busiest people in crypto and every week they attend meetings and conferences to screen new projects, while simultaneously having to keep up with the dozens of projects that are already in progress. And you are telling me that these people have the time to go on Telegram and listen to what Rajeet and Kapoor's get rich quick scheme is? Come on man, give me a break. Who do you think you are fooling?

>> No.12641423

I don't care about Praneesh or his shitcoins, retard. I only care about networking with VC people so I can get hooked up with OTC deals on actual moon missions. There is nothing else that matters.

>> No.12642160

"shits a scam"

"its not a scam its real dont question it GO GO GO"

the current crypto market in a nutshell kek

>> No.12642191
File: 25 KB, 1709x161, mtgox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 early adopter reporting in. 2010 actually but we didn't have mtgox back then to prove it so whatever. here's the deal - Bitcoin SV is the real Bitcoin. CSW is unironically Satoshi. We are fudding and accumulating while cashing out all our early adopter BTC, dumping it on normans while its still worth something, before the segwit fatal flaw is revealed.