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File: 192 KB, 785x357, 1549092107299SMG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12638710 No.12638710 [Reply] [Original]

curt standing there lamely has always make me kek edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

Last /SMG/ thread:

>> No.12638721

First for dividends are not your friend

>> No.12638749
File: 530 KB, 1919x980, itscomming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you prepared for the party bullcucks ?


>> No.12639232

what is comming?

>> No.12639338
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>the party

>> No.12639347

Any dip is a buying opportunity unless you're nearing retirement. Just DCA.

>> No.12639357

Can't wait to be laughing when the markets go red this week. I can almost taste the boomer blood already.

>> No.12639369
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>> No.12639372

I'm interning at a large bank, sell side derivatives trading. Ask my anything

>> No.12639375

>tfw bears can't even spell


what reason do the markets have to go red
earnings were good and macroeconomic data from the shutdown beat expectations

>> No.12639380

have you ever had sex with a man before

>> No.12639386

no more bad news to be had. We are going green short term

>> No.12639390
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not so fast, I wouldn't be suprised if it hits a new ATH

>> No.12639407

No, I am a virgin.

>> No.12639426

fair enough
good job on getting the internship, hopefully it sets you up for success

>> No.12639524

Thanks, buy side (hft/market making) is the goal.
I'm one of the few that knows programming (and recently learned VBA, what a horrible language) so hopefully I'm going in the right direction.

>> No.12639555

I need a list of stocks under $1 that are gonna make it within the next 10 years

>> No.12639625

Don’t buy penny stocks. You’d be better off finding a 10 dollar stock that’s likely to hit 100 than a .1 stock that’s likely to hit 10

>> No.12639674

We're gonna experience a red week more extreme than periodfucking during heavy flow.

>> No.12639729

Markets aren't going to have their next major dip until China or Eurozone starts collapsing. I'm betting on Autumn 2019.

>> No.12639736

Buy DELL $60 4/18 or 7/19 calls

Im already up +270

>> No.12639741

I’m all in VIXY calls expiring Friday

>> No.12639757


>> No.12639970

question about CGA, China Green Agriculture
Some chinese smallcap agri stock with a lot of cash on its books but at the same time almost no physical assets 22M,Currently a delisting threat makes it seem they are undervalued, since they have the intent to moving above the 1 dollar price again. there latest report seems to have things on the move. That said total value for a share is about # dollarm shareprice however is at 60 cents. My question is : is this A MASSIVE SCAM? or a moon mission?

Does anyone know anything about this little CHINESE stock?

>> No.12640055

Someone redpill me on why my strategy will lose me all my money
>monitor news for FDA filings
>pay attention to stocks with upcoming FDA catalyst dates
>take adderall
>watch tickers of companies set for those dates like a hawk
>buy $5k as soon as rapid upward movement happens
>set stop loss for anything under what you paid
>if the increase goes past 10%, set stop loss at 10% return
>sell at first sign of bear
>repeat indefinitely

You're are unlikely to get in before the rocket because you're competing with traders with all sorts of insider bullshit, but even so long as you can edge yourself at the 25% point in a rise of 50%, you're still making a 10-25% return on your investment (in this case $500-1250 a trade).

I keep reading all these sites saying that day traders have a highly analytic system and that if they're good they'll lose only 50% of the time, so it has to be more complicated than this right? Bumps to biomed/pharma from FDA news last at least a day before bear (unless you've bet on a disaster of a company, which in that case you should've done your dd).

>> No.12640307
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>> No.12640492
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>1/4th of the video is the maker begging for money

>> No.12640499

its that time again?

>> No.12640522

So is this the week weed stocks become the new currency and all other stocks go -30%?

>> No.12640603
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What is the chance the stock market will drop on monday?

I am bag holding TVIX

>> No.12640724

As if.


>> No.12640784


Foolproof if you time it just right, foolish if whales jump in and out and fuck you before you get yours. Be ready to take profit and run even if it’s premarket. I’ve seen these things pump premarket and continue til noon and I’ve seen em flash crash right at 0930. Good luck, you’ll need it.

>> No.12640797


Never ever. dope head zoomer queer.

>> No.12640810

But what if youre wrong?

>> No.12640926
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>> No.12640952
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>> No.12640963

Then I lose money, ya dummy.

>> No.12641003

>tfw I sent an email to Jeff Bezos pitching him an idea but he still hasn't given me 5 mill in stock
I figured now's the time he'll need to offload some assets, with the divorce and everything.

>> No.12641020

Why not just borrow forever

>> No.12641063

Any entry level python ETF out there that I can plug Robinhood into?
Reckon it'd be feasible to pick a bull and bear ETF, then base trades on news/futures

>> No.12641079
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Don’t mind me bros. Just doing my civil duty as an American and keeping my mother informed.

>> No.12641096
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Does anyone know any brokerage options for people in 3rd world shitholes?

>> No.12641259

thank you momma
what was your final grade in your classes just make me proud and I will support you getting a good start in your future
That is a good grade

>> No.12641265

oops and I only had the one class this month
Also your mom sounds based and whitepilled

>> No.12641266

45 is easier and shorter to type out, fucking clickbait kikes

>> No.12641274

I think that's a joke post beacuse he also has her named as witch.

>> No.12641303
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>> No.12641405
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>demand for gasoline down
>indicator for economic downturn
>not considering the general move from more fuel efficient vehicles, and the move to electric vehicles as well.

>Retailers and Malls are failing,
>not due to an overall decrease in sales in the overall economy but because everyone is buying shit online

>> No.12641417

the absolute state of amerilards OH SAINT CAN YOU SEEEEE

>> No.12641631


Regarding the first point about oil, it's actually short term bullish for the moment due to a few different factors related to local supply and import levels.

Housing crashes are definitely coming. First straya, then leafland, then we'll see what happens.

>> No.12641727


>> No.12641800

NBEV is gonna fly this week. This man is beautiful


>> No.12641821
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>> No.12641850
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If you buy penny stocks are trash.

>> No.12641876

what kind of drop are we looking for in case of an "hard Brexit"?
-10% for the pound, then what?

>> No.12642031
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>> No.12642060

It's definitely more overextended at this point, why not just wait for a pull back? or wait for a break at 31$?

>> No.12642086

It's actually at an 8% premium discount right now, being a CEF and all.

>> No.12642107
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Hope youre ready for the Golden Bull, part 6

>> No.12642123

In recent months, I cannot stand to browse any other thread on 4ch besides this one. Of course, Hiro will be making the site pay-to-post soon.

After 12 yrs, is this finally the end? I'm gonna miss you all.

>> No.12642159

he's not going to make it pay to post, that's objectively a retarded idea from a business point of view
he's probably going to make a separate pay to post chan in the vein of /vip/

>> No.12642179
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I think it's somthingawful that has pay to post still, or maybe pay to make an account.
I don't care what he does as long as he deletes /pol/ and brings back /loli/ /vore/ and /guro/
BST has more risk than QQQ, but I find comfort in it tracking the NASDAQ bretty well. Has more exposure to China though

>> No.12642185

>Hiro will be making the site pay-to-post soon

There's no way. Site will be kill and he will lose all his precious malicious ad monies if he does that. Hiro may be a con man and a crook but he isn't stupid.

>> No.12642347
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It may be your last opportunity in life to own a slice of Antartica

>> No.12642406

How long have you been learning stock market? What is your biggest profit/loss?

>> No.12642468

I don't get them. Market cap way below net assets. What's up? Political risks?

>> No.12642524


Biggest profit 6 figures

>> No.12642549

I'll be buying Brazil first :3

>> No.12642596
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Brazil and Russia have both broken up past their 10 year stagnant period. Multibaggers to come

Buy Yandex

>> No.12642610
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REFR looks good


>> No.12642635
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ERUS also has a 4% dividend

>> No.12642684

these ETFs folow the shitty RSTI
Cant find any that follow the Chad MOEX, oh well

>> No.12642700

IDK ratsu, russia is kind of a shithole. I'd go with Finland desu

>> No.12642783
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Theres no way Finland is getting antartica
Russia has the top number of research facilities, twice that of China

>> No.12642793

Chile, Argentina, the UK and America will never allow Russia to seize the Antarctic

>> No.12642829

What stocks you guys optimistic about long term?
Any thoughts on AIEQ?

>> No.12642953

Why not RSX?

>> No.12642961

Four years. Best profit: about 380% during the first really hype weed boom in 2017. It was a shit stock called Future Farm Technologies.

Worst loss: 60% on Lithium Americas Corp. This was a wake up call that the defensive part of my trading strategy had a serious weakness. When everything was maximum bullish, it made sense to just hold through sharp dips and cost average. Since this trade i have changed strategies to reduce or eliminate bagholding from my strategy as it is kind of death for the type of swing trading i want to do. I can't have a position sitting in the red for months on end like that hoping it will turn around. Especially not in speculative junk like lithium mining.

>> No.12642986
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so, invest in AMerica? now weve gone full circle

Dont matter, theyre literally the same thing

>> No.12643011

Then all in FTSE100
The brits gonna export like crazy with a weak currency and won't have to deal the EU bullshit

>> No.12643017

Boeing's at an all time high and they have that starliner thing in march. How much more can it grow though?

>> No.12643023

>Chink shit
Market is doubting their financial statements

>> No.12643030

I'm just buying foreign ETFs in not shithole countries with high GDP growth

>> No.12643032

why do people consider a stock being at an all time high as a good thing
it may suggest long term fundamental strength, but it also suggests there's likely to be a short term pullback, making that particular moment a bad entry point
there are plenty of solid buys at a given moment that aren't at or near their all-time highs

>> No.12643055

It's cool if it ipo'd in the last year or so

>> No.12643073
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Thoughts on ILMN? Looks like a great swing trade setup for a few days.

>> No.12643089

Vietnam and Phillipines seem pretty Big Dick

>> No.12643114
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BDI is kill, what happens now?
Is it going to happen?

>> No.12643117
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I have my hopes up for VALE and ITUB, Brazillian stocks.

Bolsonaro got elected and he's going to be pursuing pro-business policies.

Vale recently had a terrible disaster with one of its dams so their stock dropped like a rock recently but their balance sheets look good and I'm sure they're going to bounce up in price.

Itau Unibanco is Brazil's largest bank so, naturally, things would be looking up for them.

>> No.12643337

>not considering the general move from more fuel efficient vehicles, and the move to electric vehicles as well.
If the economy was expanding people would buy more cars therefore gas consumption would be up anyway. EPA ratings are irrelevant in this case. If the people are concerned about gas mileage to the point where it's a major consideration when they buy a car it's a pretty big flashing sign that people have severe liquid capital issues.
>not due to an overall decrease in sales in the overall economy but because everyone is buying shit online
If the economy was doing good people would have more time/money to go out to malls and buy in physical stores in addition to what they're buying online. Buying strictly online is a sign that people are doing more research into products since they don't have the capital to simply buy things on a whim.

>> No.12643410

>If the economy was expanding people would buy more cars
They're buying used. Nobody buys new cars anymore because of how cars stopped being shitboxes and last forever now.

>> No.12643437

It's a sign of a slowdown.

>> No.12643445
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crap it super bowl today apperantly
shoulda made football themed thread

>> No.12643471


Geotechnical engineer here. Do not buy Vale stock. They have many more dangerous tailings dams in their portfolio and even if none of them fail, they will be forced to spend hundreds of millions on upgrades and insurance and their reputation is now complete garbage. Remember this is their 2nd high profile failure in about 2 years.

>> No.12643472

>in the future water will cost more than oil
How do you respond to these retards?

>> No.12643480

tell them clouds are made out of water

>> No.12643504
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Clouds are actually God's cottonballs

>> No.12643518

"Mad Max: Fury Road was overrated."

>> No.12643524

that is true in certain areas with scarce water supplies, tho
it's purifying and transporting the water that makes it expensive, not the water itself

the first stock I ever bought was PHO (a shitty water ETF), and I remember you replying something along the lines of "clouds am made of water" when I posted about it

>> No.12643538
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don't break character you weeb shit

>> No.12643541

It is? Oh. Are they playong somewhere warm or in an indoor stadium?


>> No.12643572

I'm starting a new game of Warband
odds I play the sand-niggers
evens I play mongs

>> No.12643575
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Newell earnings tommrow
25 or better

>> No.12643578

>not the Rhodoks

shit tier
cavalry is for faggots

>> No.12643605

rhodoks' spearmen and mountainous terrain are the bane of easymode cavalry faggots, and I love them for that

>> No.12643630

also the sharpshooters

>> No.12643633

Rhodoks are boring. I'm establishing my own khanate

>> No.12643652
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*shoots you in the face with a crossbow bolt from the top of a hill*

nothing personell kid

>> No.12643657

What are VanEck Vectors?

>> No.12643680
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thats a very good question

>> No.12643735

It's not going to make it more expensive than fucking oil

>> No.12643750


>> No.12643769
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>mfw water is $60 a gallon

>> No.12643803
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>> No.12643831

got out at 350 and now the ticker seems broken after it's guidance at needham conf. If bears get their market rug pull I'd stay clear of biotech if you're not into risk.

>> No.12643862

that image sums it up perfectly

>> No.12643904
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I like this

>> No.12643913
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>> No.12643928

>oil vanishes overnight
people find alternative sources of energy

>water vanishes overnight
all life on earth dies

water is more important than oil
the fact that anyone could possibly think otherwise is a luxury of modern society

>> No.12643979
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>> No.12643994
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>> No.12643998
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mfw ACB goes +50% next week

>> No.12644010

If it does do you think I should sell half my shares anon? I'd be strongly tempted in hopes of buying back in once it goes back down but at this point I'm not even sure if/when pot is going to go back down.

>> No.12644128
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>american get access to Thinkorswim from TD bank meanwhile canadians don't despite TD being a canadian bank

FUCK Canada

>> No.12644209

I'm thinking of slowly putting my life savings (2 years of my salary) into TQQQ with the goal of retiring in 8 years. I'm 26 at the moment. I have a shitty job. Should I do it?

>> No.12644219

Could you elaborate on
"broken after it's guidance at needham conf"

>> No.12644220

No buy BST

>> No.12644230

I'm down 8 bucks after buying TQQQ on friday :(

>> No.12644234
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This desu

sorry northern neighbor

>> No.12644254

He'd never be able to retire in 8 years with BST. It only rose 53% in 5 years.
A 8 year goal would mean you'd need to either swing trade or make an incredibly lucky pick.

>> No.12644257
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you'll be retired in 2 years not 8

>> No.12644261

I'd buy Alibaba stock if I had an 8 year timeframe tho

>> No.12644267

TQQQ is basically like buying a leveraged stock market index fund, no?

>> No.12644272

Yes, daily 3x leverage of the QQQ

>> No.12644278

Tomorrow is the day dude weed goes vertical x100000%

>> No.12644280

You have to really believe in the golden bull to go full TQQQ
Good luck, champ!

>> No.12644290

>leveraged stock market index fund

basically, except it's weighted towards large tech companies

>> No.12644296

Equal weight index is kino

>> No.12644306

Might consider buying some when I get tax returns. I'm mostly a divvy investor but with a portfolio of only 1200 dollars I really need to add some high performing growth stocks.

>> No.12644317

ACB and CRON are risky because they have lot of small investors buying stock.

Try to research some industrial dude weed companies that move lower volumes of stock and are being bought up by institutions.

>> No.12644324

Keep in mind it fell over 50% just from the recent correction, in a real bear market you are looking at 90%+ declines

>> No.12644328

I'm aware. I'd probably just add 5-10 shares or so to play around with.

>> No.12644331
File: 15 KB, 599x286, all time (since june 21st).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 1200 dollars

basically the same as me, except I decided to go balls to the wall high octane extreme risk by having my entire portfolio be small-cap biotech stocks
my all time returns look pretty pitiful, but keep in mind I started in late June 2018, and beat SPY by 12% in 2018
plus if things go well with GALT, my portfolio will skyrocket to multiples of its current amount

>> No.12644343

the chart looks a bit misleading, btw
my lowest point was -14.66% on December 24th and my highest point was +20.86% on September 20th
even though the big dip in December looks a lot deeper than my highest peak, my highest point was higher than my lowest point was low

>> No.12644354

>beat SPY by 12% in 2018

not quite accurate
my current all time performance is ~12.5% higher than SPY's yearly performance

>> No.12644357

BST is growth and dividends. Read about CEFs

>> No.12644361
File: 101 KB, 500x355, 1548636140481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1651 shares of GALT. Hoping for fireworks in the next year and a half.

>> No.12644363

I'm only up 35 dollars, I started back in October. At one point I was down about 140 dollars but refused to sell. Glad I didn't. My dividends are starting to pay off a bit. Got about 2.50 back in December from a couple of index funds. Getting another 3.45 back in a month from my Ford holdings. It's not much but the way I see it, as long as I keep putting a portion of my pay into divvy stocks and keep getting dividends back that interest will start to compound as I reinvest. I love the idea of putting some cash into a stock and having that stock pay me back. I think of it a bit like a game of Mount&Blade, where you buy a "business venture" for 8000 gold that pays about 200-250 a week. It doesn't start out as much but that recurring income keeps building on itself and you use that money to buy more and more businesses that keep paying you.

>> No.12644372


>> No.12644379

...what're you talking about? anyone can download thinkorswim

>> No.12644401

I want to cum in Japanese pussy

>> No.12644450


>> No.12644459

Thanks for putting smileys on that

>> No.12644463

Thinking of saving up to fly to London... They got a website where you can order whores online like Amazon. I'll cum in Japanese pussy then

>> No.12644475

Or just go to japan and go to a "legal" brothel.

>> No.12644491

I don't speak Japanese, how can I cum in Japanese pussy if I can't order

>> No.12644492

or just go to Japan and be white

>> No.12644507

Might go to Japan in April, what should I expect as an ugly white moderately wealthy tourist?

>> No.12644510

This true? I want impregnate a japanese person so I can get a residence visa and move my weeb ass there without finding employment, but I have no social skills.

>> No.12644532

If I knew I'd own Samsung right now.

>> No.12644538

what are we talking about here? just a goofy looking face or are you full hobgoblin? as long as you are tall and not a super skelly, you're fine. Japanese girls want a big "unique" looking barbarian american to smash on the pussy.

you will be treated like a sentient dildo. as long as you can smile and act like a boisterous yankee, you will kill it.

>> No.12644552

How do I not be completely retarded if I go to Japan? Carry around google translate on my phone with a loud speaker?

>> No.12644555

a scam

Samsung is privately held.

>> No.12644569

5'7 overweight american

>> No.12644571

Actually it is listed on the Korean market.

>> No.12644584

hmm, guess I was thinking of one of its sold off businesses.

>> No.12644596

disgusting gaijins such as yourself should never even consider moving to japan

>> No.12644609


>> No.12644614

You sound like a nigger.

>> No.12644626
File: 69 KB, 960x540, every country in the world belongs to america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy. understand that the reason they like you is because you are american, don't try to speak the language too well, don't try to get all the little idiosyncracies of their culture down. its actually jarring and somewhat of a red flag. they literally want you to be a caricature like pic related. sounds completely counter intuitive, but its true.

>> No.12644630

Hmm, don't see it on Robinhood. Thanks though.

>> No.12644634

ooh, tough luck bud. try eastern europe.

>> No.12644655
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>moderately wealthy tourist?

on average and median level japanese are far more wealthier than western europeans than americans, except switzerland.

>> No.12644673

I mean if I met a japanese girl in the US I'd rather she be all "kawaii desu" with a sailor uniform

>> No.12644684

Based. It's actually cheaper to fly to Tokyo than to London, so lets do that.
The UK does have this website, which I wish Japan had

>> No.12644699

i spend a year in Fukuoka and it was the best year of my life. i felt like a giga-chad every time i went out.

>> No.12644712
File: 194 KB, 866x768, 1538335859054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they? they seem mega poor, in manga they treat $1k like amazing amount of money

in Kaiji hes always making curvy eyes wavy faces over ONE MILLION YEN
in usaogi head yakuza boss couldnt even scrape together FIVE MILLION YEN to save his own life kek

>> No.12644722

0one million yen is 10k

>> No.12644745

That's because the guys that write anime and manga are broke as fuck. Except the few that made very monetarily successful series. Even Masashi Kishimoto is only worth like 20 million.

>> No.12644762

Replace TQQQ with SQQQ

>> No.12644812


>> No.12644823
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Some people like burning through money. Only look at short ETFs if you think we're especially late cycle.

>> No.12644828

all things considered, I think the potential upside is much lower than the potential downside risk

I do like the idea of divvydend investing (low risk, guaranteed income), but I personally gravitate towards biotech because I'm a Neuro major and I feel like I "understand" it naturally a lot better than other businesses, but I feel like it's hard to make much of a difference with dividends when you don't have much money involved
I do think that it's a smart idea if you're going to keep adding money to your account steadily over time, tho

because he wants anon to lose his money

>> No.12644829

So what is going on with PG&E with all the litigation surrounding it how the fuck is it still at 13 a share? It filed bankruptcy in 2001 which I’m sure some people here are too young to remember but it was no where near the amount now so is it really “too big to fail”? Because if that’s the case then when is the dip to buy in?

>> No.12644830

I bought s&p500 last year at 250.

am I fucked or should I not sperg and touch it till 10 years minimum. Its 10k which is a lot since im a uni student no job but I can survive if I forget its there. But from my expirience with crypto and stocks I know how deadly it can be to just set and forget

>> No.12644831

The only way Japan could get any better is if they legalized polygamy

>> No.12644842

this isn't crypto, my guy
if you're thinking long term, just "setting and forgetting" is one of the best things you can do

>> No.12644847

CRON has Altria, Altria will not let CRON go down they have their name to uphold as wel I don’t think it’ll break CGC limits yet but it’ll grow and dip like a low volatile stock just watch

>> No.12644851

also, by SP500 do you mean SPY
you're already in the green on that position, i'm not sure why you're sperging out

>> No.12644856

seriously, forget everything you "learned" if you think that leaving your money in a sp500 index fund long term is dangerous, fampai

>> No.12644874

Kishimoto should be a billionaire
Jump must have analy raped him like a sandusky teaching poor kids how to shower

>> No.12644894

>I do like the idea of divvydend investing (low risk, guaranteed income), but I personally gravitate towards biotech because I'm a Neuro major and I feel like I "understand" it naturally a lot better than other businesses, but I feel like it's hard to make much of a difference with dividends when you don't have much money involved
>I do think that it's a smart idea if you're going to keep adding money to your account steadily over time, tho
Yeah I can understand that. I'm still thinking about adding some blue chip growth stocks to my portfolio (I recently added a share of Microsoft and plan on adding more in the future) although my strategy for the most part still revolves around a high yielding divvy portfolio. I've got a good portion in Ford for that sweet 7% divvy, although I'm also going to add more SPHD for some high yield divvy stability.

>> No.12644896

Crypto has created new breed of investors where we dont trust stocks are far was we can throw em

we will ruthlessly dump your most valued indexs at the smallest sight of weakness

>> No.12644899

After SEVERAL google searches, I have concluded that you need to know a Korean in the biz.

>> No.12644902

so you're basically fighting inflation x3 and shorting after a 22% correction

>> No.12644912
File: 384 KB, 934x1524, 1547400132127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is "return to normal" AKA the dea cat bounce

Pic related. Representative of the entire market right now.

>> No.12644914

You’d be better off acquiring the fundamentally better parts of SPHD than the ETF itself. IRM just looks like shit.

>> No.12644921

It doesnt matter what bears think. Honestly we should hose these people in the streets

>> No.12644928

I actually indirectly work for Samsung. I'm a repair technician for Ubreakifix. We're Samsung certified techs and generally have some connections to Samsung though contracts. Although even with those connections and knowing people who work for Samsung directly I haven't found a way to buy in. You're right in that you have to know the folks in Korea to find a way in.

>> No.12644934

That may make SQQQ a good buy right now, that doesn't make it something you should accumulate long term.

>> No.12644943

I think crypto was a good experience for young investors, since it taught them to be skeptical of seemingly endless gains and be sure to manage their risk appropriately long term

>like a sandusky teaching poor kids how to shower
like a poor cancer girl buying into crypto at or near the top

That's certainly a good approach long term, and I think most people would agree it's a lot "smarter" than my current approach

>> No.12644960
File: 69 KB, 864x623, 184562346653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the market is NOT going to crash. the banks are NOT SELLING.


>> No.12644966

>shorting the market long term

Hell naw bro. Just until the next round of QE rolls out : )

>> No.12644967

It trades OTC

>> No.12644971

QE is no longer a possibility.

>> No.12644983


>> No.12644991

I'm going to be brutally honest and just say that's a bit too much work. I really don't feel like going through the financials of every one of their holdings just to find the best ones. If IRM turns out to be shit I'd assume it would be dropped or the other holdings would balance it out.
>That's certainly a good approach long term, and I think most people would agree it's a lot "smarter" than my current approach
It's all a matter of how much risk you want to take. My mother just got into stocks, she doesn't even know what a P/E ratio is, doesn't look up company financials and just gets all her picks from a newsletter she gets and she's still ahead of me right now. I'm happy for her but at the same time a little irritated that I try to make all the right moves, read financials, read books on the subject and she's doing better than me without even putting in any real work. I'm obviously not comparing you to her, the point I'm making is that when you don't take large risks you don't get large rewards as quickly. Most of her holdings are in high risk speculative ventures, whereas I've taken the more "conservative" approach overall even though I do have a few speculatives.

>> No.12645013

so the Great 2020 Recession that every analyst and smallspec says is going to happen isnt actually going to happen? who could have forseen this

>> No.12645023

It’s more likely still 2028. At least according to my analysis.

>> No.12645030

I still think it might. That's why I'm investing defensively. Although with the recent boom I'm a bit unsure at this point.

>> No.12645040

I do think my own approach is also valid, of course (otherwise it wouldn't be my approach), but I do acknowledge that I'm taking on a great deal of risk, which a lot of people wouldn't consider "smart"
I'm like you, but on the opposite side of the risk tolerance spectrum
I do my own DD on biotech stocks by reading about the companies' performance in clinical trials, scientific literature on how well the drugs like the one they're trying to make work, and if the companies have enough money to fund clinical trials

>> No.12645056

Well so long as you understand the industry that's what really matters. I don't have a problem with a bit of speculative investing so long as the person doing the speculating understands what they're speculating on. I'll freely admit I'm ignorant with regards to many facets of the markets, that's why I feel it's safer for me to personally take the conservative approach. If someone is a Technical Analysis wizard though, I say go for it.

>> No.12645057

Literally the only thing that's saved the economy is slow wage growth and low oil prices. If any of that or the trade situation changes for the worse from the perspective of profits, then it's all downhill from there.

>> No.12645078

netflix is a bias representation of the market

>> No.12645085

The trade situation is worrying. Although I'm fairly confident a deal will be made. Although nothing is set in stone. My main concern is the level of growth we've seen over the last 10 years. I feel that it's on track to eventually lose steam, especially with the past FED rate hikes. It feels a bit like a house of cards at this point.

>> No.12645099

Social entitlements will bring it all down.

>> No.12645107

Ye best start believing in recessions, yer in one

>> No.12645108

Could you elaborate further?

>> No.12645117
File: 497 KB, 480x640, 1549054453494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers want gibs but we running out of gibs

>> No.12645122

the level of growth we've seen over 10 years is nothing compared to the bullrun of the 40s-50s and the 80s - 2000. This is simply a boost from breaking past stagnation.
SPX probably has another 100% gain to tack on

>> No.12645124

Social security and welfare is not sustainable.

>> No.12645125

it's unironically a new paradigm. just force the fed to cut the rates and have them pump up our bags lmao

>> No.12645132
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>> No.12645138

Yes, and their contributions were drastically less than the prior generation.

>> No.12645148


>> No.12645152

the big threat is corporate debt, and thus the issue is profitability.

>> No.12645177

Topkek. Is that OC?

>> No.12645185

silvershill made it

>> No.12645207

the nikkei is very close to breaking up. All BOJ has to do is Pump it and kick off the worldwide bull

>> No.12645359
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1515661425233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the Rams money line on a parlay bet with the under
>put 5k in Bitcoin with the intent to buy BTT but the funds won't clear until Thursday and now it's up 100%


>> No.12645404

At least this way, you wont be buying stocks that will tank -50% this year.

>> No.12645648

Why are the best run companies always ones with low profile, low compensation CEOs?

>> No.12645655
File: 68 KB, 1181x170, thisistoocold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stahp

>> No.12645667

Because they get paid in stock

>> No.12645808 [DELETED] 
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Time to load up on this microcap

>> No.12645830
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Time to load up on this microcap

>> No.12645875

How do I short white people?

>> No.12645880

Invest in pinterest

>> No.12645906

Thank You

>> No.12645944


>> No.12646192

Invest in fentanyl

>> No.12646316

How do you see the chart of a call on robinhood? I wanna see if i'm buying high or low

>> No.12646338

You don't, get a real broker

>> No.12646343

Is TD ameritrade good? I really wanna get into options and i feel like robinhood is kinda shit for that

>> No.12646675

What do I invest in to avoid white genocide?

>> No.12646684

A gun with one bullet you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.12646691


>> No.12646727
File: 40 KB, 779x499, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For waterfags on Robinhood here are all the companies I was able to find that are available to be traded on Robinhood.

>> No.12646883

Who ever thought equality would only as cheap as 110 million lives?

>> No.12647516

Google revenue forecast: miss, on-target or beat?


>> No.12647701

based and waterpilled

>> No.12647815
File: 14 KB, 300x300, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threadly reminder that nancy pelosi is completely fucking retarded, cant into greeks, and given her apparent lack of knowledge of how to trade options, likely posts on r/wallstbets and/or here

>> No.12647835

>nancy pelosi is completely fucking retarded

She is a drunk.

>> No.12647855

you gotta be more than just drunk to think averaging down on long deep ITM calls during the biggest pullback the market has seen in a WHILE is a good idea. the best she can hope for is to exercise these things, and even then, she shouldve just wrote some puts or something

she literally and figuratively just threw out several mill

>> No.12647876

Unironically got bogged.

>she's in? Damp it.

>> No.12647909

>she literally and figuratively just threw out several mill

Wish she would throw herself off the Golden Gate Bridge.

>> No.12647920

damn str8 shes bogged
i just cant even imagine the thought process of continually buying moar long calls on other shitstock over-valued memes like this. she clearly has absolutely no idea how vega works
ill be shocked if she ever sees B/E ever again

who knows, maybe she just needed a YUGE tax write off or something?
even if everything recovers somewhat and shes exercising these things, its gonna be a loss.

this begs the question of how in the fuck she, as a member of congress (who get paid quite little in the grand scheme of things) got this much dosh to throw at reddit tier directional options bets.

oh yea i forgot about all the blatant insider trading shes done with her own husband and son as proxies for her green energy scams

i guess well have to settle for watching her experience total loss of this magnitude
the bitch will croak sooner than later anyways desu

>> No.12647955
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Hopefully, and it will be a glorious day.

>> No.12647998
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>> No.12648002
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>> No.12648080
File: 535 KB, 2560x1440, zoku_owarimonogatari_sodachi_1440p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Fren, I am still proud of your 998.

>> No.12648150
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>> No.12648191
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ugaz niggers getting gassed again for literally the thousandth time.

>> No.12648203

Red day.

>> No.12648229

Is dude weed going to start dumping today?

>> No.12648240
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>Is dude weed going to start dumping today?

>> No.12648252

I know it's up right now, but it's clearly unsustainable

>> No.12648256

I just bought 100 shares of APHA and I'm up already. I think it'll sell off at 12 though.

>> No.12648258

lol this
dont buy energy rn goyim

makes me wonder how the magnefags are doing
i heard someone in the other thread mention they found his stocktwits and he had kysD himself
anyone got sauce?

>> No.12648302

Here we goooooooooooo

>> No.12648306

in regards to this
imma re-iterate my question from riday because i didnt get any answers:

how many of you goyim buying MNGA on friday knew you were buying into a 20:1 r/s?
dont lie

>> No.12648311
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forgot pic

>> No.12648322

quick 500

thank you China

>> No.12648328
File: 523 KB, 1111x597, 1547563252960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was promised a repeat of great depression! bears, where the fuck is it?

>> No.12648367 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12648376

"the selling will continue until morale improves"

>> No.12648387
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>> No.12648397

ACB is cumming hrghhhhhhhhhh

>> No.12648398
File: 72 KB, 1166x900, 1549223982794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some leads

>> No.12648401

>ACB is cumming hrghhhhhhhhhh

Push to $10. Then dump.

>> No.12648403

companies that pay dividends have given up on trying to use that capital to grow their business

>> No.12648406
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>> No.12648407

I've got 500 more dollars to put in stocks. Do I keep going in on dude weed or do I diversify? I just want to grab stocks and let them sit. I'm not a day trader, I just want to see my money grow over a year or two.

>> No.12648430

how many 420 stocks do you currently hold?

>> No.12648431
File: 10 KB, 405x152, dmlry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the numbers are working out boys

>> No.12648444
File: 47 KB, 945x667, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.12648467


They just filed the 8k


>> No.12648475
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>> No.12648517

get trolled kek

>> No.12648528

Not a shit ton, but enough. Couple hundred dollars in each.

>> No.12648530

so REITs dont get the tax advantages of a roth IRA, but ETFs of REITs should, right? like REM for example

>> No.12648540

snap longs ??

>> No.12648542

shit, I mean the dividends from those

>> No.12648588

greater depression is scheduled for Wednesday bro.

>> No.12648593

might as well throw the rest into those.

>> No.12648610

CGA Mooning again, anons calling it chink shit all the time, its up 30% ytd

>> No.12648618

The dude weed 420 bull run is on-going

>> No.12648643

why is smg so slow today?

>> No.12648645
File: 134 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20190204-101716__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When sell?

>> No.12648653

superbowl hangovers

>> No.12648669

fucking amateurs

>> No.12648673

fucking pathetic

>> No.12648675
File: 83 KB, 600x400, nummy nummy nummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmmm, EAT!

>> No.12648683

>watching handegg

>> No.12648692

shut up and make a new thread

>> No.12648705

it's a bunch of sweaty ass niggers getting a hold of each other you would love it you faggot.

>> No.12648710
File: 550 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190204-072546_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going all in

>> No.12648711

what made you think there was gonna be a pump?

>> No.12648732

Oversold based on guidance lowering, AMD's response is half a year away, and they have rumors of budget-minded GTX cards releasing soon to hopefully assuage the poor sales RTX is seeing. GTX 10 series stock is almost out, so GTX will be the clear choice for consumers for next 6 months.
With this said, I'm definitely selling before earnings

>> No.12648737

seems like a sensible choice

>> No.12648776

ninja thread!


>> No.12648786

>Not even autosage

>> No.12648840

MMA is better in that aspect

>> No.12648879

I guess the great depression happens later this year or early 2020, likely triggered by economic downturns in other countries than the US.