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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12635084 No.12635084 [Reply] [Original]

what are some movies where the protagonist rejects wagecucking?

>> No.12635090
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>> No.12635092

Fyre Fraud

>> No.12635095

Any bankrobbery or mafia movie?

>> No.12635110

office space. wagie theatre kino

>> No.12635115

name one good movie.

>> No.12635225
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>> No.12635234


>> No.12635238

the matrix obv

>> No.12635239
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if you are into mafia movies, you are going to LOVE A Propthet

Its french, but this is fucking legendary

>> No.12635268

Trainspotting - Probably a must see for any NEET, actually one of the best movies in NEET cinema. A lot of people think its a "DRUG MOVIE D00D" but its really about rejecting being a wage cuck who only lives to buy more material things. It is also funny.

>> No.12635277

There are five seasons: Breaking Bad my fren

>> No.12635279
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>> No.12635286


>> No.12635289

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

>> No.12635293

Fight club

>> No.12635295

Falling Down

>> No.12635306
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he wanted to keep his job tho

>> No.12635308

A main theme in Goodfellas is that they don't have to work for peanuts like the cucks they shit on all movie

>> No.12635312

heres the trailer


>> No.12635321
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Office Space... the most literal embodiment of /biz/. No joke.


>> No.12635323

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.12635349

Heat with Robert deniro and al Pacino

>> No.12635370

The Sopranos did a couple episode about this.

>Steve Buscemi (tonys cousin) comes out of prison and decides to leave crime behind and wagecuck
>his annoying korean boss is treating him like shit
>he chimps out, beats him up and then goes back into the Mafia Hitman business

the other plot was about a captain of the soprano crew who was a homo and had to flee from jersey
>gets a normal job in a small rural town
>it annoys him and he hates it
>goes rather back to jersey to get murdered than working another day as a wagecuck

>> No.12635404

Based. Came here to post these.

>> No.12635410

>goes rather back to jersey to get murdered than working another day as a wagecuck


>> No.12635442

>starts as a wagecuck
>ends a poorer wagecuck
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12635553
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>> No.12635680

Do you think rich people just magically feel fulfilled for doing nothing? The movie is about zen dude, humans are meant to physically engage their body with the external world while achieving periodical flow states

>> No.12635724

the comradely aspect of working with a cool construction crew is underrated.

>> No.12635858


>> No.12635870
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>> No.12635896

Do you faggots not realize that at the end of office space he was still wagecucking as a construction worker? I think the point of that movie was not to work for a soul sucking employer and under a toxic work environment.

>> No.12635971

American Beauty is the boomer example

>> No.12636011

There's this movie that I think you'll like
This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York City

>> No.12636034

beat me to it

>> No.12636043

fair enough, i guess OP did specify protagonist but milton is an undeniable neet icon

>> No.12636053

The matrix

>> No.12636067
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this one sort of counts.

>> No.12636128

in spirit, yes. too bad the movie is cancerous.

>> No.12636137

My Life

>> No.12636142

Don’t forget me

>> No.12636332
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>> No.12636617
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okay, downloading and queuing up my collection for a marathon.

fucking tell me you cunt.

>> No.12636647


>> No.12636831
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Is it image related?

>> No.12636842

the room

>> No.12636849
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>> No.12636891


>> No.12636937

The Untouchables

>> No.12636970

The Untouchables is weirdly shit. Everything feels hollow like it's being filmed on a barely dressed soundstage.
Anyway Casino is the most amusing mob movie around.

>> No.12637031

yeah, i have to agree

>> No.12637038

this, can't believe these newfags haven't mentioned it

>> No.12637057

Fight Club is literally biz:the movie

>> No.12637061
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breaking bad

>> No.12637072

Point Break

>> No.12637085

More /bizpol/ desu
No wonder ZeroHedge writers use Tyler Durden alias, very fitting.

>> No.12637221



>> No.12637227

This cowboy's running from himself.
And she's been living on the highest shelf.

And how has no one said "The Big Lebowski" yet?

>> No.12637236

Thats because he didn't care that much about money, he wanted to have not stressful job without responsibilities...

>> No.12637311

crank 2

>> No.12637320

A Scanner Darkly

>> No.12637332

Lords of Dogtown

>> No.12637410

At least as a building site worker he gets to shitpost on /biz/ about how much better he is than an office wagecuck.

>> No.12637463

They Live
Jury Duty
25th Hour

>> No.12637677

great movie, but he literally works at mcdonalds kek

>> No.12637845


Also Scarface

>> No.12637939
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good list anon

>> No.12637948

Into the wild.

>> No.12638224


>> No.12638397
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, john-carpenter-teases-that-a-they-live-sequel-is-in-development-social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most important movie of all time.

>> No.12638438

not a film but the short story Paul's Case is literally /biz/ trying to escape wagecucking and failing terribly summarised

>> No.12638670

American beauty

>> No.12638717

Midnight Cowboy

>> No.12639113

I watched this movie because of the memes, but the jews did some subtle brainwashing in it so i will have to call it rubbish to be honest. When the protagonist goes to that military surplus store the owner there is being abusive towards some faggots and thus hints toward oy vey the poor persecuted homosexuals then the store owner goes into the back and shows the protagonist his collection of ww2 stuff and of course he has a zyklon b canister and says "imagine how many kikes this killed" or something like that. Of course the holocaust is all baloney, but this is what the kikes do.. they make a seemingly good movie and in the middle they brainwash people.

tldr: fuck the jews.

>> No.12639120

gay bath house sex?

freddie got fingered

>> No.12639173
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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

>> No.12639190
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Limitless has this theme as well, somewhat.

>> No.12639213

>no American Psycho
Fucking redditors

>> No.12639256

Big Lebowski is highest rank NEEt

>> No.12639281


That movie is a fucking inspirational story. If the dumbfuck had just done a little more work up front, then given himself adequate time to put the festival together and work out details and taken non-refundable deposits, it would have all worked and he'd be a King now. It goes to show how little capital you actually need up front to pull off big shit. Unfortunately for him, he was a fucking delusional retard who fucked it up.

>> No.12639290

pulp fiction, pretty much the theme.

>> No.12639298

Lol at the fact nobody has said OFFICE SPACE yet.


>> No.12639320

4th post, retarded americano.

Same with fight club

>> No.12639328

Bee movie

>> No.12639351


>> No.12639362

Lawnmower man

>> No.12639366


>> No.12639516

The Rider is about some rodeo cowboy who has a problem with his hand after an accident and never gets better so he struggles with making a living by wagecucking in a supermarket. It was one of the best films from last year, definitely my favourite in 2018

>> No.12639576
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>> No.12639587

I'm going to reply like you're serious.
They live: a drifter is actively looking for work and can't find any when he discovers evil underpinning society. The movie casts light on different social classes and how people interact with a connecting idea frightening in how it reflects actuality.
Jury duty: one of the worst movies of all time, however in the fight to avoid wage cucking, the protag discovers he can prolong his jury duty indefinitely. This movie is about spin, and the way you can sell yourself and use circumstances to thrive (much deeper than it appears on the surface)
25th hour: follows an ex drug dealer. His group of friends have straight jobs, highschool teacher, prop shop trader, fireman, and they all "make it" but the film focuses on the last day before the dealer is supposed to go to penitentiary. Great cast. Juxtaposes the straight life with adventure and how not everything is black and white when it comes to the daily grind.

>> No.12639604

Dude I was trying to think of this, yes this movie was so ahead of it's time.

>> No.12639655

Disgusting. There's no spreader bar on her ankle cuffs

>> No.12639659

Came here to post this. Truly patrician

>> No.12639762


and would recommend my favorite (it is not expressly about wagecucking, but about the whole life, including what you do and how you live):
Synecdoche, New York

>> No.12639828

Can't believe noone mentioned The Matrix.

>> No.12640011


>based Terry Gilliam poster

>> No.12640113

Great titles guys.

Here's my picks which were not mentioned:

-The talented mr Ripley

Protagonist gets sent to Europe to convince rich man's son to come back to USA. He gets sucked into the awesome life does everything he can to stay.

-Margin Call

Showcases how people involved in horrible zero sum things are rewarded and that society does not value people that actually do productive work. Good /biz movie.

-Wolf of Wall Street

Another /biz movie. Scamming idiots into buying hot garbage is hilarious and makes you immensely rich. 9-5'ers are the true idiots.


Pacino comes to Florida from Cuba on a boat. Has a green card in exchange for killing a former Cuban general but is wage cucking his life away washing dishes and quickly decides his life is meant for something bigger.

Honestly there aren't many that are blatantly anti-work or pro-NEET in (((Hollywood))) for obvious reasons. There's normally a big comeuppance at the end. "Crime doesn't pay".

>> No.12640202

While no one wants to hear this...
Watching movies about escaping isn’t going to help
You need a product or service, a plan and a timeline
This is one of our only days to work on this shit. Don’t waste it

>> No.12640487
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>> No.12640524


It's sunday, I know you like acting all 'rise and grind'-faggot, but jesus man, relax.

>> No.12640534
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Falling Down (just snap no matter the outcome)
Into the Wild (go to the nature)
A Walk in the Clouds (go to the farm lands)
Garden State (be a first world kid and seek yourself)
The Edukators (be a first world kid and go commie)
Groundhog Day (become independent by magic)

>> No.12640541
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Also pic related

>> No.12640769

Has anyone seen trainspotting 2 yet? Thinking about it but haven't gotten to it yet.

>> No.12640805

te redditor

>> No.12640889

Why? Can you explain? I watched it and I feel like I didn't understand anything...

>> No.12641082

The holocaust happened you retard.

>> No.12641505

Rambo - First blood

its easy bizmen, just get a really big knife and head into a mountin forest.

>> No.12642013
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Holocaust means whole burnt offering. Why do you burn offerings? To get blessed. What was the blessing? Israel. Look at the times the Hebrew word for holocaust is used ( Strongs 5930; olah)

Think about the worlds used. The "Holocaust" was done by Zionist Jews against non-zionist Jews to justify getting a homeland by stealing land from the Muslims. And yes, all the numbers burned are exaggerated because they are based on an old chassidic prophecy. You can see the 140 references to the 6m before Germany even came to power here:

How much of a normie can you be?

>> No.12642017

It's terrible. Nothing compared to the first

>> No.12642065

Captain Fantastic
Leave No Trace

>> No.12642134
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american beauty is a pretty good movie 2bh.

>> No.12642176
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Jerry Macguire
The Truman Show

>> No.12642228

That's just like your opinion man

>> No.12643369
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>Honestly there aren't many that are blatantly anti-work or pro-NEET in (((Hollywood))) for obvious reasons. There's normally a big comeuppance at the end. "Crime doesn't pay".

It doesn't.

It's rare that career criminals go the 'Scarface' route from rags to riches. Most are in and out of prison. Anyone who knows any life long criminals will know what I'm talking about.

Criminals who go from rags to riches, and live the high life until they die is very rare. (eg. Pablo Escobar, Frank Lucas, The Kray Twins, etc.)

The majority live the criminal underworld version of the rat race.

I don't get why /biz/ unironically thinks that being a violent career criminal is something to glorify, or is 'unfaily portrayed' in media.

>> No.12644078

What about tv shows.

>> No.12644164
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>> No.12644168


>> No.12644223

Came here to post this.

>> No.12644274

Imagine coming to /pol/ to post this

Imagine thinking that /biz/ isn't /pol/

>the absolute state

>> No.12644388


>what are some movies where the protagonist REJECTS wagecucking?
>REJECTS wagecucking
>brainlets think Falling Down's protagonist is somehow in control of his situation

William Foster is another liberal jew attack on the middle class white male. Foster is portrayed as an impotent "angry white man" that was rejected by his employer and rejected by his wife for being emotionally abusive and so embarks on a mission to find his family so he can murder/suicide them as he unravels.
He's unemployed for a month in the movie, not by choice. He remarks he's 38, "over-educated and under-skilled...or is it the other way" and "no longer economically viable". He wants to wagecuck but society doesn't want him and he is in no way in control of himself or his situation.

I swear you fucks never watched the movie or only watched trailers.

>> No.12644689

Post proofs

>> No.12644759
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i found this evidence on a czechoslovakian coconut shaving bulletin board

>> No.12644800

eh, I don't deny the existence of camps, but I think they were simply holding/deportation camps, not death camps. I reckon the death numbers are massively overstated as well. All that shit about "gas chambers" and masturbation machines and rape dogs and furnace trains is pure bullshit designed to shock the impressionable civilians of the (with the obvious goal of garnering support for Israel and get a bunch of free land in palestine).

Take, for instance, the gas chambers: a few key issues with the story is that they used inward-opening, weak wooden doors (not airtight, would get jammed by bodies inside and you wouldn't be able to open them), the fact that Zykelon B was in fact used to delouse people across the world, and the fact that if Z B was used to poison people, it would have had to have been used in such high amounts that the rooms would have remained deadly for several days afterwards. Then there are the calculations about how many furnaces would be required to burn 6 million bodies, and much more.

>> No.12645093

Nah, they probably just watched it when young, thought it was redpilled having a underdeveloped jewdar. I watched it again recently after seeing a decent e-celeb reviewer (Blackpilled, probably the most legit guy on there imo) shred it for the reasons you mentioned. 100% agree now, last time I'd seen it was a long time ago, well before being as aware of that crap as I am now. Once it's been pointed out though....yeah, it's just another "accept your fate goy" plot line.

>> No.12645109
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Also, CRIMINALLY unchecked fuhrer dubs of truth.

>> No.12645159


you are all faggots

>> No.12645179
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found the angry wagie.

>> No.12645197
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>The holocaust happened you retard.

>> No.12645215 [DELETED] 
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oooooh waaaaggiiiieee
guess what day tomorrow is

>> No.12645220


both of these for you OP



>> No.12645256 [DELETED] 


>> No.12645279 [DELETED] 

Falling Down is garbage by a gay jew. full analysis here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8IlXA4ArPg

>> No.12645308

Surprised I saw They Live but not Network, the origin of "I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore!" More about how TV conditions people into wagecucking.

>> No.12645350
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since we're somewhat off topic...

>> No.12646401

is that it.

>> No.12646434

Synecdoche has many themes. The one that hits me hardest is the wife leaving and corrupting his daughter in Berlin while he becomes a gradually weak frail man.

>> No.12646804

based movie tahar rahim is excellent in this one