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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12637465 No.12637465 [Reply] [Original]

What are some business and finance ideas? Also how to turn 100k into 6 million?

>> No.12637474

>Also how to turn 100k into 6 million?
all in ETH

>> No.12637485


>> No.12637494

no, he meant all in ADA.

>> No.12637496

read alchemy of finance and then read up on ETH staking returns and then read up on Fidelity + Bank of America boomer crypto custodial services.
>staking implemented
>people start getting returns
>other people notice and buy eth to stake themselves
>price increases which then increases the dividend yield in terms of US
>more people buy

do you see?

>> No.12637551

What u described is a ponzi

>> No.12637566

>how to turn 100k into 6 million
Ask the Jews

>> No.12637584


OP pay no attention to any of the other massacres of the 20th century, nothing will ever compare to the SHOAH.

>> No.12637640
File: 300 KB, 576x768, 1548813856503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could turn 100 eth to 300 eth for you in 24 days. I have a trading bot that makes me 3x profit in a month overall. It is programmed for scalping and shorting/longing according. It uses social media feeds as well as financial institutions I puts to perform sentiment analysis and turn a profit.


Here is my wallet, I will return your money with profit to the same wallet you use to send me the money. My cut is 20% flat non negotiable

>> No.12637647


Average market return over 40 years

>> No.12637652
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Fuck off beggar

>> No.12637676

Go fuck yourself illitrate nigger. I didn't beg, I'm offering to manage his funds and charging a fee. It's called a fund manager look it up pajeet

>> No.12637682

Crypto fund managers, what could go wrong?

>> No.12637867

Buy dollar cost average into BTC.

>> No.12637888

how do i send you my money im a 50 year old mother i dont know how to work stocks please help

>> No.12638809

Send it to this address


>> No.12638858

so you're saying that if I give you 1000 usd worth of eth, then I'll have half a billion in a year if eth stays at the same price? sounds great! where do I sign up?

>> No.12638910

>So anon, you said you've got a fund manager, that's so cool! How did you get in contact with someone like that?
>I found him on 4chan. He posted a fat pussy and called me a nigger. I don't know what his name is but he said his bot will make me 3x.
>Uh... that's.... great.... listen, Chad just text me, I think I have to go....

>> No.12639479

Tinder but for friendly street fights.
If you want a fight but don't want to actually get in trouble you brawl around with a random bro.
You charge a subscription fee and have an in-app betting system that you take a cut from.

Screencap cap this shit

>> No.12639731

I described an asset bubble

>> No.12640213

Send the money to the wallet

>> No.12640268
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How to turn 100K to 6 million?

>> No.12640413
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I can teach you to turn 6 million into 100k if you want

>> No.12640438
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Glamping fag again,
Eco tourism is becoming really big, also wifi in northern canada

>> No.12640444

*rural, bell has a bit of a monopoly over everything urban, if u build infrastructure they'll buy you out

>> No.12640771
File: 1.36 MB, 3078x2445, hot-vs-tron1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also how to turn 100k into 6 million?

>> No.12640782

imagine being enough of a shitskin to post this