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File: 24 KB, 696x348, what-if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12637743 No.12637743 [Reply] [Original]

What if Bitcoin will never rise again? Think about it. It's been at 19k already, many institutional investors are coming, bakkt exchange is opening, too many people lost their funds during the 3 last rallies and consider cryptos as a scam. I think btc is pretty much getting stable, so it'll become real currency.
There is literally no point of getting up again. Just because it happened before it doesn't mean it'll happen in future. Learn probability theory if you believe it's not true.
Right now people and medium whales are saving their money. Medium whales are the only big players left, so they can make local pumps, sell shitcoins to deluded gamblers and get away with no losses.
The only purpose of btc is gambling. Nobody even buys drugs with bitcoins anymore. And those who do make illegal purchases, they look for a stuff holding USD, buy bitcoin, and then rapidly send it to a merchant. Once the merchant has received coins he immediately sells them on the exchange. That's it. No pumps, demand increased, demand lowered.

>> No.12637749

sup speculatorfam

>> No.12637760
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We've just scratched the surface of normie fomo. Think about how even little whales can manipulate the markets right now, if we had true normie fomo BTC would be in the millions.
The normies just need to get comfy with BTC and it'll skyrocket.
100% gonna happen or I'll eat McAfee's dick

>> No.12637785

People already think crypto is total scam. Here's an example.
In 2013 nobody at my workplace believed in btc. One guy managed to gain some money and *several* coworkers started to look into. Obviously they lost their money as it was a top high. In 2017 *nobody* followed that guy anymore as there were real example of people losing funds.

>> No.12638022
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>> No.12638038

>Nobody even buys drugs with bitcoins anymore.
what do they use instead? Monero?

>> No.12638062

And still the bubble happened again. No reason that it should stop now

>> No.12638387

Reason is that at first people played within $1-5k range, then people suddenly started playing with $10-150k, taking credits, loosing they savings, people gambled with sums equal to a price of a houses.
This is why next phase can only be achieved only by institutions or flip of a crypto pair, that is only in sub $10-$500 range.

>> No.12638691

> many institutional investors are coming, bakkt exchange is opening,
why is this bad? you're fucking deranged

>> No.12638701

I absolutely agree. But millionaires will never gamble their money because they're not as stupid as everyman. If they were they wouldn't be millionaires.

>> No.12638722

Because institutional investors are into profits. They gives two shits about pumping the shitcoin. If some retard like you are hodls his precious coins then shorting it'll be.

>> No.12638733

the bubble happened because finex manipulated the price since early 2016 through tether, spoofy, etc.
then the ICO boom happened, and bad money compounded fake money
it's over now. finex will load up on shorts at next halving and exitscam at the same time, as to grab the last remaining bit of money from OGs who believe halving = bullrun

>> No.12638938

what language is this

>> No.12639560

>The only purpose of btc is gambling.
How a person can be so retarded?

>> No.12639581

I can see it's really hard for you to accept the truth, you ludoman.

>> No.12639601

I can guarantee from my sources that bitcoin is still used heavily to launder money and there seems to be no coin in the immediate future that will replace it. Billions are moved each and every single day and it is whales who act as brokers in these kinds of transactions. The internal bitcoin economy is booming, swing trading the highs and lows is as profitable as ever. Honestly, don't know where you are getting your info.

>> No.12639626

It doesn’t matter what the normans think. When their brokers start telling them they’re going to add BTC to their portfolio as a hedge they’ll say “oh..uh..yea..oh..ok, sure” and that’ll be it. When the news starts pumping everywhere that every bank is using crypto and every brokerage is investing, they’ll get excited to be a part of it. Cars were once a scam, the telephone was once a scam, computers were once a scam, the internet was once a scam. Most people are not forward thinking, they find comfort in what they know and anything else must be a trick to swindle them out of their money. Then little by little they all come around when they realize if they want to stay relevant in the world they need to hop on the train. Most crypto sits underneath the cosmetic layers normans see and never needs to be known about. BTC will have its day as an asset class, the last 10 years have proved it will not be stopped. What makes you think at its peak height of true adoption THAT is when people will give up on it vs. all of the years before when it literally was just a meme coin?

>> No.12639633

Yeah it was long over, once in a lifetime event. Sorry to all the braindamaged people who didn’t become millionaires in 2017 but you’re not getting another chance.

Bitcoin isn’t like stocks where bear markets are only temporary. It’s a currency. Did the Zimbabwean currency “bounce back” from its bear market? No, shit that doesn’t produce anything doesn’t have to ever go up just because.

>> No.12639635

Bitcoin is a commodity and shares no fundamental characteristics

>> No.12639639


It would make sense because BTC has only existed during a broader 10 year bull market...

>> No.12639654

>Did the Zimbabwean currency “bounce back” from its bear market?
Is Zimbabwean currency deflationary you fucking mongoloid?

>> No.12639677

imagine having such a low IQ, that you have to result to what if situations. kys faggot. we going to 300k next bubble.

>> No.12639678
File: 32 KB, 244x295, 1531618045968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin will NEVER rise again ;_____________;

Listen faggot, bitcoin is stronger than you could ever imagine, bitcoin will EXPLODE later this year when people see how fucking RESISTANT it is, this bitch will chug on through the most endless of dark nights, powered solely by dark-net markets.

>> No.12639689

Do you remember credit cards being pushed in the middle of XX century? It stopped for 10 years and after that people didn't want to give their money for a piece of plastic. That means BTC will stop circulating and will be reborn 10-20 years after. That means it's over. New bitcoin will have nothing in common with current. It'll be using a new blockchain probably.

>> No.12639717

You lost me when you said nobody buys drugs with BTC anymore, it still covers over 90% of DNM operations

>> No.12639719

nah bro we going to 500k. richard heart, max keiser, john mcafee, and tone and many other faggots couldn’t be wrong. there’s just no way my feels would allow that to happen

>> No.12639732

Also child porn. As long as CP exists bitcoin will moon.

>> No.12639924
File: 342 KB, 1140x700, ninja-burnout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The millennial audiences on Twitch will be our next batch of greater fools. Most of them wanted to get in on crypto in 2017 but were too young. In a year or two they'll have their own wagie jobs and bank accounts, they will pump our bags, and we will pull the rug from underneath them at the top, as is tradition. If I were you, I'd be making my own shitcoin that targets this audience. Make the logo bright colors and have the lead developer dye his hair. Also make sure he's Vitalik level autismo.

>> No.12639949

look at the fucking all-time chart you dingus

>> No.12640251
File: 31 KB, 656x431, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I were you, I'd be making my own shitcoin that targets this audience
>Make the logo bright colors
There is one. Tons of them actually. They will never reach any good price.

>> No.12640265


People already trade fractions of btc which is absolutely ridiculous if you have been from 2011 until now

>> No.12640292

Digits don’t lie

>> No.12640366
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, slime-whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grin's logo isn't colorful enough. Looks like its from the 90s. Here's what I was thinking.

>> No.12640433


>> No.12640818


>> No.12641119

Oh wow. Atrocious.

>> No.12641926

Look at those feggits who still holds ITT.

>> No.12642170
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>he doesn't know that he can shape reality with memes

>> No.12642455

There were only like ~500 alts in 2017.
Go to coinmarketcap and see for yourself how many retarded coins/tokens we have now. $20k was the absolute top.

>> No.12642810

If BTC becomes a real currency it can't possibly stay at $3000. There are only like 10 million of them in circulation.

>> No.12642993

Bitcoins market cap will reach the size of the economy of an industrial nation in the next 2 or 3 spikes, so ~10 years.

>> No.12643005
File: 270 KB, 1545x716, blockbtc_flowchart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really want to support these sjw assholes?
(pic related)

>> No.12643052

crypto IS NOT coming back into mainstream

sorry, bagholders

>> No.12643192
File: 175 KB, 622x464, boomer_and_apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin dying has always been the black swan that everyone was looking for but refuses to accept. Its literally right in front of your faces but you refuse to see it. Then ironically you all quote the big short like your some kind of mix between bateman and burry, but you forgot to read the quote by Mark Twain at the beginning.

Furthermore the US based exchanges must kill bitcoin in order for them to get cryptocurrencies accepted by the mainstream, and make no mistake, they run the show now.

There's no way anyone (except some of you nasty fucks) is going to touch a piece of software that has been tainted by child pornography. That's why its imperative that they erase that particular chain. This thing is literally going to $0 and its going to stay there, as it should. But hey I'm sure 1 btc = 1 btc so you got that going for you.

And then they'll start on Monero, then eth... You're not even going to recognize the crypto landscape in two years time. Its going to be absolutely glorious.

>> No.12643262


Yup. Yet its lost on most here that they're literally facilitating it so they're a part of it. And then they have the arrogance to scream about pizza-gate, which is honestly just projection. They're just pissed they're not part of the club.

When their accounts go to $0 perhaps then the problem will simply start taking care of itself.

>> No.12643678
File: 151 KB, 698x698, ThinkingExplosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grammar and syntax in this entire thread is off. Not sure if it's paid shills with English as a secondary language or some strange chatbot variation. Thoughts?

>> No.12643705
File: 21 KB, 368x437, 1510284319184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my

>> No.12643762

This, buy the dip fellows, it can't go any lower!

>> No.12643852

> I think btc is pretty much getting stable, so it'll become real currency
Wrong. It can't become a currency because it isn't technically capable of it. Digital gold (store of value) is the most suitable way.