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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12634510 No.12634510 [Reply] [Original]

>hurr healthcare is expensive
>hurr college is expensive
>hurr rent is expensive


Most Americans on this board are earning at least $70K a year doing some basis bitch entry-level programming job. Don't you know how fucking easy you guys have it compared to other developed countries? In nearly all European countries that would put you in the top 1-5% of earners. Stop whining and learn how to budget your shit like a proper adult.

And no, you're not the most taxed nation in the world either, that's just bullshit you guys made up to feel oppressed.

>> No.12634515

>Most Americans on this board are earning at least $70K a year


>> No.12634518

Its just commies and ancaps making shit up. America is the greatest country in thew world

>> No.12634525
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1542662823771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, this. burgers are stupid as fuck. they earn fuck all.

>> No.12634529

>he doesn't have a $70K+ job
I wholeheartedly agree with OP that Americans are not oppressed in any fucking way. You can walk into an office with a nose full of boogers and walk out with a job all in the same hour.

>> No.12634532
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>> No.12634539

This. America is literally the greatest country in the world. Everywhere you go you see nice, beautiful houses with dumb fucks in every last one of them.

>> No.12634547
File: 169 KB, 1065x902, AA4FDBCA-E9C5-4FEA-BA40-FFA8CD135F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most Americans on this board are earning at least $70K a year
y-you didn’t really believe all that, did you?

>> No.12634555
File: 64 KB, 800x450, b7mjhgee6ygxor2dyn6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't non-Americans have anything else better to do with their time?
You're the Kiff to our Zapp Brannigan

>> No.12634631


>most Americans on this board are earning at least 70k a year

>> No.12634641


Kek do you also believe all the “300k starting” “I made it with crypto” threads too?

>> No.12634664
File: 273 KB, 793x794, based libertarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if its already teh best country in the world, it doesnt mean there is no room for improvement. thats what ancaps want.

>> No.12634678

Isn't your desire to impose socio-economic changes on people who don't want them a violation of the NAP?

>> No.12634684
File: 43 KB, 319x480, 1503721455885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares what you and your manchild friends want fagcap

>> No.12634693
File: 199 KB, 828x768, 1523804958531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because many are state "educated" faggot NPCs, raised by women, and the ones you hear this shit from are they only ones gay enough to extend their "thoughts" onto social media.

>> No.12634712

It took me multiple years and many certifications to get that income level. Definitely not for high time preference europoors.

>> No.12634714

$70K isn't shit

>> No.12634719

It is when you start at zero. It's called generational progress.

>> No.12634727

why do nazis hide away

>> No.12634736

I'm just joking, anon. I'm in crippling debt and have zero interest in doing anything. I constantly have boogers in my nose and think everyone is looking at me when I go out in public.

>> No.12634739

Because they are fucking spoiled faggots. They living in the land of the free and brave there nothing stopping them to became a millionaire.

>> No.12634753

kys. as a programmer, in the UK senior level (like 4+ years experience) earns £50k. in America you get £150-300k as a senior. And an entry level programmer in the UK can get £22-28k. In america you get £65-80k as an entry level.

>> No.12634759

The NAP doesn't consider socio-economic force to be "aggressive." If it did, ancaps couldn't believe in private property.

>> No.12634770

And everyone on this board is a programmer making $70k?

>> No.12634778

What if the socio-economic force was communistic in nature? Is it still not a violation of the NAP?

>> No.12634789

Then just move to SF, Abrahim

>> No.12634791

Yes. Even as a management assistant or beginning legal adviser you can make that amount of money.

>> No.12634805

the NAP is fucking retarded, you're wasting your time

>> No.12634811

You are beyond help if you even think 1% of this useless crypto board has $30k to their name

>> No.12634815

Well considering that communistic socio-economic force at its simplest is the collective economic force of people voluntarily working together for a common interest, I would have to conclude that it still would not be a violation of the NAP.

>> No.12634816

Does this violate the NAP?

>> No.12634827

>earning at least $70K a year
Not on this board, hombre

>> No.12635842

I live in some shitty latino third world country. You amerifags are on easy mode lmao

>> No.12635860

Fucking eurotrash brainlets don't understand that American cost of life is intensely high and offsets the increased wages