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12633079 No.12633079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best time for a man to start considering having a child?

>inb4 never

>> No.12633090

Get married: 30
Have kids: 35

Any later than that and you’ll be too old to know your grandkids.

>> No.12633092

mid 20s

>> No.12633102

never, just jack off to BLACKED porn and adopt a Haitian child with your washed up roastie

>> No.12633112


This. If you wait any longer than 35-36 then it's really hard on the grandkids.

>> No.12633135

That's even if your kids have children...You'd be 70 (probably dead) by the time your kids even have a first born following the 35 rule.


>> No.12633150

So no eaflier than 25 and no later than 30?

>> No.12633160

When your friends kids start to look hot
>"hnngh shit is Tiffani 16 now?"
>[friends cunt wife] "go away anon!"
>"16 is age of consent in your state rite??"
>[FB blocked now]
w/e bitch I know where you guys live that girl loves me I bought her beer before

>> No.12633161

Earlier that 25 and you're too inexperienced with life to know anything and will be strained financially.

>> No.12633190

28 year old here. I got married last year and my wife, who is 24 is about to graduate and has jobs already lined up paying at least 60-70K a year. I'm still in school as I was in the military for a long time before, that's why I'm still in school so late.
Is her 60-70K enough to be comfortable raising a kid on while I finish my degree?

>> No.12633203

Should be fine.

>> No.12633218

Got my first kid at 32. Wish I have done it around 26-28.

>> No.12633348

Just hit 38 and first will be born this year. Was ready around 35. Have always done things a bit later than average. Was a total shit for brains in my 20s no idea how anyone raises a kid at that age.

>> No.12633391

I likely preggered my wife last wednesday.
We are 30 and have stable, well paid jobs.

>> No.12633424

Am 33, stay home dad w/ 2.5 yo boy.
It’s true, there’s never a good time, but I wish I did it earlier. The older you get, the less energy you have to “spend” on them.

>> No.12633459

But you shouldnt really count on passing your Knowledge to your grandchildren, thats what you do with your own Children. I may not make it past 60 despite my excellent Health, so I would Focus on teaching my many Kids instead of theirs. Because they also will have to arrange Things in order to be able to devout time to their own Kids.
I understand that seeing your grandchildren would be nice, but you are anyway only going to see them as small Kids not Young men, so it is the same anyway.
Western Europe here.

>> No.12633509


Rule 1. Capitalize the first word of a document and the first word after a period.
Rule 2. Capitalize proper nouns—and adjectives derived from proper nouns.

>> No.12633524
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Also older dads have create autistic sons so it's best to breed as early as possible.

>> No.12633536


so it will be less creepy when you hook up with her friends when she's in hs (or if it's a boy, his gf/first crush)

>> No.12633548

for men never
downie babies are made by older eggs
in a way it is great if you are dead when your children hit 25ish so they can get some money

>> No.12633573
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Depends what gender kids you would like to have, the older the man the higher chances of having daughters, men over 45 having kids about 75% have daughters

>> No.12633588

freeze your sperm at 18 when they're at their healthiest. vasectomy thereafter. then lockdown a qt in the 18-24 range when your established and not some pathetic wagecuck slave.

>> No.12633628

Nobody cares here redditfag. You're shitposting on an imageboard, not writing an academic essay. English isn't even his first language, so save the pedantry.

>> No.12633632

i'd love to have a child, but thats illegal.

>> No.12633679

Sperm quality decreases with age as well. Older dads make autistic children.

>> No.12633729


>> No.12633738

no it does not, if you are healthy

>> No.12633779

>the entire body deteriorates with age but your sperm is as healthy as it was on your 20th birthday even if you are 70 years old
Imagine believing this.

>> No.12633785
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Like maybe 25. 30 is too old

>> No.12633793

What’s reddit? I haven’t left 4chan since saving ranma 1/2 fanservice jpegs on a floppy disk at the library to fap to at home later was a thing.

>> No.12633806

sperm is generated
while egg cells are the same since birth

you generate stomach acid, digestive things, blood cells, sperm, etc

aging is a disease in a way, but it happens to organs that are able to accumulated toxins

>> No.12633812

Unironically never

>> No.12633840

I donate to SENS, so maybe you can have kids when you've accumulated retirement money, so you can actually raise your fucking children.

part time parenting with a full time job is not a good way to raise your kids.

>> No.12633862

Jesus fuck, I'm almost 24.
I already have no free time, I'm not gonna get a kid, which is basically taking another job, any time soon.

>> No.12633867

Had my only child at 35. Roastie tried to disappear with child. 1-2 fight in family court-won full custody. Best thing to ever happen to me, the child that is. Rather traumatic having a hyper sensitive bitch kidnap your child, so I don’t think I’ll gamble on expanding my family, but there’s nothing more that I want then siblings for my daughter. We have so much fun. On my death bed my biggest regret will be not going from church to church looking for an untarnished 22-24 year old to start up a bigger family for my little girl. But as it is (unless she dates a nog or something) she’ll bring great financial stability to her marriage.

>> No.12633988

A full-time, 24/7, always on-call job that you pay to do. I can’t wait ‘til my boy is old enough to rebel and go make his own poor decisions.

>> No.12634278

>population of 7.5 billion
>cure for human ageing within 40 years
>genetically engineered humans within 20 years
>thinking passing on your DNA is still relevant

just lol

do you really think your drop of jizz is going to change the world?

It could literally be only black people being allowed to reproduce and it wouldn't make a bit of difference to the future of muh white race. The GNR revolution would still completely rewrite the face of humanity, it's unstoppable at this point.

Saying that people aren't investing in their future by not having kids now is like telling them they're going to remain poor by refusing to work out Bitcoin hashes with a pencil and paper in their free time. Its just completely irrelevant. All of genetic identity and lineage is about to be sequenced, customised, modified and reinvented infinitely to the point where every sequence in your genome is totally fucking redundant.

>> No.12634368

Only a domesticated weakling would give up to futuristic ideas of this sort.

>> No.12634377

Depends.. when can I meet her?

>> No.12634495


enjoy getting left behind faggot, the future doesn't need you or your shitty progeny, you're already irrelevant

>> No.12634570

>ruining your reproductive organs
What a jewish thought process

>> No.12634675

mid 30s, but honestly i dont want kids

>> No.12634708

they don't remove your testicles you retard.

>> No.12634721

thought about this as well and it's been hard to cope

guess all we can do is focus on what we can control

>> No.12634729

My dad started at 16. So probably 16.

>> No.12634735

I dated one girl whose parents were 50 and 45 respectively and she was fuckin WEIRD. Like an old person in a young persons body. It was a bangin body tho

>> No.12634741


32 with a one year old.

Before 25 is too early, you need to enjoy the freedom of youth.

But beyond that it's all about the money. If you have a kid and you're making lower class money you'll become stressed and unhappy really fast.

>> No.12634748

Just adopt the kids of your wife.

>> No.12634779

>It could literally be only black people being allowed to reproduce and it wouldn't make a bit of difference to the future of muh white race.
Actually good point. Really, considering the facts, you have to have a very delusional worldview to think that this would make any difference.

>> No.12634817

That's fucking disgusting to think about. You should've cracked her right in the fucking nose for being old as fuck. Nothing more fucking irritating than what you just explained.

>> No.12634985

Yeah ok, nice try curly locks. White country folk will relish the opportunity to survive. All we do is target practice and cherish our progeny.

>> No.12635007

Left behind. Hahahah, sure ok Time Cop. Put a little of your own poop in your blow up dolls butthole.

>> No.12635012

by having you mean fucking?

>> No.12635177

da fuck are you talking about? how old was she? even if she was 15 that means her parents were 35 and 30 when they had her.

>> No.12635201

This guy is right, it's time for Jews to stop having kids. Their focus on their future lineage is a bigoted aspect of an outdated and racist past.

>> No.12635235

I meant her parents were 45 and 50 when she was BORN

>> No.12635244

They don't focus on having kids, lol. It's the whites who are pushing that narrative, because they feel like they're losing.

>> No.12635261

oh i see

>> No.12635267

Mid 20's - 30. Any later and you run the risk of having a kid with defects and plus by the time the kid is 18 you'll be pushing 40. If you wait till age 35 well, the risk of defects skyrockets and you'll be 45 years old when the kid turns 18.

>> No.12635340

>having children at all
consciousness is burden
the earth needs less of our kind

>> No.12635469

Valiant effort but Israel's birth rate is public record.

>> No.12635615

>if you wait till age 25, you'll be 45 when your kid is 18
How old is your father, anon?

>> No.12635651
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good lol, let your genes die peacefully, end the 500 million year long miracle of evolution because "kids are gross"

>> No.12635669

Don't be such a slave, you owe nothing to no-one.
The miracle of existence ends when you die anyway.

>> No.12635682

This. Just turned 34 and genuinely have no desire to put up with that shit at all. Finally getting enough money to travel and do what I want. No fucking way I am going to throw that down the drain.

I also unironically believe we will be able to reverse aging in my lifetime. I will likely go from a 70 year old decrepit fuck to playing basketball. Would be pretty awesome.

>> No.12635690

never. seriously. BUT if you really want kids than 30-35. too many people have kids before they even know to handle life as an adult.

>> No.12635699

Sad you are, don’t project

>> No.12635700

this is weirdly fucking specific.

>> No.12635706

jesus who let this onsufferable reddit cunt in here. fuck the fuck off you pathetic faggot.

>> No.12635710

Fucking amen. This is the only post that matters in this thread.

>> No.12635714
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>> No.12635720

I think people are freaking out too much about whites future, when GNH are around do you know the amount of white babies people will make? Its probably going to be 60% minimum and 30% weird human hybrids and 10% same race.

>> No.12635729

i was 29 when i had mine, now i'm 35 turning 36 in a couple months and never bothered to have another one. feels too late now... going through all that again.

>> No.12635786

This but make sure the mother is 30 or younger or you'll have retarded kids

>> No.12635819

faggot alarms going off hard and loud

>> No.12635820

>tfw father had me in his early 30s
>he still was pretty much a child in his 60s
I still loved you dad.
Don't spoil your kids rotten and bail them out of everything.
It causes hell for your grandchildren.

>> No.12635889
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I’m 25, she’s 22 and 2 months preggy.

She has no degree except for nearly finishing beauty school and getting her cosmetology license before unfortunately (stupidly) dropping out bc living situation problems.

I have 2 degrees in engineering, work as a cashier in a grocery store, and have a ~$4000 balance on my credit cards.


>> No.12635906

>2 degrees in engineering, work as a cashier in a grocery store
How did this happen?

>> No.12635909

30 for sure

Spend your twenties building wealth, building a skill set, and having some fun because once you become a dad it’s serious shit. Putting a family of 4 on your back is no small task and you need to be prepared.

>> No.12635962

Be prepared. For the day your wife hits you with divorce papers. Not only will she take half your shit/net worth you will also have to fork out monthly child support payments till the kid hits age 18. So think long and hard about a lot of shit before you get married and/or knock up some girl. So many dude's have gotten in this trap it's just sad. Some girls will actually get knocked up on purpose cause they know that from that point on they're on easy street financially.

>> No.12635997

I'm 27, still trying to get financially stable. Idk when I'll have kids but i want a big family, 3 kids minimum. I think I'm just gonna accumulate wealth then wife hunt in Ukraine
>t. hohol american

>> No.12635999

We moved back to the state where I went to college/met her, and around the same time I quit to start freelancing on upwork. I did stuff like writing smart contracts for ICO teams, general crypto consulting, mining operations setup....sometime around Fall, the work just dried the fuck up. No more demand and/or the pajeets learned how easy it was to copy & paste an ERC20 contract and flooded the market.

Anyway the place we’re at now is a totally shit state full of rednecks and a nonexistent white-collar job market. All the jobs I have applied for, I’ve gotten rejected for one reason or another. The gap in my resume usually doesn’t help

>> No.12636004

I know this one dude, married for about 5 yrs. Shit appeared great between him and his wife. They decide to have a kid. Fast forward a yr. Kid's born, everyone's happy. One month later, wham, divorce papers get sent. He's fucked now for 18 yrs.

>> No.12636006
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was really hoping to keep this kind of shit on /pol/ but it seems like white people having babies brings out the shills no matter where you go.
pic related, working on #2 right now

>> No.12636012
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Wow, I haven't seen this guy for a while. Didn't know he had an evil brother.

>> No.12636013

were you boomers born in the 1950s with your lack of modern medical science knowledge and rate of advancement or what?

millennials are all going to live to 100+ years old or later, zoomers even longer, and that's assuming we don't conquer aging in the meantime and the rich end up being literally immortal. men of the modern generation breeding well into middle age are going to know their grand and greatgrand kids.

>> No.12636029

>once you become a dad it’s serious shit
why do nonfathers always think this. you don't magically become a "serious adult" when you have a kid anymore than when you turned 18 or whatever the arbitrary age of adulthood is where you're from. frankly you never really do, and the only people with a desperate desire to seem "mature" are still mental and emotional children.

>> No.12636032

Ok, tell me; do you really want to be chasing after a 2 yr old kid when your in your 60's? You do know that they got tons more energy than you right? So they'll be awake long after your about ready to crash for the night.

>> No.12636049

have you ever met a 60 year old? those old fucks only sleep like 4 hours a night. every new decade we advance to the point where "x is the new y" moves years up. by the 2050s 60 will be the new 20.

>> No.12636081
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>MFW my dad had me at 40

>> No.12636365

>cosmetology license
Oi m8?

>> No.12636372

People say things like that because the average late 20 year old still spends an entire Wednesday on xbox.

>> No.12636484


You only have kids after you don't have to work for a living anymore. Otherwise you are just training them to be wageslaves.

>> No.12636603

First kid 20
Get married 23
Second kid next summer when i'm 25
I'm fine. Just want make all kids before 30. Maby 3 or 4.

>> No.12636721

>you will be 45 y/o when your kid is 18 and you had them at age 35
not sure if I misread or if biz is this retarded at math