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File: 1.16 MB, 480x600, asianass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12632787 No.12632787 [Reply] [Original]

Asian girls and /biz/ go together like peas in a pod so what kind of asian girl are you going to marry/impregnate once you finally make it? Personally I'm thinking Japan or Taiwan.

Feel free to post your making it goals as well. Pic related.

>> No.12632795

a mongolian, most def

>> No.12632824

I'm gay but that's pretty hot.

I want to find a hot daddy bf. It's really hard to find one though. Not into asians because small dicks and not manly.

>> No.12632839
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>> No.12632861
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Did you know Mongolians have the healthiest teeth on earth because of their meat heavy diet?

>> No.12632876

Japanese are best bug eaters
most subordinated

But they're still just for fun, not for breeding. You'll want a white one for kids. Just be sure to kill her after birth, before she landwhales.

>> No.12632887

6’2 blond six pack with 8 inch dick and I will be your daddy that completely dominates and controls your ass

>> No.12632920

i wasn't joking, met a girl from mongolia who was super, thighs like jelly, tits are round teeth are overlapping, still cute, face is cute. oh and skin white like milk

>> No.12632927
File: 103 KB, 626x938, serious-young-asian-woman-red-dress-bar_1262-1593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Asian secretary that will let me try to make her pregnant through her mouth whenever I want.

That's making it.

>> No.12632941

Age? I want 40+. I also want a companion, not just sex. It's fairly easy to find casual sex.

>> No.12633034

fuck off homos.

>> No.12633046
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>> No.12633051
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>> No.12633056
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>> No.12633062
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>> No.12633066
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>> No.12633083

I will travel through Asia giving women creampies. I will have 10+ children.

The daughters I will turn into catgirl maids. The sons I will train to be fanatic warriors and use them to conquer a small nation. There we will use CRISPR technology to churn out superhumans and more catgirls. We will make trillions selling supersoldiers and catgirls.

>> No.12633088

black guy here. glad you white bois are fleeing to asian women so more white girls are freed up for me.

>> No.12633123

t. milky white skinned blue eyed whiteboi

>> No.12633153
File: 76 KB, 540x800, tomcruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off discord tranny

>> No.12633199

how is babby formed

>> No.12633291

Imagine the smell

>> No.12633772

asian girls smell pretty good desu

>> No.12633952

I simply adore hot asian women, personally.

>> No.12633979
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no thanks

>> No.12634059
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Asian Women having nothing on white girls. Sorry Anon, you fell for the Asian meme

>> No.12634199
File: 982 KB, 280x218, laughingasian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts an old hag


>> No.12634233
File: 91 KB, 998x1000, 1544107720279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falling for the Asian meme
>Not realizing there are 10/10 women from all races

>> No.12634259

This. Imagine making it and limiting yourself to a single race instead of bainging 10/10 sloots from all races

>> No.12634266

based and wahmenpilled

>> No.12634331
File: 1.23 MB, 1274x644, CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>imagine having a preference


>> No.12634449

>tfw 28 years old
>lives with gf for 3 years
>fucks asian coworker who lives in same neighborhood and lives with her asian bf
>started when I offered her a lift home and she grabbed my cock while driving

>> No.12634512
File: 296 KB, 735x660, 1548531845161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl in the webm is july.julz

t. Saucemaster

>> No.12634514

If no larp it just proves all women are whores and she is trying climbing social ladder
Once she dumps her bf and gets with a regular white dude, she will go after chads next.

>> No.12635061

>10/10 sloots from all races
'Things that don't exist' for $200, Alex

>> No.12635128

find me a picture of a hot aboriginal and no half casts just full on gin

>> No.12635133

I really wish we could know how this ended. Was it just an autistic post or did people go batshit about his comment?

>> No.12635544
File: 338 KB, 1280x1920, eiLgd3zBHHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this cope

>> No.12635558

ching chong ching chong 2 chicken 2 rice prease

>> No.12635579
File: 47 KB, 562x390, 1542532140168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12635589


>> No.12635616

Currently in Asia, how do I get an Asian gf guys?

>> No.12635632

be white and download a dating app.

>> No.12635643

Thanks, more for me.

>> No.12635644

yeah thats pretty gay my nigga

>> No.12635843

my 25 yr old taiwanese gf has this body type, feelsgoodman

>> No.12635908
File: 28 KB, 404x539, 1638d2e6456c82c72f868e6f5b30a6a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please have more white kids

>> No.12635975
File: 1.55 MB, 2048x3645, 1545516903710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm personally mostly into Chinese girls, the good ones are a league above Japanaise, Koreans are in the middle. I also love SE Asian women but i wouldn't want to merry one because of how culturally influenced by India they are. A good Chinese housewife is all I really want in life right now. 28 years young here btw

>> No.12635989

It is not. Among all the hot and sexy motions a girl can do, the baboon ass wiggling is certainly not part of the set.

>> No.12636030

>tight asf
Fuck i always laugh at this meme

>> No.12636215

Fuck, not really working, I might be unattractive.

>> No.12636239

how many linkies do i need for a gd like this

>> No.12636246

already married to one

>> No.12636247


>> No.12636334

Stay mad Becky

>> No.12636463

You're welcome

>> No.12636483

Tfw living the dream with Chinese GF.
>loves cooking for me, never have to ask, just happily makes me breakfast/lunch/dinner when I'm at hers. I return the favour when possible, which she adores.
>strongly values the creation and maintenance of a family.
>only had one other sexual partner which was long term BF of 2 years and they only had sex two times.
>happily fucks whenever and enjoys it. Is happy to get me off when she's on her period. Is super excited to learn/experiment in the bedroom.
>intelligent and appreciates education (doing masters atm), while retaining natural feminine sensibilities, i.e. not rebelling against natural maternal instincts cause MUH FEMINISM, MUH PATRIARCHY. Accepts that there are different innate strengths between genders, and that the most harmonious relationship seeks to exploit those differences to both parties advantage.
>is extremely playful and fun loving, but also very willing to engage in interesting conversation.
>strongly values physical health and beauty, ensures she maintains a healthy and attractive figure through clean eating and exercise.

Honestly, I think that seeking an asian women as a wife is pretty redpilled if you're not an incel. It's a pairing which some people might look down on, but if you're a man who is ambitious and attractive, it makes perfect sense to look to groups of women not tainted by the toxic femininity that many western women seem to buy into these days.

>> No.12636529
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Same desu
Good job anon dont let her go and put a baby in her eventually. She deserves it.

>> No.12636541

white NEET hikki here
how to get asian gf when I make it ?

>> No.12636559
File: 1.67 MB, 1563x2048, Screenshot_20190202-224844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how white guy react when he don't get what they want

I seriously worry about mass shootings in the future when link doesn't moon and they discovered that being white isn't special anymore in Asia

>> No.12636601

I've considered asians, but I've decided on Slav girls.

>> No.12636602


>> No.12636607
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>> No.12636615
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>I seriously worry about mass shootings in the future when link doesn't moon and they discovered that being white isn't special anymore in Asia

kek. Based Chinaman.

You all are fucking up by destroying your thousand year bloodline.



>> No.12636619

Same thing

>> No.12636632

Why do you asian guys get so triggered about asian girl threads?

>> No.12636662

Asian women have a quality of sensuality to them that's unmatched anywhere else. Much of the magic comes from a meekness and shyness coupled with their knowledge that those qualities, combined with their beautiful body, makes them incredibly attractive to other men. The essence of this feeling can be grasped when watching an asian women take off her clothing in front of you for the first time, revealing her body to you, herself knowing that she's shy but still choosing to show herself to you. This feeling is especially powerful if it's not a purely sexual situation. As in, perhaps you're in the same room after swimming and need to change clothes, or if you're doing a sensual photoshoot as friends. Nothing like it in the world.

>> No.12636681


T. Korean war vet boomer

>> No.12636686

That's the plan. We're both looking at a pretty successful upper middle class life of saving and investing. Chuck in a kid or two for good measure, and it's looking like a pretty wonderful life.
In my estimation, Asian women (esp those who come to western countries) appreciate a strong mix of confidence, sociability and ambition. Being NEET is pretty unattractive unless you have some way of demonstrating you have those characteristics.
Not my preference, but still based. Really looking forward to visiting that area of the world.
I can see how reading this would make people cringe, but I definitely know that feeling.

>> No.12636689

I think its universal just like how some guys chimp out over BBC. Some of you are all right and just banter w it. The others... just cope thinking that Asian girl will solve their problem. BTW I'm balls deep in LINK too fren I'm just bantering

>> No.12636758

Top kek. Buy LTO

>> No.12636767

One thing I enjoy about the asian females is how high pitched their voices can get. When you listen to some of the anime voice actors out there, it gets ridiculous. How can an adult produce such a sound?