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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1262857 No.1262857 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ate hot dogs earlier
>put chili on them (beans included) (yes, chili with beans)
>a few hours roll by
>that's another fart jar filled with profit
>couple minutes roll by
>have to fart again
>go to my jars to get an empty jar
>realize i used my last jar and i need to re-up
>try to hold my fart in
>go to the store to buy more jars
>starting to walk a bit awkward from holding in many farts at this point
>can't find any jars
>ask stoker
>"we stopped buying them so we won't be selling them anymore"
>frantically run out of the store
>eventually start farting with every step
>people are looking at me and laughing
>tears are coming to my eyes
>every step is profit literally falling out of my ass and lost in the wind like tears in the rain
>*pfft* *pfft* *pfft*

Anyone else got a bad /biz/ day?

>> No.1263529
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>he doesn't carry around Ziploc bags to hold his farts when he runs out of jars

sorry bud, you never had a chance. enjoy being poor forever while I rake in those fart-bucks.

>> No.1263814
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That's enough 4chan for me today