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12627225 No.12627225 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so cheap?


>> No.12627228


>> No.12627229


>> No.12627237


>> No.12627238


>> No.12627246
File: 444 KB, 800x600, 1350521292129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12627256

Nope, Southgate, MI is 90% white and has been for a long time

>> No.12627272

Still inflated desu. 76.5k for a stack of plywood

>> No.12627293

it's less than a 20 minute drive from detroit, nigger

>> No.12627301


and the other 10% are in that particular house. What is your point?

>> No.12627314

You fucking retards are wrong about the demographics, stop saying stupid shit and contribute something meaningful or stop posting. It's whiter than most of the country by a mile. Look at the house--it's not a nog house

>> No.12627344

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.12627357

Plywood stronger than old growth wood lb for lb.
t. tradesman

>> No.12627363

>suburb of detroit
there's your answer
that being said, seems like a nice place especially for the price

>> No.12627368


>> No.12627369

Also thats not cheap for a house that small in that are of the M.W. you have to realize California in the coasts are overpopulated and thus the property values are wildly inflated compared to the rest of the country.

>> No.12627418

White area, but also poor and close to the airport. Lots of working class drug addicts. Tiny house, close neighbors, zero potential for property value growth.

The problem is not niggers, but that it’s basically an apartment.

>> No.12627431

>it’s basically an apartment.
Most people there are indeed working class but they take home more than a low tier software developer in a higher COL city outside of the Midwest. I don't see how it's like an apartment--it's small but it's the same as any other suburban house anywhere. I'd rather keep the equity

>> No.12627490

It's niggers, fren. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.12627500

>why is this tiny house on a tiny lot so cheap

>> No.12627511

looks comfy. not a lot of extra to maintain

>> No.12627517
File: 722 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190128-220945_GEMLS Mobile App.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> michigan
Also realtor here read the listing if it says sold As is then there's something wrong with it. If it looks ok and no damage inside no major tlc then might be a high crime area.
Why is this so cheap in a high cost area might also mean the house might be haunted, or someone was murdered in it.

>> No.12627526

It’s next to Wiggers then

>> No.12627537
File: 87 KB, 576x768, IS2zn0kkqokg6x1000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearby house selling for 20k
Absolutely no nigger area, OP

>> No.12627554

you had me goin till the last bit.

>> No.12627560


No it's not your retard. It's not fucking Ann Arbor or Troy

>> No.12627563
File: 1.58 MB, 750x1334, F92CB6F4-5235-4083-BF1B-6B0DACAA7E2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems your problem is violent niggers, OP

>> No.12627573


White trash, just as bad as nogs

>> No.12627574

Where do you think the other 10% is?

>> No.12627575

Or probably back property taxes or like a homeowners fee per month like a condo could make this cheap as shit too now that I think of it

>> No.12627594
File: 1.10 MB, 2820x1806, 18557E14-B348-4E3B-938C-7A0646775C0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Little Vietnam?

>> No.12627602

Meant for

Post the link
>inb4 Detroit, Romulus, taylor, inkster

>> No.12627606

is that cheap?

>> No.12627613

Its a suburb of fucking detroit. It needs to come with a security detail because well niggers obviously.

>> No.12627615


dirt cheap

>> No.12627618

But theres one in ur mirror

>> No.12627626

It's 20 minutes by freeway away

>> No.12627631

>85% white suburb of detroit.
Literally the niggers feeding ground

>> No.12627641

yep it's inksta sista
catch a falling knife then
nigger hoods 10 miles away is not white area by any criteria


>> No.12627667

I mean I guess I can move to some opioid hub in a flyover state but at some point you have to draw the line and accept that there are niggers 20 minutes away lol. Most areas of Southgate, Wyandotte etc as in the pic above are 90%+ white and quite safe, and those demographics have been unchanged for over a hundred years

I knew it was one of those

>> No.12627682


Michigan is a flyover state and an opiod hub. It orders Indiana, the king of opiod hubs

>> No.12627694

Fuck everywhere cold
Nothing north of VA is an option on east cost
Fuck the Midwest in its entirety
Southwest can work but pick somewhere where the water won’t run out
West cost is fine but no smog or liberals

>> No.12627703
File: 1.18 MB, 1284x938, soufgatenigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sry fren, Southgate is dumping.
Check the pic.
Literally 12 years of bagholding.
Inflation accounted that's more than halving your money.

>> No.12627904
File: 94 KB, 1476x564, 931B788F-46B1-43DD-A76D-326377DF7245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard and everything you've posted ITT so far has been incorrect, low-IQ nonsense. Hurr a single example of something being sold for less with no context. Look, I can do the same thing

>> No.12627919

imagine buying bitcoin in 2009, instead of some nigger crack house

>> No.12627936


>> No.12627939


>> No.12627958

What exactly has been incorrect, I back my shit up by links faggot. You are coping with niggers being at your doorstep.

>> No.12627984
File: 32 KB, 888x335, kysfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you are a huge faggot
2008 - 106k
2019 - 119k

>> No.12628016
File: 111 KB, 1548x620, 7D120397-EAF3-4B5D-AAA7-8D195497D9D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't mean anything without context you dense cunt, this is real estate and not your shitcoins. I don't know why I'm bothering to reply to a 19-year-old man child from California anyway.

>> No.12628107

Context is crystal clear. Niggers. You are probably one too.

>> No.12628114


>> No.12628270
File: 57 KB, 564x846, 7554dea509cac2f498908a156324a08a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>76,500 is cheap

fucking rich asshole

my mom bought a home in a rural area for 59k. its not completely impossible

>> No.12628277

oh shit i live near there

>> No.12628279


fucking rip off considering how small it is. in my area you can get a mansion for that

>> No.12628306
File: 690 KB, 1038x595, Screenshot from 2019-02-01 22-52-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could live in this

>> No.12628322

That is untrue under almost any circumstance.

>> No.12628336

he's not joking, the majority of americans actually believe in ghost and are scared of spiritual hauntings

>> No.12628370

the outside view looks like it's from a video game

>> No.12628393

USA is worse off than i thought.

>> No.12628419

Nice neighborhood or? Oildale is so shitty I cant sell there.

>> No.12628434

Its funny legally here in California we have to disclose if there's spooky shit happening in a house before selling because if the owner gets spooked by a ghost they can sue

>> No.12628453

This honestly makes me sad on a deep level.

>> No.12628463

Its funny as shit though because always have clients ask if there's ghosts in the houses. Especially during halloween lol

>> No.12628689

It's not California

>> No.12628762

haunted ... by tyrone

>> No.12628828

Guessed Detroit before I even looked at the url. Assuming southgate is close in which case yeah no one wants to live anywhere near that shithole

>> No.12628856

the catch is you live with a killer and you must escpae his traps for the cheap price of 76,500$!

>> No.12628884

my house was under 80k, and it's a 5 bed, 3 bath in england. it's such a shithole that even the police steer clear. doesn't bother me because i'm over 6ft and i'm well used to associating with violent ex cons, but manlets need not apply. shit's awesome, i get to live in a huge house for next to nothing. nationwide average is like 3 times the price for something a third the size.

>> No.12629254


its a computer generated image...

>> No.12629258

Its haunted

>> No.12629514

That's a manufactured home. Basically a trailer.

>> No.12629938

you could buy one of those for like 20k-40k online

>> No.12630095

Because it’s made of wood. Fucking burger shacks