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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 384x480, wagiesbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12623067 No.12623067 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw wagies have to cut their hair short and shave their faces

Truly humiliating.

>> No.12623079

They told me I'd have to shave my beard at domino's if I got hired and I walked out of the interview

>> No.12623090
File: 27 KB, 699x393, actualwagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, where are you at now?

>> No.12623113

I work in a cornerstore with a chill Pajeet manager who smokes blunts with me in the parking lot. So it worked out pretty well.

>> No.12623289

>Tfw I have to do neither and effectively get paid to shitpost all day

>> No.12623304

Do they? I see bearded wagies with tattoos and weird earrings every day.

>> No.12623317


>> No.12623328
File: 212 KB, 576x695, image004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find me a wagie with long hair and a beard that isn't working a dead-end job.

>> No.12623387

they're all working deadend jobs.

>> No.12623404

Me right now

t. systems developer who gets to dress however they want, keep a beard (I don't though cause I prefer my face shaven) and show up after 11am most days

Money's pretty solid too

>> No.12623405


So this is your average crypto buyer...

>> No.12623465

I work in a large architectural firm. Havent cut my hair hair in 5 months, haven't showered in more than a week. Don't own a razor.

I do wear dress shoes, belt, collared shirts etc though: fuck "lol so casual, fluorescent sneakers in the office!!" that shit makes me sick.

t. Opinionated

>> No.12623469
File: 73 KB, 960x1200, 1548483394812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled.

Would you say having long hair enables you to stand out among all the short haired NPCs? Can't imagine a Stacy manager/HR lady would be able to differentiate any of the clones.

>> No.12623484

Can't stand grown men dressing like children.

>> No.12623485

Is that dude a manlet? I think I know him.

>> No.12623499

You're goddamn right it is. I'm not working here forever.

>> No.12623519

>Doesn't see depth to people besides trivial external appearance related ones
Literal mental disability, possibly schizophrenia.

>> No.12623648

>tfw have an interview at domino's this monday
Any tips? Its my first interview

>> No.12623749

lol boomers are dying out and all the zoomers are taking over. Most IT and business firms don't care if you have tats or long hair. I've even seen nurses at big hospitals walk around with their tattoos showing.

>> No.12623762

>tfw no long haired nurse (male) to let you fuck his boypussy.

>> No.12624194

Are you me?
US or EU?