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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12622747 No.12622747 [Reply] [Original]

>135+ IQ
>loads of girlfriends when young
>dropped out of university to start business
>wagecuck for min wage in dead end small town for 2 years
>start coding as hobby
>start trading shitcoins
>start learning to algo trade
oh yeah and every time I get money, I fucking gamble it to 0.
had over a year as a profitable gambler and spent the last 6 months losing/chasing.
and ive just done it again, £3200 last night to £0 today
should I just kms myself?

ive actually had some success with the algo work, ive helped people make more money than ive ever seen myself, dont have the patience for it apparently.
my mother is a gambling addict, always on the phone needing bailed out, what a fucking mess


>> No.12622773

Kms yourself

>> No.12622778

you sound exactly like me except I didn't learn to code and had better timing entering the shitcoin market. don't kys but stop gambling in -EV gambling scenarios.

>> No.12622786

When did you get into crypto.
Your answer determines your IQ.

>> No.12622789

Read Alan Carr book about stopping gambling you degenerate dopamine addict!

>> No.12622805

Fucking normie

>> No.12622819

>When did you get into crypto.
first time in 2010 in the early max keiser/molymeme days, back before the big chinese christmas crash a few years later, back again eth bullrun.

>> No.12622833

2014 christmas, bitcoin dipped over 1k and then the chinese news destroyed it

>> No.12622843


>> No.12622852

don't give up, I have a feel you cn make it.

>> No.12622882


Dude, sounds like you copied the behavior of your mother. You are not your mother. You are smart. All you need to do is think before you act and control those impulses. I don't know, play a video game with gambling elements that doesn't cost real money instead?

You're never going to get rid of this urge unless you figure out the psychological reasons why you do this. Once you know, it'll stop so fast you won't believe it.

Alternatively, just put a percentage of it into silver or other precious metals so you can't fuck it up for yourself 100%. Find ways to deal with your issues. Some part of you screams THIS IS A BAD IDEA before you do these things, you should recognize the pattern and stop it.

>> No.12622889
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>> No.12623010


Stop gambling and stop enabling your mom by bailing her out. I know she’s your mom, but if you don’t she’ll always fuck you over and guilt trip you into giving her all your money so she can waste. It’s no different than having a parent who is a drug addict. I’ve been in the same spot as you, anon,

>> No.12623016

in other words.. everyone on /biz/

>> No.12623040
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>> No.12623116

What did you gamble on? I play poker and I’m currently negative 5k you play online black jack or something ?

>> No.12623279

KEK. You know!

>> No.12623523

Just looks like /pol/ack bingo to me.

>> No.12623632
File: 194 KB, 640x777, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I?

>> No.12623808

Having above average IQ doesn't mean shit. Stop thinking about like it's some kind of achievement.
Stop gambling, and dedicate yourself to developing your algo bot. Meanwhile look for a coding job somewhere. If you are not a literal retard and you have an ounce of discipline you should be able to get a coding job above min wage

>> No.12623821

Sounds like my but I am to lazy to use my coding skills.

>> No.12623840

Accumulation is key. Don't hoard coins that just are a replacement for another.

Buy monero niw and thank me later.

>> No.12623887

40% compounded on $6k over 25 years is $27m. Stay ahead of the curve by not trying to get rich quick. I have a profile similar to yourself, would be interested in sharing algo bot ideas

>> No.12624795

Potentially pretty fucked. Learn to ask for help and get therapy. Therapy with the right person has been helpful and will help you massively.

>> No.12625164

this is what happens when you try to start a business

>> No.12625195

You should decrease your risk you degenerate gambler fuck

>> No.12625409

>I fucking gamble it to 0
you're clearly not smart enough to realise the longer you gamble the more likely you are to get to 0

>> No.12625441

because your self esteem is so low that you don't believe you deserve better. develop positive thought patterns anon

>> No.12625532
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is it over?

>> No.12625567

me but 160+ IQ
looks like I have to be a productive member of society to make money instead of being a degenerate.

>> No.12625612

>dude businesses always fail
this sounds pretty soi-ish but that is the exact difference you and your CEO.
people with actual drive and an actual desire for success are very likely to succeed. successful entrepreneurs always have several failed ideas until they find the golden one and make millions. do you think that would happen if they gave up after idea #3?
successful entrepreneurs aren't particularly smart, they aren't lucky or better than you. they have a drive to push through when it looks like it's about to fail.
I'm fully prepared for the number of boomers that will come in telling me that stuffing away benjamins without doing anything with them will suddenly create capital, and that creating businesses or not working for someone else is a meme.

>> No.12625643
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>> No.12625667

I'm very interested in your algo shit, I really need it. Leave some contact information. I'm a fellow Britfag also.

>> No.12625762
File: 9 KB, 185x260, 1548783626144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see you are a fellow linky. I also hold LINK and have £0

>> No.12625813
File: 569 KB, 640x777, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gifted or particularly smart. just have depression. I guess it's one of those things where pretty much everyone fits most of the points.

>> No.12626892

just don't bail her out anymore. be selfish. and and and be a manipulative cunt use that IQ brah

>> No.12627055

>You're never going to get rid of this urge unless you figure out the psychological reasons why you do this.
Im going to try.

lots to take in on this thread.