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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12617927 No.12617927 [Reply] [Original]

You short sighted faggots. I read the entire catalog and 80% of posts are about how "crypto is dead". This is the biggest buy signal of all time.

The market will bottom between now and June 2019. The next bull will peak in January 2022. Screencap this.

You still have a year to accumulate before the trend is clearly going up. Decentralization is the future. This is more about profit, it's about avoiding control and actually having true freedom.

>> No.12618410

No it's actually dead now

>> No.12618427

I believe this to. The next run will be the very last though to get 100 and 1000 times gains and only certain projects with actual real world application and proven technology will go up instead of everything like the last run.

>> No.12618433

there's still a long way down due to the lack of asian and anime girls on this board, although it's getting better now and there's less newfags posting with all their white girl bs

>> No.12618481
File: 113 KB, 734x414, 1522077989678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there really still people who believe this meme is the future? just lmao
do you think a normie wants to wage cuck it 40 hours a week only to wake up one day and see that the "currency" they got paid in lost 10% of it's value overnight? god damn that is delusional. retail money is permanently scared of how fast bitcoin can lose it's valuation.
now don't get me wrong, bitcoin has it's uses but its realistically headed back to it's true value: double to triple digits.
sorry to burst your bubble but you will NEVER ever EVER see bitcoin at 20k again. if cryptocurrency ever becomes mainstream/standardized you can bet your sweet honey glazed tits the coin of choice will be similar to USDC, USDT or whichever one (((they))) choose.

>> No.12618501


he says for the 1,000th time

yeah yeah, we've heard it all before. people were saying this in November, in June, in fucking February. Shut up and hodl your bags, that's all that's left

>> No.12618503 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 402x280, 196173B6-73E1-4864-A121-8FC391F88BBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are still at complacency. There is a long way to fall. A bitcoin is still 3 THOUSAND dollars. Fake internet money. There are still scamcoins and ICOs popping up everyday and getting money.

Everybody who is holding crypto still really believes that 1 Bitcoin = 1 Million in 5-10 years. None of these people are holding with the intention of selling for fiat down the road. No one wants to actually use it to transact with or store wealth in until they die. They just want to dump on some greater fool at some magical future date when their bags magically moon again then sail off into the sunset with fiat wealth to never touch shitcoins again. Everyone with above room temperature IQ has figured that out already so they’re never going to buy your bags and be your greater fool.

Bitcoin had 10 yrs to evolve into a currency. it’s only known for being a ponzi that normaltrash got rekt by. It’s never going to be more than a ponzi which means it’s going to zero, regardless of how many people still religously believe in it. Many people held shares of Charles Ponzi’s stock even after he was imprisoned because they thought it would moon someday. SAD!

>> No.12618524
File: 17 KB, 402x280, 11C78BDA-9B4D-4C75-AF6E-B74AE6252E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are still at complacency. There is a long way to fall. A bitcoin is still 3 THOUSAND dollars. Fake internet money. There are still scamcoins and ICOs popping up everyday and getting money.

Everybody who is holding crypto still really believes that 1 Bitcoin = 1 Million in 5-10 years. All of these people are holding with the intention of selling for FIAT down the road. No one wants to actually use it to transact with or store wealth in until they die. They just want to dump on some greater fool at some magical future date when their bags magically moon again then sail off into the sunset with fiat wealth to never touch shitcoins again. Is that how a new paradigm global currency is supposed to be used? (lol) Everyone with above room temperature IQ has figured that out already so they’re never going to buy your bags and be your greater fool.

Bitcoin had 10 yrs to evolve into a currency. it’s only known for being a ponzi that normaltrash got rekt by. It’s never going to be more than a ponzi which means it’s going to zero, regardless of how many people still religously believe in it. Many people held shares of Charles Ponzi’s stock even after he was imprisoned because they thought it would moon someday. SAD!

>> No.12618575

>please to buy my bags, sirs

>> No.12618581
File: 424 KB, 400x296, 25D9654A-FAD9-47DE-AB76-A56AE9A8468A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sell please

>> No.12618611
File: 18 KB, 443x332, 1517957239927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When /biz talks shit about a project, buy when /biz/ is FOMOing, sell.

>> No.12618825
File: 19 KB, 696x449, BitcoinSV-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes everything goes to zero or

It's binary

I'm Satoshi

>> No.12619096

Bunch of morons in her, closes door.