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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 577 KB, 574x980, Screenshot 2018-12-29 at 03.32.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12613462 No.12613462 [Reply] [Original]

why are there so many commie shills that have come to biz in the past few days?
is this a reddit raid or something?

there are literally 5 commie threads up right now and have been consistently for the past few days.

fuck off. why the fuck would you feel the need to come to a business board and shill your socialist shit. This board is probably the most anti-commie board on this whole site with maybe the exception of /pol/.

pic related. it's you.

>> No.12613496

I concur.

>> No.12613516

Because they're part of paid influence teams, because they're otherwise unemployable. Literally useful idiots.

>> No.12613545

Unless you're an idiot you'd realise capitalism is destroying the only planet we can ever live on.

>> No.12613546

you realise that the entire concept of cryptocurrencies gel much better with socialism than they do with capitalism, right?

cryptocurrencies = decentralisation of control

capitalism = businesses are centrally controlled and managed by owners and CEOs

socialism = businesses are democratically controlled and managed bottom-up by the workers, workers elect their own managers, determine their own wages, working conditions, hours, control production through consensus

socialists are based and redpilled, unironically

>> No.12613552


>> No.12613567

Didn't realize that Indians and Chinese destroying the planet could be rectified by turning America from Capitalism to Communism.

Gee golly how was I so blind.

>> No.12613573

crypto's aren't democratic you fucking brainlet. it's pay-to-vote.

you pay for mining hardware to have a vote on the network. privately controlled currencies are the most ancap thing there is. centralised state control of the dollar is more socialist than bitcoin...

>> No.12613580


In a sense you are because Western over consumption is by far highest. But yes China and India will also need to massively lower emissions, as almost all countries will have too.

>> No.12613588

>Western over consumption is by far highest
No it isn't kike. China and India contribute far more and this is just another shilling tactic you subhuman piece of fucking garbage.

>> No.12613591
File: 30 KB, 450x450, 1543849328029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking in term of ideologies

>> No.12613601

Western consumption of resources is the highest. I'm not just talking about C02 emissions.
You can Google and see I'm correct in a few seconds.

>> No.12613632
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>they think humans contribute to global warming

>> No.12614116
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>> No.12614136
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>Not believing they're will be a human colony on Mars in the next 50 years

No hope, no vision

>> No.12614144

This. We gotta kill all the sacred cows.

>> No.12614159
File: 138 KB, 1234x1070, pepeancap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage all non ancap threads to combat this
/biz/ has always been an ancap board
also report all /pol/let threads

>> No.12614162


In 50 years? It's incredibly difficult and perhaps not even feasible for people to live there. Far easier to just stop burning fossil fuels and stop destroying the environment on earth.

>> No.12614198

>This board is probably the most anti-commie board on this whole site with maybe the exception of /pol/.
No, a big part of /biz/ has always been discussing the evils of capitalist wagecuckoldry and ways to escape it. Naturally aligns with socialism.

>> No.12614220

It's a fucking psy-op man.

It has been going on for a few years now and it has started to fuck with 4chan now as well.

These are the new fascists.

>> No.12614314
File: 88 KB, 961x1024, 1517882783360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the magazine hat kid incident the shills must have kicked in overdrive. /Pol/ has threads warning of incoming attacks from Reddit and tumblr. Ofc /biz/ would be a targeted boarf

>> No.12614341

it was just a typo but it is so.. fitting for /biz/

>> No.12614392

>aligns with socialism
So it should, but it's fascism that aligns with their covert narcissism and hearts that only know spite

>> No.12614479

>socialism = businesses are democratically controlled and managed bottom-up by the workers
No, that's only possible under free market. It's called a share. Just give every worker equal share - literally, the same number of shares.

socialism = omnipotent state that owns literally everything
that's what happened literally every fucking time it was tried.
Free market is the natural state of humanity, the only way to stop it is with violence.
Free market:
I make something in my own free time, I own that something and sell it for profit. I start doing it full time and become rich. Everyone is better off.
I make something in my own free time. I try to sell it. I get caught and sentenced to 10 years forced labor for 'economic sabotage' and 'counterrevolutionary tendencies'.
I spend the rest of my life doing the bare minimum required to survive.

A socialist state is a slave colony with good PR. A slave in a traditional slave economy only gets the bare minimum required to work, owners get everything above that. A worker in a socialist state gets nothing above bare survival and everything above that is transferred to the top party officials.
The difference is that a simple slave knows he's a slave, but a worker in a socialist state is constantly brainwashed to think the situation is good for him.

Everything that's blamed on 'capitalism' is actually the fault of democracy. It's hard to own houses because of local democracy. House owners vote for low-density zoning. This keeps housing artificially expensive. People renting can't vote. As a result you get a parasite rent class that wouldn't exist at all under free market. If San Francisco had free market I would buy several houses in one place and build a skyscraper with affordable apartments there. 5 of that and apartment prices would drop >10x.

>> No.12614512

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.12614530

In the past, if I had a business idea I could sell shares to anyone that would believe me. This allowed even poor people to pool resources and create competitive business. Some ideas were inevitably bad, some scammy, some people lost money.
Under free market that would be the end of it. Under democracy, they started complaining. Eventually politicians banned selling shares to normal investors. Now poor entrepreneurs are forced to sell their businesses to rich venture capitalists. If they tried to sell shares to normal people they would go to prison.

Poverty under free market would be very rare. Anyone willing to work even part-time would be able to own his own house/apartment and live comfortably. Locations high in demand would have extremely high buildings, keeping prices per sqf very low.

>> No.12614543

That's insulting to fascists.

>> No.12614599

>socialism = businesses are democratically controlled and managed bottom-up by the workers, workers elect their own managers, determine their own wages, working conditions, hours, control production through consensus
How did socialists do mental gymnastics around supply and demand to reach such a stupid fucking conclusion?