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12613448 No.12613448 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about an office that sucks your soul anons? Does the negativity of other wages run off like osmosis? The minute I leave and get in my car and throw on tunes I’m literally dancing with joy and thinking how wonderful life can be but when I’m stuck in my office I want to scream. Anyone else like this?

>> No.12613456

Literally me 100%, it gets to the point that when I see coworkers outside of work they always comment about how different I am.

>> No.12613466
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Are you me

>> No.12613815
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>stuck for 9 hours everyday in a annoying office where time moves at 10% of regular speed
>annoying coworkers that eat smelly shit in the office
>annoying coworkers that eat with their mouth open
>annoying mouthbreathers as coworkers
>have to endure annoying coworkers bullshit and their pointless small talk
>hungry, thirsty, need to piss
>tired and eyes are dry and have to keep trying hard to not fall asleep
>work keeps piling up
>retard coworkers that don't want to open a window so you have to sit their and inhale the bad air
>computer programs are slow and every mouseclick takes 10 seconds for the shitbox to process
>just 40 more years of this

wtf how could anyone hate this hell?

>> No.12613846
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>that retarded filipina boomer that clips her nails, flosses, eats food with her mouth open, burps loudly, and makes personal loud tagalog phone calls all at her desk 3 feet away from me

I'm only getting paid $15 an hr to deal with this shit. I'm ganna shoot the place up soon

>> No.12613859

Same, that's mostly due to the fact that the scope of your thoughts and intelligence typically extends way beyond whatever mindless petit shit you deal with 8hrs/day.

t. data scientist who can't write 3 loc at work without wanting to flip my desk and go home to finish my side projects

>> No.12613923
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(((Roll With the Punches Attitude)))

>> No.12613960


"Data scientist"

You mean you did a python boot camp on udemy?

>> No.12614117

Nah, a phd in physics. But yeah given what I'm doing I might as well have

>> No.12614238

>arrive at office by 9, leave at 5
>do 5-6 hours of real work depending on the day
>coworkers are mostly quiet, still doesn't matter since I listen to music 80% of the time
>feel a little tired no matter how long I sleep
>can't really drink much coffee or I will get uneasy
>do tea breaks every few hours and go to bathroom maybe 3 times a day
>some breaks to read boomer newpapers
>see some coworkers only take a luchbreak

>> No.12614317

It's fine, dude. In less than 40 yrs robots will take your job and you will be free!