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12603743 No.12603743 [Reply] [Original]

its now basically confirmed that the tightening cycle is over in the US, Europe never even started, and China is already in massive stimulus mode. The world is going into recession with interest rates global still around 0%. Its over - brace for inflationary collapse

>> No.12603890
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What was even said? Where will they push interest rates if shits hits the fan, when they are so low already?

>> No.12604125

negative fren

>> No.12604171

where does Europe go from here? Aren't they still negative in some places?

At least the US has some wiggle room.

>> No.12604183



>> No.12604209

1 back to zero % rates
2 more quantitative easing
3 hyperinflation/stagflation

>> No.12604226
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How long time do I have to pay down my 3k credit debt

>> No.12604232
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I can only dream. They just kept printing and rates went lower and lower. Negative yielding bonds all over the world: no inflation.
>Plz papa Powell, inflate all my debt away...

>> No.12604246
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can you please observe the board rule to post anime girl FEET, THANK YOU

>> No.12604265

>not being able to pay $3k

how poor are you? Lol that's like how much I put on my card every month before paying it off.

>> No.12604269

more qe, the currencies of the world are going to collapse

>> No.12604271
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The shemitah satanico-sabbatean-satanico-talmudic cycle man, the kikes are creating crisis, just look at the FED hike in interest rates and a graph of crisis, you always have arecession few months after the kikes banksters start to rise up the interests. We only have few months left before the mega derivatives bubble explosion.
But i'm alrdy prepared : i stacked silver coins; juden btfo.

>> No.12604286

>1.8k income
>1.3k expenditures
this would take 6 months to pay down. I worry, senpai

>> No.12604292

student btw

>> No.12604297


bro it's getting inflated away, now is the time to get in a shit load of debt

>> No.12604303
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>lmao im rich why u poor loool
kys nigger

it's ok fren, i believe in you, you can make it

>> No.12604310

>paying down debt when were going in to hyperinflation

>> No.12604324

this, max your debt and never keep fake dollars bros, anything is better than keeping fiat.
Real yearly inflation is 8-10% but the talmudvision keep saying 2% to keep the NPCs quiet.

>> No.12604325

fren, how you get credit of 1.3k with an income of only 1.8k also what do you do and where do you live?

>> No.12604340

you have access to the internet, you can make money, I make more than that every month off of passive shit I made when I was in high school, you are just too lazy to create anything and it's your own fault for being poor.

>> No.12604343
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You are asking to the wrong dude, im a glorious neet who never fell for the debt ponzi scam

>> No.12604346

based neet

>> No.12604361

wtf guyz it is really this hard to read? i'm not the indebted student+ how do i make passive money with internet?

>> No.12604403

>how do i make passive money with internet?

Affiliate marketing is the big thing right now, read the forums on places like affiliatefix, I'm getting into instagram marketing right now.

>> No.12604431


so it's pointless? I will not get JUSTed with this debt during a world crisis?

thanks fren :)

>> No.12604460

> max your debt
are you really retard man?
why get more debt when fiat will worth nothing?!
Your wage won't increase with hyperflation, nor your wealth, only if you buy gold, silver or commodities you can barter you can make it.


>> No.12604476

wages are a price, wages increase with hyperinflation otherwise no one would work as they would all starve. Debt is nominal, in hyper inflation you can pay of your debt with one days work

>> No.12604511

what are good passive income streams?

>> No.12604534

Anyone wanna join me in speculating on how crypto will respond to this? considering crypto has never seen a global recession and its aim and all that

>> No.12604568

Boomers will be too spooped/computer illiterate to transfert their bonds and stock onto crypto. Most likely they will stack fiat if they are stupid or gold & commodities if they have one neuron left.

>> No.12604569


If it turns out to be a legitimate currency crisis then crypto will fucking moon, I can guarantee it. Governments will try to stop it since taking away the printing press from them is akin to stabbing someone in the heart, but it will be too late, and if they pull any crazy financial controls then we may see a revolution on our hands.

>> No.12604587

How is real inflation 10%? I keep seeing this number thrown around

>> No.12604608

no anon, wage don't increase with hyperinflation!
only who can ask his wage can ask more, but it's a death spiral, because there are less able to pay,
Company will go bankrupt and people will lose jobs.
Look at Venezuela for an example.

>> No.12604618


CPI may not be at 10%, but look at literally any other asset and inflation is absolutely fucking insane. The latest iPhone costs around a thousand dollars, Amazon is worth over a TRILLION dollars, and buying a shitty one-bed flat in London costs an arm and a leg.

>> No.12604625

Venezuala have been jewed & CIAniggered tho

>> No.12604637
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is this good or bad for bitcoin?

>> No.12604646

You'd think it's good but it seems people would rather buy precious metals.

>> No.12604665

in a survival perspective is better a hyperdeflation than a hyperinflation.

>> No.12604674

IF people will mass adopt it for survive it's the start of the majestic golden bull run predicted in 1897

>> No.12604691

Yeah consumerism is dumb, stocks are purely speculative and dont necessarily reflect the worth of the company, and housing is in a bubble. I agree with that. But how is inflation at 10%?

>> No.12604728
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time for wars to pay our debts off.

>> No.12604798
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Twenty years ago with 80$ at the mall you could fill a caddie to the brim. Now with 80$ you barely fill a bag. And most people forget inflation don't go only one way. For example to avoid inflating too much prices, most companies decided instead to reduce portions. A mars 20 years ago was weighting like 60gr, then 50gr and now only 42grams... Basically each time you see "new receipt!! more flavor!!" it's just a code for "reduced portion for the goyim".

>> No.12604820

Tropicana 2000: 2L
2008: 1.75L
Today: 1.68L

Goyim yeat it up though

>> No.12604827

>talks shit
>has nothing to back it on but his shit ridden words
Fuck off mate, go jack it for the tenth time today will ya?

>> No.12604834


They gave me 60k credit lines and my income is 1700 after tax lol

>> No.12604867
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>Goyim yeat it up though
Soon there will be nothing remaining to eat up tho

>> No.12604883

Negative interest rates with QE to infinity mixed in is my guess. After that has been exhausted there is literally nowhere else to go that’s it. Game over. But boomers don’t give a fuck, all those problems will be inherited by us.

>> No.12604900


>> No.12604904
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B-but i don't want to pay for the boomer's cuckery & greed, fren

>> No.12604912

If people will just realize the potential of bitcoin and then if people will just start using bitcoin for its intended purpose and then if people just realize it will set them free and then if only the governments didn't shill against it and then if people just didn't lose money in 2017 and then if people just don't adopt a (((approved))) cryptocurrency and then if China just gets rid of its monopoly on bitcoin mining and then WE WILL BE RICH BOYS!

>> No.12604916
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i don think dollar gonna go negative rates ever but it is however game over for western world at this point

>> No.12604933

but if there was parity $80 back then would have been like the equivilant of a weeks wages if it had the purchasing power of $800 now right ? So how is it really that different ? Both are basically a weeks wages, the only difference is the number of zeroes. Does somebody want to explain that to me ? The reduced portions is definitely something thay shows a disparity between the purchasing power of the two examples though.

>> No.12604941

You dumb fucks are incapable of thinking in a timespan beyond 1 week. Probably the reason so many people here never achieve jack shit.

Tightening is on track, it was always scheduled to take 5 years or more.

>> No.12604953

>all of this is happening right as I'm about to graduate and start looking for a job

top lol, shouldn't have expected any less

>> No.12604997

this is what I was thinking We are going to go sideways for a few years and the stock market will hit the bottom by the end of 2022. Sideways for 2023

>> No.12605005

Same happened to me on last recession, not as bad as the one that is coming but my country got mega rekt with 80% youth unemployement the first two years. Western Europe.

>> No.12605028

Greece ?

>> No.12605030


>> No.12605044

How is cryptocurrency so different from stocks though? Both require the internet to function to be used. Since stocks drop in an economic collapse so too will cryptocurrencies. Commodities can be held in your hand. If there is a war you will always be able to sell your commodity like precious metals for some other asset classes as long as you have that commodity.

>> No.12605054

Greece is southern Euro, my bad.

>> No.12605119
File: 299 KB, 1200x1000, 1485999506216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i used the "no job bcuz crisis, not my fault" excuse to not look after a job
>mfw now my years of neeting made me unemployable anyway because my resume is basically an empty sheet and it scare the hell out of the boomer employers

Feel like winning boyos

>> No.12605145
File: 37 KB, 633x758, c76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to grab some white women and head for the hills
Shit is going down

>> No.12605155

goodvibespanel.com... check and resell

>> No.12605274

this is the bubble sign bro
ninja loans

>> No.12605415

technically could setup an offline crypto system with pen and paper
just gotta find a simple hashing algorithm or replace proof of work someway
could work for small scale apocalyptic scenario, but really, if the internet goes down we have potentially bigger problems than not being able to use crypto or stocks