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12603650 No.12603650 [Reply] [Original]

Would the world be better off if we just seized the wealth of everyone with a net worth of more than $100m?

>> No.12603693
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>He thinks the truly rich hold their wealth in worthless FIAT

>> No.12603720

honestly nobody needs more than like $10MM. $10MM is enough to make sure you can live a very comfy life including providing for a 4 person family without ever having to work. That being said, 10x that means you're disgustingly rich forever, and I think it's fair to still award particularly capitalistic or innovative people. So my short answer is yes, we absolutely should seize anything over $100MM. I actually think seizing anything over $50MM would be just as fine and would make a large difference in the quality of life for the rest of the planet.

As part of this, though, we need to ensure the bottom feeders don't continue to fuck everyone. Population control needs to be implemented. Nobody should be allowed to have more than 2 children. Have 2 kids and get divorced and re-marry and want more kids? Too bad.

>> No.12603735

> He thinks shit has to be in fiat to be confiscable.
Ever heard of nationalization, comrade?

>> No.12603776

Let's say we do that.
What if the world's problems are still not solved? Should we seize the wealth of everyone above 50M then? And then the problems are still not solved! Let's seize the wealth of everyone who has 10M or more, who would ever need ten MILLION after all? Well shit, the problems are still not fucking solved! Let's now seize the wealth of everyone above .... and so ad infinitum.

There are problems in this world that stem from wealth inequality and human nature related to that. However those aren't even the biggest problems the human species are facing

Instead of seizing wealth, let anyone capable make tens and hundreds of millions. Overhaul the patent system, destroy and prevent formation of monopolies, overhaul the political system to prevent the rotating door effect between corporate boards and politicians. There is a lot to fix to make the world better.

>> No.12603783

>Absolute bait in bait thread

>> No.12603862

If you think about it in a way like how would nature handle this, if a squirrel was hoarding millions of nuts and others found out about it they would take it all. If one has so much that he can't even defend it then it's fair game in nature.

>> No.12603877

Does this mean we can also seize the wealth of governments?

>> No.12603904
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Make that into a 100m USD cap of someone's net worth and I'm on board. Overflow goes to non-military government projects.

>> No.12603975

Yes. Prepare to hear a lot of REEEEE from normies tho

>> No.12604016

Do you wanna know how to make the world better off? Wipe out kikes, niggers, sandniggers, women, redditors, commies and most important of all, JANNIES

>> No.12604044
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lol @ Worthless faggot commies spamming the buisness board because theyre worthless losers

>> No.12604142

Who are these people seizing everyone's assets and why should they have a monopoly on force?

>> No.12604149

>t. owner of $100MM+

>> No.12604150

instead of putting the overflow into useless government projects, distribute the overflow equally among everyone in the country. ezpz way to fix growing wealth inequality.

>> No.12604158 [DELETED] 

her feet are fantastic

>> No.12604192

It seems like the governments are all pretty much bankrupt at this point. Governments should be reduce to a bare minimum anyway. They should always be operating in "essentials only" mode, not just when they can't get their shit together.

>> No.12604219

I hope you fucking commies all die

>> No.12604247


It would be a better place without niggers, spics, arabs and kikes though.

>> No.12604255

Why not seize the wealth of the top 1%? Anyone earning 32k$/y or more should pay their fair share for the rest.

>> No.12604262

Yeah Bro!

>> No.12604305

That does not seem like a good idea, goyim.

>> No.12604353

Past a certain point, your wealth doesn't affect your quality of life anymore. It does, however, affect the amount of influence you can exert on the outside world. That is the reason why people with massive amounts of money want more money. They don't want a better life anymore, they already have that. They want more power to sway the world in a direction they find favourable.

Even putting that aside, confiscating everything from a certain amount puts a massive cap on our creative capacity. Imagine if Bill Gates would have had everything past $100M confiscated. What motivation would he have had to develop Microsoft and home computing into what it is now? What motivation would Henry Ford have had to mass produce affordable cars after earning $100M? Putting an upper limit on personal wealth also puts an upper limit on societal development and would make us severely handicapped in comparison to a society that doesn't impose it.

>> No.12604420

Don't tax your citizens, just tax imports. Protectionism is based. All foreign workers get taxed 50%. Forever, no path to citizenship.

>> No.12605512

>tax bracket of 100% of income after 100M income
Why would someone with a net worth of 90 mil invest at this point? They'll just sit in cash and now you have wealthy high earning people not participating in the market.

>> No.12606343

Bill gates didn't create anything in Microsoft, he just owns it. Same with Steve jobs. All those programmers would probably stop working after the first year if they made $10m though so that's why they get paid 1000x less than the CEO. Someone has to take all that money so that others have to subside on peanuts to make sure that they don't stop working.

>> No.12606390

I used to sorta think this way but in reality you would not be able to redeploy that wealth quickly enough to not break every fucking supply chain, we all starve, die of no meds

and we disincentise people to work

>> No.12606409
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dudes can we just leave this nonsense in the 20th century please? we've been over this not just a select few societies but as a world, wealth distribution is not the answer. And I'm not even a hardcore capitalist, I kinda feel as though this current system sucks desu, but wealth confiscation is not the way. We've been over this bros it worries me that people are becoming so keen on communism again. The best method is prevention, we need to be more strict with how corporations and business magnates do business.

>> No.12606413

Sauce ?!?!?

>> No.12606437

>who confiscates what and through what means?
How do you propose to confiscate it? You think people worth over 100 million don't have the means to move it around or avoid confiscation?
More importantly, you think people worth over 100 million wouldn't immediately be welcomed into any other country?
You think people worth over 100 million couldn't flee authorities and literally buy a mercenary army of their own?

>> No.12606447
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The problem of both the left and right is they are too stupid to realize we are living on borrowed time.


Elon Musk was right.

Fucker will probaly leave us to die tho.

>> No.12606470

Communism is and will forever be the most evil thing man kind has ever been subjugated too.

It always start preaching the good of the people but the reality it leaves behind is fucking nightmarish.

Any person who believes in communism is either ignorant with somewhat noble intentions or down right evil. They must be killed all of them.

Watch this beautiful documentary about the legacy of communism for innocent people.


>> No.12606485
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It would have a goof effect on the world, They would do their job for reasons that actually matter!
That is, helping others, and being recognized as heroes of modern society.
Instead theyre known as industrial crapware sharks that spam your email with countless money sucking schemes that barely benefit anyone, apart from making everyone poor as fuck buying overpriced crap.
Theres no motivation for young inventors because theres a monopoly on everything

>> No.12606492
File: 88 KB, 900x712, _reply_of_the_trazyn_to_inquisitor_valeria_by_hermanpriest_d4gni22-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again asteroids don't care about your goddamn opinions or beliefs. Unless your system can prevent the asteroids (which are actually kind of common that we paid more attention) governmental economic systems that do no pay attention to nuclear weapons or space programs are dumb

>> No.12606511

Asteroid death is preferable to communism I agree. You stupid fuck.

>> No.12606529

Honestly the rich should just be rounded up and put into concentration camps.

>> No.12606541

Where the FUCK did all these commies on biz come from
This is a free market board

>> No.12606548

You are a sick kleptomaniacal fuck who should be gassed. Commies get the fuck off this board.

>> No.12606549
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>Would the world be better off if we just seized the wealth of everyone with a net worth of more than $100m?
No, it would just set a whole bunch of vengeance in motion, but, not damn dats a slapper of a brapper
t.libtard centrist

>> No.12606588

Why do you defend the wealthy? They wouldn't hesitate to throw you under the bus.

>> No.12606595

Why do you defend niggers? They wouldn't hesitate to throw you under the bus?

>> No.12606601
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BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

>> No.12606615

What a retarded question. Why do you defend the dregs of society? They wouldn't hesitate to stab you over a $20 bag of meth. And believe me there are way more of them and they pose a much greater threat to you than some rich faggot on a yacht.

>> No.12606622

It would be an infinitely better world without the communists. Starvation is the traditional way of exterminating them, so I say we should go that route.

>> No.12606628

Being a capitalist isn’t about defending the wealthy, it’s about defending the idea that everyone should have the opportunity to figure out what they want to do, get really good at it, and build a better life for their children than they had. If you could get over your false sense of entitlement you might understand that.

>> No.12606658
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sure sure, tell that to my glock, Il bury your stupid corpse in the yard and rape your family

>> No.12606665

>most super rich have their wealth in assets
>you just took ownership of companies from rich people and gave it to niggers
>niggers immediately mass sell ownership because they want their liquid cash and cant think long term or delay gratification
>global economy collapses overnight
>everyone is worse off

>> No.12606726


Imagine actually thinking this would be a problem... as if no one else would step up and invest to reach that 100mm cap. Would prob be a lot of indirect assets. Like here’s 100mm son, and cousin, and family friend. Acquiring capital would become easier to get if everyone had extra spending money to create a trust or something. Tho that means investor terms would favour the entrepreneur... oh wait that doesn’t sound like a bad thing does it? Lol I love these free market people. “But I want only a few ceos running the economy”. Doesn’t sound so free when only a few can do it

>> No.12606728

I say we try it and find out if you're right.

>> No.12606735

Hey wealthy Americans, Australia has a 45% tax rate over 180k. When you're top tax rate is increased to 70% you're more than welcome to bring your billions down under. We'll gladly accept you. We'll even find some handy, dandy ways to help you get around that pesky 45% rate

>> No.12606740

>8 billion people on earth
>everyone gets like $3000 dollars

great thanks OP

>> No.12606744

Ever realized how these communism threads come in waves? The 5 dumbasses think they are making a difference. After this thread they will go back to the shit hole they crawled out of and convince themselves they reached a couple of lurkers.

Just like the Asteroid guy. Focuses on an obscure field which people are not really informed about then talks about that like he is an expert to seem smart in front of uninformed people. Which in reality has a current chance of 2.5% of happening.

They are unable to differentiate between what is pertinent and that life very rarely offers a great solution only bad, worse and disastrous.

Fucking commies focuses on being intellectuals in a obscure field (since nobody actually studies it because of its repeated failures) then gives people all the good bits to try and make it seem not so bad. While in reality if you read das kapital or any of that intellectual masturbatory shit you would realize it advocates not having a pet or even a loving nuclear family. These people are loners with an in ability to have meaningful relationships with anyone and they are also unable to find basic success in a system with very clear rules so they want to drag everybody down with them. Misery loves company as they say.

Basic rules not to live like a complete fucking shit stain.
>Finish high-school
>Don't have kids if you can't afford them
>Get a job (any job) as soon as possible
>While gaining work experience constantly be looking for better jobs based on your growing work experience
>Get a higher paying job
>Save as much as possible
>Do this for 10 years
>Don't live in poverty

Cheat mode basic rules for not living in absolute poverty/ having a family that is dragging you down
>Go to the military
>Save your money don't buy stupid shit as soon as you get a paycheck
>Take advantage of everything the government offers you

>> No.12606749

it isn't even commie to want to take peoples wealth away at this point. Taking wealth away = people become less distant socially from those who live around them.

This means they won't feel more connected to an elite family in india than they would someone who speaks the same language and is the same race as them. When you allow people to become extremely rich, they view even their own blood as worthless, and see no reason to replace them with other blood willing to do the same task for less.

>> No.12606750

What makes you think the government or "we" are going to make better use of that money? What if they just use it for more nigger and spic welfare? More gun control? More police state? More corruption and embezzlement?

The government mismanages the money they already have, and spend it on all sorts of retarded shit.

Assuming they would do better with even more is a failure of logic.

>> No.12606752

>commie wants to shoot starvation

not suprised you're fucking retarded.

>> No.12606757


He actually is though

>> No.12606758

IDK about that. I probably am not much more wealthy than you, but I think you are human garbage anyways.

>> No.12606768

based and redpilled.

>> No.12606776

You have no idea how life-changing $3000 usd would be to most people

>> No.12606778
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>> No.12606788

>let's try to seize the means of production for the nth time
You are parasitic garbage. I know communists IRL. They unironically want to enslave the populace and send them to forced reeducation camps. How did that work in Cambodia? Communism is the epitome of evil and it would be more humane to nuke humanity off the face of the planet than subject any populace to that ever again.

>> No.12606792

>small asteroid potentially wipes out a few millions shitskins or slavics

This is a problem how?

>> No.12606800

>everyone gets it
>local prices of everything go parabolic until the money is gone
>back to normal, except a few merchants are better off

Fucking stupid ass commies.

>> No.12606840
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pic related are the average commies lmao. look at these fucking loners who are desperate to enslave other people.

>> No.12606920

>people who could never manage finances to begin with suddenly have money
>piss it away on frivolities just like they do with the little they already had
>get conned out of the rest by people who do know
>nothing changes except a moderate wealth transfer between the wealthy and the rich

Pay attention to lottery winners. Poor people remain poor for a reason

>> No.12606949
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Yeah it worked out really well in the past

>> No.12606994

At the same time: put limits on reproduction.

>> No.12607004
File: 54 KB, 600x299, zimbabwe-banknote-10-million-front_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't have said it better myself
this is literally all ANYONE needs to live a comfy life.

>> No.12607029

>What if the world's problems are still not solved
They would be

>> No.12607052

how about we just kill anybody below a certain net worth? after all, automation means the need for worthless consumers disappears.

>> No.12607346

Seized it and then what? Watch the world burn?

>> No.12608012

Seized and redistributed.

>> No.12608034

most definately not

>> No.12608118

That's not how the world works retard, its notbodys fault that you're a poorfag expect for your lazy self.

>> No.12609101

Mexican American here. I can live?