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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12600908 No.12600908 [Reply] [Original]

What does this company do?

>> No.12600995

Makes the global equity market more efficient

>> No.12601010

like literally any erc 20 token, kek

>> No.12601021

>what do
sell erc-20 tokens

>> No.12601027

Not too helpful

>> No.12601044

I think they run out of money for pajeets group, you should move on

>> No.12601052
File: 12 KB, 400x400, rvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing. they have no product. the team is shilling their own coin on biz preparing to exit scam.

buying chx is making the conscious decision to invest your earnings in an unfinished and unproven concept that may never get delivered.

pic related is the only security token platform worth considering. buy something that works.

>> No.12601071

>buy something that works.
this, MKR is really good product

>> No.12601072

I literally told you exactly what they do. They fucking sell erc-20 tokens to faggots like you.

>> No.12601089

we'll see tomorrow, 3pm CET

>> No.12601137

Cool shill and Bird but no thanks
Rude and unnecessary
And ok good idea I'll just be more patient and try to figure out out then

>> No.12601157

What a bunch of retards.
1. 90% of crypto is spec, so whatever asshole said "no working product" - bullshit argument.
2. OWN is a working company
3. CEO is ex CIO of Compushare, largest shareholder registry for 15
years - tons of connections
4. Re: ETH or any ERC 20.. So stupid an argument but I'll attempt to address.
1. Yes, a smart contract could be used to issue shares. That is near valueless. There are no services around it. CHX has sticky services and provides Shareholder Registy not possible on eth. How you going to track who owns what? You going to put your name/address on public Blockchain? Fuck no. Chx has public/private capability. Has AGM services, has dividend distribution, has voting, shareholder BI.. Wake the fu k up. Not everything sucks. Market cap is Prime to make a fortune. Invest or don't .. But don't pretend you know shit you know nothing about.

>> No.12601198
File: 8 KB, 326x154, 234375234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see this 100m MC and watch as every doubter has to eat their words
> pic is you

>> No.12601208

Hey Jerky

>> No.12601247

Based and chx-pilled. Copying this for future arguments

>> No.12601260

congrats on trading your real money for a digital token that has zero functionality or purpose and even less liquidity.

you must be new here. a good sign i guess, we needed a new set of suckers to buy our bags.

>> No.12601268

90% of crypto is speculative because 90% of people buying cryptos are idiots like you. keep holding those bags guy.

>> No.12601281

Sorry you just think erc-20 shit tokens do something.

>> No.12601289

Who hurt you?

>> No.12601305

why havent you been hurt more? someone should beat the stupid out of you.

>> No.12601344

You sound like a link holder. Best of cuck.. I mean luck

>> No.12601417

>post multiple times shilling rvn
>stress the importance of only investing in projects that have a working product/good dev team
>shits on erc20 tokens

>holds link..?
lol i rest my case. you probably shouldnt manage your own money.

>> No.12601756

Just go to their YouTube channel and watch the fucking videos stop listening to this autistic board

>> No.12601970

I have, but hearing ideas from different people helps me get a better understanding or know what to ignore. Just trying to get as much info as I can.

>> No.12602119
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>> No.12602203
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>> No.12602288

The recent price increase, recent constant /biz/ shilling, and mentions of huge asset tokenization that "can't be specifically named/detailed yet due to NDA but will be at the end of the month"....these are the main reasons why I'm scared to give this a shot. Seems like a co-ordinated P&D
It reminds me too much of Jibrel Network....and we all know how that ended up

>> No.12602356

At the end of the day if the team delivers it will be huge, if not we will get burned. I’m betting they will

>> No.12602655

This.. is either the slickyest grab in the history of slicky grabbing or its the best opportunity a poorfag will ever get to turn a bag of internet bits into a nice comfy money cushion. We shall seeeeeeee

>> No.12602805
File: 38 KB, 527x270, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saying for a while that each CHX is worth $1000 or it's worth $0. With what they are trying to do, their market cap would be in the hundreds of billions. So they either succeed or they don't. A lot of this depends on whether or not STOs/Tokenization catches on, so that's another thing to factor in.

>> No.12602807

The equity markets are inefficient though. If they were efficient then speculation wouldn't exist

>> No.12603898

I'm getting a suicide stack

>> No.12603913

Not that type of efficiency dumbass

>> No.12604033

They should work on their marketing then

>> No.12604466
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