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12588008 No.12588008 [Reply] [Original]

>Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No," says the man in Washington, "it belongs to the poor." "No," says the man in the Vatican, "it belongs to God." "No," says the man in Moscow, "it belongs to everyone." I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor; where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality; where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.

>> No.12588022

John Galt?

>> No.12588035

Some Atlas Fugged ayn rand type of stuff. based

>> No.12588036
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Who is John Galt?

>> No.12588067

An autist in my college class was reading atlas shrugged. Is it really a good book? All I hear is negative reviews.

>> No.12588068
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bio shock?

>> No.12588071

A quick google search tells me it’s from bioshock

>> No.12588072

its the best novel ever written

>> No.12588076

It's about a serious topic, but it isn't all that good if you just want entertainment. Ayn Rand had some decent philosophical ideas, but she wasn't a talented writer.

>> No.12588089

fuck you the last two thirds of the book are ebin, its just because people get bored in the first 400 pages that people say shes a bad writer

>> No.12588092

All I know about her is that she hated the idea of welfare and giving charity. I wonder how the neets on this board feel about her.

>> No.12588100
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>> No.12588104

>hated the idea of giving charity
wrong, she hated the idea of self sacrifice - not charity. Why don't you actually read the book before spreading your propaganda

>> No.12588119

Because I don’t want to commit to reading 1k+ pages of something I might not be interested in

>> No.12588124

if your not interested in it don't give your opinion on it then

>> No.12588127

>I will stop the motor of the world.

>> No.12588134

Not my opinion, just things I’ve heard about her. Stop being a fanboy.

>> No.12588150

you didn't say it was things you'd heard about her - you said it was things you know. You said you know she hates charity - this is a lie. How can you know something about a book that you have never read

>> No.12588156

Such a fanboy. Obviously the only way I know something about her and atlas shrugged is what I heard from other people that read the book.

>> No.12588172

He's just a s o y that let's his peer group form his opinions for him. I wouldn't waste any time with a back and forth. Even if you converted him to a is a, he would be a miserable and hapless recruit. The virtue of selfishness is for the self determining only; it can't be bought, pretended, or forced upon one.

>> No.12588183

so stop giving your opinion.

^this; anon your a brainwashed brainlet if you want to be a socialist slave please keep it to your self

>> No.12588191

I’m a s o y b o y because I didn’t bother to read atlas shrugged?

>> No.12588198

Anybody who didn’t read that book is a socialist? That’s 99% of the population.

>> No.12588199

no your a s o y boy because you are incapable of performing your own rational though and yet still feel entitled to give your opinion on things

>> No.12588201

1/3 of the way through as of now. So far the fountainhead is still the best (would rate it 9/10)

>> No.12588209

Randfags are the easiest to bait, kek.

>> No.12588215

says the phone posting retard

>> No.12588224

I used what I heard while talking to people about atlas shrugged as a frame of reference. That doesn’t make me a s o y at all.

>> No.12588225

have you got to the bit where they go to the 21st century motor company?

>> No.12588239

its much more efficient to let other people do your thinking for you :^)

>> No.12588244

>literally being 17 years old

>> No.12588252

I'll throw you a bone. It won't help, but I'll do it anyways... I read Atlas Shrugged based upon the same dismal assessment by groups of peers (who also didn't read it but heard it was mean). I searched for my own truth. There's a lot in there to take and leave, based upon my own personal interpretations, but it was clear after reading it, at least among my cohorts, nobody talking shit about it even had a surface level understanding of the books purpose.

>> No.12588253

Read the book. There's a redemption arc of a character who ended up homeless because of a socialist system he supported. Then he received charity to get back on his feet and became successful.

She hated mandatory charity and the idea of people living off of it indefinitely. The reason the homeless guy was different was because he was looking for work and to better himself, the charity was temporary.

>> No.12588267
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ayn rand is an example of one of those people who wants so badly to be respected as a thinker that she intentionally complicates her (not very complicated) points across hundreds of pages and multiple books.

the only reason to read ayn rand is if you're in circles where you think people will be impressed by you having read her books, because there is a following of people who fell for the ayn rand meme. youre not going to learn anything or find yourself thinking about things differently in a philosophical sense, and the stories that were chosen to convey her ideas arent any good in a literary sense.

plus, after you've read them, you can accuse critics of "not getting it" or not being smart enough to understand them

>> No.12588271

So you’ve never once taken somebody’s word on something? Do you research everything that comes up on a conversation? Book is probably trash if Autists like you are raving about it.

>> No.12588275

itt: bootlickers trying to suck ayn rand's saggy old tits

Rand's own writing is the best satire of her own works and both she and you fucks are too inbred with your heads up your persecution complex asses to realize the fact

>> No.12588276

Seething. Look, if you really took her philosophy to heart, you wouldn't need to defend it against low effort bait. Improve yourself.

>> No.12588313

The Fountainhead > Atlas Shrugged, and it changed my life.

Don't read Atlas though, listen to an audiobook with good voice actors.

>> No.12588336

I take peoples word on things all the time - I don't then go and then pretend I know about that topic.

>> No.12588533

She literally writes it as a Mary Sue - it's shit-tier. And Ancap is a meme - in reality, individualism and liberty are just White racial traits. No other race cares, they all love collective identity and bowing before despots and criminals. Think mothers in Nigeria stay up at night worrying about the plight of Chinese slave labour or something? Any Libertarian/AnCap who hasn't realised a small, focused, & strong government formulated for our ethnic interests, but that also allows an internal free market (so long as it doesn't compromise the state) is kidding themselves. NatSoc implemented in a more 21st century way, with an even more rural focus coupled to small ultra-high tech city states is the only way to go.

>> No.12588566

>All I hear is negative reviews
That is the nothing more than the lefty r*ddit bandwagon in full-effect. The people hating on it are the very people that Atlus Shrugged is condemning. Like pottery

>> No.12588569

Jim's wedding

>> No.12588583

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No!" Cries the bandwagon r*dditor. "It belongs to everyone."

>> No.12588592

>hates self sacrifice
Seems well within the stereotype

>> No.12588600

The utopia of greed and a natsoc society aspire for the same ideal interpretation of man, but one doesn't need a centralized authority (which is probably [definitely] a bit naive). They're not as far apart as they seem on the surface, which is why so many of us made the shift.

>> No.12588605

This is basically my experience with the book. I have yet to run into a single person who could give an actual critique on the book or its ideology. It's always, "money bad, communism good, I didn't read the book but I can pretend that I did."

People are so quick to jump on the easiest bandwagon because they long for approval. Like unthinking animals.

>> No.12588618

Dagny is a dumb roastie though. Can't believe at all that shes got the same brains and drive as a man at all. The only truth is that she's rearden's fucktoy (because that's the only use for women).
Roark in the fountainhead however, absolute chad and relateable as fuck.

>> No.12588621

>Ayn Rand had some decent philosophical ideas, but she wasn't a talented writer.
This man knows his /lit/. She just wasn't a good author of fiction. reading her works of fiction is like reading a book made of bricks; slow, heavy, and needlessly overweight.

>> No.12588632

Worth noting lads, that she died alone, penniless and completely dependant on social security.

>> No.12588635

>No says the capitalist it belongs to the owners of the means of production and their heirs who have never worked a day in their lives

>> No.12588648

You're gonna be in over your head itt, padawan...

>> No.12588654

delete this

>> No.12588677

>never heard of the 3 generation rule
>licking this much dickcheese

>> No.12588699
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True anon! Money just lasts forever and ever and appears out of thin air for white people. They literally spend as much as possible, but can’t get rid of it and never need to build a business or invest or become celebrity whores or anything!

>> No.12588747

Atlas shrugged is one of these must read books for young men in their late teens, or for late bloomers (men in their early twenties).

A you age the book will loose its value progressively, partially because you will already have encountered the central argument in the book in various other context - however more obscure and apologetic. But also because the book has some childish aspects, which you can forgive when you are wrong, as you grow older it looses it's charm.

>> No.12588803

its really good. at least the underlying problem and solution of it really reflects whats going on today in our world.

the problem with Rapture was mostly environmental and would have been resolved by simply having Galt's Gulch as devised in the book.
Man , i wish Galt's Gulch was real and the cradle for white deserving people's salvation was there.

>> No.12588856

Stalin looked for kikes by earlobe. Kikes didnt have seperate one.

>> No.12588864

She's so hot

>> No.12588982
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yes. S. O. Y.

pic related that's you

>> No.12588995

>Is a man not entitled to his smugness

>> No.12589043
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I agree to a certain degree with her point, but the book itself is terribly long and the characters aren't realistic at all, they are all more manifestations of cliches. The hard-working capitalists are 100% virtuous and the liberals are all 100% lazy pieces of shit.
So I guess if you don't mind reading a book that is interminably long (I'm fuckin serious, I read it as a ebook, but I can only imagine what a fucking hard cover of this beast must look like, the bible or some shit) and beats you over the head with its unsubtle message, over and over again, it might be for you. After all, she is right.

>> No.12589076

The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are both excellent, possibly the best books ever written. They're meant to be read like a Greek epic, cue in Dunning-Kruger idiots who say it's too slow and heavy. Best part of Fountainhead isn't even the libertarian ideology, but the rape/romance that manages to say more about men and women relations than the entirety of feminist and redpill "literature" combined.

>> No.12589108

Ayn Raynd aka Alissa Rosenbaum lived off handouts and died in poverty, read about it. The only reason she wrote those "books" is that the commies confiscated her dads pharmacy back in during revolutionary times in Russia and she went off the rails.

>> No.12589127
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>Commies took all of my family's wealth and left us as refugees.
>End up poor and penniless.
>Went "off the rails".

More like saw the truth that when people feel that the best way to improve their lives is to vote themselves your shit, all of society will fall apart.

>> No.12589169
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>the absolute fucking state

>> No.12589206

The Fountainhead is a pretty great book

>> No.12590284

Reddit filth has taken this board over long ago.

>> No.12590302


>overstate her "dependence"
>understate her horrible experience with collectivists

Why not debate the merits of her argument and not do the usual "trash their character" leftist faggot routine

>> No.12590348
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>quoting political views from a video game


literally the Conservative equivalent to liberals quoting Harry Potter, fucking lmao

>> No.12590423

it's good because dagny taggart gets raped

>> No.12590436

>small state

>> No.12590559

>a bioshock quote turns into atlas shrugged
you guys a literally too autistic

>> No.12590583

Libs hate Ayn Rand.

>> No.12590838

>problem with rapture

Rapture was destroyed when an unscrupulous man abused the lack of regulations and oversight to seize power and plunged their society into chaos. It's one of the 2 only real outcomes for an anarchic society and brainlets will always try to deny it by going n-not real anarchy.

>> No.12590869


what part of the book did you read

Are you talking about Frisco? Because that bitch would literally not have wanted that more.

>> No.12590888

The second Ryan tried to oppress his own people, he lost Rapture. Fontaine was just a product of that environment, when demand literally calls for an agent like him to exist.

>> No.12590911

Damn this kid looks like such a faggot

>> No.12590937

I'm probably more natsoc than you are.
You DO know that small businesses kept germany pumping throughout ww2?

>> No.12590940

underrated post

>> No.12590953

Ryan was a natural product of the system, and his actions were as much a reaction to fontaine as fontaine's were to his. Claiming that Ryan's underwater libertarian paradise only failed because of human fallibility is pretty lacking in self awareness.

>> No.12591398

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