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File: 100 KB, 767x1024, edd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12587207 No.12587207 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why more women don't milk betas online? There are so many ways to make money. You can play video games while being dressed as a whore. You can talk politics by parroting /pol/ and the Alt Right. You can do ASMR and just speak softly to a microphone. Why don't more women do this? Why do they waste time getting a job?

>> No.12587215

look on twitch right now and you'll see thousands of streamers a lot of them girls with less than 50 viewers. The ones you see are the lucky ones in a saturated market.

>> No.12587219

Lmao what was the name of that one chick who was female /pol/? She got banned from YouTube and I forgot her name.

>> No.12587238

This cant be real wtf
No wonder most western females are spoiled kids

>> No.12587245

Most women still milk betas offline
Women are just laggards and dont realise they can up their game by going web

>> No.12587258

Good for her. Cucks can't be saved.

>> No.12587278
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Lauren Southern?

>> No.12587280

No she had black hair and she was obsessed with hitler

>> No.12587299
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>> No.12587301

Female wagecucking is blue, basically jew, pilled
E-thotting is a little better but as bad in the big picture
Being a housewife and raising 5 little copies of you is redpilled.

>> No.12587368

Be shame if someone came and SLAUGHTERED YOUR CHILDS LIKE CATTLE

>> No.12587391

maybe youre thinking of britany venti?
big mutt milkers but ugly as fuck, proving the point that anyone can do it

>> No.12587413
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She got her account shut down but she was truly a communist or something who knows anymore. I think she has another channel, but that too could have been taken down.

>> No.12587426

Fucking FUCK, fucking fuck fuck, holy fucking shit, if I EVER got to the point of this 1 inch dick cuck, I would've designed a device that sits around my neck and chops it off automatically, if I ever got there.

I really can't imagine how pathetic this guy must be. Holy SHIT. I can't even fathom subbing to anyone on twitch, but donating money? To a useless, talentless thot? Actually fucking kill me

A housewife with 1 fucking kid is patrician pilled

THATS the fucking life

>> No.12587431

Women have it easy

I hate pathetic desperate beta males. Wtf is wrong with him?

>> No.12587447
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pic was supposed to be added.

>> No.12587450

women aren't the problem, sexually frustrated beta cucks with money are the problem

>> No.12587453

YES. This chick had so many beta alt right fans commenting cringy shit on her videos, and the backlash she received only made them betacuck harder.

>> No.12587454

Well the jews ultimately are the problem because they created the current environment in the west where it is acceptable for women to act like whores.

>> No.12587455
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women are property
if you let them loose, they are worst than niggers

>> No.12587461

HHAHAHAHHAHA! Jesus christ what a cuck! HAHAHAHHA

Hopefully he’s noodered allready

>> No.12587476

Jews own the tool. They neither created it or use it. They just profit. Noone forces incels to throw money at thots, they choose to.

>> No.12587484


The two feed into each other. Two symptoms of the same problem.

>> No.12587545
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 1533732937997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-is that image shopped or do snakes literally have a pussy in their mouth?

>> No.12587552

try sticking your dick in there and see for yourself

>> No.12587571

>defang snake
>fuck it's mouth daily and ejaculate into it
nothin personnel kid

>> No.12587578

please tell me this is fake

>> No.12587699
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These are both true.

Women are the problem though, as they all willingly and openly abuse it.

>> No.12587711

I’d abuse betas too if I could. It’s literally free money if you are an attractive female.

>> No.12587751

a lot of them really have no personality at all. Looks are important but the betas are looking for a wifeu and that requires some personality traits that connect with the betas.

These betas don't really like the 'omg my nails' type of thots

>> No.12587889

All I see is greed, thirst and hyenas laughing about both...

>> No.12587923
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The best way to strike back against the unfairness of twitch thots might be to reveal to their audience that they have a boyfriend or even a husband (for those who are trying to hide it). They would probably lose at least 30% of the money as soon as people find out they aren't single.

>> No.12587927

First page of just chatting says you're wrong
It's one of three things to be successful
>ridiculously hot bimbo who knows how to flaunt it
>awesome personality who knows how to use it to milk betas
The third option is the most profitable, see OPs pic for an example. Any girl who's is 8.5/10 or lower, or who has no personality is doomed to the 50 viewer dungeon

>> No.12587946

Why do half of millenial """""""""""men"""""""""""" (bros itt hopefully excluded) need a world war so badly?

>> No.12588001

did the story get continuation? did the faggot beta really leave her?

>> No.12588038


>> No.12588044

He's a 10 and she's a 6 at best.

>> No.12588051

I'd do the same if I were a hot chick. Props to her.

>> No.12588206

this is a tranny
there are pics of his HRT transition online

>> No.12588280

Thanks OP, funniest beta shit I've read all month.

>> No.12588285

I live in a shithole country and constantly see hot girls working crap jobs when they could make 10 times the money in less time by using betas online. Shit is crazy

>> No.12588321

No matter how far I'll sink, at least I'll never reach this level.

>> No.12588355

I love the internet, nothing in real life could induce the feelings i get from reading that transcript.. what a marvelous invention, what a marvelous time to be alive!

>> No.12588366

Build a network of 10/10 titty streamers and take a % of their earnings as fees

>> No.12588378

its evalion, she still makes vids under a different account.definitly not what it used to be. she has a kid now.

>> No.12588393

If she wasn’t trolling that kid is gonna be too redpilled to fit into society. He’s probably gonna say the holocaust was fake and get kicked out of school lmao.

>> No.12588427

A lot of women try but you also need some charm and personality to not bore your viewers to death. Having a hot body is not enough.

>> No.12588602

Itll be interesting for sure

>> No.12588631

Ok that must be some troll right? Does he have any idea how pathetic that sounds?
>I"ll just give money to another Twitch thot, so I win!
The icing on the cake is that STPeach also has a boyfriend, an asian one at that lmao

>> No.12588690

Name of that chick?

>> No.12588714


>> No.12588727


>> No.12588739

This women have always been this way but now there are no consequences for acting out on their nature. Why do you think Freemasons and other mystery schools never allowed women in their ranks? They literally can’t be trusted and masons are expected to die before revealing secrets.

>> No.12588745

holy shit what a cuck

>> No.12588797

And I am still thankful for that?
Thankful for that?

>> No.12588822

No joke thought about doing this other day but then felt weird because I'd basically be a pimp

>> No.12588844
File: 163 KB, 392x324, CCFD748C-1A17-487C-A73A-020E74622A29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also we should create a gladiator style arena and let real men have a chance to fight like 10 of these betas and throw the roasties in the pit as well for participating in this degeneracy. For every beta the real man knocks out he will be paid something like 1-5k depending on if he uses weapons or not. Things like a baseball bat, lead pipe etc. use of weapons would make each knockout worth less but his final paid could be raised by fighting more betas in a single round at once. Would be great entertainment and serve as a reminder to the betas.we could put their cringe chat logs like in OPs pic on a jumbotron in the arena they are fighting in so the audience can laugh at them while they get their ass beat.

>> No.12588868

Hell yeah, brother

>> No.12588888

Kek. I'd watch.

>> No.12588898

I'd participate

>> No.12588930

lauren southern isnt a 10 you fucking beta

>> No.12588932


This guy is an alpha beta.

He dumped her like a real bitch she is.

>> No.12588953

This can’t be real

>> No.12588965

>Can't read, the post

>> No.12588967

>Well the jews ultimately are the problem
>>>/pol/ and don’t leave until you’re an adult please

>> No.12588978

Just imagine putting on some Saxon chain mail or a Viking helmet and smashing like ten of these losers with a bat for cash. the betas could be introduced before the fight by the announcer similar to an mma fighter or boxer except the announcer describes how big of a pathetic cuck they are and highlights how much money and time he’s wasted on internet roasties to crush his spirit even more before the onslaught

>> No.12588986



Its related, its a reptile & a negro baby

>> No.12589000

Since you talk about Freemasons, they are worse than jews.

People complain about jews all the time, when freemasons have more members and are everywhere.

>> No.12589005

>Things are looking up for me (and down for you)
I've seen this image before but only skimmed it due to intense cringe but this line gives it away. This HAS to be fake. Nobody (nobody, right? please tell me nobody) could be this delusional.

>> No.12589019
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I really hope Amouranth doesn't make the same mistake she did:
The surgery isn't worth it.

>> No.12589037

Like any large group holding power there are good and bad members. I don’t doubt there are left hand path/satanic members of the free masons but I’ve personally met some good ones. Easy to tell the difference, do they seek materialism, power via finance and politics or simply knowledge,truth and bettering our species?

>> No.12589040


You have to give Amazon credit for Twitch. Capitalizing on horny gamers through video game streams and casual thots wearing the legal minimum amount of clothing possible without getting taken down for nudity

>> No.12589096
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>> No.12589104

>this is a tranny
>there are pics of his HRT transition online
Go fuck yourself you transphobic piece of shit.
She has thousands of fans.
How many do you have?

>> No.12589110
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>> No.12589114

Beta genocide when?

>> No.12589123

To be fair betas like that deserve to be milked for all they got. I'm with the thot on this one

>> No.12589146
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>> No.12589189
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>> No.12589197

What the fuck? She has 1200 patrons with memberships from 10 to 200 dollars. Probably makes more than 20k/month lol. Only beta omegas would donate

>> No.12589254

>being this naive
either jew or retard, can't tell.

>> No.12589271

nice, my granma had one of those fluffy toilet covers

>> No.12589277

>hating on successful business women on /biz/ of all places

>> No.12589280


>> No.12589309

Beta orbiters should be hanged

>> No.12589342

it is a tranny right?

>> No.12589354
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>glorified cam whore

>> No.12589355

The highest paid tranny is history.
And also the tranny I would be most willing to fuck.

>> No.12589465

my sides.

>> No.12589576
File: 93 KB, 645x729, that feel when brainlet, melting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she may makes 50k a month with her stream, her patreon and her cosplay company but no no no, that doesn't mean she is successful

>> No.12589592

Problem is, the closer they get from 33th degree, the closer they get to satan.

>> No.12589708

that guy isnt even close to a 10 either you fucking cuck

>> No.12589761

>I don't understand why more women don't...

They do, OP. More women do. Huge, unfathomable numbers. The market is so saturated that it boggles the mind.

>> No.12589764

because women want top dollar for it and if every woman did it then the price would get driven down and fewer women would want to do it. so it all balances out. if women stopped feeling entitled to making good money milking betas and settled for less money milking betas then there would be more of them, but the disgust for betas is so great they need to get paid.

>> No.12589783

Now you understand why the snake offers the "forbidden fruit" in the Adam and Eve story

>> No.12589807
File: 557 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190125-182917_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you cucks actually thought OP story is real. Based retards

>> No.12589850

Even the ones with 50 viewers can pull in good amounts of money ngl.

>> No.12589917

Closer they get to or from? I honestly can’t see universal truths/enlightenment being dished out by those that fuck kids in satanic rituals. What they have is perversions of truths handed down to them by demons at the cost of their soul which requires nasty shit. Look into masonry and other mystery schools man it’s all trying to get to the same point it’s just masonry is the largest in today’s world and thus has attracted the most people and guess what? Most people suck and are completely controlled by their animal desires coincidently truths are learned from overcoming your base animal desires imo so these degenerates take shortcuts to achieve the same results via very negative entities and bad joojoo so to speak. Of course these are all my theories based on what I’ve read so who knows besides those that are actually 32nd and 33 degree. I’m just saying I’ve met a mason or two that were genuinely good people and I think the whole satanic cult theory that every mason is a satanist is just conspiracy stemming from fear of the unknown.

>> No.12589954

Emily Youcis?

>> No.12589979
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>Even the ones with 50 viewers can pull in good amounts of money ngl.
You're delusional

>> No.12589991

okay woah now

its way too early in the day for these redpills

>> No.12590017

Plenty of women are professional sluts, if that’s what you’re asking, OP

>> No.12590019

Because you can’t just become a twitch thot. You have to start small and work your way up, and then you have to worry about the other thots being sluttier and taking all your betas. It’s a lot of work, more so if your natural personality isn’t leaning towards attracting beta orbiters and pumping them for cash.

>> No.12590052

Yea but prior to Christianity serpents were seen as a symbol of knowledge. A lot of Christian mythology borrows what they like from prior religions/schools of thoughts and demonizes what they don’t like. It’s no coincidence Christianity became one of the biggest religions especially when you start to consider how it keeps people in the dark and how much progress of humanity was halted at the hands of the church ie stomping out scientific and spiritual advancements.

>> No.12590054


i know you fucks are lurking in this thread - if you have ever donated money to a twitch thot you should sincerely and unironically kys

>> No.12590069

looks like a jew to be honest

>> No.12590115
File: 155 KB, 819x667, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you 4chan skinner box. The food pellet was delicious. Must stay 8 more hours pulling the lever/pressing F5 because something of similar quality might fall out.

>> No.12590122

>i know you fucks are lurking in this thread - if you have ever donated money to a twitch thot you should sincerely and unironically kys
why does that trigger you that much? It's just a few dollars

>> No.12590130


This can't be real lol

>i bid you farewell

Plz be satire

>> No.12590138

So the more you are attracted to useless trophy wives/adult toddlers, the more alpha you probably are due to being their natural inclination to control everything.

>> No.12590154
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>It’s a lot of work, more so if your natural personality isn’t leaning towards attracting beta orbiters and pumping them for cash.
>implying women who are not like that exist
based retard

>> No.12590295

Me too, I'm not saying I hate everyone who isn't a super alpha chad, but ones this dumb deserve wreck and ruin.

>> No.12590403

What a fucking fag :))))

>> No.12590510
File: 17 KB, 427x559, FB_IMG_1547378429165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF. How pathetic can a person get? Gas the thot enablers holy shit!

>> No.12590553


>even the White women /pol/ worships fuck black dudes

haahahahahahahah /pol/ cannot stop getting blown the fuck out. Never ceases to amuse me.

>> No.12590668

Go to reddit. They'll keep you safe from opinions you dont like.

>> No.12590939

No her shit got shut down because it was going viral and her average audience age was 14-29. Can't have teenagers and young adults being against world Jewry.

>> No.12591265

As opposed to all other religions (and forms of government for that matter) that like technological advancement?

>> No.12591293

You don't even have to dress as a whore you just have to be an asian female thats slightly above average or average if they're good with makeup and they can average 5k a month with a small following on twitch with 20-50 viewers

>> No.12591321

You dont need a large following my friend used to stream league/csgo for fun with like 10-20 viewers and made 2k a month. She quit cause she has an overseas boyfriend now who has money which i assume was probably one of her old viewers. But the majority of the money comes from a small amount of dedicated betas having a large following just increases your chances of having more of them

>> No.12591417

girls with average or small tits can't do this successfully

>> No.12591483

well, at least he was half black

>> No.12591487

>it keeps people in the dark and how much progress of humanity was halted at the hands of the church
Literally the greatest technological advancements of our time were all during two millennia of a Christian Europe.

>> No.12591493

Unfortunately this is true.
Just go on any stream and check it out for 30minutes. You will have atleast 2 donations amounting to +20usd or whatever the fuck.
The trick is too invest in these orbiters emotionally until even they become so frustrated that you have to let them either go killthemselves or become their gf.

>> No.12591499

be at least happy, that this also hurts the jews

>> No.12591505

that's why you buy plastic tits like that

>> No.12591509

How do I get in on that? How do I become an ethot pimp? Do I have to become some meme "social media talent manager"?

>> No.12591514

>How do I become an ethot pimp
Find a cute girl and tell her she can make good money with your help, set up all her stuff and do all her editing after signing a contract.

>> No.12591535

The train left the station half year ago.
You maybe lucky to still pimp it up for your home country thot streams but english market is saturated enough and there is high competition between thot pimps now. Most likely you'll see some formation of cartels.

>> No.12591636

Wrong. If you have a cuck fetish you can fix it with nofap.

>> No.12592052


I don't know but I wish they did it more. Beta's absolutely deserve to be fleeced. They are pathetic. That incel faggot in the OP is pathetic.
>hurr no I don't understand why you didn't tell me it makes no sense
AHAHAAHAHA It makes perfect sense you beta faggot.

One of my ex's was considering doing this with streaming video games, and she asked me if she could do it, I told her to go for it just don't ever give them any nudes.

>> No.12592201

This has to be satire. I refuse to believe that someone can be such a cuck.

>> No.12592228

That's not fair to say Lauren actually likes black guys, though. The dude in the pic does not look black in the slightest, he looks more curry or Arab than anything.

>> No.12592470

ptttt omg

>> No.12593080

You can thank Catholicism for a lot of the glasswork that was necessary for the scientific revolution (lenses, thermometers) and a lot of monks helped pave the way for genetics and anatomy

>> No.12593315

That was despite Christianity, not because of it.

>> No.12593349

Im not for christianity or anything but to be fair if you look at any of the scientific advancements throughout the enlightenment the scientists used the knowledge gained by monks and catholic gatekeepers in the discoveries they had made. Thats not to say they didnt debunk as many of the crazy godshit stuff

>> No.12593379

Hail the queen. o/

>> No.12593463

Jews are as beta if not more than the average westerner.
Jews are matriarchal at core.
One thing that is never looked at either is that women are the main consumers in modern capitalist society, they make something like 2/3 of the purchases in the US.

>> No.12593497

eventually the market will get oversaturated and e-thots will have to improve their content in order to keep the viewers going. free market at its finest

>> No.12593547

would instaban a 0/10 whore like her
too high self importance without offering anything other than her looks
simps and "chads" are pathetic and do not make matters any better

>> No.12593662

Haha enjoy never being able to afford anything for the rest of your life.

>> No.12593696


cause they might have to deal with beta cucks irl from time to time


>> No.12593735


Yeah no shit, serpent was used in a lots of religions who had human sacrifices, blood drinking, and sexual orgies, basically desire set free and it was evil as fuck

Also science is completely christian given, because only christianity has the view that the world was orderly and logical, if it weren't for christian hard-on of plato and aristotles there wouldn't be any science nowadays

>> No.12593759

what a cuck didn't anyone teach him that most women (not all though, decent women do exist) are exploitative psychopaths at their core

>> No.12593761


Also the serpent kundalini awakening makes you a full blown schizo, god have mercy on your soul that you temper that shit somehow through jesus otherwise be prepared to live in a full blown hellish paranoid world

>yfw all those nu-age meditators awakening their serpents with false beliefs new-age egyptian beliefs that get messiah complexes and need to get into medication after it to live a normal life

>> No.12593818

You retards seem to think any subverter shul that claims a group actually represents that group. No one in Pol ever took her seriously.

>> No.12594002

Bliss of the Celibate by Julian Lee proposes a similar thesis

>> No.12594029

You don't even need a personality, you just need to fake it with enthusiasm
The problem is that most of them don't even try, they maybe put on some makeup and hang some lights up on the beige wall of their shitty apartment and play a game while staring blankly at the game and occasionally going "yeah haha" to whatever some guys said in chat. Beta nerds will eat up anything an attractive girl is serving, she just has to make herself feminine and desirable, just like in their anime

>> No.12594048

**clink clink**

I’d like to share a poem i wrote a short while ago.

The Serpent

Leviathan of Knowledge,
Eternally swirling in proportional self referential proportions,
Of twisting and folding sands of nothingness,
Describing dreams of quantities Eternally youthful and forever returning
A snake to be wrestled with in coils of fractal reflections
Or a source of Knowledge that holds the light of Truth ?

The Serpent
Leviathan of Knowledge
Forever is it’s prisoner
Never is it’s freedom
Of Good or Evil
Who is to say
One must first know
The Serpent