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File: 7 KB, 225x225, 9990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12586590 No.12586590 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, it might take a decade to recover, but you'll be able to load up. Patience is a virtue. What the fuck is wrong with you fags.

>> No.12586597

What guarantees it’s recovery if it ever goes that low?

>> No.12586599

I don't care where it goes I just want it to hurry up and get to the bottom already. It's delaying price discovery for coins with an actual future.

>> No.12586617

those who want to see it that low are people who think BTC is failed experiment

those who think market will give their poor ass infinite chances to get rich are delusional

>> No.12586620
File: 291 KB, 750x577, 295A1F4D-D5D0-4E73-99F1-0517E23DB752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every shill post i make fudding BTC is in hopes that some goyim sells the bottom so i can buy more @ cheaper prices

Pic related, when you see it you’ll shit bricks

>> No.12586629

Bitcoin cryptographic code will probably be broken in less than a decade thanks to quantum computing. It will become OBSOLETE.

>> No.12586632

When BTC falls below $1k its no longer a future tech, just another failed revolution. Only true believing diehards will be buying, and even those will switch to something better.

>> No.12586653

Pal, I'm in my late twenties. I don't have decades to spare. I'm operating in a five-year window. This is life-or-death here... the difference between freedom and wagecucking. We have to make it while we're young or there's no point making it at all.

>> No.12586655

>Implying Bitcoin won't have it's codebase updated before this becomes a reality
Some of you plebs think every aspect of bitcoin's codebase is forever set in stone

>> No.12586684

Lol that was good, actually chuckled

>> No.12586728


That was no joke. This is serious. You either die a Millennial, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Boomer.

>> No.12586742

If bitcoin isn't adopted by the masses in the next ten years then it has failed its missions. Satoshi said so. If it doesn't become the world currency within 20 years then it's fucking dead.

>> No.12586745

or have a child and hope that motherfucker figures out how to save us all, children are our future

>> No.12586747
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>implying the crying bulls aren’t operatives or paid groups trying to help change sentiment to make you sell.

The only thing speculators in this market need is patience. If you’re a real person actually crying about your losses, you:

A. Chose a poor entry point. It happens. You misjudged trajectory and now you hold bags or capitulate.

B. Out more money into speculative assets than you could afford to. Sorry bad decision, friend.

When you start owning your mistakes and learning from them is when you start to develop grit. Some of you will never develop it which makes you useless in most situations.

>> No.12586792

$1000, $100, $10- I just want to see Bitcoin maximalists cry.

>> No.12586800

because i could have retired at the peak, and now i cannot...who wants to keep being a wagie for another decade?!?!?!

>> No.12586805



BTC is total speculation. If normies think BTC is worthless then it is fucking worthless.

>> No.12586815

That child has YOUR genes se he won't figure out shit

>> No.12586840

Spoken like a boomer or nigger. Neck yourself anti-eugenic degenerate.

>> No.12586857

I'd love to but I think 1k-1.5k is the absolute bottom or it's going to die and separate itself from alts

>> No.12586859

Lol, same feel bro

>> No.12586893

And that's a good thing!

>> No.12586948
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You assholes want alts to decouple from King Shitcoin? Well then King Shitcoin has to shit itself so hard everything gets priced for what it's actually supposed to be worth.

And that shitdeath is somewhere at 1k or below.

>> No.12586957


>> No.12586973


At that stage crypto will be encrypted by quantum computers. Until the para-dimensional core gpus are released with interdimensional threading.

>> No.12586984

Bitcoin is the best alternative to fiat we have got so far. Also you boomers are really dumb and greedy that's why you hate it so much.

>> No.12586993

I agree. This is like if we insisted that the modern internet be dependent on the original telegraph lines we set up a hundred years ago. Tech improves. FUCK BITCOIN

>> No.12586995

In 90s normies thought internet was a worthless fad. Are you sure about your wild claim?

>> No.12587017

100 or 100k,it doesn't matter, it's still better than any centralised shit fiat

>> No.12587023

Do you even know what quantum computing is ? One thing in two different places . Fuck off

>> No.12587087
File: 1.03 MB, 1408x1419, 72F2E5EA-8AE0-422F-90B7-E72CDEB1DD3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12587110

>Looks at the lifttime of at&t formerly bell stock price.
If your great grand parents had invested in that new fangled phone dohickey. Youd be in monaco right now snorting coke off russian hookers while your trust fund keeps pumping out 150k chf or usd a month till you die.

>> No.12587546

adoption. The use of bitcoin to settle debs and purchase crap online.

>> No.12587624

Because BTC is worthless. It will literally go to 0. A year ago, most of the BTC coins were unspendable, less than the price of a single transaction. There's no fixing this, because the developers themselves were hired to sabotage BTC. There should be another coin to replace it, but there are too many to choose from, and nobody knows which the next one will be. So what should we load up on, anon?

>> No.12587645

>In 90s normies thought internet was a worthless fad
This is bullshit and you know it.

>> No.12587903

Even retarded people won't take anything that went from $20k to $100 seriously, are you stupid?

>> No.12587933
File: 19 KB, 696x449, BitcoinSV-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12589045

I don't think it will fall that low, and it's well below the metcalfe's support I've been using. I've been waiting to buy BTC for 1year.

>> No.12589054

Because then I’ll have to get a job

>> No.12589083

Because I might be dead in 10 years you fucking idiot.

>> No.12589140

and u r idiot