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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12586065 No.12586065 [Reply] [Original]

IDFK. 1k into RLC or 1k into QNT.

>> No.12586244

neither. ETH or BTC nigga

>> No.12586254

"how do i turn $1,000 into basically nothing in a relatively short time frame?"

just buy 200 $5 scratchers

>> No.12586266

RLC, if you don't believe just do the research. Obvious best choice. iExec is literally talked about nowhere else but /biz/, which means it's still early bird hour. I'm gonna take another month to accumulate and then shill RLC on Reddit and other normie sites and groups so they buy above me.

Boomer coins

>> No.12586283

RLC. Big time project in stealth mode on Biz

>> No.12586331


RLC has been around for a while.
There has been hype about the project before.
There is a reddit community which has less activity today then it used to.
there is a slack which has a few messages per day, devs do communicate which is nice
There is news about V3 tomorrow in the blog post about what its all about and coming before the end of may
mcap is low, supply is already circulating
could have actual use in the future
Volume ticked up a bit *Tiny bit, could be due to the blog post news, may not get a pump, i dont see a reason to dump.
personally, I own RLC

>> No.12586348

It's a techie project and from what we have seen they usually take a little for everyone to wrap their minds around. LINK went through the same thing and look at it now.

>> No.12586373

Exactly, i understand what it can and will most likely do. There could be massive gains in store with this coin. the future looks bright. But alas we await on news and release (which is a good sign in a way)

>> No.12586379
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I stayed up for two days straight researching every single alt I could. From ripple to chain link to ark and everything in between. Read the white papers for lots of alts, watched talks, read articles, checked GitHub

Narrowed it down to RLC. I really do believe it's gonna pay off in the end.

>> No.12586423


Both will make it, choose your favorite.

>> No.12586451

Big fan of RLC. Plus the mcap is low so that's just a bonus

>> No.12586762

RLC, you won't regret!

>> No.12586772

idk i see fud arguments from both sides that convince me otherwise. QNT seems to have the upper hand but RLC is a tried and true underdog.