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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 173 KB, 1024x560, island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12583012 No.12583012 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we join our efforts together and buy a high class crypto-powered island in the middle of the ocean? We could make so much money with tourism and trade that we all would have gfs.
We have the brains and the money for this, let's brainstorm.

>> No.12583037

im in

>> No.12583051

Sure, I'd pay to see a bunch of raging autists in captivity.

>> No.12583059

Won't such an island get destroyed within 10 years by a tsunami or something?

>> No.12583068

I'm a faggot so no GFs for me

>> No.12583077

i saw a private island for sale for like 90 million usd, was near florida or some shit. Cheaper idea would be to purchase land in the phillipines, malayasia or some other country where its super cheap and build a crypto commune type set up.

>> No.12583186
File: 176 KB, 720x464, 5b89529c200000300837b032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barbuda was deserted after a hurricane in 2017, its an island in the Bahamas, and is part of Antigua which is where Calvin Ayre is headquartered. I've always wondered why Calvin doesn't try to turn that island into cryptoisland.


>> No.12583301

im in motherfucker, autism together can change the world

>> No.12583309

You have my $5

>> No.12583707

my thoughts exactly.

>small island middle of nowhere in ocean
>no stores, businesses, cars, power, clean water

yeah, might as well call it 4chan island
because once you get there all you can think about is how to escape

>> No.12583773

Put me down for 74 link

>> No.12583790

Or I can stay in my condo, casually jerk off and shoot my semen at poor shits walking on the streets

>> No.12583829

Most people here are lazy and stupid.
also nonwhites post here now for some reason

>> No.12583851

Buckos here can't clean their room
Imagine cleaning up the entire island
SOme smart ass may try call niggers..and boom we are back to teh current state of the US

>> No.12584201

how many linkies to build Rapture??

>> No.12584238
File: 40 KB, 512x512, 1sticker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it!

>> No.12584259

I can contribute 1k linkies

>> No.12584272

I'm a builder, and can build your ocean view houses for land and all the volleyballs I can fuck.

>> No.12584290

Yes after the singularity this is an excellent plan

>> No.12584322

Witnet isn't selling coins. The singularity will not be televised.

>> No.12584327


Would an island like this be big enough to have working plumbing? Where would you shit and piss?

>> No.12584350

Initially composting toilets. Then, I'd install tanks that I pump monthly and dump the sludge off the coast of Haiti in my specialized tanker boat.

You guys need me more than you know.

>> No.12584382

On me, please

>> No.12584777

Is there any interest here in becoming a feudal serf? If I buy a bunch of land will you build and maintain shit for me in exchange for permission to build and farm for yourself?

>> No.12584801

Of course they will eventually. Brilliant tactic, the fact that you can’t buy them makes you want to buy them more

>> No.12584924

money only has value if youre surrounded by people without it

>> No.12585082
File: 1.28 MB, 2380x1785, cimg1198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's buy an island in Finland

>> No.12585101

Doesn't thepiratebay have some kinda lair like this already?

>> No.12585110
File: 21 KB, 584x251, logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12585627

>middle of the ocean
Good luck unless you've got hundreds of millions. Pic related doesn't show the hundred other islands right nextdoor

>> No.12585652

we should pay to have a big ass ocean fibre cable laid to the island
everyone would have good internet and we could also be a tech hub for all things piracy, vpn, etc.

>> No.12585668

I really hope we get crypto citadels/nation states for us autists once this takes off

>> No.12585894

It would just end up like the /v/ mansion; everything decrepit, in flames, and ugly crossdressing NEETs having awkward sex with each other in the smoking ruins. The only difference is that some of the NEETs are wearing copies of Sergey's shirt.

>> No.12585958

I think these types of communities will be created when we make it. Governments will also beg us to move to their countries.

>> No.12585996

>/v/ mansion
.... screencap?

>> No.12586082
File: 800 KB, 1200x853, moe-180326-akiyama_mio-animal_ears-garter-hirasawa_yui-k-on-kotobuki_tsumugi-maid-nakano_azusa-nardack-nekomimi-tainaka_ritsu-thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we have a maid harem?

>> No.12586228
File: 35 KB, 800x543, 800k-year-co2-concentration.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't we join our efforts together and buy a... island in the middle of the ocean

>> No.12586360

>buying an island
>not buying every inch of coastline surrounding a lake