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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 1080x1350, zt00gdzbs3b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12582201 No.12582201 [Reply] [Original]

Is "I'm rich and I'll show you how to get rich too" the biggest scam out there?

>> No.12582232

Yes because rich people don't brag

>> No.12582272

Yes they do. They just don't give out advice. If everyone was rich, there'd be no one to make fun of.

>> No.12582335

this shit pisses me off, long ass youtube video then at the end "what I want you to do guys is click the link down in the description, I'm not trying to sell you something its a link to my course"

>> No.12582355

I just want to eat her ass out

>> No.12582361

"invest in yourself"

>> No.12582371

Exactly.... I sometimes wonder about the success rate of amazon fba. Some courses go up to 10 fucking k and I'm just like wtf.... maybe if they said "70% of people who buy this have made 2k a month". Something like that instead of leaving people in the dark.

>> No.12582482

I've got X and I'll show you how to get X is the biggest scam out there. Money is just one variation but could also be replaced by women, jacked physique, whatever people want.

>> No.12582497
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 30966A2E-84C3-40CE-8C1F-B19400F8D456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Wake up at 4am” yeah your up early, now you sit on your computer that much longer and do nothing

My fav

“Sell all your eth and buy digicoin”
RIP to all morons that did that

RIP to them to

>> No.12582515

Except you can teach people how to work out and get women

>> No.12582547


Please, WHO IS SHE?

>> No.12582563

yup. Why would someone with a proven method share that method only to make it less effective? Look at dropshipping as a prime example. 2013-2015 huge money maker. Now everyone on the block does it and the gains are a fraction of what they use to be.

>> No.12582593

I like training, but honestly I'd feel stupid showing people basic shit they can just google. "Working out right"can be done with a donkey brain.

>> No.12582607

imagine eating her shit straight out of the source

>> No.12582621
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>> No.12582645
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>> No.12582648
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>> No.12582664
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>> No.12582667
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It's a scam but they can provide useful advice.

Basically they tell neets to get off their asses and take action, money isn't gonna come to them by posting on reddit all day and watching inspirational youtube videos instead of actually doing something.

>> No.12582677
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, snifff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12582698

topkek that's the best webm i've seen

>> No.12582728

fucking lmao

>> No.12582797

Yea you often see it with day trading and real estate with shit like "get your first rental with no money down!" aka using equity on an already existing property. It's all about selling people dreams and the possibilities of success.

>> No.12582813
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>> No.12582815

you know what I realize? a nice ass means nothing if its not accompanied by a skinny waist. otherwise it just looks like a rectangle

>> No.12582859

Post examples for science

>> No.12582878


>> No.12582979

Not really, things like a male model physique and hot women are just as unattainable for a lot of people as millions and millions of dollars are.

>> No.12582992


god I wish I were her

>> No.12583003

How hard is it to exercise? Going to the gym and seeing the smallest of gains is still more than what you get with these get rich quick courses. I won’t argue with you one the hot chicks part because some people could receive hours of coaching and still find a way to fuck up talking to grils.

>> No.12583008

Promise you it's 1 guy.

There is like 50 people online right now at most.

>> No.12584179

Go on any NFL player or rapper's instagram

>> No.12584188

If people offer you a service or advice for free they are either;
Scamming you
A friend
Or an idiot

>> No.12584253

Post vagina!

>> No.12584423

Holy fuck

>> No.12584463


>> No.12584500

Jesus, imagine the smell

>> No.12584503

Female butt obsession is a gateway to homosexuality

>> No.12584567

its a kike trick played on the white population that has been a massive success.
about 4 years ago they started bumping the likes on their platform of skinny white women with giant squatted to death ass's that make them more attractive to niggers, despite them being naturally skinny and not 'curvy'

women being women see whats popular and emulate, men being men arent much smarter.
ive been called faggot in the past for saying i dont like giant deformed meme ass on normal white girls (NATURALLY thick and curvy white women are also god tier), the likes of st peach can barely fucking walk normally and only looks good shoving her asshole in a mirror selfie.
think about that fag accusation for a second, im a faggot because i DONT like giant muscular thighs and ass? lol

>> No.12584656
File: 43 KB, 640x384, cyxkEVqiiLy2ofdgrJNxeZC3WCHPBwR7MjUDzY4kBNr81RR295eRy7ayfafMaeM3bvMTWsooVABuge5BduSaJ9AgxAatrtCZDzH3rzsUDx7YA3BDVJYFXbQG4nUc7TGDMGa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be early in the game so that the asset you buy is not popular yet.

By the time it's worth a lot you're too late.

XMV is one of the last small caps left that will make you rich.

>> No.12584701

That has to be staged

>> No.12584724

You assume knowing to make alot of money also equates to being a better person. In reality they are subject to the same egoistic pursuits that everyone else seems to be after.

>> No.12584730


Lol what was this show though, I vaguely remember it.

>> No.12585070

>Yes they do

No they do not, idiot. Stealth is wealth. Flash your cash, you turn to ash.

>> No.12585098

Clearly we have two different ideas of what it means to be rich. You're obviously thinking of being nigger rich, given your verbiage. In which case, you're correct.

>> No.12586246

You can get rich with this sweet method. Ok so, you take a box with a cheap broken vase , you're walking in the street when suddenly someone looking on there phone bumps into you. Drop the box but make it seem like they bumped you on accident. Go omg, my priceless case I'm supposed to send to the auction winner... Uggh it costs a fortune. The person will feel guilty and say omg I'm sorry, go omg my vase, its destroyed. They feel guilty when you open it and its destroyed. They'll pay up and just make up some amount like $400-$600. Works usually on middle aged people. Dont scam people though because that's messed up

>> No.12586646

It's literally called the most extreme lol. It's the most early 2000s show name ever. I fucking loved that shit as a kid.

>> No.12586663

Wasn’t it on animal planet? I’m a total zoomer and I kinda remember watching it in 2008ish

>> No.12587094

could teach you how to make soap from animal fat as well. contact me at @scrapcrypto on telegram. 5 eth flat fee.

>> No.12587474

Congratulations, you two are the gayest anons on this board! You win 1 (ONE) FREE Black Drahon Dildo! Click here to claim your prize.

>> No.12587478


>> No.12587512

The only caveat would be if there was "premium" information you had to pay for. An example would be making blog-posts and videos about basic cooking skills and then having a course where you go into detail about steps for working as a catering chef including marketing, managing products etc.

Sometimes people will have free information and services to get people hooked and then will have premium information or services for those who are willing to spend money.

>> No.12587528

You dl some ebooks with random worthless tradeskills and now you think you’re worth 5 eth? No one is giving you a penny. You won’t be able to feed anyone even in fucking Kanpur. Goddamn ranjeet

>> No.12587550


> ftw your gf ass looks just like this

it's good to be alive

>> No.12587569

I'm surprised nobody has shilled chainlink in this thread.

>> No.12587960

"I'm making 10.000 per month in real estate, you can do it too! Sign up for my online course and conferences for just 5.000 and you will learn how to do it!"

A lot of people who fall for that aren't even that dumb, it's just that their lust for money is so great it makes them blind.